1. #59101
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Yes, I know, it is Fox News
    If the laptop existed, and also had evidence of a crime, and also the timeline of events was correct, there would have been a successful criminal investigation by now.

    Team Trump keeps trying to handwave the evidence about how immoral, illegal, and fattening they are, hence clinging to the laptop like it's the last piece of debris from the Titanic. Doesn't make them any less of pathetic failures, as Pence's staff is learning quickly.

    There are concerns that more people within Pence's inner circle will test positive in the coming days, a source said. "They're scared," the source said of staffers in the vice president's office.

    Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence each tested negative for coronavirus on Sunday, a White House official said. Despite contact with multiple people who recently tested positive, Mike Pence is refusing to quarantine in defiance of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

    Pence's office announced Saturday evening that Short had been diagnosed with Covid-19. Sources told CNN that Obst, who is a senior political adviser to Pence but is not a government employee, and at least three staffers in Pence's office have also tested positive for the virus.

    Bauer, one of the staffers who tested positive, according to two sources familiar with the matter, is Pence's "body man," meaning his job is to accompany Pence throughout the day and night helping him with a wide range of duties, putting him in close proximity to the vice president. A source familiar with the matter told CNN that Bauer has not been in the office since Tuesday, when he went home to quarantine after coming into contact with Obst. Bauer tested positive Saturday.

    During an interview on CNN's "State of the Union," White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows refused to disclose the extent of the Covid-19 outbreak in Pence's orbit, and he said Pence will be wearing a mask and social distancing when he resumes campaign travel Sunday despite his direct exposure to the virus.

    Pence, who is known to rarely wear a mask while flying on Air Force Two, traveled on Saturday to Florida for campaign rallies in Lakeland and Tallahassee. The vice president walked across the tarmac from Marine Two in a mask and boarded Air Force Two about an hour behind schedule.

    Pence emerged maskless from Air Force Two in Florida, running down the steps and jogging across the tarmac, fist pumping as he approached the podium. The vice president's office released the statement on Short moments after Pence landed back at Andrews Air Force Base.
    You quoted FOX News, that means I have to post CNN to keep things fair and balanced.

    While the lethal outbreak breaks records for what @benggual will probably tell us is either two or three days in a row, and while we have yet another major outbreak in the White House itself, Trump continues to scream "We are rounding the corner!" into the wind, either ignoring the fact that it's false or actually ignorant of this. Doesn't matter, both traits are equally damning.

    We've already seen that the WH was trying to keep this quiet, and with good reason. If you flub a field goal in the Super Bowl, and if because of that you lose the game, you'd want that kept quiet too. Too bad this is being done in public, huh?

    Pence and what's left of his team is continuing to make the rounds. The good news? Pence is pretty boring. It's unlikely he'll be in any packed rooms filled with people -- he doesn't have that kind of draw.

  2. #59102
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    Yes, I know, it is Fox News, but I thought I would post it since @Ghostpanther won't. It was posted 2 days ago, and there is no mention of Joe Biden ANYWHERE in Bubolinski's emails.

    So, that was another dud in the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden scenario. Anything else the Republicans want to try?
    I hate fox. "we've looked and the evidence shows there is no link between joe biden and the chinese and his sons business" followed immediately by "but this raises questions and is so concerning, what are the links??!!!" ffs.

  3. #59103
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blayze View Post
    To be fair to him on that front, these days you never know if someone is packing water or acid.
    Acid attacks are not a thing in the US. You are much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much more likely to be......... shot....

    United States

    Victor Riesel was a broadcast journalist, specializing in labor issues, who was attacked while leaving Lindy's restaurant in midtown Manhattan in the early morning of 5 April 1956.[156][157] Riesel was left blind as a result.[156] The attack was motivated by Riesel's reporting on the influence of organized crime on certain corrupt labor unions.[156]
    In 1959, American attorney Burt Pugach hired a man to throw lye in the face of his ex-girlfriend Linda Riss. Riss suffered blindness and permanent scarring. Pugach served 14 years in prison for the incident.[158]
    Gabrielle White, a 22-year-old single mother living in Detroit, was attacked on 26 August 2006 by a stranger.[159] She was left with third and fourth degree burns on her face, throat, and arms, leaving her blind and without one ear.[159] She also miscarried her unborn child.[159] A 25-year-old nursing student at Merritt College was the victim of an acid attack.[160]
    Esperanza Medina walked out of her Logan Square apartment in Chicago, Illinois, on a July morning in 2008, heading to her job as a social worker. Three teenagers poured cups of battery acid on the head of Medina, a 48-year-old mother of four.[161][162]
    In 2017, a 17-year-old girl was permanently scarred by an acid attack in Dallas.[163] In November 2019, a man in Milwaukee was attacked and sustained multiple burns.[164]

