1. #58101
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    I love their reactions when you confront them with primary sources to the effect of everyone thought he was a cazzo merda and then they expose they’re more interested in myth than history.

    And that’s really what it is. Columbus has become America’s origin myth for racists.
    I had that talk with a few of the members, including one racist old guy I knew would probably get upset. He got upset. Very upset. And blamed my liberal college education for brainwashing me.

    The others were actually pretty interested, but I had a chortle at the racist old dudes insistence that Columbus was a great explorer who surely never raped or enslaved or massacred anyone.

  2. #58102
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    This was on my Youtube feed today:


    I don't miss Bush, and I don't forgive him his crimes. The guy should be in jail for warcrimes. But with that said, 4 years under Trump has made me miss even the most basic of professionalism and civility. Bush was gracious and welcoming of his political opponent taking office. He knew the occasion was grander than his own political party and gave Americans a message of hope to try to get us all behind President (then -Elect) Obama.

    I highly doubt Trump will give such a speech when (and if) Biden wins.

    Not once did Bush brag about himself. Not once did he make disparaging comments on the Democrats. Not once did he make wild or inaccurate claims on what the Democrat president was going to do to us.

    I'm pissed off that Trump manages to make Dubya look good.
    Honestly, Trump was the best thing to happen for Bush's legacy. Completely wiped out the negative view of him and makes people actually miss him.

  3. #58103
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    Honestly, Trump was the best thing to happen for Bush's legacy. Completely wiped out the negative view of him and makes people actually miss him.
    As long as it doesn’t push people to miss Cheney too, then that’s not so bad.

  4. #58104
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    Completely wiped out the negative view of him.
    I wouldn't say "completely". Just because you've seen something worse, doesn't make something bad still bad.

  5. #58105
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I wouldn't say "completely". Just because you've seen something worse, doesn't make something bad still bad.
    Bush is still on the shit list but Trump jumped the queue, basically.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  6. #58106
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Bush is still on the shit list but Trump jumped the queue, basically.
    Exactly. There's the added irony of Trump negotiating with the terrorists that Bush went to war with. Say what you want about how the war in Afghanistan continued since, the Taliban protected Osama bin Laden. There is only one response to that.

    Well I guess there's two now, because Trump.

  7. #58107
    This animation pretty much says all that needs to be said about Trump and the GOP's "leadership" during the pandemic.


  8. #58108
    Im just wondering how conservative Trumpers feel about him coming out of the closet, dancing to YMCA and saying hed like to kiss all the men?

  9. #58109
    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    Im just wondering how conservative Trumpers feel about him coming out of the closet, dancing to YMCA and saying hed like to kiss all the men?
    They'll obviously say it fake news.

  10. #58110
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    This was on my Youtube feed today:

    I don't miss Bush, and I don't forgive him his crimes. The guy should be in jail for warcrimes. But with that said, 4 years under Trump has made me miss even the most basic of professionalism and civility. Bush was gracious and welcoming of his political opponent taking office. He knew the occasion was grander than his own political party and gave Americans a message of hope to try to get us all behind President (then -Elect) Obama.

    I highly doubt Trump will give such a speech when (and if) Biden wins.

    Not once did Bush brag about himself. Not once did he make disparaging comments on the Democrats. Not once did he make wild or inaccurate claims on what the Democrat president was going to do to us.

    I'm pissed off that Trump manages to make Dubya look good.
    For all that i dislike what Bush did as president, he wasn't tone deaf to what was going on in the country. Going off of how he reacted to the things which happened during his terms, if he were president today his re-election would be all but assured right now. Even a small response to the pandemic and the racial issues in the country combined with some actual empathy for the people would have done it. Bush is so often given grief for not being very smart, even trump has done so, and yet he would have been smart enough to do what Trump cannot even give a pretense of doing.

    Thinking of Bush does give me one bit of gratitude for the Trump administration. Thank god Pence is trump's vp and not cheney. I get shivers thinking of what someone like cheney would do as vp under Trump.

  11. #58111
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinfoy Lat View Post
    For all that i dislike what Bush did as president, he wasn't tone deaf to what was going on in the country. Going off of how he reacted to the things which happened during his terms, if he were president today his re-election would be all but assured right now. Even a small response to the pandemic and the racial issues in the country combined with some actual empathy for the people would have done it. Bush is so often given grief for not being very smart, even trump has done so, and yet he would have been smart enough to do what Trump cannot even give a pretense of doing.

    Thinking of Bush does give me one bit of gratitude for the Trump administration. Thank god Pence is trump's vp and not cheney. I get shivers thinking of what someone like cheney would do as vp under Trump.
    Ah yes, not being tone deaf while murdering over a million Iraqi, that is what a true president is.

  12. #58112
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I wouldn't say "completely". Just because you've seen something worse, doesn't make something bad still bad.
    I didn’t say he wasn’t bad I said it changed how he’s viewed. Public perception of Bush has changed drastically.

  13. #58113
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Bush is still on the shit list but Trump jumped the queue, basically.
    Ill wait till his kill count is actually higher than Bush.

  14. #58114
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBrown1917 View Post
    Ill wait till his kill count is actually higher than Bush.

    I mean, his domestic kill-count is getting close to the total Iraq war death total to-date. And Trump's done this in under a year.

    So...yeah, about that...

  15. #58115

    There is still more? We already learned so much about his taxes

  16. #58116
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post

    There is still more? We already learned so much about his taxes
    So much more, because the taxes the NYT got are apparently only for his businesses.

    This is his last attempt, can't appeal further than the SCOTUS so if they decline to hear the case or hold the ruling he's outta options.

    Granted that won't be until after the election, likely, so it will be kinda pointless by then.

  17. #58117
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post

    There is still more? We already learned so much about his taxes
    The NYT said they'd release piecemeal bits of info over the month. I'm sure there's plenty we don't know about.

  18. #58118
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    I mean, his domestic kill-count is getting close to the total Iraq war death total to-date. And Trump's done this in under a year.

    So...yeah, about that...

    If you exclude the other wars the US was involved in and the disasters that Bush fucked u on.

    ..Oh right we are still far away from even the 1 million Iraqi. Whitewashing Bush sure sounds fun.

  19. #58119
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Granted that won't be until after the election, likely, so it will be kinda pointless by then.
    I'd settle for SDNY to throw the book at the whole Trump family so that we don't even have to hear from them again.

  20. #58120
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBrown1917 View Post
    If you exclude the other wars the US was involved in and the disasters that Bush fucked u on.

    ..Oh right we are still far away from even the 1 million Iraqi. Whitewashing Bush sure sounds fun.
    The thing is, none of you complain as it happens. Trump has expanded and killed more people through his drone program, than Obama did in 8 years... and you bitching about Bush to downplay Trump. Let me guess, you were downplaying Bush, because of Reagan? Give it 10 years and you’ll bitch about Trump?
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