1. #47521
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    I initially read that head up his ass, so I got to wondering if Vlad drinks water when Donnie is thirsty?
    I was going for the puppet drinking water gag...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  2. #47522
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I think she means orally.
    TIL verbal doesn't only mean spoken. I'd have been in the same boat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  3. #47523
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Coincidentally, "Intelligence" is tattooed just over Putin's ass crack.
    Speaking of, SCOTUS is set to rule on releasing Trump's tax records this week.

  4. #47524
    Anyone else ever watch any conversavtive TV or radio from time to time? Its enlightening and pretty much why I'm fairly sure Trump is still going to win.

    They still talk about Hillary as if she's actively working to take down the country and all our freedoms. They constantly talk about how the "Illegals are coming in and taking all our jobs and tax money".

    They just, bold faced lie about everything constantly. So when these people look at any other sort of news media they hear stuff entirely different and assume IT is the one lying. And they lie while sounding way more confident and positive about the future (but only if THEY win) that its no wonder why they keep getting more followers.

    World needs more Goblin Warriors https://i.imgur.com/WKs8aJA.jpg

  5. #47525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    He eats intelligence? Or did you mean aurally?
    I appreciate the vote of intelligence, but I was going for a pretty base frat-boy reference, given his history of paying for sex, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    TIL verbal doesn't only mean spoken. I'd have been in the same boat.
    Appreciated, but was going for the very base reference with "oral" and referring to Trump, given his proclivity for prostitutes.

  6. #47526
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I'm not that optimistic about this one, really. Both because I don't think they'll rule in favor of releasing them and because even if they did I don't think it would change anything before the elections.

    Completely unrelated: Numbers are skyrocketing in Arizona today. Nearly 5k.

  7. #47527
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Going to extend this post, with a quote from the reference article, which in turn refers to past Eric Trump brags:
    Before Trump's political career, his son Eric repeatedly bragged about being able to bypass American banks -- many of which refused to do business with the Trump organization -- because [the Trump Organization] could get all the money it needed from Russia.
    Those paying attention have been waiting for Trump's tax returns since Nov 8, 2016. We all suspected that Trump has extensive dealings with Russia, both business dealings and possible money laundering. Six separate courts and courts of appeal have ruled against Trump in this case. There is also precedent with Harding and Nixon, in releasing subpoenaed documents requested by Congress. Plus, the long standing tradition of all Presidential candidates (at least those that make the General Election) have released their tax records.

    I wasn't aware until this article that SCOTUS was going to hand down their ruling this week. Considering that it's already Wednesday, well, fucking woot.

    NY State has several suits against Trump and his Crime Family, a few of which involve his tax records. NYST has Trump's tax records (filed for state taxes, and include a copy of his federal returns) and Governor Cuomo has his hand over the RELEASE button, ready and very willing to push it the moment he is legally able to do so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I'm not that optimistic about this one, really. Both because I don't think they'll rule in favor of releasing them and because even if they did I don't think it would change anything before the elections.

    Completely unrelated: Numbers are skyrocketing in Arizona today. Nearly 5k.
    The lower court's rulings give me some hope that we will see a ruling against Trump, however, to your point, it more than likely won't change much with regards to TRE45ON's insane base - they will swallow whatever lie he feeds them (see above re intelligence).

    However, there are many people out there that are starting to consider that Trump's GOP is rotten to the core. For whatever reason they haven't already seen that, which we'll address another day. The release could open some more eyes, or persuade fence-sitting voters to side with Biden.

    But for me, I just want to see them - to know that what we've all suspected; from Trump's inability to get a loan except from the Russian money laundering bank, to the Kavanaugh appointment, that he was bought and paid for by Russia. Getting that kind of evidence could make sweeping reforms, and perusing the Truth and Reconciliation Committee that much easier.

  8. #47528
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    How do you think they'll rule? I'm not 100% sure that they will rule based on precedent.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  9. #47529

    Trump supporters seem nice. They're going after kids playing Roblox, taking over their accounts and editing information to support Trump.

