1. #47661
    The Trump administration quietly classified ICE as a "security agency" in order to block all employee information from public disclosure under FOIA, per internal ICE memo leaked to me.

    This includes ICE employees' names, job titles, salary, and more:
    https://t.co/j2cLiu4aF8 https://t.co/VNyOrHLiVt

    Have not seen much news on this. In the link is a pic of a memo or directive from ICE.

    On June 11, the administration classified ICE as a “Security Agency,” according to a memo signed by Albence and dated June 26. This new designation puts ICE employees in the same category as high-level intelligence officials, and blocks from disclosure information that is typically public, such as name, job title, and salary. The memo was provided to The Nation by an ICE official on condition of anonym
    So this goes to all employees not just field agents.

    This pretty makes ICE have incredible protection from immunity from the law.

    Trump's defense is of course his police force, which no doubt he using as a hammer is under threat. So it is to keep the morale of employees of working is secrecy for ICE.

    The problem is other agencies don't have this, the IRS for one.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  2. #47662
    there was a time when I was a child when America seemed like a paradise. they had more than 4 flavours of pop tarts. they had more than one flavour of coke. they had more than 4 TV channels (or the 20ish the posh people with satellite dishes had). and this was before I even discovered root beer (at the time I mistakenly believed it was the same thing as ginger ale) or many of the other good things about the US. pretty sure there was a lot screwed up with America even back then (much as there was and is in the UK and everywhere else) but the current madinistration (that's not a typo, that's what you get when the bad kind of crazy is in charge) would make almost anything seem good. hell, there are fictional super-villains who are probably ruined for the future generations because the danger they threaten seems comical in comparison to the levels of damage that has actually been done by this moron

    and the truly amazing thing is it just keeps on getting worse. it's like a bad comedy sketch that just keeps adding another punchline every time you think it's finally over. and it would be funny if it weren't real, in a so-bad-it's-funny kind of who-writes-this-crap kind of way...

  3. #47663
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    This pretty makes ICE have incredible protection from immunity from the law.
    Hail Hydra

  4. #47664
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post

    Guess that imposing curfews in response to protests kinda removed the "well we aren't China" argument against them.

    Seriously, every business owner that is lobbying their local/state governments to drag their feet here needs to just go bankrupt already.
    Guess that invisible hand of the free market isn't perfect when it's dry fisting your business.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  5. #47665
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    A highly disgruntled constituent of Lindsey Graham.
    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Heard the best/worst conspiracy theory in the gym earlier this week. Guy basically was complaining that wearing masks was a liberal plot to, now get this, infringe on his second amendment rights. Because, you can't conceal carry AND wear a mask.

    And then followed it up by saying "Liberals think we are stupid, we see what they are doing" or something to that effect.
    Was he concealing his gun in his mouth? Because that isn't sanitary.

  6. #47666
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    Was he concealing his gun in his mouth? Because that isn't sanitary.

  7. #47667
    Once again it's time for "Tell Me Something I Already Knew"...

    The White House repeatedly denied the CDC permission to brief the public on the coronavirus, report says

    There's no arguing it: the Trump administration is directly responsible for the deaths of several thousand Americans as a result of their campaign against keeping the public informed about COVID-19.

  8. #47668
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Once again it's time for "Tell Me Something I Already Knew"...

    The White House repeatedly denied the CDC permission to brief the public on the coronavirus, report says

    There's no arguing it: the Trump administration is directly responsible for the deaths of several thousand Americans as a result of their campaign against keeping the public informed about COVID-19.
    Not thousands.

    TENS of thousands. Soon enough it might even end up being HUNDREDS Of thousands

  9. #47669
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    Not thousands.

    TENS of thousands. Soon enough it might even end up being HUNDREDS Of thousands
    Sad as it is what would've happened if Hillary was in charge?

    Hillary: There's a potential pandemic coming. We must take precautions.
    Red State AGs: See you in court.

  10. #47670
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    Not thousands.

    TENS of thousands. Soon enough it might even end up being HUNDREDS Of thousands
    You know, I see this argument made a lot in these forums and I have to remind people that "thousands" does not exclude "tens of thousands". :P

  11. #47671
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    Sad as it is what would've happened if Hillary was in charge?

