1. #48521
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    House appropriators extend middle finger to NASA's 2024 moon landing goal

    NASA was...not thrilled.

    Now, before we get into any more discussion on the topic (yes, funding will be the focus, well it'll be my focus) first, I want to give my usual 24 hour notice to the Trump supporters in the audience. Why were we going back to the moon, again? It's the funniest thing, I can't remember. Maybe you can find the specific reason we were going back and link it here. If you don't within 24 hours, I'll assume authority, and the reason will be "Trump's ego".
    Does not matter, NASA needs the money and we (as in - humans) need to go back. Why? Basestop/experience for Mars trip, it was the basic idea. I hope I don't have to explain why we need to go to other planets.
    One of the rare things Trump has done right, even if for his ego/voter base, was to give NASA money. They had cuts upon cuts before.
    So as for this I will say - House are morons. Give the fucking NASA the fucking money, FFS.
    2024 landings still won't happen even with full budget, too soon, there is no time to prepare everything. Rocket, crew ship, landing equipment, none of those are ready yet. Does not mean the process has to be stopped.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    Take that haters.
    IF IM STUPID, so is Donald Trump.

  2. #48522
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    Does not matter, NASA needs the money and we (as in - humans) need to go back. Why? Basestop/experience for Mars trip, it was the basic idea. I hope I don't have to explain why we need to go to other planets.
    One of the rare things Trump has done right, even if for his ego/voter base, was to give NASA money. They had cuts upon cuts before.
    So as for this I will say - House are morons. Give the fucking NASA the fucking money, FFS.
    2024 landings still won't happen even with full budget, too soon, there is no time to prepare everything. Rocket, crew ship, landing equipment, none of those are ready yet. Does not mean the process has to be stopped.
    Us spending billions of dollars to send humans, or work towards sending humans, to other planets at this time is bonkers insane. Just absolutely divorced from reality.

    That money could be used SO SO SO much better.

    I get you're curious about space. Cool. Another time.

    I'm all for exploring space with probes and such, but not billions of dollars worth.

    Also maybe "one of the few things he's done right" should be a red flag.
    Last edited by Hinastorm; 2020-07-12 at 08:37 PM.

  3. #48523
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    We don't know. Probably not very likely. WTI crude price been stuck between a narrow band of $39 to $41 per barrel since mid-May. A phenomena that has never been seen since oil was traded in the open market. The conspiracy theorist inside me think that somebody is keeping it there on purpose. Low enough to keep bankrupting shale oil companies but high enough for Russia and SA to barely break even. Mostly Russia. SA still has to tap their foreign fund.
    I thought it was you that said simply: Up to 35-45 dollars a barrel, Russia and Saudi Arabia get the money.
    Any amount over 45 goes to the US.

    So it is strongly in the economic benefit of both Saudi Arabia and Russia to keep the price of oil between 35 and 45. Apparently they listened to you, and are doing what it takes to maximize their profits. They apparently decided on $40, and are simply maximizing their profits. Nothing personal, strictly business.

  4. #48524
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    Us spending billions of dollars to send humans, or work towards sending humans, to other planets at this time is bonkers insane. Just absolutely divorced from reality.

    That money could be used SO SO SO much better.

    I get you're curious about space. Cool. Another time.

    I'm all for exploring space with probes and such, but not billions of dollars worth.

    Also maybe "one of the few things he's done right" should be a red flag.
    NASA has always returned more money on investment than it has taken in. Moreover, NASA's budget comprises less than half of one percent of the US' total budget.

    As such, yeah... that is one of the few things Trump has done right: Give money to a self-contained government agency that oversees itself and not beholden to his petty interests. Because NASA will use it to serve their ends which extend far beyond Trump's presidency, rather than use it to serve Trump's ends.
    Last edited by Kaleredar; 2020-07-12 at 09:17 PM.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #48525
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    By any standard, no matter how you look at it, the U.S. is losing its war against the coronavirus.

    The pandemic is not an abstraction, and it is not something that’s simmering in the background. It is an ongoing emergency ravaging nearly the entire country, with a loss of life equivalent to a Sept. 11 every three days — for four months and counting.

