1. #45721
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Trump still hasn't totally figured out how to drink water

    Video is everywhere on my feed, showing Trump having a difficult time taking a drink of water especially with his right hand. Trump needs his left to lift and then tip the water, while his right arm barely supports the water.

    Now Trumpkins you went batshit crazy over Hillary tripping, when it was nothing. Obviously something is wrong with Trump. Declining health?
    I was looking at that a couple of times, before I saw any commentary, and that arm not working is...weird. Because he clearly can't get it to his mouth, and needs help from the left. Degenerative disease...? Where the fuck is House when we need him.

  2. #45722
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Oh...uh...maybe he can't lift his arms.

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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
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    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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  3. #45723
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Trump still hasn't totally figured out how to drink water

    Video is everywhere on my feed, showing Trump having a difficult time taking a drink of water especially with his right hand. Trump needs his left to lift and then tip the water, while his right arm barely supports the water.

    Now Trumpkins you went batshit crazy over Hillary tripping, when it was nothing. Obviously something is wrong with Trump. Declining health?
    I have Myasthenia Gravis and have had that exact issue sometimes with not being able to lift a glass with just one hand. I'll even do what Trump did in this clip, I'll try to lift the glass and only manage to get it halfway and have to use the other hand to lift it the rest of the way. Myasthenia is something you can get at any age, I was six when I was diagnosed, but it's more common in men who are over 60 which means someone Trump's age.

  4. #45724
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    I have Myasthenia Gravis
    It's been ages since high school Latin, but...that looks like "severe weakness"?

  5. #45725
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    While everyone is focused on how heavy a glass of water is Trump is trying to explain his inability to walk down a gently sloped ramp.

    Such a special little guy.
    Because when I don't want to slip I always choose to run to make it safer.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  6. #45726
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Loveland man holds door-to-door salesmen at gunpoint, thought they were Antifa members

    Why is this person out on bond and not on a psychiatric hold?

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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
    Me on Elite : Dangerous | My WoW characters

  7. #45727
    Titan Captain N's Avatar
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    If I didn't know any better -- I'd say Cheeto Tinyhands is showing all the classic symptoms of someone who recently had a minor stroke.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  8. #45728
    Quote Originally Posted by caervek View Post
    Wrong, your forgetting it was the north who were fighting to conquer the other side, the south were simply fighting to be free of the north, they didn't need to actually beat them just reach a point where they other side no longer had the will to win (just like how Vietnam defeated the USA). And it very nearly happened, if Lincoln hadn't made the Emancipation Proclamation then France and the UK were going to recognise the CSA as a legitimate nation and begin trading with/supporting it (the UK were especially up for it as the elites were still annoyed with the USA). This would already have happened had Russia not sent its navy to protect New York/San Francisco, and if it had happened then Lincoln would have had no choice but to agree to terms of secession and kiss re-election goodbye.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, me calling slavers, racists, homophones and transphobes bad/evil people is handwaving >.>
    France and the UK recognising the csa is a myth. A stupid one at that, one that needs to die along with the world being flat, moon landings were faked and Putin isn't a despot that should be dragged onto the streets gadaffi style.

  9. #45729
    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    Loveland man holds door-to-door salesmen at gunpoint, thought they were Antifa members

    Why is this person out on bond and not on a psychiatric hold?
    See, this shit should not only put them on psychiatric hold, but also trigger a review of their ability to own a gun. If you're gonna fucking hold random people at gunpoint because you think they may be antifa because...uh...they're wearing white polo shirts, then maybe you shouldn't have a fucking gun.

  10. #45730
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    After much research it appears that the ramp was at an 11° angle.
    11° may not seem like much, but ADA wheelchair ramps are only supposed to be a maximum of 8°, so it is actually fairly steep.

  11. #45731
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Trump is trying to explain his inability to walk down a gently sloped ramp.
    C-SPAN clip here. Honestly, I don't even see a problem. And my usual sources didn't show this -- I only went looking for it, because Trump tweeted.

    I also found an older clip. The excuse is a little more believable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    After much research it appears that the ramp was at an 11° angle.
    New York law says a handicap ramp can be no more than a 1 to 8 slope for most buildings. This is just over seven degrees. Someone should be fired for making the world's most fragile ego walk on an illegal ramp without handrails. Now, 11 degrees is not "steep" Trump is still lying -- you can see it on the video for yourself. But Trump is a fragile, fat, unhealthy, morbidly obese, pathetic old man who's tired of winning and who can't walk up a small hill. Oh, and just in case anyone doesn't watch the clip, it was bright friggin' sunshine. I live close enough to throw a brick at West Point -- never do this -- and there was no rain there today. So, again, either Trump's WH is so incompetent they brought him a ramp made of Teflon-coated baking sheets -- and they should be fired if so -- or, and yes I find this far more likely, Trump is lying.

    Leaders make results. Losers make excuses. Trump just picked a fight with a piece of sheet metal, and lost. On live TV.