    Hillary: There's a potential pandemic coming. We must take precautions.
    Red State AGs: See you in court.
    With the Republicans in charge of Congress the first two years and their changing of the rules she'd likely have been removed before now.

  12. #47672
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    Sad as it is what would've happened if Hillary was in charge?

    Hillary: There's a potential pandemic coming. We must take precautions.
    Red State AGs: See you in court.
    Yes, even without Trump and with a Democratic President a lot of red states would have thought any corona measures tooth and nail.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  13. #47673
    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    With the Republicans in charge of Congress the first two years and their changing of the rules she'd likely have been removed before now.
    This, she would have been, successfully, removed from office rather quickly.
    World needs more Goblin Warriors https://i.imgur.com/WKs8aJA.jpg

  14. #47674
    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    With the Republicans in charge of Congress the first two years and their changing of the rules she'd likely have been removed before now.
    No you would need 67 Senate votes which the GOP did not have. Even if they did do it they would still have to deal with Tim Kaine. What would Kaine's response be like?

    Kaine: There's a potential pandemic coming. We must take precautions.
    Red State AGs: See you in court.

    Trump did disband the pandemic response team. Which is bad. However under a different GOP president I can still it being cut or have reduce funding because austerity and tax cuts are what they really want.

    Even a better response from the US government would probably have yielded a per capita death toll worse than Canada (~230) but better then the 388 the US sits at. The US does have a long history of ignoring expert advise and has a worse healthcare system.

  15. #47675
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    No you would need 67 Senate votes which the GOP did not have. Even if they did do it they would still have to deal with Tim Kaine. What would Kaine's response be like?

    Kaine: There's a potential pandemic coming. We must take precautions.
    Red State AGs: See you in court.

    Trump did disband the pandemic response team. Which is bad. However under a different GOP president I can still it being cut or have reduce funding because austerity and tax cuts are what they really want.

    Even a better response from the US government would probably have yielded a per capita death toll worse than Canada (~230) but better then the 388 the US sits at. The US does have a long history of ignoring expert advise and has a worse healthcare system.
    Knowing the Dems they would have had enough people going "Well we need to cooperate with our colleagues on the other side" and vote to remove.

    You know, the whole reason Obama didnt do jack shit? The insistence that cooperation means bending over?
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  16. #47676
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Yes, even without Trump and with a Democratic President a lot of red states would have thought any corona measures tooth and nail.
    Plus Trump would be spreading his vitrol on his television channel. We can't stop the stupid in the U.S. right now, we can only try and educate. Trump is a symptom, not a cause.

  17. #47677
    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    I mean, at the end of the day it's still a republican attack add aimed at riling up republicans. So the overload of communist iconography seems rather par for the course.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Considering the Republican hate-boner for all things remotely communist/socialist, it's fitting. It's playing to a specific audience.
    Yeah, good point. Simple people understand simple things better. Oh wait, I just made fun of Republicans xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    Take that haters.
    IF IM STUPID, so is Donald Trump.

  18. #47678
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    You know, I see this argument made a lot in these forums and I have to remind people that "thousands" does not exclude "tens of thousands". :P
    I agree. And I knew that when I posted my response. Having said that, I thought that emphasizing just how much damage Trump has done to the US, and how many Americans are dead due to his bad leadership, is a worthwhile thing to do.

    And as Cubby said, he is a symptom not the cause. We won't be able to stop or chill even if the democrats win a historic landslide victory.

    Thank you for your posts and your commentary. I get better information from you and Breccia than the rest of the media combined.

  19. #47679
    Mississippi election commissioner: "I'm concerned about voter registration in Mississippi," the commissioner wrote. "The blacks are having lots (of) events for voter registration. People in Mississippi have to get involved, too." https://t.co/m4p7iWpMN2

    She said in an interview Monday that she thought she was sending a private message, but the comment was shared publicly on Facebook.

    "This was an error on my part," she said.
    Shhh! Don't say the bad stuff out loud. Yeah, the voter suppression and on top of that signaling out African American vote.

    I love how she says it was an 'error' by making it a public post.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  20. #47680
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    SCOTUS was set to rule on releasing Trump's tax records (and subpoena's from Congress) but I'm not seeing anything yet. Might have been pushed to Monday. Although the court can "release" the ruling whenever they want, doesn't have to be 9-5.

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