1. #53701
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    Damnit! He found our secret! Now we have to cut all the rope ladders leading to our residences in the trees!
    As long as you're not all ewoks. I swear, I will come over there and burn those forest cities myself if that's the case.

  2. #53702
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Remember when we had people who were attempting to downplay SARS-CoV-2 by comparing it to the H1N1 outbreak in 2009? Remember when we were told that the estimate was 60k, then 80k? Remember when we had posters making comparisons to the H2N2 and H3N2 flus?

    Well, the US just officially tipped over 200k deaths, at least according to worldometers.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  3. #53703
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Remember when we had people who were attempting to downplay SARS-CoV-2 by comparing it to the H1N1 outbreak in 2009? Remember when we were told that the estimate was 60k, then 80k? Remember when we had posters making comparisons to the H2N2 and H3N2 flus?

    Well, the US just officially tipped over 200k deaths, at least according to worldometers.
    They are still trying to compare the 2. I think they literally said something about it on the Sunday shows this past Sunday. I can't find it, but I read it on Sunday.

  4. #53704

    Barr's DOJ is a fuckin shitshow and keeps fucking up their attempts to get the Carroll defamation case thrown out. Thankfully, corruption often goes hand-in-hand with incompetence.

  5. #53705
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Barr's DOJ is a fuckin shitshow and keeps fucking up their attempts to get the Carroll defamation case thrown out. Thankfully, corruption often goes hand-in-hand with incompetence.
    Yeah, unfortunately they were given until Friday to fix the mistake and were told exactly what they needed to do to fix it as well, so chances are this will ultimately end up going Trump's way and another atrocity gets dismissed and swept under the rug.

  6. #53706
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Barr's DOJ is a fuckin shitshow and keeps fucking up their attempts to get the Carroll defamation case thrown out. Thankfully, corruption often goes hand-in-hand with incompetence.
    That isn't a mistake, that is a delaying tactic. Barr isn't dumb, he knows what documents he didn't provide. He didn't provide them because he knew the court would order him to provide them, and give him several weeks to do so. Trump has no case here, and he knows it, but all he has to do is drag the case past Nov. 3.

    On November 4, Trump can give a speech on the White House lawn about how much she deserved to be raped and it won't matter. But he can't have this case actually spill the beans before then.

  7. #53707
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    On November 4, Trump can give a speech on the White House lawn about how much she deserved to be raped and it won't matter. But he can't have this case actually spill the beans before then.
    I don't agree. If the DoJ is allowed to take over Trump's defense the case can then easily be dismissed. The filing will designate the US--not Trump--as the defendant, moving the case to a federal court. Since federal officials are immune in defamation cases, the case gets dumped.

  8. #53708
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I don't agree. If the DoJ is allowed to take over Trump's defense the case can then easily be dismissed. The filing will designate the US--not Trump--as the defendant, moving the case to a federal court. Since federal officials are immune in defamation cases, the case gets dumped.
    True, my point is that I don't think he has a snowballs chance of actually getting that result. Barr is going to make sure that nothing in this case moves forward until mid-November, at which point it won't matter.

  9. #53709
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    True, my point is that I don't think he has a snowballs chance of actually getting that result. Barr is going to make sure that nothing in this case moves forward until mid-November, at which point it won't matter.
    I guess we'll know for sure on Friday since that is the last chance the DoJ has to file the correct documents. If allowed, however, and they take over the defense then that's pretty much the end of it.

  10. #53710
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Barr's DOJ is a fuckin shitshow and keeps fucking up their attempts to get the Carroll defamation case thrown out. Thankfully, corruption often goes hand-in-hand with incompetence.
    Ain't it just great our tax payer money going to try to let a rapist get away with sexual assault?

  11. #53711
    I sure am glad the taxpayers (including me) are paying for Trump's legal defense [heavy sarcasm tag just to be clear]

  12. #53712
    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    I sure am glad the taxpayers (including me) are paying for Trump's legal defense [heavy sarcasm tag just to be clear]
    ha! you owe me a coke.

  13. #53713
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Ok...and? Is this supposed to mean something?
    Justification for supporting a moron.