  10. #47530
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Trump supporters seem nice. They're going after kids playing Roblox, taking over their accounts and editing information to support Trump.
    Read the comments and then despair for humanity.

  11. #47531
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Going to extend this post, with a quote from the reference article, which in turn refers to past Eric Trump brags:

    Those paying attention have been waiting for Trump's tax returns since Nov 8, 2016. We all suspected that Trump has extensive dealings with Russia, both business dealings and possible money laundering. Six separate courts and courts of appeal have ruled against Trump in this case. There is also precedent with Harding and Nixon, in releasing subpoenaed documents requested by Congress. Plus, the long standing tradition of all Presidential candidates (at least those that make the General Election) have released their tax records.

    I wasn't aware until this article that SCOTUS was going to hand down their ruling this week. Considering that it's already Wednesday, well, fucking woot.

    NY State has several suits against Trump and his Crime Family, a few of which involve his tax records. NYST has Trump's tax records (filed for state taxes, and include a copy of his federal returns) and Governor Cuomo has his hand over the RELEASE button, ready and very willing to push it the moment he is legally able to do so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The lower court's rulings give me some hope that we will see a ruling against Trump, however, to your point, it more than likely won't change much with regards to TRE45ON's insane base - they will swallow whatever lie he feeds them (see above re intelligence).

    However, there are many people out there that are starting to consider that Trump's GOP is rotten to the core. For whatever reason they haven't already seen that, which we'll address another day. The release could open some more eyes, or persuade fence-sitting voters to side with Biden.

    But for me, I just want to see them - to know that what we've all suspected; from Trump's inability to get a loan except from the Russian money laundering bank, to the Kavanaugh appointment, that he was bought and paid for by Russia. Getting that kind of evidence could make sweeping reforms, and perusing the Truth and Reconciliation Committee that much easier.
    Well, there was a famous mob boss that went to prison for tax stuff when they couldn't get him on anything else. Maybe Donald will have something in common.

  12. #47532
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, there was a famous mob boss that went to prison for tax stuff when they couldn't get him on anything else. Maybe Donald will have something in common.
    Given the thinly-veiled admiration Trump has for the mob I can think of no better result than see him follow in Capone's footsteps.

  13. #47533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    How do you think they'll rule? I'm not 100% sure that they will rule based on precedent.
    It's very tough to say. Precedent and lower court rulings are in favor of release. But as you may have been implying, precedent doesn't always matter.

    I listened to oral arguments for this case, because yes, I'm that much of a nerd. Trump's team and a few of the justices, from both sides of the spectrum, focused on the impact Congressional Subpoena's would have on the day to day workings of the Executive Branch if it was inundated with requests, and how that would affect their ability to govern. They also focused on having a "legislative need" for requesting the documents or subpoenaing materials.

    The opposition, those arguing for the release of tax records/etc, said in this case there is no impact to the Executive Branch - the tax records are ready to go, and won't even be coming from the Executive Branch, but from an accounting firm, with zero impact on Trump or his efforts to govern (I know, I know - we have to let that go for now).

    Most people don't realize that oral arguments are usually for fun, with the salient and highly detailed/complicated legal points already being fleshed out in the submitted briefs. Some people see the oral argument phase as a time to address fleeting points or ideas, those on the outlier of the main legal points, or as a time for the Justices to have some fun with "wild" legal arguments. Sometimes oral arguments are used to discuss further points that might have risen, but were not addressed, by the supporting briefs. Other times the Justices might come at an issue from an entirely different perspective, and seek "counsel" on those points - such as a gun regulation affecting the 13th Amendment (just making that up).

    SCOTUS can rule in three general ways on this issue:

    1. Release the documents en mass. We get access to Trump's tax records, full win for the country.
    2. Blocked by executive privilege (or whatever) and Congress has no inherent right to personal information re Trump's tax records (we lose, and might never see them - it's a felony to publish tax records, even if you get them anonymously).
    3. The court makes a hybrid ruling, saying yes to some pieces, no to others, AND remands for a retrial or hearing on a particular issue.