    “The part that really baffles me is the complete lack of interest in doing anything to achieve the goals we all agree on,” said Ashish Jha, the director of the Global Health Institute at Harvard.

    Everyone wants to be able to safely reopen schools and see their friends and leave the house. To do those things safely, you have to get the virus under control. But much of America is talking and planning like victors at the precise moment we’re in the throes of defeat.

    Seven times over the last two weeks, the U.S. has set a new record for the most cases in a single day. Cases are increasing in 33 states, and several of those states are seeing such staggering increases that they may soon overwhelm their hospitals.

    No, those increases are not just a reflection of better testing. And though testing has dramatically improved, it’s still not enough to meet demand.
    The peak of the U.S.’ coronavirus vigilance is in the past, but the peak of the virus’ actual spread is happening right now.

    Public health experts say they’re optimistic that we’ll get our act together.

    It's certainly within our power to turn things around. Whether or not we will depends on whether our political leaders will commit themselves to it,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University. “If they’re able to get on the same page as the evidence, then I think they can avoid shutdowns.”

    It’s true — and it’s good — that the percentage of all coronavirus patients who die seems to be falling. And experts hope that will hold, as the pool of infected people is skewing younger.

    But “I don't know that I take much comfort in this, knowing that thousands of people are going to die in the coming days and weeks and it was all preventable,” Jha said.

    The virus has already killed over 130,000 people in the U.S. — roughly the population of Charleston, S.C. And deaths are now beginning to rise in the places experiencing big outbreaks.

    Patients who don’t die can still experience lasting, painful symptoms, including damage to the lungs, heart, immune system and even the brain, after they leave the hospital.

    The optimistic view is that the pandemic just had to get worse before it gets better — that people outside of the New York region may not have taken it seriously enough in the early days when it was concentrated there, but that they will now.

    “I think there's a lot we can still do to turn around, and i'm still hopeful we are going to get more leadership to fight this thing,” Jha said. “I think we’re going to have to relearn the lessons of March and April and New York, without the ability to say, ‘Oh that was just New York.’ “It's going to be a painful summer.”
    Everyone has a number. At some point, each leader will look at what's happening in their area and say "Okay, now I have to act". As we've seen, some numbers are lower than others. We haven't gotten to Trump's yet. I don't know what that'll take, we've hit that 134k number and there's no signs of slowing down. But even if Trump said today "Wear a mask, or the Army will execute you on the spot" and enforced that (somehow), cases and deaths are still going to increase for the predictable future of 1-3 weeks. Hopefully, actions of a more reasonable bent will be taken at the state and local levels while we wait for Trump to finish golfing.

  6. #48526
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    I thought it was you that said simply: Up to 35-45 dollars a barrel, Russia and Saudi Arabia get the money.
    Any amount over 45 goes to the US.

    So it is strongly in the economic benefit of both Saudi Arabia and Russia to keep the price of oil between 35 and 45. Apparently they listened to you, and are doing what it takes to maximize their profits. They apparently decided on $40, and are simply maximizing their profits. Nothing personal, strictly business.
    It sounded like something that I would have said. I am sure both Russia and SA would love higher oil price. But not at the price of US shale industry producing crude like a drunken sailor in a whorehouse and gobbling up market share again. I think they are trying to balance price vs. market share.
    Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-07-12 at 09:31 PM.

  7. #48527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    Bodies stacked in a refrigerated truck because the morgue is overfull?

    Already happening in New York City, why not bring the same misery to Miami!
    Yeah...they're doing that in Texas now.

    As Texas continues a weeks-long streak of setting grim coronavirus records, the most somber one was reached Friday: The virus has killed 3,013 people, according to the Department of State Health Services.

    In Nueces County, which includes the city of Corpus Christi, the morgue is already full. County medical examiner Dr. Adel Shaker has requested an extra morgue trailer, provided by FEMA to local authorities. The refrigerated truck has a temperature-control system and can accommodate up to 40 more bodies, adding to the current 12-body capacity located inside the morgue building itself.

    The county and the city of Corpus Christi reported 29 deaths from Monday to Friday, or nearly 70% of their total of 42 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. A morgue trailer was in place at the beginning of the pandemic, but it was “released” early, Shaker said.

