1. #57921
    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Now that's just low effort trolling. You know exactly why, and don't pretend otherwise.
    I don't. Explain it to me.
    Surely you'll be able to if you're so convinced it's true.

  2. #57922
    My cynical guess: the issue of the number of justices on Supreme Court fades away in 2021 as the high court out of institutional self-interest behaves super-circumspectly in the face of Democratic congressional majorities.

    Yes this is David Frum and he isn't giving no sure fire take. Yet, the problem is this when you have a teacher and the the substitute teacher arrives.

    Will SCOTUS always act 'reasonable'? A huge risk and I have no confidence.
    "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’

  3. #57923
    Moderator Rozz's Avatar
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    Stay on topic. There are other threads to debate recent civil unrest.
    Moderator of the General Off-Topic, Politics, Lore, and RP Forums
    "If you have any concerns, let me know via PM. I'll do my best to assist you."

  4. #57924
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    He says by answering a question with a question instead
    Yes, and that question has the answer in it. Obviously murder is a more grave injury than destroying someone's home.

    But is the second justifiable just because the first was possible?

  5. #57925
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Oh, he thinks everyone already has been tripped up, like he's some forum genius. All our masks are off, apparently.
    Well, yours is as clearly you don't consider people innocent until proven guilty.
    You consider "innocence" an unknown modifier that needs be specified instead of the default standard.

    I'd say your mask is pretty well off on that.

  6. #57926
    Quote Originally Posted by Soliloque View Post
    I said "evil", not just physical violence.
    Setting the line at "murder" is one of the tricks these apologists love to use to condone all the evils of the left, as if "murder" is the only bad thing someone can do to one another.

    Ironically they play the same game the nazi did, when they destroyed Jew's private properties and stores even if the owner wasn't harmed in the attack.
    Guess in the end they're just the same.
    And I am telling you to point to ANYTHING that the left is condoning out of this. Are there any lefties condoning murders? How bout burning anything down? SHOW IT TO ME. Don't dance around the fucking question.

  7. #57927
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Read the green text and be obnoxious in a more suitable thread.

  8. #57928
    Quote Originally Posted by Soliloque View Post
    Do you think property damage is justified because it's less harmful than taking someone's life?
    Quit running.

    What the data shows and your conclusions are not the same. Data is data, that doesn't mean your interpretation is correct.
    Since we’ve gotten a mod warning, this’ll be my last post on the matter. I think destruction of property is as justified as the Boston Tea Party was. Destruction of property shouldn’t be condoned, as it is definitely illegal, but there have been numerous times in our country’s existence where people have felt they had no other option.

    As far as the second quote, their findings show that white supremacist gangs/terrorists are the primary danger Americans face as far as domestic threats are concerned. Furthermore, their findings indicate that there has been a growing problem of people affiliated with those groups/sympathetic to their beliefs finding jobs in law enforcement. That’s what their data shows, so that’s my interpretation. If that data is accurate, then systemic racism is a real problem.
    Last edited by Rozz; 2020-10-12 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Check for warnings

  9. #57929
    Guess that mod warning was for this discussion, so I'm gonna drop out too.

    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    And I am telling you to point to ANYTHING that the left is condoning out of this. Are there any lefties condoning murders? How bout burning anything down? SHOW IT TO ME. Don't dance around the fucking question.
    I'll just say as my last post that in the previous two or three pages I repeatedly asked to condemn the burning, looting and pillaging that's been going around for months now, and none of the leftists here did. They all danced around the subject, making excuses, turning a blind eye or saying that "well, duh, murder is worse".

    So, there you have it. That silence is their condoning.
    Last edited by Rozz; 2020-10-12 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Check for warnings

  10. #57930
    Quote Originally Posted by Soliloque View Post
    Guess that mod warning was for this discussion, so I'm gonna drop out too.

    I'll just say as my last post that in the previous two or three pages I repeatedly asked to condemn the burning, looting and pillaging that's been going around for months now, and none of the leftists here did it. They all danced around the subject, making excuses, turning a blind eye.

    So, there you have it. I'll show you the deafening silence I received.
    And you failed. Thanks.

  11. #57931
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    And you failed. Thanks.
    Don't think so, but sure. Bye.

  12. #57932
    Well, that Pigeon chess match was interesting to watch. What have we learned from it? Any takes?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  13. #57933
    Quote Originally Posted by Azadina View Post
    Well, that Pigeon chess match was interesting to watch. What have we learned from it? Any takes?
    Pigeons are shit at defending fascism.

  14. #57934
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    One is property damage, the other is murder. Buildings can be rebuilt. So, yes?
    Seems that a lot of people who looked up to Tyler Durden got REALLY concerned about property damage this year...
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  15. #57935
    Quote Originally Posted by Soliloque View Post
    Everyone's innocent until proven guilty in a trial.
    Protesters and rioters don't get to decide that.

    The fact you considered this a "previously unknown qualifier" tells me everything I need to know.

