1. #46701
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    And the EU will shrug and bear it because the alternative of a large 2nd wave fed by imported American's is massively more damaging.

    Engaging in a trade war with both the EU and China while a pandemic is causing massive unemployment nationally seems like a good way to completely destroy the US economy and break their hegemony.
    They worked hard to defeat the virus once. I don't think they are interested in doing it again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Bolton says he's consider testifying against Barr, probably implying "if it would actually work". The Senate hasn't changed.
    "if it would actually work" might actually mean to him getting to tell his side of the story and slam Barr and Trump big time along with a monopoly on media coverage except for FOX Lies for quite a while.

  2. #46702
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    They worked hard to defeat the virus once. I don't think they are interested in doing it again.
    I can speak only for myself but I'll do anything I can to not get infected by american stupidity just because they have a toddler as a leader.

  3. #46703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    "That prospect, which would lump American visitors in with Russians and Brazilians as unwelcome, is a stinging blow to American prestige in the world"
    Well, maybe if we'd taken this seriously when it started, or worn our masks/socially distanced when it continued, we'd be able to counter that blow.

    And yet, here we are.

  4. #46704
    Does anyone feel like we're approaching the prologue of V for Vendetta, where America was a ravaged wasteland and Britain was under the thumb of a far right fascist? BJ isn't that, but he's a step in the wrong direction.

  5. #46705
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    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Does anyone feel like we're approaching the prologue of V for Vendetta, where America was a ravaged wasteland and Britain was under the thumb of a far right fascist? BJ isn't that, but he's a step in the wrong direction.
    Pretty sure the background for V also included a plague somewhere, so yeah we're a little closer than I'd care for.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    This is America. We always have warm dead bodies.
    if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.

  6. #46706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Sad part is that many have done and continue to do their part. Quite a few states flattened the curve. Sadly, certain areas couldn’t wait to reopen and now here we are. If only we had some kind of national leadership on this issue that could have done something. Oh well, maybe in 2021.
    The problem is that Dipshit-in-Chief as politicized coronavirus response efforts, so even if Biden won in November, any efforts he puts out will be countered by the anti-science fuckwads that follow Donnie Dumb Dumb. They won't do it just to own the libs, or whatever the fuck they base their bad decisions upon that week.

  7. #46707
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    Few things that popped up.

    1) The Pentagon's top technology official announced he was resigning to spend more time with his family company. I suspect strongly he's resigning as a statement, because (a) he's been around since Reagan so we know where his loyalties lie, and (b) his highly-qualified and far younger assistant is leaving with him.

    2) Trump is in Arizona, where he's trying to reverse public opinion of his failures in office and their record-breaking COVID-19 cases, by going straight to the wall and signing it with a Sharpie. No, really.

    Trump signed the 200th mile of Pelosi's Flower Garden, and as WaPo posted a month ago, 16 of those miles are where there was no Wall before. The rest are replacements or repairs of existing border barriers.

    3) WHCA cancels event that Trump wasn't going to attend anyhow. They blame COVID-19, under the excuse that...it's a lethal virus, so it's a really good excuse.

    4) Melania is complaining about cyberbullying because people are saying mean things about her and Bannon again. In a related story, her opinion about Trump's cyberbullying is "he's worth millions and what's that distraction over there?"

    5) In addition to Fauci saying he was never told to reduce testing, he also says he was never told to stop working with the WHO either. Trump is either an incompetent leader, or he's lying. Twice.
    5a) Redfield said there are COVID-19 cases in the literal majority of nursing homes.

    6) The noose found in NASCAR's only African-American driver's garage was ruled not a hate crime. "It's been for eight months," law enforcement said, "and Wallace got the garage last week. So the real question is, why the fuck are NASCAR drivers hanging random-ass nooses in random-ass garages? We don't know how to handle that, we're the Federal Bureau of Intelligence, this is outside our jurisdiction."

    7) Trump names a new campaign press head since he moved McEnemy to the White House. Parscale is apparently looking for a cardboard box small enough to hold his dignity.

    8) Wal-Mart stops selling the Mississippi flag.

    9) For anyone who is still fixated on "the IRS targeted groups claiming to be tax-free because they were GOP, not because they were breaking the law" just got one-upped. An actual witness with actual evidence is about to testify to the House that Barr ordered the DoJ to go after automakers for siding with California and not Trump. The probe, incidentally, failed and has since ended.

    10) There is a growing movement to boycott Facebook by companies who are halting ad purchases, in protest of "Facebook’s long history of allowing racist, violent and verifiably false content to run rampant on its platform." Hmm. Can't imagine what specific content they're talking about.

    11) Apparently, Trump didn't talk to business leaders before clamping down on visas. Big surprise, the outcry is led by the US Chamber of Commerce but immediately behind them are Apple, Google, Microsoft and Twitter.

  8. #46708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    4) Melania is complaining about cyberbullying because people are saying mean things about her and Bannon again. In a related story, her opinion about Trump's cyberbullying is "he's worth millions and what's that distraction over there?"
    There is a story about Melania and Steve Bannon? This sounds juicy, what is it about?

  9. #46709
    NEW: Roger STONE prosecutor says he was pressured by DOJ leaders to cut the Trump confidant "a break" during sentencing — because of Stone's relationship with Trump.