    “We have seen very few deaths for the first few months of the pandemic, so the FEMA trailer was placed in another city. But the need is here now,” he said.

    Austin and Travis County are “in the process of procuring a refrigerated truck to face the surge in COVID-19 deaths,” Travis County public information officer Hector Nieto said.

    The mobile morgue will be placed where there “is space for it” and where it is needed the most, whether closer to hospitals or to the county morgue. Nieto could not confirm when the unit will arrive.

    Cameron County is also preparing for a worst-case scenario and bought a 53-foot refrigerated trailer in case morgues become full, Juan Martinez, the local emergency management department’s operations section chief told The Valley Morning Star.

    “Our hope is we never have to use it,” he told the newspaper.
    The article goes onto summarize Texas' increasingly morbid death statistics. If you're expecting me to say something funny, probably want to stop reading the post here.

    Unlike other states, Texas does not publicly report probable coronavirus deaths, which means patients who have died without testing positive for COVID-19 could go uncounted. More Houston residents are also dying at home before they can make it to a hospital. That means the death toll is likely higher than the state’s official count.

    The rate of deaths in Texas has been accelerating. On Friday, the state surpassed 3,000 deaths 24 days after 2,000 deaths were reported. It took 53 days to get from the first death to 1,000 deaths and 39 days to get from 1,000 to 2,000 deaths.

    Nearly 40% of Texas’ fatalities were residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Other hotspots include prisons and meatpacking plants.

    The death rate is a lagging indicator and has not yet followed the same steep curve as new cases and hospitalizations, but experts warn the worst could come. On average over the past week, 63 people have died daily, with a peak of 105 people on Thursday. The week prior, on July 3, this 7-day average was 35.
    See signature, y'all.

  8. #48528
    So, now the White House is ACTIVELY trying to discredit Dr. Fauci. That man has been right nearly every step of the way in this pandemic but they want to take the word over a self-proclaimed "stable genius" who has bungled things beyond hope over an actual genius who has been commended by several administrations for his work.

  9. #48529
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    Us spending billions of dollars to send humans, or work towards sending humans, to other planets at this time is bonkers insane. Just absolutely divorced from reality.

    That money could be used SO SO SO much better.

    I get you're curious about space. Cool. Another time.

    I'm all for exploring space with probes and such, but not billions of dollars worth.

    Also maybe "one of the few things he's done right" should be a red flag.
    A lot of money in USA could be spent much better, for example, military contracts. NASA has been underfunded for decades. Yes, decades, under both Democrat and Republican goverments. So when would be this "good" time? Seems like it was never "good". Gotta start somewhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    Take that haters.
    IF IM STUPID, so is Donald Trump.

  10. #48530
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    So, funny story.

    It starts in December, and maybe we talked about it on these forums.

    A North Dakota company received a $400 million border wall contract after President Trump advocated for the firm.

    Fisher Sand and Gravel Co. will build 31 miles of border barrier along the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Yuma County, Ariz., according to a Defense Department statement. The deadline for its completion is Dec. 30, 2020.

    The president has pushed for the North Dakota firm to win the contract from the Army Corps of Engineers but had been told Fisher’s bids did not match the required standards, according to the Washington Post. The company’s CEO Tommy Fisher has appeared on Fox News to tout his firm’s potential to build the border wall quickly.

    Fisher Industries said in a statement that it is looking forward to working on the project.

    "We are excited to show our high quality work and this project gives us an opportunity to demonstrate the caliber of work our team has delivered to our customers for six decades, while helping to secure our southern border," the company said.

    “I am glad to see more progress being made to secure the southern border, and I am grateful to see a good North Dakota company like Fisher Industries getting some of the work,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), a Fisher supporter, said in a statement. “I know they will do very well, performing high quality work at a good bargain, all for the security of the people of the United States.”

    Trump needs to get 450 to 500 miles of border wall done by next year to fulfill his campaign promise, according to The Post. So far, the administration has put up 85 miles of barrier, most of which replaced previous barriers.
    By the way, the contract value is $1.7 billion now, see below. They are the single biggest contract recipient of Wall funds.

    Bolded and orange for "just you wait".

    *cracks knuckles*

    Let's talk about Fisher's section of the Wall. It's fucked.

