1. #54021
    Well, I have the misfortune of Trump landing off a plane just a few minutes from my house today for a rally. So the airport will be crowded with a bunch of idiots, racists, and religious zealots.

    One of my Trump supporting friends who literally told that "Science goes against god" when it came to trying to support Donald Trump is going. He is also one of the ones who kept talking about supporting children to turn the subject away from Floyd but didn't want to talk about the 13 year old Epstein victim who accused him of being one of her rapists.

    And hit the Walmart just at the end of the road from the Airport off the highway, had one of the cashiers tell me one of them already came in calling people the N-Word. Sorry, not sure if I could actually spell it out without being infracted.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  2. #54022
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Well, I have the misfortune of Trump landing off a plane just a few minutes from my house today for a rally. So the airport will be crowded with a bunch of idiots, racists, and religious zealots.

    One of my Trump supporting friends who literally told that "Science goes against god" when it came to trying to support Donald Trump is going. He is also one of the ones who kept talking about supporting children to turn the subject away from Floyd but didn't want to talk about the 13 year old Epstein victim who accused him of being one of her rapists.

    And hit the Walmart just at the end of the road from the Airport off the highway, had one of the cashiers tell me one of them already came in calling people the N-Word. Sorry, not sure if I could actually spell it out without being infracted.
    I really do not know how anyone can say 'science goes against god' and then support someone that flies on an airplane. I mean... that's science in action, right there.
    And just as all the other examples you listed it's somehow... severe cognitive dissonance with just about everything.

  3. #54023
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Well, I have the misfortune of Trump landing off a plane just a few minutes from my house today for a rally. So the airport will be crowded with a bunch of idiots, racists, and religious zealots.

    One of my Trump supporting friends who literally told that "Science goes against god" when it came to trying to support Donald Trump is going. He is also one of the ones who kept talking about supporting children to turn the subject away from Floyd but didn't want to talk about the 13 year old Epstein victim who accused him of being one of her rapists.

    And hit the Walmart just at the end of the road from the Airport off the highway, had one of the cashiers tell me one of them already came in calling people the N-Word. Sorry, not sure if I could actually spell it out without being infracted.
    Sorry, but cut those imbeciles from your life.

    PS: If science is against god, question the existence of your so called god, not science
    Last edited by Thepersona; 2020-09-19 at 10:24 PM.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  4. #54024
    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    Eating lunch with some co-workers the other day. One of my co-workers made a comment about how the NFL players are supporting a rapist and it's a shame. Without missing a beat, I quipped, the NFL players don't support Trump. She stared daggers through me. One of my other co-workers who is liberal-leaning almost spit his soup over the table. To hell with ya, ya bitch.
    Now that is funny.

  5. #54025
    so best case scenario is amy coney barret
    while she is right wing, she seems to be classic right wing, scalia was atleasst principled in his anti government originalism and voted in favor of things like muslim rights and free speech alongside helping corporations do whatever they want,

  6. #54026
    42,533 new cases, about the same as two weeks ago.

    California: 3,712 new cases; 75 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Texas: 3,178 new cases; 94 deaths
    Illinois: 2,529 new cases; 25 deaths
    Georgia: 2,284 new cases; 62 deaths
    Wisconsin: 2,283 new cases; 3 deaths
    Alabama: 1,301 new cases; 9 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,237 new cases; 4 deaths
    North Carolina: 1,229 new cases; 28 deaths
    Arkansas: 1,078 new cases; 8 deaths
    Utah: 1,077 new cases; 3 deaths
    Indiana: 1,076 new cases; 8 deaths
    New York: 1,033 new cases; 2 deaths

    This was Wisconsin's and Utah's second-highest total and their Active Cases charts have taken a damned-near vertical leap the past couple days. The Midwest spike continues. Oklahoma's cases have increased to the levels they were at the beginning of August. New York went above 1k again but they've been hovering in the area for weeks. So far they seem to be holding relatively steady--but then, they have ample experience in dealing with this.

    657 deaths, a little down from two weeks ago, putting the total at 203,824. Deaths SHOULD be coming down since we haven't been at the 60k levels of new cases in several weeks, but daily new cases averaged over the past few weeks has been relatively stable so they likely won't be declining too much further, probably averaging out at around 700-800 per day unless newer methods of treatment are effective.

    I know we all got a huge helping of our least favorite vegetable on our plates yesterday, but there's not enough mashed potatoes to hide it all and there are other courses being served simultaneously so we're going to have to suck it up and eat it for now until we can cook for ourselves.

    I'm sorry, I haven't eaten much today. I should go remedy that.

    Stay safe, folks.

