1. #55741
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    Holy fuck on a stick some people are beyond help.


    "Have you ever noticed that the people who accept the existence of the virus and adopt the public health recommendations don't seem to get the virus, but the list of people who deny the science and choose to ignore the advice of experts and catch the virus goes on and on?!"

    She should be stripped of any degrees she has including her high school diploma and forced to go back to school. What a dumb shit.

  2. #55742
    I cannot even comprehend what a fairness argument looks like here. This is a US Presidential election that will define what our country and the world look like for generations to come, not a high school race where one child gets a cramp.

    If Biden stopped campaigning now when there is less distracting noise from Trump, alongside a huge war chest to spend getting out his message, I don't think that would serve anyone but Trump. And you can bet your ass the right-wing media would use Biden backing off the trail as a way to redirect the narrative away from Trump's October woes. Ex. "Is Biden hiding being sick"? "Why did he really suspend his campaign"?

  3. #55743
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEHPALLYTANK View Post
    Since none of the posters here are Joe Biden(afaik) your false equivalency is more than a little silly.
    The point seems to be "act better than Trump and maybe get more votes", something he's since backed away from.

    If people would have left Trump because of Trump's poor behavior and join Biden because of his better behavior, that would have happened years ago.

    There really is no reason at all for Biden to hold off campaigning for two weeks, because Trump was a fucking moron and got sick. If the opposing QB drops the ball, you don't pick it up, dust it off, and hand it back out of fairness. You say "your fault for dropping the ball" grab it and run.

  4. #55744
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Being the better person is wishing him well and sending prayers.
    In fact, "being the better person" would mean continuing to fight for the safety of the people of this country. And the best way to do that is to continue his campaign.
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  5. #55745
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Nothing I’ve said comes off crazy and demanding. It’s just an opinion of mine; one people can agree with or not. I’m not here to insert my displeasure with anyone for thinking differently, nor will I if Biden does the opposite.

    I don’t even vote—never have
    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't use your vote, why should anyone care about your opinion (not as an insult, but in a political way - it's the same reason why topics of younger people get ignored -> because they vote statistically much less).

    Point being: If decent people don't vote, there is no reason to be decent for politicians.

  6. #55746
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I support competing fair, and giving your opponent the courtesy of getting back in the game, even if they’re a complete an utter asshole. It shows good sportsmanship, respect and maturity.

    Be the better person. Don’t go to Trump’s level.
    And if Trump is on a ventilator for the next month? Should we postpone the election until he "gets back in the game?"

  7. #55747
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I was thinking more like, if you’re sparring/dueling, and your opponent loses their sword, you allow them to pick it back up so they can continue.

    I get it, though, people are fired up and emotions are high. We don’t have to agree.
    This one would more be like in a boxing match where the other guy gets a cut over his eye. If you notice, most boxers don't just let it go and try to avoid hitting them there, they try and use that to their advantage and get it to hinder their sight or get the ref to call it.

    Except this is one where the boxer's cut was self inflicted while he was show boating. And also, this is a fight where literal lives are on the line.
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  8. #55748
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  9. #55749
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Tell me it’s wrong—explain to me why. I’m always open to hearing others opinions. That’s how you grow as a person.
    Before 2016 I'd agree with you on taking the high ground. It's best to show your better nature in the face of opposition than to devolve into what Trump and his following have become.

    But now? Fuck that. These little child acting cult followers have to be shown that what their dear leader has been dishing out can and will be thrown back at them. If Trump and his following want to be shown respect then they've had four years to prove they are worthy of it. Trump has broken the norms and deserves no quarter.

  10. #55750
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    These October surprises seem to be self destructs and not an edge over Biden.

  11. #55751
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I support competing fair, and giving your opponent the courtesy of getting back in the game, even if they’re a complete an utter asshole. It shows good sportsmanship, respect and maturity.

    Be the better person. Don’t go to Trump’s level.
    You mean like Trump did when Hillary Clinton contracted pneumonia in 2016?

    Oh wait, he didn't. He outright mocked her for getting sick and Trumphadi cultists hoped she would die.

    So fuck that. Why should Biden play by one set of rules while Trump plays by another?
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  12. #55752
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    It's been almost 15 hours of twitter-silence from the Prime Cheeto.