  4. #59104
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    If the laptop existed, and also had evidence of a crime, and also the timeline of events was correct, there would have been a successful criminal investigation by now.

    Team Trump keeps trying to handwave the evidence about how immoral, illegal, and fattening they are, hence clinging to the laptop like it's the last piece of debris from the Titanic. Doesn't make them any less of pathetic failures, as Pence's staff is learning quickly.

    You quoted FOX News, that means I have to post CNN to keep things fair and balanced.

    While the lethal outbreak breaks records for what @benggual will probably tell us is either two or three days in a row, and while we have yet another major outbreak in the White House itself, Trump continues to scream "We are rounding the corner!" into the wind, either ignoring the fact that it's false or actually ignorant of this. Doesn't matter, both traits are equally damning.

    We've already seen that the WH was trying to keep this quiet, and with good reason. If you flub a field goal in the Super Bowl, and if because of that you lose the game, you'd want that kept quiet too. Too bad this is being done in public, huh?

    Pence and what's left of his team is continuing to make the rounds. The good news? Pence is pretty boring. It's unlikely he'll be in any packed rooms filled with people -- he doesn't have that kind of draw.
    Yep, they have supposedly had the laptop since December, and so far, nothing.

  5. #59105
    60,889 new cases; a little over 9k more than last Sunday. 60k on a Sunday is bad fucking news.

    Illinois: 4,062 new cases; 24 deaths
    Wisconsin: 3,626 new cases; 8 deaths
    Tennessee: 3,500 new cases; 31 deaths
    Texas: 3,387 new cases; 40 deaths
    Missouri: 2,703 new cases; 95 deaths (new record)
    California: 2,681 new cases; 12 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Ohio: 2,301 new cases; 11 deaths
    Indiana: 2,153 new cases; 12 deaths
    North Carolina: 1,807 new cases; 13 deaths
    Utah: 1,765 new cases; 4 deaths
    Colorado: 1,689 new cases; 5 deaths
    Minnesota: 1,680 new cases; 21 deaths
    New York: 1,588 new cases; 9 deaths
    Kentucky: 1,462 new cases; 3 deaths
    Arizona: 1,391 new cases; 5 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 1,386 new cases; 9 deaths
    South Carolina: 1,337 new cases; 9 deaths
    Georgia: 1,318 new cases; 1 death
    Iowa: 1,214 new cases; 4 deaths
    New Jersey: 1,167 new cases; 2 deaths
    Alabama: 1,079 new cases; no deaths reported
    Massachusetts: 1,077 new cases; 25 deaths
    South Dakota: 1,062 new cases; 9 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,051 new cases; 4 deaths

    Special mention for @cubby: Alaska: 523 new cases (new record); no deaths reported

    Alaska has had a new record every day for the past three days. Not too many other records (from the states mentioned) because it's a Sunday which typically means the lowest numbers of the week, but many states came damned close to their records which means that we can probably still expect to see them trending up on Tuesday once the numbers start climbing again to normal levels. No report from Michigan or Mississippi which has become more common in the weekends for several states but is unusual in this instance.

    As mentioned above 60k for a Sunday is fucking nuts--we were at about 30-35k on Sundays a few weeks ago. I've lost count of how many days in a row we've seen increases of several thousand above previous totals of the same day, but it doesn't show any signs of slowing down anytime soon. Monday will still probably have relatively low numbers (if about 65k--which is a guess--can be considered "low") but we'll see 70k again without a doubt and it would not surprise me to see us break the 80k threshold on towards a new national record again sometime between Wednesday and Saturday. I'm HOPING we won't be passing 90k--more cases ultimately means more deaths--but the last time I was bold enough to suggest we wouldn't reach a certain threshold we shattered it the next day.