  14. #53714

    So piece of shit conspiracy theorist Michael Caputo, the guy who went on the unhinged rant about how government scientists are committing "sedition", admits he didn't even fucking read the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports that he and his teem keep trying to edit.

    Caputo also acknowledged that he had never read one of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports, despite his team's ongoing efforts to try to edit those documents.

  15. #53715
    Do people not realize that the fires aren't starting or propagating in forests? They're happening in chaparral/scrubland.

  16. #53716
    36,447 new cases.

    Texas: 4,667 new cases; 148 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    California: 2,822 new cases; 153 deaths
    Missouri: 1,837 new cases; 26 deaths
    Georgia: 1,496 new cases; 45 deaths
    Illinois: 1,466 new cases; 18 deaths
    Wisconsin: 1,348 new cases; 10 deaths
    North Carolina: 1,106 new cases; 51 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,091 new cases; 7 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 1,036 new cases; 5 deaths

    The Midwest continues trending upwards. Wisconsin has had nearly a full week of high numbers. Pennsylvania is on the list again but they've kissed 1k repeatedly for several weeks so I'm not concerned it's a spike just yet. On the bright side California's cases continue to drop while their daily testing remains around 100k. Positivity in California continues dropping and is down near 3% now. Florida, on the other hand isn't being honest. Big duh, I know. But they're doing an average of only 20k tests per day which is bullshit. The positivity there is upwards of 12%--which means they're DEFINITELY not doing enough testing. Texas is also beginning to slack off, often doing fewer than 40k per day with a positivity around 8%. New York crept back up to 1% positivity but so far it looks like they're handling their shit.

    1,197 deaths--a bit more than two weeks ago Tuesday--puts the total over 200k as surmised. 200,197 Man that's hard to look at. Especially considering it's likely nowhere near over yet. Europe is beginning to brace for a fall surge...it seems as if the US is going to get caught not paying attention. Again.

    Stay safe, folks.

  17. #53717
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    it seems as if the US is going to get caught not paying attention. Again.
    Who could have seen it coming? /facepalm
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  18. #53718
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Time for another "why the fuck are they letting Trump speak on national TV when he can't even answer questions about policy, has no understanding of.... anything, and can't even just tell the truth?" thread.

    How anyone in their right mind can support such an uneducated muppet that is full of huge amounts of utter shite is beyond me.
    S: The US has 4% of the population and more than 20% of the deaths

    T: Well, we do much more testing

    Holy fucking dog shit for brains. Not enough h's and a's for the amount of crazed laughing that turns to tears that I'm doing over this one.

    Must. Hold. On... a little longer!

  19. #53719
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Time for another "why the fuck are they letting Trump speak on national TV when he can't even answer questions about policy, has no understanding of.... anything, and can't even just tell the truth?" thread.

    How anyone in their right mind can support such an uneducated muppet that is full of huge amounts of utter shite is beyond me.
    How anyone can look at that and say that Trump is playing with more marbles than Biden, or is even a fully functioning human being is beyond me. Like, for all his gaffes and stupidity Biden can sit down and talk policy and stats. He can talk specifics. Trump can barely do more than vomit out a handful of slogans "Democrat run cities" "Sanctuary cities" "Radical leftists" "Herd developed (immunity)" without any any of that actually fuckin means. He goes from attacking "Democrat run cities" to saying he's the president of everyone in the same fuckin sentence, a fuckin contradiction when he frequently talks about hurting or letting those in "Democrat run cities", or states, suffer.


    This one in particular fuckin gets me. I don't think we have ever had a president this completely and utterly self centered and infatuated with himself. Even if we are to believe this "totally real story that is a thing that really actually happened in real life for realz"...why brag about it? How fucking tacky is that when going on an unfounded, unhinged rant about some fictitious war with North Korea. Just talk about the beautiful love letters with another married man and say you've made more progress by saluting a North Korean general on international cameras than any president ever.

  20. #53720
    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Moose Fandango View Post
    As long as you're not all ewoks. I swear, I will come over there and burn those forest cities myself if that's the case.
    Don't worry, didn't you hear? Our trees are already exploding. Soon we have no homes left.

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