1. #58301
    A key point that definitely shows you the difference between a selfless person and the resident. When George Stephanopoulos asked Biden, "if he were to lose, what would that say to you about where America is." Biden's answer was, "it says I was a lousy candidate and I didn't do a good job". Just think of how many different ways he could have answered that. He could have blamed others, but taking it as a slight against himself and is still hopeful that "this should not reflect how racially, ethnically, and religiously at odds with each other as we appear to be" was a good moment to me.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  2. #58302
    Humility, omerome. That's what that is.

  3. #58303
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Radux View Post
    What word are you trying to get out if what is being reported is fake.
    I don't know which is worse:
    1) Trump using "fake corrupt media" like a reflex because he thinks it works, or
    2) Trump calling a reporter fake to her face, when they're giving him an hour of free ad time, which Trump personally said, today. He's not just biting the hand that feeds him, he's telling them to feed him again.

  4. #58304
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Tomorrow will likely be over 60k, maybe higher than 65k closing in on 70k
    66,129 new cases; about 9k more than last Thursday.

    Texas: 5,559 new cases; 85 deaths
    Illinois: 4,015 new cases; 53 deaths
    Wisconsin: 3,747 new cases (new record); 17 deaths
    Missouri: 3,357 new cases (new record); 22 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    California: 3,010 new cases; 80 deaths
    North Carolina: 2,532 new cases (new record); 18 deaths
    Michigan: 2,458 new cases (new record); 34 deaths
    Tennessee: 2,289 new cases; 36 deaths
    Ohio: 2,177 new cases (new record); 5 deaths
    Indiana: 1,943 new cases (new record); 28 deaths
    Georgia: 1,640 new cases; 22 deaths
    New York: 1,564 new cases; 16 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 1,546 new cases; 15 deaths
    Utah: 1,498 new cases; 2 deaths
    Virginia: 1,331 new cases; 7 deaths
    Mississippi: 1,322 new cases; 12 deaths
    South Carolina: 1,297 new cases; 14 deaths
    Arkansas: 1,278 new cases (new record); 11 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,221 new cases; 11 deaths
    Alabama: 1,185 new cases; 50 deaths
    Kentucky: 1,182 new cases; 20 deaths
    Minnesota: 1,163 new cases; 19 deaths
    Colorado: 1,141 new cases (new record); 2 deaths
    Arizona: 1,113 new cases; 17 deaths
    Iowa: 1,076 new cases; 8 deaths

    That's 26 states with over 1k cases and a couple just barely missed making the list. At this point it's going up in so many places it's probably pointless to specify regions. That's 8 new records and there are probably more that I'm not mentioning because I don't check EVERY state every day. Illinois is starting to give in to the pressure of cases from its neighbors after holding steady for many weeks. Arizona is over 1k for the first time in a month. Texas never really dropped very low in terms of daily cases and is now within 11k of overtaking California for the most cases in the States. Several of the states listed would have new records if they hadn't suffered horribly during the first wave. I doubt this will be the end of the new records for this week...and in a couple more weeks we'll start seeing a new type of record coming from several states...

    874 deaths, less than last week by nearly 100, which is nice but I doubt it's a sustained drop. The total is now 222,717. Florida once again tops the list by a substantial amount that they're still not being honest about. Half the states had double digits today.

    Related news:

    Big global study finds remdesivir doesn't help Covid-19 patients--"Conclusive and disappointing" sums it up.
    Trump uses son's COVID-19 diagnosis to push for reopening--FUCK Trump and FUCK you if you still support this stupid sack of shit.
    Trump refuses to say if he was tested for COVID-19 before his debate with Joe Biden--See above. With a rusty rake until the handle falls off.

    Stay safe, folks.

  5. #58305
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    California: 3,010 new cases; 80 deaths
    As glad as I am to see CA going down on the list, I wish it was more due to dropping cases rather than rising cases elsewhere. It seems we're hovering around 3K for a while which is much better than we were (and not awful considering the CA population), but I wish the drop was purely because our numbers were going down : /

  6. #58306
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    New York: 1,564 new cases; 16 deaths
    A few of these are on my campus. I'm remote teaching, but this was contextually a big spike and we're worried about what's next. New York has been extra careful, and even that's only going so far.