    Regarding yesterday's numbers, I reported that we had just missed the 80k mark whereas other sources said we broke it. The discrepancy may be that California reported a thousand or so cases that were actually a backlog from previous days. Worldometers distributed that across the week prior rather than including them in the day's total and other sites may have just lumped them in with the day.

    442 deaths is slightly lower than last Sunday but means little given how inaccurate these are on Sundays and Mondays. 230,510 is the new total. Missouri had nearly a hundred and it's hard to tell if that's a correction or just the genuine result of their higher case totals for the past weeks. I expect the latter to be the case in the coming weeks for most states.

    Related news:

    COVID-19 outbreak at nursing home kills 5, infects 30--Care centers are, again, catching a lot of the brunt of it.
    El Paso sees 300 percent rise in Covid hospitalizations--We've been seeing cases heading north of 6k in Texas the past week. El Paso is a likely epicenter.
    Indiana hospital adds germ-killing robots in COVID-19 fight--Nobody tell Trump about these or he'll start suggesting we insert them in our rectums or some other stupid shit.

    Stay safe, folks.
    Last edited by Benggaul; 2020-10-26 at 01:59 AM.

  6. #59106

    Carlos Zapata has a message for any government official who shows up at his Tehama County restaurant and tries to enforce California’s pandemic shutdown orders.

    “I’ve made it very clear that if they come to shut us down, I’m going to call 100,000 people that’ll be there with guns, and what happens happens, you know?” Zapata said Tuesday. “I’m hoping that they’re not stupid enough to want that kind of a fight over a restaurant being open, but if they want it, we’ll definitely give it to them.”

    It’s not the first time the Red Bluff restaurant owner and U.S. Marine combat veteran has made those kinds of threats. A few weeks ago, he told the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to expect trouble if they enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 restrictions on local businesses.

    “Right now, we’re being peaceful,” he said in a short speech that has since made Zapata a celebrity among far-right groups. “But it’s not going to be peaceful much longer.”

    Just about anywhere else in California, that sort of talk would have been widely condemned. But here, in what’s arguably the capital of the State of Jefferson — a decades-old movement to break off conservative northern counties from Democrat-controlled California — many have shrugged Zapata off as commonplace.
    And we have fucking retards like this, that are itching to kill their fellow Americans and the government, that have been emboldened under Trump. Fuck these people so much.

  7. #59107
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    60,889 new cases; a little over 9k more than last Sunday. 60k on a Sunday is bad fucking news.

    Illinois: 4,062 new cases; 24 deaths
    Wisconsin: 3,626 new cases; 8 deaths
    Tennessee: 3,500 new cases; 31 deaths
    Texas: 3,387 new cases; 40 deaths
    Missouri: 2,703 new cases; 95 deaths (new record)
    California: 2,681 new cases; 12 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Ohio: 2,301 new cases; 11 deaths
    Indiana: 2,153 new cases; 12 deaths
    North Carolina: 1,807 new cases; 13 deaths
    Utah: 1,765 new cases; 4 deaths
    Colorado: 1,689 new cases; 5 deaths
    Minnesota: 1,680 new cases; 21 deaths
    New York: 1,588 new cases; 9 deaths
    Kentucky: 1,462 new cases; 3 deaths
    Arizona: 1,391 new cases; 5 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 1,386 new cases; 9 deaths
    South Carolina: 1,337 new cases; 9 deaths
    Georgia: 1,318 new cases; 1 death
    Iowa: 1,214 new cases; 4 deaths
    New Jersey: 1,167 new cases; 2 deaths
    Alabama: 1,079 new cases; no deaths reported
    Massachusetts: 1,077 new cases; 25 deaths
    South Dakota: 1,062 new cases; 9 deaths
    Oklahoma: 1,051 new cases; 4 deaths

    Stay safe, folks.

    South Dakota making the list again. only second next to north dakota for cases per 100k, but that was a few days ago, might be 1 now. Fuck that SD governor fuckwit still downplaying use of masks.

