1. #52061
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Last time I looked at this, a few weeks ago, it looked like the body already quickly produces anti-bodies of its own so adding more anti-bodies has little to no effect.
    Yup the studies are not very conclusive and the window where it would help may be so short that finding the donor and getting the plasma fast enough to be worth bothering may not be viable. It probably won't hurt but likely won't help and the few it help are a drop in a large bucket.

  2. #52062
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaid View Post
    So apparently the big deal trump is touting is convelescent blood donor being fda approved. This is stuff that has been done on limited amounts already we know it helps but the problem is getting enough of it to matter.
    Wait, I thought McEnemy said the announcement was at six?

    On topic about the ghoulishness of the GOP: a new poll says that 75% of Republicans say the US is going in the right direction.


    Well they were asked that, too. The number one answer was "Trump's in charge" with 82%.

    67% said the economy was in a good place, and 73% said that the fight against COVID-19 was going well.

    "Well, if 75% of Republicans say it's going well, that must mean the average of the country is like, 50% or so?"

    Nope, 35%. The economy and COVID-19 had similiar results national average.


    That's only possible in a few very specific ways.

    One, basically everyone else says it isn't going well.

    Two, Republicans are heavily outnumbered.

    To be fair, 64% of Republicans said they, personally, were doing better. Which incidentally means at least 11% of Republicans who think the USA is in a better place, even though they personall are not. That's some fine sacrificin', Lou.

  3. #52063
    Poll: 75 percent of Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago

    Please people, if I'm ever in a cult and believe something such as this. Make sure you help me.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #52064
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Poll: 75 percent of Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago

    Please people, if I'm ever in a cult and believe something such as this. Make sure you help me.
    And by help I assume you want to be put out of your misery because you've already blasted way past the point of no return.

    Those folks live in Crazyville.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  5. #52065
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    For those Republicans who think the economy is doing well, this article is for you. NBC News has, for your benefit, ended Trump's numbers at 2019, which means none of it deals with COVID-19.

    And...yeah, it paints the picture you already knew was there, but didn't want to see. Trump really didn't do that much.

    1) Obama lowered unemployment by a greater amount and by a greater percentage.

    2) Obama raised the DOW higher.

    3) Obama, admittedly, gave the US a 2.4% GDP growth rate in his final year and Trump averaged 2.5% over his first three. (His first and third were less than 2.4%)

    4) Obama created more jobs.

    Again, none of that is COVID-19 affected.

    That means, Trump supporters, you have two choices.

    1) Claim that Trump gave the US a great economy, but also, admit Obama gave the US a better one. No, you can't just use GDP growth and claim 0.1% is the line between "worst ever" and "best ever".


    2) Claim that Obama gave the US a lackluster, bad, or horrible economy (your choice) and Trump did the same, or worse.

    Sorry. I don't make the rules. Oh, wait, this is a 24 hour challenge. I totally make the rules. Make your pick or, as always, I get to pick for you, and you brand yourself a coward by refusing to answer.

  6. #52066
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    My bet is on either convalescence plasma or UCSF AeroNabs.
    Afaik, there has been some artificial antibody treatments that are promising, and i would bet that we could have them before a vaccine. But even then, i dont know whem they'll be ready
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  7. #52067
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Afaik, there has been some artificial antibody treatments that are promising, and i would bet that we could have them before a vaccine. But even then, i dont know whem they'll be ready
    We've seen a lot of information over the last few months, including news like "antibodies last three months". It'll be nice to hear an expert try to explain this treatment method, how it works, why it works, and so forth.

    Sadly we're going to hear Trump instead.

  8. #52068
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    We've seen a lot of information over the last few months, including news like "antibodies last three months". It'll be nice to hear an expert try to explain this treatment method, how it works, why it works, and so forth.

    Sadly we're going to hear Trump instead.
    Oh.. Yeah. It'd be nice to have, a covid press conference every... I dont know, 15 days?, where they discuss new potential treatments and the newest information on studies.

    Instead we have Trump.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  9. #52069
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Poll: 75 percent of Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago

    Please people, if I'm ever in a cult and believe something such as this. Make sure you help me.
    Well hundreds of thousands of people are dying and the economy has gone to shit, but (in their minds) Trump made it ok to say "Merry Christmas" again and has kept brown people out of the country, and the culture war is far more important to them than silly things like death and jobs.
    “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013

    "I don't take responsibility at all."
    -- Donald J. Trump, 2020

  10. #52070
    Quote Originally Posted by Ursus View Post
    Well hundreds of thousands of people are dying and the economy has gone to shit, but (in their minds) Trump made it ok to say "Merry Christmas" again and has kept brown people out of the country, and the culture war is far more important to them than silly things like death and jobs.
    Why they hate us (latinos) so much? Is because of our brown skin? Because we (mostly) worship Mary (probably as a form of syncretism between catholics and the pacha mama of a ton of native american civilizations), it's because we speak spanish?
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  11. #52071
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Why they hate us (latinos) so much? Is because of our brown skin? Because we (mostly) worship Mary (probably as a form of syncretism between catholics and the pacha mama of a ton of native american civilizations), it's because we speak spanish?
    Jesus Christ if Republicans were fucking smart they would actually accept the Hispanic vote. That is the largest demographic in the U.S. and they generally vote socially conservative but the Republican party is so fucking racist they won't accept brown skin people.

