Actually YOU are the one that is behind the times. The world has changed.
The people of Earth go thru looooong cycles of globalism and then nationalism. The last globalist phase terminated with the election of Donald Trump. We are now in the early days of the rise of nationalism. If you embrace globalism in 2020, you are on the wrong side of history. The democrats embrace globalism. The republicans embrace nationalism. The republicans are vastly better equipped for the new age. The democrats are going to try to rely on things like the UN or NATO to hold their positions (which are crumbling). Trump is doing things correctly in a nationalist age by forging new alliances with nations like Russia and China, or winning the hearts and minds of the blue collar Americans and Americans without a college degree, the salt of the Earth. The democrats' strategies are AWESOME....for 1996. They are completely out-of-date today.
Sure, everyone that fought the civil war is dead. But we are in a nationalist period and the democrats are living in the globalist past. If the democrats continue on their current path, Trump will have large majorities of the people without a college degree in his back pocket. And that is a complete a total loss of the United States for the democrats.