  7. #58307
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    As glad as I am to see CA going down on the list, I wish it was more due to dropping cases rather than rising cases elsewhere. It seems we're hovering around 3K for a while which is much better than we were (and not awful considering the CA population), but I wish the drop was purely because our numbers were going down : /
    The population density of some of California makes that a really difficult task, but CA's doing a hell of a lot better than most others right now. South Dakota, for example, isn't on the list yet, but it's heading there and they have less than 2 million people. Their Governor, Kristi Noem, is a fucking moron. If it makes you feel any better average daily deaths for CA continues to drop and is currently under what you had there back in June/July.

  8. #58308
    Herald of the Titans RaoBurning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Arizona is over 1k for the first time in a month.
    Some extra context for this: Our schools haven't even started back fully yet, which I imagine is contributing to some of the caseload elsewhere. We're doing a phased return starting October 26th for about half the kids, at least in my district, then the rest a week or so later in early November, if memory serves.

    Look for things to potentially hit the fan toward the late end of November around/after Thanksgiving, and then 2 weeks after Thanksgiving when all the "yelling over dinner" cases crop up because boy there's nothing to argue about at the table this year, no sir..

    Edit: Also, thanks for doing these. I missed them during your break. I had to stop checking state totals daily because it was turning into a sort of "doom scrolling" for me, so the more wide reaching updates are nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    This is America. We always have warm dead bodies.
    if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.

  9. #58309
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    A few of these are on my campus. I'm remote teaching, but this was contextually a big spike and we're worried about what's next. New York has been extra careful, and even that's only going so far.
    Much like CA, NY was always going to have to wrestle with it by virtue of the mass of people living there. Both states have done considerably well compared to several others we could name.

  10. #58310
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    66,129 new cases; about 9k more than last Thursday.

    That's 26 states with over 1k cases and a couple just barely missed making the list. At this point it's going up in so many places it's probably pointless to specify regions. That's 8 new records and there are probably more that I'm not mentioning because I don't check EVERY state every day. Illinois is starting to give in to the pressure of cases from its neighbors after holding steady for many weeks. Arizona is over 1k for the first time in a month. Texas never really dropped very low in terms of daily cases and is now within 11k of overtaking California for the most cases in the States. Several of the states listed would have new records if they hadn't suffered horribly during the first wave. I doubt this will be the end of the new records for this week...and in a couple more weeks we'll start seeing a new type of record coming from several states...
    But it's okay, folks, because Trump says that we're "rounding the corner" in regards to the pandemic, so you can just ignore the fact that our 7-day average new case count has increased 22% in the last week and a half, and with flu season just getting started...
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  11. #58311
    So, apologies if this is a slight cross-post between US/Trump stuff and COVID-19, but this one hits home with me pretty hard.

    Note: My wife is a US citizen born in Thailand. Father-in-Law is still living in Thailand, and my Brother-in-Law is currently going to college there. Thank goodness my Mother-in-Law decided to come live with us for a little while (note: pre-Trump)

    This is regarding recent statements from Trump Ambassador Michael George DeSombre


    Thailand has been a victim of its own success in eliminating domestic Covid-19 infections and must find a way to balance the needs of the economy with virus prevention, the US ambassador to Thailand said while on a recent mission to the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).

    "Ultimately it is up to Thailand on how to determine that balance, but there are costs on either side," Michael DeSombre said during a press tour of three factories owned by US companies in the EEC last week. "If you keep the economy shut down, or in this case international travel shut down, it obviously affects certain people's livelihoods, but if you open it up you certainly will have more infections."

    The same day as the EEC tour, US President Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, and since then the bug has spread through the highest levels of the US government and military.

    "The evidence over the last six months shows that the costs of a really extreme shutdown are generally worse than the benefits and it is better to keep the economy running," Mr DeSombre said.

