1. #58141
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Trump wants a huge package he can run on. It will take a lot of time to negotiate.

    McConnell wants something done now for the sake of Senate elections and downballot races.

    If only those two Republicans could like, get together and talk this out. I know McConnell is avoiding the White House because it's a virus-infested hellhole, but like...they can call each other on the phone. Or Facetime. Or Skype. Or Zoom. Or I'm sure they have a fancy secure communications channel over video too.
    This is why it drives me up a wall wolf blitzer was bitching at nancy to just take trumps deal. Trump does not have a deal the GOP can't get on the same page as trump so there is no deal out there for nancy to accept. Until the gop is done negotiating with themselves there is no starting point here.

  2. #58142
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Something I mentioned earlier. The person Trump retweeted, specifically. This is the shit he was busy retweeting so early this morning.
    Yeah, I found a guy that believed this bullshit on Facebook. It was pushed onto a Youtube video by Next News Network and this guy believed it. Even his mom was arguing with him that he is fucking retarded.

  3. #58143
    Quote Originally Posted by kaid View Post
    This is why it drives me up a wall wolf blitzer was bitching at nancy to just take trumps deal. Trump does not have a deal the GOP can't get on the same page as trump so there is no deal out there for nancy to accept. Until the gop is done negotiating with themselves there is no starting point here.
    Blitzer is an empty fuckin suit.

  4. #58144
    there should be no stimulus until after the election
    let the economy rot and burn
    you know how much stimulus republicans let obama pass?
    time to start playing dirty
    and maybe after we take the senate, if we do, then we can do a big stimulus and take credit for it

  5. #58145
    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    there should be no stimulus until after the election
    let the economy rot and burn
    you know how much stimulus republicans let obama pass?
    time to start playing dirty
    No, fuck that. Weaponizing the suffering and financial struggles of Americans is not something I'm cool with to win an election. Republicans may be, but Democrats shouldn't be.

  6. #58146
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    No, fuck that. Weaponizing the suffering and financial struggles of Americans is not something I'm cool with to win an election. Republicans may be, but Democrats shouldn't be.
    Rs did it, if we pass stimulus before election trump will take credit for it, he shouldnt recieve ANY electoral boost, and when no stimulus most blame him for the lack of it, its 100% worth it

  7. #58147
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    If only more parents would give their kids some shit when they parrot this kind of bullshit.
    Yep, I have told my mother to tell my dad to stop posting outright fake bullshit because he is a dumbass Trump supporter.

  8. #58148
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Trump wants a huge package he can run on. It will take a lot of time to negotiate.

    McConnell wants something done now for the sake of Senate elections and downballot races.
    Interesting point, but, still conflicting. McConnell has for nearly four years refused to pass something, simply because he says Trump will veto it. Now, they're at odds.

  9. #58149
    The president retweeted an insane article alleging "Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed" posted by a QAnon account and written by "an ex-Community Organizer and Homeschool Mom." https://t.co/ydoCEFLkAt

    Trump is effin crazy. Oh and a piece of bleep.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  10. #58150
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    No, fuck that. Weaponizing the suffering and financial struggles of Americans is not something I'm cool with to win an election. Republicans may be, but Democrats shouldn't be.

    Human lives > political convenience.
    Putin khuliyo

  11. #58151

  12. #58152
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    "COURT PACKING IS BAD! Now excuse me while I find more excuses for McConnell's packing of judges over the past 4 years . . ."
    Putin khuliyo

  13. #58153
    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    Time for a 2022 census?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  14. #58154
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    If only more parents would give their kids some shit when they parrot this kind of bullshit.
    Trump supporters live in their own insane world where facts don't matter.

    I saw some clown declaring it was eight years of economic devastation under President Obama. I asked him if the booming stock market and steady decline in unemployment never happened in Trumphadi world and, predictably, he never answered me.
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  15. #58155
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Time for a 2022 census?
    I wouldn't doubt the Dems would try to get a new count after this, if they manage to win back the Senate and White House.

    Though if Republicans can maintain either I imagine we'll have to deal with more ratfucking down the line.

  16. #58156
    Quote Originally Posted by Thekri View Post
    So, lets talk about how badly Trump has fucked the US on foreign policy again. Because contrary to ghostkitties assertions of Trump being "Strong on the military", he isn't, and we are in a much worse position in pretty much every area of the world. For now, lets focus on North Korea.

