1. #47321
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Although McEnemy is not up on her D&D alignment table -- organized, systemic racism would be Lawful Evil and therefore diabolic, not demonic.
    There's nothing organized or systemic about what the white supremacists are doing, though, so I think you can easily justify a CE descriptor, especially given the fact they tend to be pretty lawless individuals prone to wanton violence and lawbreaking.

  2. #47322
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Yeah the holding of the handgun is a silly part.
    I don't know, I thought them pointing the guns at each other as much or more than the protestors was the silly part.

    Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump, asks Interpol to help

    Remember the assasination? Iran sure does.

  3. #47323
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    In the ongoihohoh heeheehee *cough* the ongoing attehehehehHAHAHAHAHA

    Sorry HAHAHAH I just can't HAHAHAHA

    Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump, requests Interpol's help

    Iran has put out an arrest warrant and requested a red notice be published by Interpol for President Donald Trump following the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani in January, the Iranian state news agency FARS reported Monday.

    Ali Alghasi Mehr, the prosecutor general of Tehran, said arrest warrants had been ordered for 36 people who were involved in or cooperated with the “terror” of Soleimani, including U.S. military and political officials, the news agency reported.

    A judicial official has also "declared a red notice on Interpol," Mehr added, according to FARS.
    I HAHAHHAHA I mean HAHAHAHA what the hell does Iran think will happen? "Oh let's just arrest the leader of the United States! Interpol, go!" HAHAHAHAHA I meHAHHAHAHA I mean, do they think this will work? This won't even make Trump mad.

    HAHAHAhahaha...hee hee...oh man...that's just hilarious.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by noidentity View Post
    Remember the assasination? Iran sure does.
    Oh shit it's happening again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man..son of a bitch...Al-Jazninja'd.

  4. #47324
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    New poll out for the state of Georgia shows Biden with a +4 lead on Trump. More importantly, it has Biden at 49%, his highest percent in that state in a while, which indicates a low percentage of undecided voters.

    Now, this is only one poll, with months left to go, in a state that typically leans GoP, but it's still welcome news.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  5. #47325
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    I think we can surmise all the symbolism from it. The pic personifies everything that's wrong with Trumpsters.

  6. #47326
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    A highly disgruntled constituent of Lindsey Graham.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    In the ongoihohoh heeheehee *cough* the ongoing attehehehehHAHAHAHAHA

    Sorry HAHAHAH I just can't HAHAHAHA

    Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump, requests Interpol's help

    I HAHAHHAHA I mean HAHAHAHA what the hell does Iran think will happen? "Oh let's just arrest the leader of the United States! Interpol, go!" HAHAHAHAHA I meHAHHAHAHA I mean, do they think this will work? This won't even make Trump mad.

    HAHAHAhahaha...hee hee...oh man...that's just hilarious.
    Oh I bet you are wrong. I bet it will absolutely make Trump mad.

    I highly suspect the idea here is actually to neuter Interpol. Iran actively does not like them, because they keep looking at the affairs of people like... well, like Sulemani in particular. They are pitting them against the US, because they know it will just weaken the credibility of the institution.

  7. #47327
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Now, this is only one poll
    No, it isn't. It's the latest in a trend.

  8. #47328
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post
    There's nothing organized or systemic about what the white supremacists are doing, though, so I think you can easily justify a CE descriptor, especially given the fact they tend to be pretty lawless individuals prone to wanton violence and lawbreaking.
    Not to get too far off topic, but both points can be true in this regard.

    The system promoting systemic racism could be seen as Lawful Evil since it's an appeal to tradition to enforce evil policies and seeks to oppress individuals based on their race and/or religion rather than the merits of their character.

    Your typical, torch wielding Neo-Nazi's a bit more muddied. They're craven, but - save for the dangerous outliers - I'd say, on the whole, they're a halfway point between Lawful and Neutral Evil; adherents to an oppressive status quo, but only because it ultimately benefits them and their selfish aims and only really get restless when something threatens to take that away from them.

    The Chaotic Evil folks, the folks shooting up churches or ramming their cars into protesters, are an - I'd say fortunate - exception to the rule. If more white supremacists were prone to excessive violence like these folk, then we'd be seeing a helluva lot more problems. But I don't say this to dismiss how evil the movement as a whole is, any system that operates on the principal of oppression is one that needs to be destroyed, but I'm a D&D nerd and can't help but get into the semantics of the - albeit convoluted and vague - alignment chart.