  8. #59108
    His facebook page is scary. Literally just says covid is over, if it ever was a thing......

  9. #59109
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    South Dakota making the list again. only second next to north dakota for cases per 100k, but that was a few days ago, might be 1 now. Fuck that SD governor fuckwit still downplaying use of masks.
    Yep. Kristi Noem is still trying to reenact the "this is fine" meme. The comments from her constituents, however, tell me that she's losing popularity.

  10. #59110
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So I had a long talk with a friend of mine on the subject, and we agreed on a few things.

    Why is Biden winning right now?

    1) The timeline of COVID-19 could not possibly have been more advantageous to Biden. Nothing would stop the school year and increasig cold from making the numbers increase as they are right now. But lethal outbreak basically destroyed Trump's final year, nearly down to the day -- "It's just one person" was Jan 22. He lost jobs, GDP, and hundreds of thousands of American lives -- all of which Only He Couldn't Fix This.

    Both Biden and Trump have lost family members, but of the two, only one of them actually carries that weight with him. Trump's too busy carrying his own weight. And I don't mean his ridiculously fat ass, I mean there's only room for Trump in Trump. Trump ran in 2016 bringing up, yes, a tragic death to addiction. He promised he'd act on that. It was the one thing I actually sided with him more than Clinton and expected actual results. Instead, until a recent lawsuit victory he had nothing, he still has only a few vague promises and unenforcable E.O.'s, but on top of all of that, "it is what it is" overrules any personal "tragedy" enough times to fill the largest NFL stadium, plus the second-largest NFL stadium, plus the third biggest NFL statium -- Dallas, Atlanta, Baltimore, look it up. Biden, by contrast, under normal circumstances, speaks on the topic with the manner of a knowing, even grandfatherly, figure. Biden is also a well-known man of faith, no matter what Team Trump tries to say, and he has never taken a trip to church that required gassing peaceful protestors. And train-ridin' Biden has a much more realistic relationship with the working class, even manufacturing, than Trump putting on a trucker hat and pretending to blow the horn. When he says "I was raised with you" he's telling the truth. Trump was born a millionaire, despite trying to throw it away, and Biden was born and raised in, well, I won't recommend wandering around downtown Wilmington, Delaware, but if you did you'd see the difference in seconds.

    In short, when it comes to the effect of COVID-19, Trump represents America's response, and Biden represents America's reaction.

    Even leaving out their actions on outbreaks specifically, in which Biden still wins, American simply trusts Biden over Trump.

    2) Biden had 2016 to learn from. When was the last time Biden campaigned in California? In New York? In Chicago? He's not going there. He's going to Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, battleground states. (So is Obama, Trump has no backup anywhere near as powerful) Basically, Biden has three layers to his strategy.
    a) defence: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. These are states he should win, but isn't fucking around and taking foolish chances.
    b) the trenches: Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina and even Florida. These states are all currently leaning Biden, and Biden is pushing on them as well.
    c) offence: Ohio, Texas, Iowa and New Hampshire. You know that strategy I wouldn't fucking shut up about? "Biden should troll Trump by feinting into states Trump should have locked down"? That one? Biden's attacks into these basically coin-flip states will either force Trump on defense, or allow Trump to ignore them and do to himself in 2020 what Clinton did in 2016. Trump literally can't afford either, because...

    3) Money and motivation have been much higher for Biden than Trump. Flyswatter memes aside, Biden has been not just getting more money from people eager to throw Trump out, but also, has been spending it more effectively. Trump has rallies, but Biden and the Democrats have a highly effective ground game this time around. College students are taking the place of the elederly this time around, and young people -- especially those sick of going to yet another teacher's posted online video with a broken link and the sound cutting off, because teachers over 40 weren't really raised with computers and it's not second nature to us -- are taking their place. They're also far more likely to be Democrat.

    The big part of that last part is why we're seeing such high amounts of early voting. Despite ongoing voter suppression efforts by, well, states that are fucking terrified and should be, nassive numbers of votes have already been placed. "Get out and vote!" is everywhere. And no matter how much the rabid fanbase will lie about it, they're far more demoralized and non-Trump supporters are anywhere between "I just want this over with" to "and have Mueller waiting outside with handcuffs".