    Because you have a right of peacefully protesting, not violently protesting destroying and looting innocent citizen's property.
    lul, as peacefully protesting did anything for the black people in the us... they were freed from secular slavery only after a civil war, they were freed from secular segregation after what? 10 years or more of surely not only peacefull protesting. now after what? 40 years since nixon/reagan's "war on drugs" that cemented racial differencies still nothing changed. lulz
    Last edited by Rozz; 2020-10-12 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Check for warnings

  16. #57936
    I don't trust politicians. I don't trust anybody who wants to be in charge of other people. I certainly wouldn't trust Biden to keep every promise, resist every opportunity to be corrupt or to make the right choices... but if I was American I would vote for him over trump without any hesitation. all candidates are suspect, but trump is provably corrupt, inept, petty, prejudiced and an altogether abhorrent person... and I apologise to all the 7.8 billion people for referring to that orange excrement as a person

  17. #57937
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rayvio View Post
    I don't trust politicians. I don't trust anybody who wants to be in charge of other people. I certainly wouldn't trust Biden to keep every promise, resist every opportunity to be corrupt or to make the right choices... but if I was American I would vote for him over trump without any hesitation. all candidates are suspect, but trump is provably corrupt, inept, petty, prejudiced and an altogether abhorrent person... and I apologise to all the 7.8 billion people for referring to that orange excrement as a person
    Politicians wouldn’t be such a problem but the profession is a magnet for sociopaths/psychopaths and unfortunately nothing is done to prevent them from taking a position of power.

    To be honest I don’t think power corrupts I think it just exposes those who are already corrupt to begin with.

  18. #57938
    Quote Originally Posted by TigTone View Post
    Politicians wouldn’t be such a problem but the profession is a magnet for sociopaths/psychopaths and unfortunately nothing is done to prevent them from taking a position of power.

    To be honest I don’t think power corrupts I think it just exposes those who are already corrupt to begin with.
    Donald Trump is neither a psychopath or a sociopath.

    Besides that, how do people think Trump will go down in history if he doesn't get re-elected? That's an important topic to American students studying politics. People make it out like he's going to be Nixon or worse as an example of a failed leader than anyone people can look up to.

  19. #57939
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    The White House is pushing for the debate to go on as planned.

    "Oh, so Trump tested negative?"


    "So he's ready to do the virtual debates?"


    "Didn't Trump bail on the debates? Because they changed the format? Because he tested positive?"


    "And he made other plans?"

    Yes. So did Biden, but only after Trump made other plans himself.

    "So, this is all for show. So he can say 'but I said I would go!' and shrug to waa-waa-waa-waaaaaaah music?"

    Looks like it.

    The debates, their formats, and their location were chosen well in advance. Trump caused strict enforcement of the rules, because he didn't follow the honor system and also tested positive. Then he badmouthed the Committee repeatedly. Any claim Trump makes about wanting to debate, even if it is genuine (it isn't, he got crushed like a bug last time), will not be heeded. And even if he tests negative tomorrow, that gives, what, two days for everyone to drop what they're doing and show up?

    "But Trump declared himself cured."

    And when Trump has both a medical degree, and a negative test result, that might mean something. Until then, Trump lies all the time about everything. Quite frankly his doctors are suspect now, too, since he can order them to declare him safe.

    Trump has enough on his plate already, and only 90% of it is overcooked fast food. He's asked for a daily rally or related activity until the election itself, with--

    "Every ship except your four fastest, you mean."


    "I mean, every day except the debate days, you mean."

    Uh...unclear. But his advisors have said some interesting things on the topic.

    He really fucked up with seniors when he said not to worry about the virus and not to let it control your life. There are so many grandparents who’ve gone almost a year without being able to see grandchildren
    "Okay well one advisor clearly had something to say, but that doesn't seem to be about Trump's new schedule. Did any--"

    He’s going to kill himself.
    "...ah. Well he's low on options, I guess. How much ground does he need to make up?"

    If Trump takes every state not currently leaning 3 or more towards any one canddiate, he would have 247 EC votes and lose. That's Florida, Ohio, Georgia, NC, and Iowa. This means he needs to take at least one two other states leaning Biden.
    1) Pennsylvania and anything
    2) Michigan and Arizona
    3) Any three states.

    This means Trump has to have his eye on a total of eleven states purely on offense. He'll also need to keep an eye on Texas, that's too close for him to ignore, that's 12. By an amazing coincidence, the election is 24 days away.

    That's two days of rallies or related events each.

    "That doesn't sound that bad."

    With no stopping to rest. A 70-plus overweight man who recently got hospitalized and hasn't tested negative. Oh, and it also assumes he's not, you know, taking any days to do his job.

    Now, Trump can try to minmax this by holding rallies on state borders. A fair number of Biden-leaning states are adjacent to each other. That might shave off a few "mandatory" days and give him time to, again, do his job, take a break, or play defense in a state other than Texas if things continue to go badly.

    And on top of all of that..he has to find venues willing to host him. I know they can put things together quickly, but not instantly. And there are some unfriendly state governors out there who have zero reason to bend the rules involving large crowds of maskless people during flu season.

    Calling this a long shot would be generous. It's not impossible, but it's "thousand yards out in high wind" level of long shot. And Trump's getting too old for this shit.

  20. #57940
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Donald Trump is neither a psychopath or a sociopath.

    Besides that, how do people think Trump will go down in history if he doesn't get re-elected? That's an important topic to American students studying politics. People make it out like he's going to be Nixon or worse as an example of a failed leader than anyone people can look up to.
    How is he not? He is already worse than Nixon. Nixon as far as we know it, didn't let 200k people die that he could have prevented if he would have done ANYTHING besides nothing.

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