1. #46721
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The order affects H-1B visas, H-2B visas, H-4 visas, L-1 visas and certain J-1 visas. The exceptions mentioned are agricultural and education jobs, but I expect Trump's hotels are somehow exempt.
    Dunno about the other visas, but the H-1B is critical to the US position as science and tech leader. One wonder if Trump and his cronies ever thought about how a country whose high school education is ranked 31st in the world for math managed to continually pushes forward the boundary of scientific and tech progress. Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with all those foreign smart people that somehow kept coming here.

    Lets see. Foreign-born workers account for a fifth of STEM workers with a bachelor's degree and more than half of those with a Ph.D. In a paper released last April, Sari Pekkala Kerr and William Kerr find that immigrants account for about a quarter of U.S. entrepreneurship and innovation. Chinese and Indian ethnic inventors account for 22 percent of U.S. patents in 2018.

  2. #46722
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    Fortunately, Trump is far too dense to remember the details of such things that would actually be harmful to blurt out.
    We just have to hope that they take his phone away next time there's a briefing so he doesn't casually "declassify" that information, which he is legally allowed to do.

    I'm still reeling from when he just casually dropped detailed photo's from "super duper secret" spy satellites.

  3. #46723
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The "funny" part? He apparently made the claim there--in one of the States that's currently experiencing explosive growth of COVID-19--that "[the border wall] stopped COVID, it stopped everything".
    That's pretty impressive. A couple of mile long fence (with holes in it) stopped a virus.

  4. #46724
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    Literally everything about this quote is hilariously stupid.
    I have never wanted so badly a Skroe post that goes into detail how wrong Trump is about military tech as I do now.

  5. #46725

    I guess calling it the "kung flu" went over so well in Tulsa he tried it again.

    It seems to go over even better now, with raucous cheers and applause.

    At least he's working to dispel any notions that he doesn't rely heavily on racist xenophobes to prop up his political life.

  6. #46726
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    A parachute won't work from a tower. It just makes you fall slightly longer.
    Parachutes work fine from towers. Though whether they would work with his weight is a different question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    17x faster than the fastest missile? Some casual googling is saying that the "fastest" missile right now, the "Brahmos", travels at about Mach 3, or 2,302 miles per hour.

    If we believe this, this new "hydrosonic" missile would travel at around 39,134 miles per hour, or mach 51 which...there doesn't appear to be anything that goes that fast.
    New Horizons is close. It's zipping along at about 36,000 miles per hour or a bit more than mach 47.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
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  7. #46727
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    A highly disgruntled constituent of Lindsey Graham.
    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    I have never wanted so badly a Skroe post that goes into detail how wrong Trump is about military tech as I do now.
    I mean I could provide it, but ultimately it is pointless. The story itself is simple, Trump got briefed on US Hypersonic Weapon development, understood exactly none of it, and started blabbering on about stuff he didn't understand and shouldn't be talking about.

    Obviously we don't have "Hydrosonic" Missiles, that is a technique for growing plants Hydroponically, not a weapon system. We do not have missiles that go Mach 51. That isn't in the realm of established physics.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    Parachutes work fine from towers. Though whether they would work with his weight is a different question.

    New Horizons is close. It's zipping along at about 36,000 miles per hour or a bit more than mach 47.
    I have jumped from towers with a Parachute, on Fort Benning they have towers designed for it.

    New Horizons is cheating by not being in an atmosphere, and accelerating for several years.

  8. #46728
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    So Trump apparently has no idea what the 19 in COVID-19 stands for. He's using the 'some people' bullshit again, meaning he has no idea.

    How many times has it been explained that the 19 stands for 2019, the year the virus was discovered?
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  9. #46729
    I was legitimately confused and thought he was talking about torpedoes or something lol.

  10. #46730
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Seems like he's got a full house, but it's not a very big one.
    I like how one of the few non-white people in there is also one of the few with the sense to be wearing a mask...

  11. #46731
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Seems like he's got a full house, but it's not a very big one.
    so now he's got his very own suicide cult
    instead of the blind leading the blind it's the stupid leading the stupid.

  12. #46732
    The US hit 36k new cases for the first time since May 1st. Total deaths were 863, which is higher than it was the previous Tuesday.

    Arizona had it's highest ever daily total of new cases at nearly 3.6k. Good job, vanity wall!

    Fuck Florida.

    Stay safe, folks.

  13. #46733
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The US hit 36k new cases for the first time since May 1st. Total deaths were 863, which is higher than it was the previous Tuesday.

    Arizona had it's highest ever daily total of new cases at nearly 3.6k. Good job, vanity wall!

    Fuck Florida.

    Stay safe, folks.
    And cons go into denial when you point out to them that the overwhelming majority of states setting new records daily for new COVID-19 cases are red states that never took the pandemic seriously to start with.
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  14. #46734
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The "funny" part? He apparently made the claim there--in one of the States that's currently experiencing explosive growth of COVID-19--that "[the border wall] stopped COVID, it stopped everything".
    As Coronavirus Cases Surge Nationally, President Trump Shifts Attention to U.S.-Mexico Border Wall

    President Donald Trump visited the U.S.-Mexico border Tuesday and tried to credit his new wall with stopping both illegal immigration and the coronavirus. But his visit played out as top public health officials in Washington were testifying about the ongoing threat posed by COVID-19, singling out Arizona as one of the states now experiencing a surge in cases.

    In the blazing summer heat, Trump briefly stopped to inspect a new section of the concrete and rebar structure where the president and other officials took a moment to scrawl their signatures on the wall.

    “It stopped COVID, it stopped everything,” Trump said.
    This is not the first, and is not the last, time we've heard Trump try to blame Mexican rapists for the China virus. Because he has to be the only one who was helping, and everyone else has to be out to get him.

    Narcisism breeds paranoia.

  15. #46735
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    The good news is experts are optimistic we’ll have a vaccine by next summer. So even if they want to own the libs we can just get vaccinated and they’re only risking themselves... and those who can’t be vaccinated, but we’ll just have to do our best to protect them. Including requiring a vaccination for public school unless you have a waiver.
    Best case scenario, we'll get a vaccine by november/december. Now, that wouldnt help Dotard Tang win his reelection, but still.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  16. #46736
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Best case scenario, we'll get a vaccine by november/december. Now, that wouldnt help Dotard Tang win his reelection, but still.
    He's going to claim there's a vaccine and he's going to take credit for it, after the debates. Calling it now.

  17. #46737
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    He's going to claim there's a vaccine and he's going to take credit for it, after the debates. Calling it now.
    Lol. Not that it would help him, as the vaccines wont be fully rolled out until after the boreal winter (and by that i mean 100s of millions of doses applied globally).
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  18. #46738
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Lol. Not that it would help him, as the vaccines wont be fully rolled out until after the boreal winter (and by that i mean 100s of millions of doses applied globally).
    doesnt mean he won't lie about it.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  19. #46739
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Oh, and a quick look around at various sites suggests Mexico is going far better with the COVID-19 outbreak than we are, proportionately. They seem to have about half the deaths per capita, and cases per capita, as we do.

    Trump is trying to argue that the Wall stopped COVID-19. Considering the South, in particular, is growing in cases very quickly and therefore the border is likely worse proportionately than the country, he's arguing that his bathtub filled with water because it was next to a damp towel.

  20. #46740
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    I was legitimately confused and thought he was talking about torpedoes or something lol.
    that was my thought at first, supercavitating torpedoes, but since I doubt Trump could remember that, let alone pronounce it, he jumped to the "hydrosonic missiles"
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
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