    Another big difference, you don't see Team Biden jumping in front of every single camera yelling "Look at me! Look at me! I'm waving something shiny!" No, they're focused on the message: this is what Biden has done and therefore what you trust he can/will do. They're on a solid message, with solid backup. Quite frankly, Biden has enough celebrities backing him up, he doesn't need to play actor. He just needs to be Presidential.

    4) Women. As I posted recently, the women vote, most notably the white no-college suburbs women vote, is not behind Trump. Trump has a long history of not just demeaning women in public, but also throwing them away when they're no longer useful. Doubt me? Point to his previous two wives and Sarah Sanders. Has anyone seen Nikki Haley interviewed recently? Where's Kellyanne Conway? Joe Biden married Jill Biden in 1977.

    Some of you have parents younger than Joe Biden's marriage.

    And every attempt Team Trump has made to sully those waters ("look he sniffed a girl's hair that one time!") is Trumped by grab them by the pussy, too ugly to be elected, or the $130,000 whore. I don't think Biden could bring himself to do an act vile enough to cost him the gender gap.

    5) The New Cold War is between the USA and China, with the turnip-munchers actually playing a role in this. Seasoned and true Republicans know this. And they know Trump had his chance and blew it. Trump single-tiny-handedly created the single biggest tax increase in American history in his trade war with China, which to date, has seen no useful results. Remember Phase One?

    China Is Not Even Close To Meeting Phase One Trade Deal Agreements
    -- Forbes, Oct 2

    This analyst says the U.S.-China trade deal targets were always ‘too aspirational’
    -- Fortune, Oct 6

    An assessment of Donald Trump’s record on trade

    Although Mr Trump claimed foreigners were paying the $80bn of revenue the tariffs raised, economists found that, in fact, American importers paid it. A complicated process of applying for tariff exclusions left businesses tangled in bureaucracy. Thousands of companies have sued, claiming that some of the tariffs on China are unlawful. The policy has, at the very least, created a bonanza for trade lawyers.
    -- the Economist, yesterday

    China Trade War Didn’t Boost U.S. Manufacturing Might
    -- the WSJ, five hours ago

    Trump has proven he can't fight China and win. The trade gap is even wider now than it was before -- it shrunk during the worst of the outbreak but only because both imports and exports shrunk.

    And that doesn't even discuss the military. Trump has proven how ineffective a leader he is there, too, bowing and scraping for North Korea, bragging about invisible airplanes, wanting the Navy to run on goddam steam steam, ceding Syria to Russia, and inviting the Taliban to picnic on the White House lawn. Spending money is one thing, but military spending was increasing anyhow. Trump was just there when it happened waving a Space Force (tm) flag with one hand and jerking off with the other. You can make bullets out of solid gold for all the military cares, what matters is where the gun is pointed and why. Donald "some got headaches" "I like people who don't get captured" "these dead heroes are losers" Trump has such low respect for the military, his own military school begged him for money, he refused, and they went broke.

    And he doesn't read intel reports, or believe his own intelligence agencies. They keep telling him true things and take longer than 140 characters to do it -- and he'll never forgive them for catching him working directly with Russia to attack the election, while loaning him money.

    This, arguably but not objectively more than most, is what's chasing some of the last remaining Republicans away. They know four more years of China cemeinting its lead will turn the Us into, well Russia -- a dictator-led shithole country populated by people spewing conspiracy theories or else getting food poisoning on the way out the window, a oligarchy where the leader shits into a golden toilet while everyone else loses their job, home, health care, and dies sick in the streets. And even if it's not that bad, China taking the lead on the world stage is not something a Republican is willing to accept. A Party of Trumper, however, is directly insisting on it.

    which feeds into

    6) Credibility. Trump lied about everything from America First to the Wall. He has some pieces of paper with signatures in Sharpie he waves around yelling "This is good! I did this and it is good!" but these are rarely backed up with facts or evidence. And he has said things like "windmills cause cancer" too many times -- as some of you have pointed out, he yelled WOLF so many times the laptop could have contained Hunter Biden's pizzagate Bengazi Compound V formula and most of America would have ignored it. By contrast, the NYTimes could, at this point, have just made his taxes up and people would assume they were true if Trump said they weren't.