  7. #54027
    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Sorry, but cut those imbeciles from your life.

    PS: If science is against god, question the existence of your so called god, not science
    Some of them are family or people I have to deal with regularly.

    He kinda tried to pivot a little bit when I pointed out that modern medicine was based on science and there are a lot of religious diabetics who would have an issue with that. Unless he wanted to say them being alive was against gods will.

    Also pointed out that if god does exist, then one of his greatest gifts to mankind would have to be our intelligence and without that even our free will is all but useless and that he is forsaking that gift to back everything his own god preached him to stand against and by doing so putting god to the test hoping he will bail his kids out from the consequences of his actions all so he can protect his own ego and committing the sin of pride.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  8. #54028
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Some of them are family or people I have to deal with regularly.

    He kinda tried to pivot a little bit when I pointed out that modern medicine was based on science and there are a lot of religious diabetics who would have an issue with that. Unless he wanted to say them being alive was against gods will.

    Also pointed out that if god does exist, then one of his greatest gifts to mankind would have to be our intelligence and without that even our free will is all but useless and that he is forsaking that gift to back everything his own god preached him to stand against and by doing so putting god to the test hoping he will bail his kids out from the consequences of his actions all so he can protect his own ego and committing the sin of pride.
    Which, by the way, is the evilest sin.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  9. #54029
    Trump calls himself ‘Donald Prump’, gives himself ‘D’ for coronavirus response and appears to admit trying to blackmail Oracle

    In the Reddit thread linked below someone was kind enough to provide a video with timestamps that shows Trump saying the things that this article claims.


  10. #54030
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    Trump calls himself ‘Donald Prump’, gives himself ‘D’ for coronavirus response and appears to admit trying to blackmail Oracle

    In the Reddit thread linked below someone was kind enough to provide a video with timestamps that shows Trump saying the things that this article claims.

    He must be grading himself on a curve to get a D

  11. #54031
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    I thought I was topped out on hate for Trump, but his talk about "fake history" has found another reservoir of hate, what a giant fucking piece of shit.

  12. #54032
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    He must be grading himself on a curve to get a D
    And the fact that him and his supporters think a grade of D is something to praise and cheer for is pathetic. It's SAD to be honest.

  13. #54033
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    And the fact that him and his supporters think a grade of D is something to praise and cheer for is pathetic. It's SAD to be honest.
    Maybe they think that it's on a scale of A-Z?

  14. #54034
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    And the fact that him and his supporters think a grade of D is something to praise and cheer for is pathetic. It's SAD to be honest.
    Think of what it implies about his grades to get into college... it’s good to have a rich daddy...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  15. #54035
    Titan Captain N's Avatar
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    Just when you think Trump can't get any dumber....


    In a wide-ranging speech at a campaign rally Saturday night, President Donald Trump ramped up attacks against his opponent, Joe Biden, calling Biden the "dumbest of all candidates," and went so far as to declare, "maybe I'll sign an executive order that you cannot have him as your president."
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  16. #54036
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Just when you think Trump can't get any dumber....


    In a wide-ranging speech at a campaign rally Saturday night, President Donald Trump ramped up attacks against his opponent, Joe Biden, calling Biden the "dumbest of all candidates," and went so far as to declare, "maybe I'll sign an executive order that you cannot have him as your president."
    Trump: "I never said I would! I just said 'maybe!'"

    Remember, he's not the disease he's the symptom. The fact that there are people who enjoy this "song and dance" are the reason he's doing it.

  17. #54037
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    Trump: "I never said I would! I just said 'maybe!'"

    Remember, he's not the disease he's the symptom. The fact that there are people who enjoy this "song and dance" are the reason he's doing it.
    It's just beyond understanding at this point....

    I'm having visions of the movie Idiocracy....

  18. #54038
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    It's just beyond understanding at this point....

    I'm having visions of the movie Idiocracy....
    At least Mountain Dew Comacho understood that he was not smart enough to solve their crisis, and that he needed to find the smartest person available to help him. A stark contrast to Donald "no one is better at X than me" Trump.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  19. #54039
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Just when you think Trump can't get any dumber....


    In a wide-ranging speech at a campaign rally Saturday night, President Donald Trump ramped up attacks against his opponent, Joe Biden, calling Biden the "dumbest of all candidates," and went so far as to declare, "maybe I'll sign an executive order that you cannot have him as your president."
    You know, for a party that cried about executive orders under Obama, who really didn't sign that many in comparison, he sure is trying to throw as much shit against the wall as he can. Including something that he cannot do, like this EO he wants to do here, and that bullshit "patriot education" bullshit.

  20. #54040
    Bookmark this page.

    Trump landslide.

    Easy win.

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