1. #49701
    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it though?
    Why should he?

  2. #49702
    Bloodsail Admiral Kheirn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it?
    Neither should have mental problems. If Joe Biden does as well then that's obviously not good, but it doesn't somehow invalidate the problem that Trump either struggled to pass it or is so delusional that he actually believes that the test is really difficult and that he's a genius for passing it.

    Why is it that only republicans/woke blokes constantly attempt to pull the "if your candidate has issues it's fine if ours does too". It's never fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugz
    Holes means you have less of a food to plate ratio, you can get more net weight of pancakes into the same volume and area as you could with waffles. Therefore pancakes win.

  3. #49703
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it though?
    Why did Trump take it?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kheirn View Post
    Neither should have mental problems. If Joe Biden does as well then that's obviously not good, but it doesn't somehow invalidate the problem that Trump either struggled to pass it or is so delusional that he actually believes that the test is really difficult and that he's a genius for passing it.

    Why is it that only republicans/woke blokes constantly attempt to pull the "if your candidate has issues it's fine if ours does too". It's never fine.
    No other president has taken or even talked about taking this test, because not a single one has the mental acuity of Trump. It’s simple as that... Why would Obama even mention such a test? Clinton? Bush? Biden? Could it be because none of them spent years boasting they are the greatest at everything?

    So... the answer why Biden and all other presidents have never needed to seek out such a test. Trump is the only president, that thought he needed to take such a test, to prove they are mentally competent. Because even Trump sees the optics of how idiotic all of his actions are, that even he knew he needed something to show that his actions only seem like he lost it... but, it’s just because he is that dumb.

    @lockedout what was the impetus for Trump to take the test? Because, that will answer the question why Biden never felt the need to take one. It’s like releasing your taxes when you run for office... Biden and everyone else since George Romney has done it as a tradition. Why hasn’t Trump done it and why is he fighting relentlessly in court, to not show his taxes?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    More importantly, Trump is not a candidate, he is an acting President.
    It was taken, because Trump wanted to take it. The reason Trump thought taking a rudimentary test was necessary, because after almost 4 years of president, even Trump realizes he needs proof that he is just stupid, not cognitively limited.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    Why should he?
    Can you imagine coming in to work, then sending out a company wide email with a title... “aced cognitive test, told ya all I’m not mental”... the test doesn’t actually explain the underlying issue that caused them to take the test. While the fact that they brag about it, will actually make people question their mental acuity.

    Volunteering to take a cognitive test, then bragging about the results, is done by optics of an individual that has no friends and never works with anyone that isn’t seen as beneath them. Anyone who has actual friends, would stop them... anyone who has ever had coworkers, wouldn’t do it, because they would know the ridicule.

    Maybe it’s me... and I heart giving people shit... but, if any bud of mine, came over and started boasting about recognizing elephants... I would make them cry...
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  4. #49704
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it though?
    I've listened to Joe Biden speak multiple times.

    He's coherent. He has answers. He's rational. This fucking shit where people like you pretend he has dementia is nothing more than hypocrisy and bullshit.
    Last edited by Adam Jensen; 2020-07-23 at 12:41 PM.
    Putin khuliyo

  5. #49705
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    I've listened to Joe Biden speak multiple times.

    He's coherent. He has answers. He's rational. This fucking shit where people like you pretend he has dementia is nothing more than hypocrisy and bullshit.
    Keep in mind he isn't denying Trump has cognative issues.

    Baby steps.

  6. #49706
    Attorney General William Barr calls the reaction to George Floyd's death "extreme" https://t.co/sLuCdZX7WJ https://t.co/o97O8D1ciO

    Their ignorance truly does show. Let's be real alot people who have this belief think this is the first ever reaction to racial injustice.

    Their ignorant that this is also on them for the past 3 years on racial tensions. Add the lack of response to COVID-19.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  7. #49707
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    I've listened to Joe Biden speak multiple times.

    He's coherent. He has answers. He's rational. This fucking shit where people like you pretend he has dementia is nothing more than hypocrisy and bullshit.
    You have to remember most people who hate on Joe Biden dont actually listen to him. They listen to out of context sound bites and parrot talking points that come from /pol/ or other such places. Do not assume they are arguing in good faith.