    They didn't. But they could have.

    Meanwhile, Trump profits off being in the White House. He takes campaign and taxpayer money, and just keeps it for himself. Many times over those few paychecks he gave away. But not enough to pay off his Russian money laundering bank.

    and finally

    7) Trump took the divide forming in US politics and tore it wider on purpose. Unfortunately, he also started breaking down his own side. What does 2020 lack, that most elections have loads of? Undecided voters. We've seen in poll after poll there just aren't any left, certainly not enough to bridge the gap in the popular vote.

    Neither of the two of us believed there was any reason to back off. When the horror movie has 5 minutes left and the villain goes down, you don't turn your back and drop the weapon. You double tap that fake-dead bitch until there's monster Jackson Pollock all over the end credits. Even if enough votes have been cast to 100% lock in the results, we don't know that yet. Until you know if you're in Halloween or Scream, you don't assume the kill, you mandate that shit.

    It's not like Trump's going to magically stop screwing up in the next few days, either.

  11. #59111
    Quote Originally Posted by passingthrew View Post
    His facebook page is scary. Literally just says covid is over, if it ever was a thing......
    Quote Originally Posted by Redtower View Post
    I don't think I ever hide the fact I was a national socialist. The fact I am a German one is what technically makes me a nazi
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    You haven't seen nothing yet, we trumpsters will definitely be getting some cool uniforms soon I hope.

  12. #59112
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Trump once more owning himself and his administration in a tweet....

    Lesley Stahl: Giant health care book in Trump interview had 'no comprehensive health care plan'

    Kayleigh McEnany, gave us a heavy book that she described as the president’s health care plan. It was filled with executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan
    -- Stahl's voiceover, over the 60 Minutes interview

  13. #59113
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So I had a long talk with a friend of mine on the subject, and we agreed on a few things.

    Why is Biden winning right now?

    1) The timeline of COVID-19 could not possibly have been more advantageous to Biden. Nothing would stop the school year and increasig cold from making the numbers increase as they are right now. But lethal outbreak basically destroyed Trump's final year, nearly down to the day -- "It's just one person" was Jan 22. He lost jobs, GDP, and hundreds of thousands of American lives -- all of which Only He Couldn't Fix This.

    Both Biden and Trump have lost family members, but of the two, only one of them actually carries that weight with him. Trump's too busy carrying his own weight. And I don't mean his ridiculously fat ass, I mean there's only room for Trump in Trump. Trump ran in 2016 bringing up, yes, a tragic death to addiction. He promised he'd act on that. It was the one thing I actually sided with him more than Clinton and expected actual results. Instead, until a recent lawsuit victory he had nothing, he still has only a few vague promises and unenforcable E.O.'s, but on top of all of that, "it is what it is" overrules any personal "tragedy" enough times to fill the largest NFL stadium, plus the second-largest NFL stadium, plus the third biggest NFL statium -- Dallas, Atlanta, Baltimore, look it up. Biden, by contrast, under normal circumstances, speaks on the topic with the manner of a knowing, even grandfatherly, figure. Biden is also a well-known man of faith, no matter what Team Trump tries to say, and he has never taken a trip to church that required gassing peaceful protestors. And train-ridin' Biden has a much more realistic relationship with the working class, even manufacturing, than Trump putting on a trucker hat and pretending to blow the horn. When he says "I was raised with you" he's telling the truth. Trump was born a millionaire, despite trying to throw it away, and Biden was born and raised in, well, I won't recommend wandering around downtown Wilmington, Delaware, but if you did you'd see the difference in seconds.

    In short, when it comes to the effect of COVID-19, Trump represents America's response, and Biden represents America's reaction.

    Even leaving out their actions on outbreaks specifically, in which Biden still wins, American simply trusts Biden over Trump.
    This reminded me of an almost 2 year old video

    If anyone doesn't want to watch, basically a still grieving father, supporting trump, despite all the other terrible stuff like the racism and islamaphobia, simply because of trump's promise to fight the heroin epidemic. Went to dozens of rallies, wrote songs etc etc. Well trump got elected, tried to repeal obamacare, tore down centers to help addiction simply due to his hatred of obama, and well, I'm sure this guy's not the only one with a similar story to tell, and not the only one who voted trump in 2016 and won't be this time around.