    The builder of a privately funded border wall along the shores of the Rio Grande agreed to an engineering inspection of his controversial structure, which experts say is showing signs of erosion that threatens its stability just months after the $42 million project was finished.

    Tommy Fisher, president of North Dakota-based Fisher Industries, had bragged he could build faster and smarter than the federal government, calling his wall design method a “Lamborghini,” compared with the government’s “horse and buggy.”

    On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Randy Crane instructed attorneys to work out details of the inspection and to come to an agreement about fixes for a part of the 3-mile fence that violates a treaty with Mexico by deflecting too much water during floods. Crane is overseeing a lawsuit brought by the federal government and the neighboring National Butterfly Center over the construction of the fence and its potential threat to the Rio Grande.

    Fisher Industries’ attorney, Mark Courtois, said Wednesday that the firm plans to send out a crew to remediate the erosion, which was detailed last week in a ProPublica/Texas Tribune investigation. "What we anticipate is some sort of agreement where we continue to maintain it going forward," Courtois told the court. "If there are issues that come up, we'll address it."

    The 18-foot-tall fence, the first piece of border wall built directly on the shores of the river in the Rio Grande Valley, has become a flashpoint in the race to meet President Donald Trump’s campaign promise of about 450 miles of new wall, and was hailed by some as a new model for private industry’s contribution to that goal.

    Fisher, a frequent guest on Fox News, has seen his company become Trump’s preferred border wall contractor. After embarking on his privately funded ventures, which include a half-mile fence outside El Paso, Fisher has been awarded about $1.7 billion in federal contracts for border wall work in Arizona.

    Fisher’s private fence projects have gone up with financial and political help from We Build the Wall, an influential conservative nonprofit that counts former Trump political strategist Steve Bannon as a board member. The group says it has raised $25 million toward private wall efforts and claims to have agreements with landowners on 250 miles of riverfront property in Texas. The group has testified it contributed $1.5 million toward the Rio Grande Valley fence.
    Bolded and orange for we have an entire thread on Build the Wall, by our very own @Mormolyce

    But that was three days ago. What's up now?

    Trump tweeted, of course.

    I disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by ads. It was only done to make me look bad, and perhsps it now doesn’t even work. Should have been built like rest of Wall, 500 plus miles.
    That's right: the company that Trump personally pushed, funded by an avid supporter, is now being attacked by Trump, who mysteriously and suddenly never heard of them.

    Let's just keep going on that tweet, shall we?

    1) The company got a contract, and they're quite clearly building on the border. Why wasn't it built like the rest of Pelosi's Flower Garden? And if it was allowed to deviate, why was it allowed to deviate? I mean, there are two options, both of which are poor planning. Either they were given rules but didn't follow them despite being given a contract, or did follow rules which sucked.

    2) Perhsps?

    3) But mostly, let's talk about those 500 miles. I'm sure Trump is used to telling people something is bigger than it is, surely disappointing his wives (I'm talking about his net worth of course, get your mind out of the gutter. Also he probably has a flacid old man penis), but the sell so far outpaces the reality this time it's not just disappointing, it's "let's make sure my batteries are charged" levels of abject failure. This CBP report from June 19 tells us the number of miles of new Wall, where there was no barrier before.

    For analysis, we turn to the LATimes.

    Nearly all 216[EDIT: now 229] miles built since Trump took office replaced outdated or dilapidated fencing. Only about “three miles of new border wall system [have been] constructed in locations where no barriers previously existed,” according to Homeland Security’s June 19 status report on the wall.

    Trump repeatedly pledged during and after his 2016 campaign that he’d make Mexico pay for “a big beautiful wall” on the entire 1,954-mile border. So far, the Trump administration has spent $15 billion on the project. Mexico has not contributed anything.

    Trump promised to complete “close to 500 miles” of wall by the end of 2020 during a roundtable discussion at a U.S. Border Patrol station in Yuma, Ariz., before touring a nearby section of wall.

    He touted the new and refurbished walls as “pretty much un-climbable” and said illegal border crossings have dropped 84% over the last year, although the drop is partly due to the economy cratering this year during the COVID-19 outbreak and aggressive efforts to expel migrants, including asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors.

