“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
62,879 new cases, about 3k fewer than the previous Monday, but I'm not optimistic.
Florida: 10,347 new cases; 90 deaths
California: 8,814 new cases; 56 deaths
Texas: 7,925 new cases; 118 deaths
Louisiana: 3,186 new cases (new record(?)); 31 deaths
Georgia: 2,452 new cases; 3 deaths
Alabama: 1,880 new cases; 4 deaths
Tennessee: 1,639 new cases; 4 deaths
Arizona: 1,559 new cases; 23 deaths
North Carolina: 1,478 new cases; 13 deaths
South Carolina: 1,459 new cases; 9 deaths
Mississippi: 1,251 new cases; 3 deaths
Ohio: 1,230 new cases; 14 deaths
Illinois: 1,173 new cases; 6 deaths
Kansas: 1,116 new cases (new record); 3 deaths
Pennsylvania: 1,114 new cases; 4 deaths
Washington: 1,094 new cases; 10 deaths
Minnesota: 903 new cases (new record); 4 deaths
Louisiana is a bit tricky to figure out. Technically both yesterday and today were new records, but they didn't report anything for Saturday so it's hard to tell whether they folded it all into yesterday's numbers or spread them over both of the past two days...or they STILL haven't added those numbers from Saturday and it'll be added to tomorrow's data. Either way, shit's not great there.
Minnesota makes an appearance this week because they're also heading in the wrong direction and hit a new record today. One tiny bit of sunshine is that, looking at Arizona's data for the past week or so, they may be past their peak and declining. MAY be. We'll see this week.
Deaths are up again from the previous Monday at 546. Not much else to say about that except 1) Fuck Florida and 2) expect tomorrow's to be close to 1k again, if not worse.
Meanwhile, Trump's fishing for praise for finally acknowledging that wearing a mask is the right thing to do (after mocking Biden for wearing one for MONTHS) and McConnell's apparently signaling that the GOP are fine with tan suits in the legislature as long as white men are in them. The TRUMP SHITSHOW continues...
Stay safe, folks.
Last edited by Benggaul; 2020-07-21 at 01:37 AM.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Doubtful, nobody seems to much care about that so far, and while I'd love to see a Biden administration go scorched fucking earth from top officials down to low-level gestapo goons, I'm skeptical that it'd even really happen, much less reach that far down. They're acting this way for a reason: Because they fuckin know they can get away with it.
It's a depressing reality that we're gonna have to get used to: There will likely be little, if any justice following the end of the administration.
hes trying to corrupt the one institution we thought was incorruptable, the military, this should scare the hell out of anyone especially when he plans not leave the white house in 2021.. or 2025
Fucking hell my hatred for these people truly knows no depths. They're so fucking comically evil and incompetent that I think if any writers wrote a script filled with their behaviors and pitched it to a studio, either as a serious dystopian drama or a hijinks and shenanigans comedy, that the studio would have told them that it's too unbelievable, even as satire, and nobody could be that stupid and malicious.
I don't want to go WAAAAAAY out on a limb, but that kind of appointment would be a great way to get access to some seriously profitable tech. If I knew/thought I was going to lose, that's one way to get to stuff that might find it's way to another country.
Too far?
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That's actually a very good summary - Trump and his Crime Family's shenanigans are so outrageously stupid and corrupt and obvious, they wouldn't make it past the first draft of an assistant editor.
I can't top that "B.S in political science in charge of DoD" thing.
1) But the House wants to hear what Biden heard about election interference, and plans to prevent such.
2) The White House faces yet more lawsuits, LBGT protections and clean, beautiful coal specifically. Well, today, at least.
3) When the head of DHS was asked about the unmarked troops seizing people off Portland's streets, he said "I don't exist."
But when the acting head of DHS was asked, he said "I don't need Portland's permission to send in unmarked federal officers out of uniform."
He then granted his troops expanded authority and matching brown shirts.
4) There are rumors that [url=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/508088-report-john-kasich-to-speak-at-dnc-on-behalf-of-biden[Kasich is now backing Biden[/url].
5) Teacher unions are preparing to sue Fuck Florida for forcing them into unsafe schools.
6) The couple who pointed weapons a peaceful protestors have been charged with felonies for pointing guns at peaceful protestors. If found guilty, they don't get the guns back.
7) The ACLU also sued, this time over Trump imprisoning Cohen for writing a book about Trump. When Trump asked why the ACLU thought imprisoning Cohen was unfair, they pointed to Roger Stone.
8) A Texas judge orders a stay-at-hone order for a Texas county. Your move, Abbott.
9) Florida sees 10k+ cases for the sixth day in a row. California seems to be stabilizing, we'll see.
10) And this NBC News article sums up how two Trump demands, payroll tax cut and cutting testing, are "throwing a wrench" in GOP plans to, well, not kill everyone in the country.
The White House is reserving funds for schools for those that reopen. Schools that use distance learning to protect students, teachers and families will not be given the funds necessary to do so.“My view is, we should do whatever we need to do to make sure we have adequate tests,” Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, chairman of the Health Committee, said. “All roads to open school, opening, going back to work, child care, lead through testing.
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So have we talked enough about the test Trump brags about? Because I don't think we're done.
First, Trump bragged about getting 35 questions right. The test has 30 questions. Trump is either lying, or taking credit for answering the "question" of "what is your name?"
Second, the test apparently has some problems.
But third and fourth, most importantly:
3) Trump said it was difficult, and
4) Cognitive tests don't measure intelligence. They measure cognitive defects.
If Trump found the questions difficult, he's admitting he has a problem -- something like senility, dementia, or thinky thinky panic.
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013
"I don't take responsibility at all." -- Donald J. Trump, 2020
It is BA in Political Science with minor in Hellenic Study. You forgot the Hellenic Study.
Michael Griffin on the other hand only has 7 degrees. BA Physics from Johns Hopkins; MSE in Aerospace Science from the Catholic University of America; PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland; MS in Electrical Engineering from USC; MS in Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins; MBA from Loyola; and MS degree in Civil Engineering from George Washington.
How about work experience?
Kratsios mostly worked for financial institutions.
Griffin - John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Strategic Defense Initiative, NASA, CIA funded IQT, Orbital Science Corporation, Jet Propulsion Lab, dozens of papers, etc.
Statewide positivity rate is stable at 7.4%. Hospitalization rate increase has stabilized also. However CA is a big state. Hospitalization rate in LA County, Orange County and San Bernardino County are at record high. Fresno County is fragile in term of ICU beds availability. A lot patients from Counties as far away as 400 miles are being flown to Bay Area hospitals. According to my sister, 99% of the patients in UCSF Covid-19 ward are from outside San Francisco. Some came all the way from Calexico, Imperial County.
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And people on this board claimed that Liberal Art grads can't get good jobs.
I mean, at least it's not putting a guy who got 2.5GPA as an undergrad, got a "D" in a class called "Meats", and when announcing which 3 agencies he would cut as president in a 2011 debate forgot one of the 3 agencies that he wanted to cut.
That agency was the Department of Energy, an agency he then went on to lead.
Seriously, the depths to which these people are deeply unqualified and unprepared for the jobs they are being given, and the complete lack of seriousness in which they act and treat their jobs, legitimately fills me with a burning rage.
Last edited by Edge-; 2020-07-21 at 06:47 AM.