“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Due to timezones I didn't know anything going to sleep 4 years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night, looked at my phone and thought "what the fuck" before hitting the cushion again. Can't have been awake for more than 10 seconds.
I hope I don't wake up this time, there is no way we get an accurate result on election day. It will take at least a week, probably more.
But yeah, Trump will say he won a minute after polling station close. He will say it's rigged. No doubt about it.
Trump's EPA is being sued (again) for not P-ing the E. Specifically, the rule about letting power plants pollute as much as they want.
Covid-19 cases, deaths rising at rapid rate ahead of Election Day
Immediate follow-up:Forty-eight U.S. states now have a full or partial mask mandate, including states led by Republican governors like Arkansas which were slow to impose such a restriction. The only two that don't are North and South Dakota, the latter of which is led by GOP Gov. Kristi Noem who claimed numbers showing her state was the site of a "superspreader" motorcycle rally in August were "made up."
North Dakota COVID-19 infections have increased 167 percent in one month
Ryan Mahoney, former RNC official, says he voted for Biden.
Pelosi calls Trump's plan to declare victory without the actual votes unConstitutional and says it's voter suppression, not by stopping votes from being placed, but counted.
Twitter outlines how it will label tweets claiming early U.S. election victory
That means you too, Trump.
In an updated blog, the company said it would consider state election officials and national news outlets such as ABC News, Associated Press, CNN and Fox News that have independent election decision desks as official sources for results.
This made me laugh a bit
Illegal Aliens will control our savior Donald J. Trump
Trump was in Michigan and did nothing but lie to people's faces because he can't run on his record.
Trump claimed Obama was costing Michigan jobs, that he saved.
Bolded for "can't blame COVID".Between Obama's first full month in office, February 2009, and Obama's last full month in office, December 2016, Michigan added 11,700 vehicle manufacturing jobs and 45,300 auto parts manufacturing jobs. The number of parts manufacturing jobs in the state rose steadily, gaining every year of the Obama presidency, while the number of vehicle manufacturing jobs grew consistently from 2009 through 2014, then leveled off in Obama's last two years.
In addition, there has not been a renaissance in Michigan auto manufacturing jobs since Trump took office. Even before the coronavirus pandemic temporarily caused auto employment to plummet in early 2020, Michigan had actually lost vehicle manufacturing jobs under Trump.
There were 40,300 vehicle manufacturing jobs in Michigan as of February 2020 -- down 2,100 jobs from February 2017, Trump's first full month in office. The most recent figure, a preliminary number for September 2020, is 37,600 vehicle manufacturing jobs in Michigan, down 4,800 jobs from February 2017.
Trump also claimed that four years ago, there weren't any auto manufacturing plants, and hadn't been built there fore "decades and decades". He should have been laughed offstage. Incidentally, the number of plants that opened in Michigan, is the same as the number that closed in Michigan. There were 13 four years ago and there are 13 now.
He committed perjury on live TV during his own hearings. That is punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Just because the Republicans refuse to hold him accountable doesn't mean it isn't a felony.
Edit: Or how his debts were magically paid off just before he came into office and whatever conflicts of interest those create for him.
Last edited by Fugus; 2020-11-02 at 11:12 PM.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
6PM EST? I am sure it will be done by 2-3 in the afternoon after he woofs down a big mac.
And it's not new. BTW, his confirmation to SCOTUS was likely the second time he committed perjury. The first was during his prior confirmation hearing in the early aughts (about the manuel miranda case). Regardless, he's not going to be removed. GOP senators have no shame.