    The heavy salesmanship by the president, making his second trip to Arizona in six weeks, suggested he is still searching for a winning campaign message less than five months before election day, especially in a state that he won handily in 2016 but that now appears in play for Democrats.
    Yeah, Trump's taking credit for a drop in illegal border crossings because the US is shut a Trump ShitShow that nobody wants to come here anymore. Can't wait to see that on a campaign poster.

    So that's three miles of new Wall. Or...well, it was. Now, maybe I'm misreading this part, but where was that "tiny" section of Wall, built by those people Trump mysteriously never heard of, again?

    The section in question is a roughly 3-mile (5-kilometer) fence
    Hah.Snopes calling it a fence like they don't GAF.

    of steel posts just 35 feet (10 meters) from the Rio Grande, the river that forms the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. That’s much closer to the river than the government ordinarily builds border barriers in South Texas because of concerns about erosion and flooding that could violate U.S. treaty obligations with Mexico.
    So, wait. If that Wall was built closer to the river than we usually build...isn't that, therefore, new Wall?

    Is Trump down to zero miles of Wall? Fifteen billion miles for literally zero miles? And why build it so close, anyhow? Wasn't it supposed to physically connect?

    I am sure the good people of Arizona are proud, cheering and clapping, for Trump coming to their state during a lethal virus outbreak to promote the $15 billion of their money that he spent on fraud, then

    For an hour and 40 minutes, Trump delivered a rambling and at times overtly racist speech that eclipsed his prepared remarks
    make up lies about illegal immigration and then leave them with spiking cases and a three-mile patch of rust.

    You know my earlier "Four Weeks In" etc threads I gave up on when there was just too much? This post. This one post. This might be the most Trumpiest Trump that ever Trumped. It has everything. The Wall. Lies. "I don't know him". Handing money to friends and allies who can't handle the job. Racism. A campaign promise now literally broken. And at the core of it all, a sad, tired, fat old man, who can't do anything right, desperate for someone to blame that isn't him.

    Are we tired of winning yet?
    Last edited by Breccia; 2020-07-12 at 10:27 PM.

  11. #48531
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    So, now the White House is ACTIVELY trying to discredit Dr. Fauci.
    I'd love to say "I can't wait to see Trump fire him".

    But based on his experience, his position, and his ethics, I really hope he doesn't. Even Garrosh had Nazgrim.

  12. #48532
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Remember how

    Yeah...they're doing that in Texas now.
    Holy Christ Texas, way to not learn from the fucking past . . . which was literally less than 3 months ago.
    Putin khuliyo

  13. #48533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    That man has been right nearly every step of the way in this pandemic
    The U.S.'s top coronavirus testing official, Adm. Brett Giroir, said Sunday that infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci is “not 100 percent right” because he looks at the coronavirus pandemic from “a very narrow public health point of view.”

    As opposed to, I'm sure, an economic point of view.

    By the way, those of y'all who were worried about the cure being worse than the disease, how's that remsdesivir you literally begged NYState for working? I understand there are some refridgerated trucks you can store it in...if you don't mind the other contents.

    EDIT: Actually wait, I'm not done.

    Fauci said we could see 100,000 cases per day if we didn't take this seriously. At the time, there were 40,000 cases a day. Since that time, the cases/day seems to have gone north of 60k and started picking out furniture. @Benggaul even pointed out we passed 70k, literally halfway from the first number to the second with change to spare. Fauci is demonstrably right.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2020-07-12 at 10:42 PM.

  14. #48534
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The U.S.'s top coronavirus testing official, Adm. Brett Giroir, said Sunday that infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci is “not 100 percent right” because he looks at the coronavirus pandemic from “a very narrow public health point of view.”

    As opposed to, I'm sure, an economic point of view.

    By the way, those of y'all who were worried about the cure being worse than the disease, how's that remsdesivir you literally begged NYState for working? I understand there are some refridgerated trucks you can store it in...if you don't mind the other contents.
    Fauci is being dragged hard core by every Trumper talking head on Twitter right now. It looks like a coordinated attack to discredit him because he dared say Trump was wrong--which he was, drastically--and hurt his fee-fees. Anyone who thought Trump wearing a mask was going to convince his supporters to do so...you were so, so naïve. They're completely ignoring Fauci's science-based facts for fantasy deep-state scenarios.