  9. #47329
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    By the way, how angry is FOX News that Trump, either directly by inaction or his US Intelligence agencies not warning him but still Executive Branch and therefore his problem, let US troops come under fire by Russian bounties?

    This angry:

    Oh, that rascally Roberts!

    By the way, where's all the COVID-19 news? Besides Stefanik trying to blame Cuomo for "not following federal guidelines" (points at maskless Trump), I don't see much on that.

  10. #47330
    Hey, remember when Susan Collins said "Not to worry, Kavanaugh will totally vote to protect women's rights"? Yeah, between that and "I'm sure Trump has learned his lesson" I'd say her days in the Senate are probably numbered.

  11. #47331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    Probably legally justified. At least the man is, as he isn't pointing it at anyone. The woman may not be legally justified, depending on what state they are in. She is actually pointing a gun at people, and as a general rule you are not allowed to stand on your own property and point guns at people who are not. The fact she clearly has no idea how to hold a gun makes it much more dangerous, that is an incredibly irresponsible way to hold a gun, and it is very fortunate she didn't hurt someone.

    A staggering number of people like this are absolutely clueless as to the proper handling of firearms. They use them as a power fantasy, not as a deadly tool you actually have to train with. They don't learn how they function or how to use them, they just want to wave them at people, rendering them ineffective for defense, and also a danger to everyone around them.
    Incredibly irresponsible seems to be the moniker of Trumpsters.

  12. #47332
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    By the way, where's all the COVID-19 news? Besides Stefanik trying to blame Cuomo for "not following federal guidelines" (points at maskless Trump), I don't see much on that.
    I imagine they don't want to remind their base that another state, Alabama, skyrocketed to a record high in new cases today.

  13. #47333
    Reddit finally banned r/The_Donald in their hate speech purges.

    r/Chapotraphouse also was banned, but that's not Trump shitshow related.

    Full list here https://www.redditstatic.com/banned-...-june-2020.txt

  14. #47334
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Reddit finally banned r/The_Donald in their hate speech purges.

    r/Chapotraphouse also was banned, but that's not Trump shitshow related.

    Full list here https://www.redditstatic.com/banned-...-june-2020.txt
    In before "Cancel Culture" rabble rabble rabble.

    I wonder if Trump will tweet about it? Oh, and threaten with legal action.
    Last edited by Santti; 2020-06-29 at 05:22 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  15. #47335
    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Reddit finally banned r/The_Donald in their hate speech purges.
    How can this be? I've been told tRump supporters are totally not racist. Must be somekind of a mistake. They probably misinterpreted "shoot all the n*****s" with "shoot all the n*****s". Anyone can make that mistake, afterall they're exactly the same.
    Last edited by zorkuus; 2020-06-29 at 05:23 PM.

  16. #47336

    And his Twitch account.

    Saw some folks on /r/conservative losing their shit over this over the weekend, guess they were right. I'm sure they'll still claim anti-conservative bias even though it seems like fringe boards on both sides got hit and plenty of non-political subs got hit as well.

  17. #47337
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    Though why I'm responding to a hit-and-run poster like you is beyond me.
    Its getting sloppy, its up to FOUR posts in this thread, which is four times the number its programmed to make.

  18. #47338
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    How can this be? I've been told tRump supporters are totally not racist.
    Not only racist but actively inciting violence!

    Don't forget... the_donald helped organize the Unite the right rally in Charlottesville that ended in Heather Heyer being murdered.

  19. #47339
    tRump was on twitch?
    Not only racist but actively inciting violence!

    Don't forget... the_donald helped organize the Unite the right rally in Charlottesville that ended in Heather Heyer being murdered.
    no no no no... she ran over herself and then had a heartattack. The man in the car yelling racist slurs was only trying to help.

  20. #47340
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    tRump was on twitch?
    A number of candidates created Twitch accounts for non-gaming related purposes. Sanders had one, and I feel like a few other candidates did as well but they were never really used heavily. A few news outlets like WashPo have them as well, but I haven't the foggiest clue what they're used for nowadays.

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