    Quarantine could be halved for low-risk visitors: ministry
    Path without tourists
    Tax break gets nod
    He said Thailand can likely handle hundreds of cases a day for a country of its size, similar to the peak level of infections in April.

    "Thailand in many respects is a victim of its own success, but because it was so good at getting rid of the virus completely, everybody is scared of that one case," Mr DeSombre said. "For instance, if over the last three months we had three cases every day or five cases or even 100 cases in a population of 70 million and it was not getting out of control and a very small percentage were serious and people were doing the necessary precautions, then it would be easier to open up the country even more."

    He said the situation in the US is quite manageable and the country's case numbers, the highest in the world in terms of total cases, have not significantly hindered US firms' ability to do business abroad.

    "Cases in the US have gone down significantly -- we are talking 35,000 cases a day for a population of 380 million, so it is at a level that is generally manageable and generally low and the mortality rate is quite low," he said. "The US is now focusing on protecting people at risk and making sure the economy keeps operating at this time while we as quickly as possible develop a vaccine."

    On Oct 2, the day of the EEC trip, there were over 50,000 new cases in the US and 842 deaths.

    Despite his warnings on economic impact, Mr DeSombre commended the Thai government and healthcare system's response to bringing domestic cases to zero over the past few months.

    "I believe the healthcare system can handle hundreds of cases, especially for a country of this size," he said.

    The EEC has done a good job attracting foreign investment, Mr DeSombre said. But he recommended that regulatory hurdles be eased and the process for applying for subsidies be simplified.

    "A lot of the EEC incentive packages have been quite good, but in some areas the packages are not quite as competitive as those offered in other countries, and the government needs to look at that," he said. "For example, some of the R&D proposals were not as simple and executable as others."

    In July, the US Embassy submitted a list of proposals to the Thai government to improve economic cooperation between the two countries, which included following through with the "regulatory guillotine" by cutting burdensome regulations, removing restrictions on skilled foreign labour and using pandemic relief money to encourage foreign investment.

    One US company will open a new facility in Thailand by the end of the year, but Mr DeSombre was not at liberty to name the firm.

    "There is one advanced material company that we know did a survey of 24 different countries -- specifically looking at regulatory environment, incentives and ease of doing business -- and chose Thailand for its advanced material plant they are setting up," he said. "This is one example of advanced US companies bringing production here."

    Mr DeSombre said that of the US companies he has spoken with over the past few months, none has expressed concern that political tensions in Thailand surrounding the student-led anti-government protests would impact their business or investment decisions.

    The US is widely perceived to have lost ground to China both politically and economically over the last few decades -- a far cry from the mid-20th century, when the superpower used Thailand as a major operations base for its war against Vietnam.

    The US has warned other nations of the possible security risk of using technology from the Chinese telecom company Huawei in their roll-outs of 5G networks, due to the firm's close ties with the Chinese government.

    Huawei will likely be a major supplier of 5G equipment in Thailand because of low prices and the cosy relationship it enjoys with the government.

    On the other hand, US companies have been relatively sidelined in Thailand's 5G roll-out, with the main alternatives to Huawei being Finland's Nokia and Sweden's Ericsson.

    "Huawei happened to be at the right place at the right time, offering prices that seem very competitive for reasons that aren't market-based," Mr DeSombre said. "Ericsson, Nokia and Samsung are all good companies that are not state-owned and obligated to share information with their intelligence services without disclosing."

    This year the US government announced the Clean Path Initiative to protect data entering US embassies on 5G networks that use Huawei technology. US companies will likely have to decide whether using Thailand's 5G network represents a security risk.

    Clearly the best interest in the US/Thai relations in foreign policy.

  12. #58312
    Quote Originally Posted by Radux View Post
    So, apologies if this is a slight cross-post between US/Trump stuff and COVID-19, but this one hits home with me pretty hard.
    No need to apologize. I do it every damned day. Right now as it's tearing it's way across the country for the second time it's nearly impossible to talk about COVID-19 without talking about Trump's response to it and vice versa. One has exacerbated the damage of the other.