    So lets start with this.

    That is a big ass rocket. Or in technical terms, an ICBM. Specifically, it is a lengthened version of the Hwasong-15 ICBM they already tested. These new missiles were on parade over the weekend, and they are brand new. Based on the dramatic lengthening of the missile body, most experts agree that these can hit the entire continental United States if they actually work (Based on previous missiles from Best Korea, the estimate is that 25% of the time, they work every time).

    To be clear, when Obama left office, the Hwasong-15 did not exist, let alone the lengthened version. North Korea also had perhaps 1-2 nuclear devices, and no deployable nuclear weapons. Under Trump, North Korea now has deployable nuclear weapons, with MRV capable ICBMs that can hit the entire US. Because his bromance with Kim Jung Un is the biggest failure in US-North Korean policy, perhaps ever. Everyone is saying it.

    This spray-tanned egotist has pissed away 4 crucial years as North Korea finalized and deployed an actual nuclear deterrent. Even if Biden wins, he can't go back to Obama policy, because North Korea has actual nukes now. Trump never got a single goddamn thing from Kim. He got played like a fiddle, and we are all endangered for it. Irresponsible amateurism has consequences.
    If Ab Lincoln or JFK were President things wouldn’t change any. The only way you prevent North Korea from having nukes is by going to war, and that’s not something any sane President wants to do. The U.S. didn’t even enter WW2 until Pearl Harbor was torpedoed. The best way to take down North Korea is attrition. Eventually they’ll run out of funds through sanctions. A war with North Korea would crush South Korea as well.

  17. #58157
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    If Ab Lincoln or JFK were President things wouldn’t change any. The only way you prevent North Korea from having nukes is by going to war, and that’s not something any sane President wants to do. The U.S. didn’t even enter WW2 until Pearl Harbor was torpedoed. The best way to take down North Korea is attrition. Eventually they’ll run out of funds through sanctions. A war with North Korea would crush South Korea as well.
    So... Trump talking about beautiful beach front property in NK, was a mistake?
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  18. #58158
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Time for a 2022 census?
    Can't. It's fucked for the next 10 years.

  19. #58159
    51,534, about 7k more than last Tuesday. It's not getting any better.

    Texas: 5,694 new cases; 86 deaths
    California: 3,756 new cases; 63 deaths
    Wisconsin: 3,279 new cases (new record); 34 deaths (new record)
    Illinois: 2,851 new cases; 29 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Pennsylvania: 1,829 new cases; 14 deaths
    North Carolina: 1,734 new cases; 43 deaths
    Indiana: 1,549 new cases; 27 deaths
    New York: 1,542 new cases; 12 deaths
    Ohio: 1,468 new cases; 13 deaths
    Michigan: 1,466 new cases; 30 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,309 new cases; 15 deaths
    Virginia: 1,235 new cases; 11 deaths
    New Jersey: 1,177 new cases; 17 deaths
    Tennessee: 1,147 new cases; 23 deaths
    Minnesota: 1,135 new cases; 7 deaths
    Alabama: 1,117 new cases; no deaths reported
    Colorado: 1,048 new cases (new record); 37 deaths

    As you can see by Wisconsin's numbers, it's not close to being over in the Midwest. Unfortunately the deaths are starting to catch up with the increased case numbers and as has been mentioned before the hospitals are getting overrun. Expect this to be a running theme as the season progresses. Everything I mentioned last week about trends seems to be holding true starting this week. There's a very good chance we'll hit 60k a couple times this week and possibly 70k in another week or so. This will translate to 1k+ deaths again in a few weeks.

    843 deaths for today was slightly higher than last Tuesday and puts the total at 220,873. Something something Florida. Hopefully the smarter governors are taking note and are already making emergency preparations for expanded hospital capacity in some form.

    Related news:

    The Rose Garden hasn't stopped claiming "victims".
    Permanent hearing loss joins the list of possible conditions caused by COVID-19.
    Are you ready for some footba--well tough. Sucks to be you if you claimed you "brought back football" as some grand achievement.

    Stay safe, folks.

  20. #58160
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    The only way you prevent North Korea from having nukes
    Might be a technicality, but like...North Korea has nukes already.

    Just do note that this expansion of their nuclear/missile program happened under Trump.

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