  14. #59114
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    The NYTimes reports that Juan Williams, Dana Perino, Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, and Jay Wallace are all quarantining due to COVID exposure.

    "Those names look familiar..."

    They are four of FOX News' biggest names and the President of FOX. The NYTimes suggests they got it while flying back from the final debate with, yes, someone who was positive.

  15. #59115
    Herald of the Titans RaoBurning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    And we have fucking retards like this, that are itching to kill their fellow Americans and the government, that have been emboldened under Trump. Fuck these people so much.
    The simplest solution to this sort of behavior would be cutting off utilities to the properties of non-compliant businesses. No grand show of force for the nutters to come up against all armed to the teeth looking for a fight. Just, walk in one day to no power, water, or gas, for maybe a week or two so the message sinks in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    This is America. We always have warm dead bodies.
    if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.

  16. #59116
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This interview was almost as bad for Trump as debate number 1. In the eyes of the public, 60 minutes is not MSNBC, Leslie Stahl is not Rachel Maddow. Pouting about tough questions before storming off with your limp dick tucked between your legs might work for the very online aggrieved incels trying to push a Hunter Biden deep fake, but above ground it's going to cost Trump at least another 1% nationally.

  17. #59117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviscero View Post
    storming off with your limp dick tucked between your legs
    Well no wonder he can't climb a small hill.

  18. #59118
    Other reasons why Biden has a good chance of winning.

    1) Presidential debate #1 - Biden tried being polite, and then finally showed a bit of controlled anger. I think the quote was "Why don't you just shut up man."

    No more "sleepy Joe". In fact, that theme basically just disappeared.

    2) Vice Presidential debate - Pence disrespected Kamala Harris repeatedly (something that women understand all too well), and Kamala Harris handled it for the most part quite well. She showed that she is smart enough and tough enough to be not just Vice President, but President if it should come down to that.

    3) The second debate, dueling town halls - Biden showed that he has good command of the issues, and is not "sleepy Joe" at all. Meanwhile, Trump was embarrassing himself in HIS town hall.

    4) The third debate - Biden did what he could to counter Trump's lies, and solidified the idea that he is strong enough and energetic enough to be President. He properly showed some anger, and also showed that he can keep it under control, even with Trump doing everything possible to unhinge him.

    Basically, Biden/Harris showed that they would make a good President/Vice President.

    And some of the followup Biden ads where Biden is speaking forcefully and directly about what he believes in and plans to do as President has reinforced that.

    I am much more hopeful about Biden winning by a large enough margin that there will be no chance of Trump pulling something off.

    Following the Yahoo election tracker, Biden inched his way to a 10 point lead, then America pulled back a bit "Do we really trust Biden/Harris to be President/ Vice President? His numbers dropped a bit, and now are inching back up as America seems to be saying yes.

    And I can't really see any way for something like dueling Comey speeches in the last week propelling Trump to victory as happened 4 years ago.

    But for now all we can do is wait and see.

  19. #59119
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    But for now all we can do is wait and see.
    Well that, and of course encourage everyone you know to vote. Turnout is a big deal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For added hilarity:

    I don't think what Hunter Biden is accused of is illegal
    -- Vladamir Putin

    No, really. Putin weighed in enough to say he doesn't really care, but doesn't think anything wrong happened. I guess Trump didn't turn out to be a valuable asset after all.

  20. #59120
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Well that, and of course encourage everyone you know to vote. Turnout is a big deal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For added hilarity:

    I don't think what Hunter Biden is accused of is illegal
    -- Vladamir Putin

    No, really. Putin weighed in enough to say he doesn't really care, but doesn't think anything wrong happened. I guess Trump didn't turn out to be a valuable asset after all.
    I wouldn’t say he wasn’t valuable to Putin more like he did what Putin wanted and is no longer needed.

    Trump has created a lot of chaos in the US on all levels government and culturally and that was the end goal of Putin. Imo.

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