what's too bad is that they don't care. for rational, decent people if you realise your ideals and principles are vastly different from everybody else you'd undergo some self exploration and decide if it was you or society that was wrong
some people though, they don't care that they're wrong. or they're too arrogant to even consider it a possibility
and why is Trump so synonymous with promoting racism? Doesn't he regularly say he supports black people
He was impeached. And for him to actually get thrown out of office, you need a 2/3 majority in the Senate. As long as there are plenty of opportunists that stuff their own pockets, like there were with Hitler, Stalin or basically any other dictator, that will keep him in power because he makes them rich, no issue for even a corrupt sack of Elephant shit to stay in power.
You support this.
You were given a chance to condemn it, but you didn't. Every Trump supporter gets to own this, whether you like it, or not.
Probably because he promotes racism and glorifies racists? It's like asking why people associate blue with the sky or the ocean.
And saying you support something and actually doing so have nothing in common with each other. Me saying I'll take out the trash and it actually getting taken out are two completely separate things.
So if spreading the virus is bad and requires retaliation how do you propose retaliating against Trump for spreading the virus via his rallies and political events?
When will you people learn that this is not a binary choice. You all seem to think the two options are 100% complete shutdown or 100% complete open no mask no distancing, nada.2. lockdowns have to end and people have to get back on track ASAP or the economy will soon collapse. People think Trump encouraging this is bad but look at the reality of people not wanting to work anymore
That's not how this works.
Can we toss Yuppie a fish to shut the sea lioning up?
Which must have nothing to do with covid given the stimulus to give checks to people has ended. This meme of "there are lazy people who won't take jobs" existed before covid. Usual with racial overtones (welfare queens anyone?)
If someone doesn't want to work then they don't want to work. Nothing will change that.
i mean when i see trump, he says he has good relationships with black people and supports minorities. Does he have two personalities, one where he says and does the opposite to curry favor?
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WMDs. It's why i am curious about biden's approach if he wins.
So you are admitting Trump won't do anything about China so there is no reason to give him 4 more years to do nothing.
EDIT -- I'm sorry...are you implying that when you claim we need vengeance against China that we should do that via the military? You want to start an ACTUAL war with China? Are you insane?