    @Dontrike and @Captain N have some good points. Again, if Trump hadn't tweeted, even if I had seen it (I hadn't) I might have just said "yep, that's a fat old man going down a ramp, I've seen that before" and moved on. But he called attention to it, and I had to watch it, and now I'm thinking "I think he's limping". Data point of one, but I call my students out for limping all the time -- and I'm right far more often than I'm wrong. Maybe Trump is injured. Maybe he's too fat for his bone spurs. Maybe he's not used to being so close to the Earth's surface for so long after living a damn near ivory tower. Or...well...we saw the water. He might have less control over one side of his body. And...yeah, that's a stroke symptom. Or a concussion, I've been told.

    He should have just shut the fuck up. He didn't fall. The soldier acting as a mobile armrest didn't even flinch. This would have been nothing, and it would have gone away.

    But then, Trump tweeted. He made it something, by lying about it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    that’s the most exercise he’s gotten all week.
    Well someone didn't have $130,000 in spending money, I guess!

  12. #45732
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    It's been ages since high school Latin, but...that looks like "severe weakness"?
    Yup pretty much, because that's what this condition does to people, it can cause extreme weakness even to the point where your body just tries to shut down which could lead to death and is something that happened to me back during my freshman year of high school. When someone gets so bad to where their Myasthenia is about to kill them it's called a Myasthenic crisis.

  13. #45733
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Only if you’re handicapped...
    You could just say, "oh I learned something today" and not be a dick. Nobody I know likes walking on handicap ramps with me and they're less steep than this.

  14. #45734
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Only if you’re handicapped...

    So you know how this ends: Trump supporters, you have 24 hours to find literally anyone else having trouble on that very same ramp. This might be one of my most narrow challenges ever issued, but it's not like there were no cameras there. This two-hour-plus video seems to have it all. You have 24 hours to either admit Trump was lying, or find evidence to the contrary. Failure to even attempt to do so will, once again, be treated as admission of cowardice, plus I get to pick for you.

    Maybe you'll start your search around the 31-minute mark, and continue for a half hour as he speaks. In that time you'll notice he leans on the podium 40% of the time, isn't leaning on it but has both hands gripping the sides of the podium 40% of the time, and one hand on the podium the other 20%. But you won't find what you're looking for there. You might also look at the following hour -- yes hour -- where he stands at attention and salutes. Granted, this looks like evidence that "the healthiest man to ever run for President" can stand up straight and raise his right arm, something that until recently wasn't in dispute but a rabid fanbase member must now accept as a win. You could even point out the part during the ceremony where Trump smiled -- and please do, I didn't see it once. Maybe he did when he told a joke or something, but he sure didn't seem to be happy at any point that I saw. But to find evidence in this challenge I've offered, I recommend you start your search around the 14-minute mark. That's where Trump walks up the [sarcasm]steep, very slippery ramp without handrails without incident.

    "You forgot [/sarcasm]"

    The sarcasm never ends.

  15. #45735
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So you know how this ends: Trump supporters, you have 24 hours to find literally anyone else having trouble on that very same ramp. This might be one of my most narrow challenges ever issued
    My parents, who are the same age as Trump, don't like walking on ADA ramps with me and that's with railings and a less steep incline. Can they do it? Yes, but it's pretty awkward for them and I usually stop once or twice for them to get a break on longer ramps.

  16. #45736
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nellise View Post
    Yes, but it's pretty awkward for them and I usually stop once or twice for them to get a break on longer ramps.
    And that's 100% understandable.

    How many times they did they complain the ramp was slippery, so they started running for momentum?

    This isn't "frail old man needs to walk slowly down a ramp". This is "and he lies about why".

  17. #45737
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    And that's 100% understandable.

    How many times they did they complain the ramp was slippery, so they started running for momentum?

    This isn't "frail old man needs to walk slowly down a ramp". This is "and he lies about why".
    That's not what you asked. You asked if anybody else has trouble on these same ramps. Trump lies about the weirdest stuff, I don't know why you think that's some sort of gotcha at this point. He's a massive narcissist and any complaint about him will be met with some ludicrous lies that we should all just roll our eyes at. The focus needs to stay on all the actual bad policy stuff he does.

  18. #45738
    Of all the things to criticize Trump for (and they are legion) I don't think how he's walking down that ramp after standing in the same place for 2 hours is fair.

    I go to football since about 20 years, in the stands and with being there early talking with my friends, drinking some beer, all of the game and some more chatting afterwards I stand around about 5 hours. I am not nearly 70 years and still walking down the stairs I notice all that standing around. I really like my half hour walk to a train station that's not nearest to the stadium to get my legs and back back to normal.

  19. #45739
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    See, this shit should not only put them on psychiatric hold, but also trigger a review of their ability to own a gun. If you're gonna fucking hold random people at gunpoint because you think they may be antifa because...uh...they're wearing white polo shirts, then maybe you shouldn't have a fucking gun.
    At this point, between this stuff and people harassing protesters because they must be Soros-paid actors, it's collective madness. I don't think these people are retrievable.
    Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. --Frank Wilhoit

  20. #45740
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    While everyone is focused on how heavy a glass of water is Trump is trying to explain his inability to walk down a gently sloped ramp.

    Such a special little guy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    After much research it appears that the ramp was at an 11° angle.
    The ramp was wet on a sunny and I take it hot summer day in New York? Plus why would USSS or his team have a wet ramp? Maybe it was the water he spilled while trying to take a drink of water.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

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