    Well, a President trying to interfere in a sentencing hearing. Since this came from the DOJ and Barr had shown to be Trump's personal attorney. Unless Barr wants to take the responsibility of him solely making this order.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  10. #46710
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Arizona, huh?
    Yeah, supposedly there's a rally. I wonder what steps are being taken to make sure there are no empty seats? Hold it outside? Tiny room? Pay people? Gunpoint?

  11. #46711
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Yeah, supposedly there's a rally. I wonder what steps are being taken to make sure there are no empty seats? Hold it outside? Tiny room? Pay people? Gunpoint?
    They're not showing the crowd.

    I'm not speculating btw. That's what's actually happening.

  12. #46712
    17x faster than the fastest missile? Some casual googling is saying that the "fastest" missile right now, the "Brahmos", travels at about Mach 3, or 2,302 miles per hour.

    If we believe this, this new "hydrosonic" missile would travel at around 39,134 miles per hour, or mach 51 which...there doesn't appear to be anything that goes that fast.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    They're not showing the crowd.

    I'm not speculating btw. That's what's actually happening.


    Seems like he's got a full house, but it's not a very big one.

  13. #46713
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    And to follow-on....
    Once again, Trump kicked the individual mandate out from under the ACA, by virtue of reducing the fine to zero unilaterally, which in turn made a bunch of people stop buying health insurance. Which was great, until they got sick or injured. Oh look, a lethal outbreak!

    The individual mandate was one of the two pillars of the ACA. The other was pre-existing conditions, basically. You had to buy health insurance, but health insurance couldn't kick you off because you cost them too much or, yes, already had a condition. They don't work separately. If there is no individual mandate to smooth out the spikey costs, the costs just go up to cover the sick people who they can't refuse.

    The people most likely to take the opportunity to stop buying health care, and the group of people most likely to lose their jobs, and the people most likely to lack expanded Medicare, all coincide in Trump's base. A lot of them are poor, low-educated, live in the welfare handout states of the South, and adore it when Trump tells them he's saving them money by not buying health care. They'll find another excuse when they are infected in the packed crowds of maskless people, but that won't stop them from getting sick, having no money to pay for it, losing their job if they have one, and basically end up with nothing by their own doing.

    I wonder how they'll feel about food stamps then?

  14. #46714
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Seems like he's got a full house, but it's not a very big one.
    Oh, they're kids. During the virus. Someone shoot this pig.

  15. #46715
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    or mach 51 which...there doesn't appear to be anything that goes that fast.
    Of course not. It'd burn up in a layer of ionized plasma hot enough to melt planets.

  16. #46716
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    To be fair. This is a guy who thinks there are actual invisible planes.

  17. #46717
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post

    Rasmussen gives Trump 45% approval. Yes, that's still high. Most polls, including every single better-graded poll, has Trump lower than this. Since June 12, only 3 polls have put Trump 45% or higher. Two were Rasmussen, this is the lower of them.

    Nothing odd I am sure you can look at the data...umm...somewhere....umm...hmmm....I know their methology has to be published somewhere...umm...
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  18. #46718
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Isn’t it a church?
    Yes. It's a Phoenix "megachurch" and that's the Students for Trump Convention.

    It's supposedly a little over a thousand jackasses.

  19. #46719
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    And the ventilation kills Covid in 10 minutes! It’s not like anyone would catch it in those 10 minutes...
    The "funny" part? He apparently made the claim there--in one of the States that's currently experiencing explosive growth of COVID-19--that "[the border wall] stopped COVID, it stopped everything".

  20. #46720
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    17x faster than the fastest missile? Some casual googling is saying that the "fastest" missile right now, the "Brahmos", travels at about Mach 3, or 2,302 miles per hour.

    If we believe this, this new "hydrosonic" missile would travel at around 39,134 miles per hour, or mach 51 which...there doesn't appear to be anything that goes that fast.
    Apparently he has been talking about this for a while now. I just saw your post, and went googling. It is pretty hilarious stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by An Adderall Fueled Stream of Conciousness
    “We have the super-fast missiles — tremendous number of the super-fast. We call them “super-fast,” where they’re four, five, six, and even seven times faster than an ordinary missile. We need that because, again, Russia has some. I won’t tell you how they got it. They got it, supposedly, from plans from the Obama administration when we weren’t doing it. And that’s too bad. That’s not good. But that’s how it happened. And China, as you know, is doing it.”
    Literally everything about this quote is hilariously stupid. From "Super-Fast", which I am sure was the term some poor Air Force General had to use while unsuccessfully trying to teach him the word "Hypersonic", to "I won't tell you, but it was totally Obama". To the fact that somehow Obama was not developing Super Fast missiles, but also had the plans for super fast missiles to give to Russia.

    Anyway, missiles have apparently gotten faster since he said that, and the latest Trump estimate is 17x faster, because I guess people weren't impressed enough with 7 times faster.

    You can actually see the struggles of the poor Air Force General trying to brief him on a classified platform.

    AF: So we are working on Hypersonic Missiles
    Trump: *Blank Look*
    AF: Which as you know, means "Super Fast"
    Trump: I knew that! Hydrosonic!
    AF: Close enough. Anyway, Russia is also developing those. They got some of the data from us in a hack a few years ago.
    Trump: So Obama gave it to them! Haha! Wait until I tell Hannity this!
    AF: Please don't, this is classified stuff.
    Trump: Fine *Fingers crossed behind his back*

    Fortunately, Trump is far too dense to remember the details of such things that would actually be harmful to blurt out.

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