  12. #52072
    Quote Originally Posted by pathora44 View Post
    Jesus Christ if Republicans were fucking smart they would actually accept the Hispanic vote. That is the largest demographic in the U.S. and they generally vote socially conservative but the Republican party is so fucking racist they won't accept brown skin people.
    Yeah, a ton of latinos are very (VERY) conservative. Regardless of gender. I remember one time when i was a believer, i marched 30 kms in a day with 1000s of people, in order to reach a temple. And a crapton of them did it yearly.
    But we believe in deep time, climate change and evolution (mostly) quirks of having the catholic church moving the goalposts
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  13. #52073
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Poll: 75 percent of Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago

    Please people, if I'm ever in a cult and believe something such as this. Make sure you help me.
    I am shocked that the Republican party is comprised of mentally handicapped people, SHOCKED! Well not that shocked.

  14. #52074
    well the could accept that there's a lot of problems with the country and with themselves and take steps towards addressing those problems. there's no easy solutions but with hard work, determination and cooperation a lot can be done
    or they could scapegoat the people who look, sound or act slightly different and pretend that everything would be fine if they just got rid of "those kinds"

  15. #52075
    Quote Originally Posted by rayvio View Post
    well the could accept that there's a lot of problems with the country and with themselves and take steps towards addressing those problems. there's no easy solutions but with hard work, determination and cooperation a lot can be done
    or they could scapegoat the people who look, sound or act slightly different and pretend that everything would be fine if they just got rid of "those kinds"
    What kind of party do you think the Republican party is? Are they suppose to raise themselves up by the belts of their sneakers or hoist themselves by the bands of their moccasins or some other allegory that escapes me at the moment?

  16. #52076
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Why they hate us (latinos) so much? Is because of our brown skin? Because we (mostly) worship Mary (probably as a form of syncretism between catholics and the pacha mama of a ton of native american civilizations), it's because we speak spanish?
    Well one of them said that unless Trump was elected, there was going to be a taco stand on every corner. Which I'm not sure why that would be a bad thing.
    “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013

    "I don't take responsibility at all."
    -- Donald J. Trump, 2020

  17. #52077
    Quote Originally Posted by Ursus View Post
    Well one of them said that unless Trump was elected, there was going to be a taco stand on every corner. Which I'm not sure why that would be a bad thing.
    That sounds like a winning campaign slogan to me.

  18. #52078
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Why they hate us (latinos) so much? Is because of our brown skin? Because we (mostly) worship Mary (probably as a form of syncretism between catholics and the pacha mama of a ton of native american civilizations), it's because we speak spanish?
    All of the above. Protestant hates Catholics, we've only had 1 catholic president and 1 catholic vice president(who hopefully will become the second catholic president) in the history of the US. But while it adds up it has little to do with that. The Catholic tv station, EWTN I watch it, because they have church services, cause of pandemic, I know no sacraments but, well on point the station is VERY Pro-Trump, because Trump is very pro-life, (well he's not really but he pretends, to get their vote.) It's also because you speak spanish, even though we have more spanish speakers in US then Chile does. We has more spanish speakers than Spain, any country in South America, any country in central america. Actually we have more spanish speakers than any country other then Mexico. But just ask Fox, all spanish speaking countries are Mexico to these people. Brown, yup it all adds up.

    The point all those things you mention, they are all minority in this country. And they hate anything in the minority in this country. The ultimate irony is republicans and Trump supporters, are in the minority. They hate themselves, thus all the projection you see from them.

  19. #52079
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    I wonder if team Trump realizes that if he announces the discovery of the bigliest best cure, it means that people have even less reason to avoid going to the polls to vote his dumbass out of office.
    I wouldn't be so sure, actually. Even if he somehow produces an actual, viable and trustworthy cure/vaccine, you can be fairly sure that it will be prohibitively expensive or that the federal government will buy up large stockpiles of it and then distribute it.
    And likely do their best to ensure that it will go to the people who 'need it most' first, i.e. the ones most likely to vote for Trump. I mean, using the virus to somehow suppress minorities is probably a wet dream of at least some in the administration.

  20. #52080
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiri View Post
    I wouldn't be so sure, actually. Even if he somehow produces an actual, viable and trustworthy cure/vaccine, you can be fairly sure that it will be prohibitively expensive or that the federal government will buy up large stockpiles of it and then distribute it.
    In theory, this time, no. There are already discussions about contracts to make hundreds of millions of doses -- which should, in theory, average out the costs.

    In theory.


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