1. #55061
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Many people have said "the debates won't change anyone's mind". Politico found like the last 15 undecided voters in America and asked who won. (Some of you have already posted some of this, by the way)

    4 said they are voting for Biden, 2 Trump, and the other 9 are still undecided.

    Despite their indecisiveness, most described Trump in a negative light, including one of the participants who was leaning toward voting for the president. The voters characterized Trump as “unhinged,” “arrogant,” “forceful," a “bully,” “chaotic” and “un-American.”

    When asked to describe Biden they offered: “better than expected,” “politician,” “compassion,” “coherent,” and a “nice guy lacking vision.”

    When asked by POLITICO about Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacists, roughly five of the 15 said it was a moment that stood out to them across an otherwise hard to follow debate.
    The bolded refers to something I've said before (I've said a lot of things before), specifically, that Trump created this image of a Biden that was unable to remember simple even his own name and then battled the real thing in public. Trump even tried to call out Biden for forgetting which college he went to, and got it wrong. Trump scored an own goal on that one. I mean, if you show up to a debate claiming you're going to battle an invalid, what does it say about you when you lose?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So what's Trump's October surprise going to be? It can't be the Hunter Biden thing, he just fired that bullet and it bounced off harmlessly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Once again, it's time for Guess the Speaker!

    Interrupting Vice President Biden's comments about his son Beau to pivot to lies about Hunter Biden should alone totally disqualify Donald. What a disgrace. What a traitor.
    "Clearly someone who hates Trump."

    His own family, yes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    An anti-Trump rally organizer ran her car into a crowd and is being charged with attempted murder.

    That's terrorism. And I condemn it in the strongest terms.

  2. #55062
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    4 said they are voting for Biden, 2 Trump, and the other 9 are still undecided.
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    Putin khuliyo

  3. #55063
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    People who don't want racism to be expressed out loud. People who wonder what's in it for them. For example.

  4. #55064
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    Yeah I don't get it either. I could understand it if ti was 2016 and Trump was still an unknown quantity, but he's not anymore. Biden is a VP and has been in politics for most of his life.

    The only thing i can think of is that these Undecideds lean right and either

    a. Do not like trump, but don't want to break party lines, or

    b. are Trump supporters too embarrassed to admit it they support a racist asshole.

  5. #55065
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    They are not undecided, they are lying. An "undecided voter" is simply someone who is ashamed to admit who they support, or is trying to act like they are torn between two bad choice... when in realty, they have made their choice, and just don't want to be judged for it.

  6. #55066
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    They are not undecided, they are lying. An "undecided voter" is simply someone who is ashamed to admit who they support, or is trying to act like they are torn between two bad choice... when in realty, they have made their choice, and just don't want to be judged for it.
    Yup. Much like the people now rambling on about Dr. Jorgensen. They do that because they are okay with the idea of Trump's America. It doesn't bother them.

  7. #55067
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    They are not undecided, they are lying. An "undecided voter" is simply someone who is ashamed to admit who they support, or is trying to act like they are torn between two bad choice... when in realty, they have made their choice, and just don't want to be judged for it.
    Yup. Especially when the choices are as obvious as they are today. Either you support racism and the destruction of our norms and values, or you don't. It's that simple.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  8. #55068
    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    Yup. Much like the people now rambling on about Dr. Jorgensen. They do that because they are okay with the idea of Trump's America. It doesn't bother them.
    Except, people who vote for Jorgensen aren't pretending to be undecided. They are simply saying there's no reason to vote for one of two shit sandwiches. In reality, most votes don't matter, because only the swing states have any real say. The Electoral College is a fucking cancer, just like Trump.

  9. #55069
    I am Murloc!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    They are not undecided, they are lying. An "undecided voter" is simply someone who is ashamed to admit who they support, or is trying to act like they are torn between two bad choice... when in realty, they have made their choice, and just don't want to be judged for it.
    It could also be people who do not want to admit they have no intention of voting... Well i guess that could fall under "they have made their choice and just dont want to be judged for it"

  10. #55070
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarkan View Post
    It could also be people who do not want to admit they have no intention of voting... Well i guess that could fall under "they have made their choice and just dont want to be judged for it"
    I agree, ambivalence would fall into that category. Some people just don't care about politics. They may be miserable, but they still cannot be bothered.

  11. #55071
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I agree, ambivalence would fall into that category. Some people just don't care about politics. They may be miserable, but they still cannot be bothered.
    The unfortunate part for them is that at this juncture in the history of America, making that decision to not be interested is extremely selfish.

  12. #55072
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    I think some people are still of the mindset that both sides harbor liars and cheats, and both are old white men.