    #3 would be the worst outcome and the one Trump's Crime Syndicate is hoping for (#2 is highly unlikely, given the precedent and previous lower court rulings). It would mean the Trump Crime Syndicate could tie this issue up in court for years to come. Awaiting the outcome and appeals on several fronts will delay the issue until it becomes lost and certainly irrelevant.

    So how do I think they will rule? I am cautiously optimistic that they will rule to release the documents, in a 5-4 to 7-2 ruling, with Alito, Kavanaugh, and Thomas siding for Trump (I know those numbers don't add up, I'm just making an educated guess at this point). It might come out 9-0 but I would be surprise. Roberts has no love for Trump, which shouldn't matter, but it might affect the stance he takes on Executive Privilege, and he could be the deciding vote. To vote against the 6 lower courts on this issue the Justices would have to find a reason to do so - to almost fabricate one to justify denying documents and subpoena's. The more liberal side of the court will rule to release, almost certainly, but it still leaves five up in the air.

  14. #47534
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Read the comments and then despair for humanity.
    We were supposed to get copies of the Antifa Handbook?????

  15. #47535
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, there was a famous mob boss that went to prison for tax stuff when they couldn't get him on anything else. Maybe Donald will have something in common.
    It would be interesting if criminal action came from the release of Trump's tax records. Keep in mind that the IRS already has them, and we are essentially just asking for copies of them - there won't be anything "new" to the IRS in those records, dissimilar to Capone's situation.

  16. #47536
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    It would be interesting if criminal action came from the release of Trump's tax records. Keep in mind that the IRS already has them, and we are essentially just asking for copies of them - there won't be anything "new" to the IRS in those records, dissimilar to Capone's situation.
    Well, like with Capone, it was the FBI who wanted him as they couldn't get anything else on him. Right now the FBI wont go after Trump as he is the sitting president but once that is gone, whoever the next person is might just direct them to inspect his tax returns for various problems.

  17. #47537
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, like with Capone, it was the FBI who wanted him as they couldn't get anything else on him. Right now the FBI wont go after Trump as he is the sitting president but once that is gone, whoever the next person is might just direct them to inspect his tax returns for various problems.
    Good point, and I would bet that it won't only be the FBI that is directed towards Trump's Crime Syndicate's illegal activity. NYST is itching to go after the Trump Organization for a variety of reasons.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Extending a third time, just as a reminder, with another quote from Eric Trump re Russian moneys in Trump Organization:
    "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets ... we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." And Reuters has reported that 63 Russians invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings.
    Last edited by cubby; 2020-07-01 at 05:09 PM.

  18. #47538
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    It would be interesting if criminal action came from the release of Trump's tax records. Keep in mind that the IRS already has them, and we are essentially just asking for copies of them - there won't be anything "new" to the IRS in those records, dissimilar to Capone's situation.
    I thought it was more than just taxes being released, but also loan applications. Having both would seemingly allow a pretty clear case for either bank fraud or tax evasion if he was quoting different values to different institutions, but, again, I'm not a lawyer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  19. #47539


    Truly, Trump is a common man of the people. We all care deeply about the luxury avenue's in big cities.

  20. #47540
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I thought it was more than just taxes being released, but also loan applications. Having both would seemingly allow a pretty clear case for either bank fraud or tax evasion if he was quoting different values to different institutions, but, again, I'm not a lawyer.
    But you could play one on television (sorry, old SNL reference). You're right, those loan applications would provide an interesting view into some potential very fraudulent activity. But that would be for a separate division to investigate, like the DoJ, rather than the IRS.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post


    Truly, Trump is a common man of the people. We all care deeply about the luxury avenue's in big cities.
    Wow, reading those tweets on his feed - those people are fucking insane.

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