  15. #48535
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    I have said it before. About half of TX oil & gas & support employers are from out of state. Right now, due to lack of jobs, they are leaving TX in drove going back to their home states. So, until oil & gas employment recover his numbers in TX will get worse and worse as his support base is thinning out.

    On top of that, Midland – Odessa, the heart of TX shale industry, is being hit hard by Covid-19. Abbot already said he is very close to shutting the Midland – Odessa economy to keep the virus from spreading. Also, don't forget TX cattle industry. It is bleeding red ink like crazy right now.

    very interesting read for ya
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  16. #48536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    It looks like a coordinated attack to discredit him because he dared say Trump was wrong
    This could be a smear campaign to encourage him to resign. If so, this is a mistake almost as bad as firing him. One, he could resign in protest. Two, if he were so inclined, he could resign in protest during a White House meeting or otherwise intentionally set those bridges on napalm. Three, he probably won't. Until today, every one of his colleagues have been talking about how dedicated he is, and his life's work is, well, basically this since before the Simpsons aired.

    The strange part is how they're attacking him. "He was wrong before," some stories seem to say, "he was wrong about how it spreads back in Jan/Feb". Um...do I need to dust this off again?

    It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.
    Hell, literally today the Surgeon General admitted as much.

    U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams defended his and other health officials' reversal on whether people should wear face coverings to protect against the coronavirus, arguing on CBS News' "Face the Nation": "When we learn better, we do better."

    Adams claimed that the science when he urged Americans not to buy face coverings suggested "there was not a high degree of asymptomatic spread." He also cited fears about people hoarding personal protective equipment, a concern from early on in the pandemic when hospitals had a depleted supply.

    "It's important for people to understand that once upon a time we prescribed cigarettes for asthmatics, and leeches and cocaine and heroin for people as medical treatments. When we learn better, we do better," Adams said.

    "Science is about giving the best recommendations you can and when you learn more, you change those recommendations. Our recommendations have changed and now people of America — important to know, you should wear a face covering."
    Incidentally, I'm not sure I would have taken exactly that route. You can admit you were wrong, because you had bad data, and not try to compare what you did to prescribing cocaine. But he did publicly admit the same thing Fauci is accused of, but more importantly, what Trump did far in excess of the rest of his team put together. Especially by weight.

    I don't want Fauci to be fired, and I don't want him to resign, and I don't think he will. The number of competent people in Trump's admin willing to put country above party, or country above money, is small enough as it is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Some new polls were published today.
    The outlier appears to be this Dallas Morning News poll that has Biden up by five. it also said 14% were undecided...which, how? This really seems pretty clear to me. Trump lied about everything and failed at everything except maybe judges (how're those SCOTUS rulings going?). My most objective standards, the US is worse than when Trump started. The only reason to overlook all that is if you're so much a Trump supporter you're not undecided. Even the "I think they're both crooks" people are clearly not looking at the scale.

  17. #48537
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'd love to say "I can't wait to see Trump fire him".

    But based on his experience, his position, and his ethics, I really hope he doesn't. Even Garrosh had Nazgrim.
    He's not Garrosh. He's Sylvanas. He demands absolute loyalty, while not rewarding it by any means, using everyone as pawns for his plans (and throwing them under the proverbial alliance Lion's Roar), has killed kids (and killed people in cages), is outright evil, and has stayed in power because some people has some sort of sexual fascination with him.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  18. #48538
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    By the way, if you're still in a good mood, this ABC News article will fix that right up.

    1) Texas broke its one-day record for new COVID-19 hospitalizations again on Sunday, with 10,410 patients hospitalized. (I assume this is some 24-hour thing and the fact that Sunday isn't over isn't really the point anyhow)

    2) The South Carolina health department said the state's positivity rate has reached 22.3% -- the highest percentage it has seen in the last 28 days.

    3) Arizona recorded 2,537 positive cases on Saturday, bringing the statewide total to 122,467. The state conducted 12,170 total tests, resulting in a positivity rate of 20.8%.