    As much as our two-party system causes problems like this, we can't solve it by November. Yes, Biden has said some things which aren't true, said some things he shouldn't have, and while I don't have a list of campaign promises he broke I'm sure he's done it. But all of that pales in comparison to Trump who in the span of like 20 minutes not only told the Proud Boys to stand by but also tried to call Biden a racist -- due to the term "super predator" which, as I've already cited, Biden never actually used.

    Thinking "well both sides are equal" is why we have a crashed economy, no world standing, an adulterer and thief in the White House and two hundred thousand bodies in the street. I can lament that there are only two sides, but anyone who actually looks cannot say both sides are equal.

  13. #55073
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    The unfortunate part for them is that at this juncture in the history of America, making that decision to not be interested is extremely selfish.
    I agree, it is inherently selfish, as it shows a willingness to allow others to be subjected to such bullshit. It's tantamount top "minding one's own business" when a woman is sexually assaulted next door.

  14. #55074
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hadriker View Post
    The only thing i can think of is that these Undecideds lean right and either

    a. Do not like trump, but don't want to break party lines
    The term for this is "Republican" not Undecided.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The second-quarter economy drop has been revised --

    "You already posted that."

    They adjusted it again. 31.4% gone in a single quarter is now the "less bad" result.

  15. #55075
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    They are Trump supporters to embarrassed or scared to come out as such. Because I seriously cannot believe someone is genuinely undecided at this point in time.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  16. #55076
    This "debate"...was a perfect reflection of the state of American politics.

    On one side you have a rabid gorilla beating his chest, frothing at the mouth and flinging his own shit... On the other side you have a bamboozled dumbstruck moron, trying to pretend he is not locked in a cage with a rabid gorilla who is about to rip his throat out.

    What will it take for the Democrats to stop pretending this is politics as normal?

  17. #55077
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    So, add this
    1) Biden was right about the suburbs, but that at least wasn't an objective Trump lie.

    2) Unlike this one. Biden has already been clear he will not end fracking. Trump is lying. Also, when did the 2nd Amendment come up in the debates? Is that just more desperation I smell?

    3) I swear, I don't get Trump trying to break the "radical left" from Biden. The "radical left" won't listen to Trump, and Biden knows what he's doing. But the real issue is calling him "sleepy Joe" when he just went toe-to-toe with you and by every media outlet on Earth gave better answers and followed the rules. The only media outlets that say Trump won use the excuse that Trump shouted the loudedst -- that's not a leadership quality. That's how a fucking five year old argues with their four year old sister.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    How is anyone undecided at this point?
    Once again it's time for Guess the Speaker!

    I regret that I will cause consternation perhaps in some corners, but even as a Republican, I will not be supporting Donald Trump for president, and I will not be voting for him. That means I will be voting for Joe Biden for president.
    "Yet another party traitor, but probably some low-rent state senator or aide."

    He's Marc Racicot, a former Montana governor --

    "Hah! Like I said, some no-namer."

    --who used to be the head of the RNC.

    "Yeah but probably under Obama or Clinton."

    2001 to 2003.

    "Well, fuck."

    Add Racicot to the growing list of "no-name party traitors" who either won't support, our outright oppose, Trump, including every living President.

  18. #55078
    Banned Orlong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    I really want the press to ask those five Trumphadi sycophants why they are opposed to committing to the peaceful transition of power after an election.
    Its not about a peaceful transfer of power. Of course it would be peaceful. But Trump isnt going to say so because that means he is expecting to lose. He wont lose so there will be no transfer of power to be done peacefully. He didnt mean it would be violent. But hes not going to let the headlines say when Trump loses he will gracefully walk away.

    Not to mention it was asked by a Playboy reporter. I want to know how a nudie magazine "reporter" got into the white house to ask such a dumb question or any question at all. Like someone who would write for such a piece of disgusting filth rag should ever be considered credible. Plus the perverts who read those kind of magazines arent reading them for political news or commentary
    Last edited by Orlong; 2020-09-30 at 03:46 PM.

  19. #55079
    Scarab Lord downnola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    This "debate"...was a perfect reflection of the state of American politics.

    On one side you have a rabid gorilla beating his chest, frothing at the mouth and flinging his own shit... On the other side you have a bamboozled dumbstruck moron, trying to pretend he is not locked in a cage with a rabid gorilla who is about to rip his throat out.

    What will it take for the Democrats to stop pretending this is politics as normal?
    I don't think it matters who you put on that stage, they're going to look dumbstruck and flustered because Trump vomits words and interrupts everyone during debates. I thought Biden did fine considering the absurdity of the angst-ridden walking corpse on the stage with him.
    Populists (and "national socialists") look at the supposedly secret deals that run the world "behind the scenes". Child's play. Except that childishness is sinister in adults.
    - Christopher Hitchens

  20. #55080
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Ross still isn't responding to a subpoena about the changes to the census so a federal judge is now threatening contempt charges.
    UPDATE:Contempt proceedings begin.

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