    At what point do we start wondering if this is a barometer of the actual level of his illness?
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  13. #55753
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I was thinking more like, if you’re sparring/dueling, and your opponent loses their sword, you allow them to pick it back up so they can continue.
    Trump has spent the last four years twisting every advantage he could think of out of the rules, often disregarding them to the point of court cases. And yes, he attacked Clinton for being sick. He didn't sy "wait a minute, wait a minute, let her get back on her feet". He mocked her in front of a crowd and made shit up about having a stroke.

    This isn't a duel. This isn't sparring. This isn't honorable combat. This is just flat-out war. There is no "time out, my shoe's untied". There is "you should have used a double knot, and now I'm going to shoot you".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I think giving Trump a reasonable amount of time to recover—2 weeks max—then continuing on because the elections are so close, would be better thing to do.
    Trump and his followers disagree. There is no reason to create rules for a competition that only one side adheres to. It's not like there's a Morality Umpire that will cite Biden for campaigning while Trump is laid out -- there wasn't one in 2016.

  14. #55754
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I was thinking more like, if you’re sparring/dueling, and your opponent loses their sword, you allow them to pick it back up so they can continue.

    I get it, though, people are fired up and emotions are high. We don’t have to agree.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don’t know, honestly. That seems more like a scenario where he would have to continue to protect his own campaign.
    Nah. This election is more like game seven of the NBA Finals, your team is up by 20 with 3 minutes to go and the opponent's best player is now injured after he spent the entire season taunting and just acting like a jerk. So, do you just say, "We should let them make a comeback" because we feel sorry for them? No. You don't need to laugh at them or taunt in response, but you wish them well during a timeout.

    Your main focus is still securing a victory because nothing else is acceptable. And when the game ends, you go back over and wish them well again.
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  15. #55755
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    It's been almost 15 hours of twitter-silence from the Prime Cheeto.

    At what point do we start wondering if this is a barometer of the actual level of his illness?
    9 more hours, usually 24 hours of silence is when media start wondering if something happened.

  16. #55756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    You mean like Trump did when Hillary Clinton contracted pneumonia in 2016?

    Oh wait, he didn't. He outright mocked her for getting sick and Trumphadi cultists hoped she would die.

    So fuck that. Why should Biden play by one set of rules while Trump plays by another?
    I mean a majority of Trump's 2016 senior campaign staff have been indicted or charged with all kinds crimes related to election fraud.

    Arguing for for "fairness" in the face of that, takes an immense amount of childish ignorance that comes from privilege.
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  17. #55757
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omerome View Post
    Nah. This election is more like game seven of the NBA Finals, your team is up by 20 with 3 minutes to go and the opponent's best player is now injured after he spent the entire season taunting and just acting like a jerk. So, do you just say, "We should let them make a comeback" because we feel sorry for them? No. You don't need to laugh at them or taunt in response, but you wish them well during a timeout.
    Wait a minute...that's the Harlem Globetrotters! @Winter Blossom is asking Biden to be the Washington Generals! That's a literal comedy farce! That's for entertainment, not for running the goddam country.

  18. #55758
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I support competing fair, and giving your opponent the courtesy of getting back in the game, even if they’re a complete an utter asshole. It shows good sportsmanship, respect and maturity.

    Be the better person. Don’t go to Trump’s level.
    No one is going to Trump's level and the fact that you think continuing to campaign puts Biden on his level means you have no fucking clue how low of a level Trump has stooped too.

    Besides, nothing happened to trump. He did this shit to himself.
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  19. #55759
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Wait a minute...that's the Harlem Globetrotters! @Winter Blossom is asking Biden to be the Washington Generals! That's a literal comedy farce! That's for entertainment, not for running the goddam country.
    Hah. I hated...hated to make a sports comparison because I really feel that the downfall of politics, especially today is because people view it as such!
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  20. #55760
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    It's been almost 15 hours of twitter-silence from the Prime Cheeto.

    At what point do we start wondering if this is a barometer of the actual level of his illness?
    Just a few moments ago Kudlow reffered to Trump as having "a very moderate" case of covid. Emphasis on moderate

    Did he cancel the virtual event at night?
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

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