  13. #58313
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I don't even need to quote the article.

  14. #58314
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaoBurning View Post
    Some extra context for this: Our schools haven't even started back fully yet, which I imagine is contributing to some of the caseload elsewhere. We're doing a phased return starting October 26th for about half the kids, at least in my district, then the rest a week or so later in early November, if memory serves.

    Look for things to potentially hit the fan toward the late end of November around/after Thanksgiving, and then 2 weeks after Thanksgiving when all the "yelling over dinner" cases crop up because boy there's nothing to argue about at the table this year, no sir..

    Edit: Also, thanks for doing these. I missed them during your break. I had to stop checking state totals daily because it was turning into a sort of "doom scrolling" for me, so the more wide reaching updates are nice.
    And even worse, in almost every case, schools starting up have resulted in shortly-there-after closures after they almost immediately become super spreader events. It's beyond criminal that we aren't closing the country down, paying everyone a living monthly stipend (ala Canada), and waiting this thing out.

    Hopefully Trump is partially/mostly insane now from his COVID-19 experience, and that his living hell will serve as his lifetime punishment.

  15. #58315
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    And even worse, in almost every case,
    This just in, Trump has filed an emergency request with SCOTUS to block the release of his taxes.

    "Emergency" of course because of the election. The most recent ruling says NYState can bring them before a grand jury.

    Trump is desperate, he needs to stall until the election. NYState must be looking at their options to quick grab them right now, before SCOTUS does any kind of stay. Near as I can tell, right now, nothing is legally stopping them from doing so, because SCOTUS hasn't stopped them yet.

  16. #58316
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The population density of some of California makes that a really difficult task, but CA's doing a hell of a lot better than most others right now. South Dakota, for example, isn't on the list yet, but it's heading there and they have less than 2 million people. Their Governor, Kristi Noem, is a fucking moron. If it makes you feel any better average daily deaths for CA continues to drop and is currently under what you had there back in June/July.
    Yeah I remember her on tv back for forth of July her stating no masks needed south dakota is good, when Trump went there to celebrate. Dumbass.

  17. #58317
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Related news:

    Big global study finds remdesivir doesn't help Covid-19 patients--"Conclusive and disappointing" sums it up.
    Trump uses son's COVID-19 diagnosis to push for reopening--FUCK Trump and FUCK you if you still support this stupid sack of shit.
    Trump refuses to say if he was tested for COVID-19 before his debate with Joe Biden--See above. With a rusty rake until the handle falls off.

    Stay safe, folks.
    You have to be fucking kidding me. So we're now just down to testing ivermectin and interferon-beta and see if it sticks?
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  18. #58318
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    You have to be fucking kidding me. So we're now just down to testing ivermectin and interferon-beta and see if it sticks?
    What happened to the plasma study?
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  19. #58319
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This just in, Trump has filed an emergency request with SCOTUS to block the release of his taxes.

    "Emergency" of course because of the election. The most recent ruling says NYState can bring them before a grand jury.

    Trump is desperate, he needs to stall until the election. NYState must be looking at their options to quick grab them right now, before SCOTUS does any kind of stay. Near as I can tell, right now, nothing is legally stopping them from doing so, because SCOTUS hasn't stopped them yet.
    I'm on your side with this - NYState should grab those asap, and be prepared to raid the Trump Organization for all their records. Seize them now, get them ALL, and then force Trump to sue to get them back, instead of how it's going them now.

  20. #58320
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I'm on your side with this - NYState should grab those asap, and be prepared to raid the Trump Organization for all their records. Seize them now, get them ALL, and then force Trump to sue to get them back, instead of how it's going them now.
    I could have sworn that SCOTUS already ruled that NY has a right to subpoena his taxes and financial records and were in the right to go through with it. Maybe I am mistaking something from that ruling and I feel that they should slap down Trump's lawyers with a copy of their previous ruling.

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