    Remember all the Hillary haters who often just spewed outright false hoods and didnt know her stance on pretty much anything? That's the level of discourse you're handling when talking with people.
    Last edited by Toppy; 2020-07-23 at 02:34 PM.
    World needs more Goblin Warriors https://i.imgur.com/WKs8aJA.jpg

  8. #49708
    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it though?
    Give me one reason on why he should take a cognitive test. Because having gaffes is not one
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  9. #49709
    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    Has Joe Biden taken it though?
    This is not a test you randomly need to take. It is something your doctor gives to you if they are questioning your mental fitness. The fact that trump took the test means that his doctors were questioning his mental fitness it is not a test to brag about passing or to compare to others. It is a test that says does this person need to go into a care home or not.

  10. #49710

    Fuck Michael Cohen, but this is the right call. Having him returned to jail to prevent him from writing a "tell-all" book likely packed with garbage isn't right, and it isn't legal.

  11. #49711
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    It seems like the GOP are discussing a coronavirus relief bill with another round of direct payments.

    Specifically, the rules seem about the same as last time -- despite McConnell's earlier objections.

    We'll see how the wording looks when it actually hits the floor.

  12. #49712
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    We'll see how the wording looks when it actually hits the floor.
    Let the lobbies hit the floor.
    Let the lobbies hit the floor.
    Let the lobbies hit the...flooooooooooooooooor.

    I am SO sorry.

  13. #49713
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    About the same except they went from under $75k to under $40k... seems like a significant detail.
    While the greedy asshole in me is salty that I'll potentially miss out on the stimulus...

    I'm actually totally fine with this. I'm still employed and can work from home (thankfully), I don't need the additional stimulus, even if it'd still be helpful. There are others making less than me, and especially making nothing at all, that are in far greater need of those checks than I am.

  14. #49714
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    About the same except they went from under $75k to under $40k... seems like a significant detail.
    Quite. Because it would exclude me = (

    I can't say I am struggling to pay my bills. But I don't exactly have a ton of extra money to buy things that I want. I would like to stimulate the economy. 1,200 would likely put me very close to paying off one of my loans, which is $400 a month that I could be using to circulate back into the local businesses that i'd like to purchase from.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

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  15. #49715
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    About the same except they went from under $75k to under $40k... seems like a significant detail.
    Even at the risk of not getting a check myself I have to say this may actually be the right call. The worst hit jobs are the low end service jobs that simply cannot be done WFH. Looking at unemployment and wage trends the 40k and under are the ones really taking it in the neck so if they cap it at that range that may not be terrible as it pretty much aims it at the people hurting worst from this.

  16. #49716
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    And all those people who made more than $40k and are about to be evicted... no big deal?
    Edit: oops. Misunderstood. My B
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

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  17. #49717
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    And all those people who made more than $40k and are about to be evicted... no big deal?
    I mean...if they were making over $40K before, and are still making over $40k, they shouldn't be facing eviction?

    I'm all for supporting people out of work or who have lost a lot of their hourly wages due to reduced hours, but those folks likely would be making far less than $40K to begin with so they'd be covered no matter what.

    I'd like to see some data on this to have a more informed opinion, but as-is this seems like a reasonable compromise to get some of the hardest hit folks a bit of support (these one-time payments aren't much...) while keeping debt considerations in mind.

    And I'd also need to see if there are any additional rent/eviction protections in the bill. Because if there are (and I'm doubtful), then the point becomes moot. But we'll have to see the final bill.

  18. #49718
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Plenty of people made $40k before and are part of the millions without work.
    We'll have to see if provisions are made for folks who are currently unemployed or not, then. But more realistically, for them, the more important aspect of that safety net remains additional unemployment money that's expiring. That'll do infinitely more good than a single one-off $1,200 check.

  19. #49719
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    About the same except they went from under $75k to under $40k... seems like a significant detail.
    One of us is misreading the article.

    The decision to stick to the March formula is a shift from over the recess, when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appeared to signal that while Republicans would support another round of checks, the next round would include a lower income cap of around $40,000.

    "I think the people that have been hit the hardest are people who make about $40,000 or less. Many of them work in the hospitality industry. ... That could well be a part of it," McConnell told reporters in Kentucky during the two-week recess.
    I'm reading that as "McConnell wanted under $40k before, but is now back up to $75k"

  20. #49720
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Neither is trivial for those families.
    Indeed - but months of weekly $600 checks is far greater than one $1200 hundred dollar check. I agree with @Edge - the unemployment benefits are most important.

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