    4) Fuck Florida.

    5) The mayor of Westfield, New Jersey, announced that a rise in cases are linked to people going to parties in the community. There were 11 new cases announced on Saturday, all of which were people between the ages of 18 and 25.

    6) This Biden campaign quote:

    Donald Trump spent months ignoring the advice of medical experts and politicizing wearing a mask, one of the most important things we can do to prevent the spread of the virus. Rather than taking responsibility and leading, he wasted four months that Americans have been making sacrifices by stoking divisions and actively discouraging people from taking a very basic step to protect each other
    7) U.S. Army North confirms that 580 military medical personnel are being sent to Texas by U.S. Northern Command to assist with taking care of COVID-19 patients at civilian hospitals.

    8) Several people who attended a Fourth of July party at Torch Lake sandbar near Rapid City, Michigan, have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Health Department of Northwest Michigan.

    - - - Updated - - -

    [Trump] hasn’t mentioned one thing — not one thing — about the risks he’s putting on the good people that walk into that school building
    -- Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association

    Obviously, the fact that the NEA joins all those other teachers I mentioned in earlier posts is honestly a post in itself. But this claim isn't 100% accurate. Don't get me wrong, it's an A-minus claim, but not an A-plus.

    Education leaders really do need to examine real data and weigh risk. They already deal with risk on a daily basis. We know that risk is embedded in everything we do. Learning to ride a bike, to the risk of getting in a space capsule and getting shot off in a rocket into space.
    Now, that was DeVos, not Trump. But DeVos works for Trump, and Trump hasn't contradicted her. Of course, this is an "all lives matter" situation which DeVos said from behind Secret Service, US Marshalls, and likely from a camera inside a billion-dollar mansion paid for by loans not even bankruptcy or criminal fraud can end.

    Kellyanne Conway also said this:

    The good news is that our children are at low risk for transmission, even as they are at high risk for maladies, visible and invisible. The great news is that we safely — as we safely reopen our schools, we are in keeping with so much of your agenda, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Pence, which is to preserve and expand educational opportunities, to respect the dignity of all students, but to respond to the individual needs of all of those students by expanding school choice and charters and educational freedom and opportunity scholarships, allowing them to have more options as they go through their lives, beginning with a quality and solid education.
    Yep, there it is, shoved right next to words like "choice" and "freedom" which are code words for "taxpayer money for private and religious schools your kid can't attend". And it was downplayed.

    So while Trump did say something by proxy a couple times, it was "you need to take risks, and we're not going to help you do it".

    I wonder what those Trump-voting teachers (all, what, five of them?) are telling themselves as they push for their schools to have packed classrooms filled beyond social distancing limits. "Surely the coronavirus won't happen to my kids, they're (insert whatever discriminatory statement you want here), not like those other kids"? I wonder what will happen to those students, those teachers, and those schools if outbreaks tear through them in Sept/Oct? Will it change what happens in Nov? Or are people literally betting their lives that Trump won't make things any worse?

  19. #48539
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    @Breccia the part that really pissed me off about the DeVos interview is near the end. Dana Bash finally asks her about schools having to shut down due to outbreaks. Cruella DeVos's response was that schools should have plans and the default should be fully open. Bash corners her on a flare up and DeVos's best allowance is a flare up happening for a few days letting the school do distance learning. She really doesn't know how this virus works at all. A flare up would necessarily last a minimum of two weeks and she's basically saying give the kids a three day weekend. Deplorable.

    The exchange was about 16:30 into the interview.
    She is a PoS like the whole administration. It's amazing how hard it is to pick PoS of this adminstration.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  20. #48540
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    @Breccia the part that really pissed me off about the DeVos interview is near the end. Dana Bash finally asks her about schools having to shut down due to outbreaks. Cruella DeVos's response was that schools should have plans and the default should be fully open. Bash corners her on a flare up and DeVos's best allowance is a flare up happening for a few days letting the school do distance learning. She really doesn't know how this virus works at all. A flare up would necessarily last a minimum of two weeks and she's basically saying give the kids a three day weekend. Deplorable.

    The exchange was about 16:30 into the interview.
    Devos looks like a crazy person when she talks, what's wrong with her eyes, jesus

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