Social media and the mainstream press were not united against Obama in a never before seen assault on a single man. At most you had Fox News and Fox was very tame.
At least Obama actually grew up in the US. Can't say the same for Kamala Harris. We have a presidential candidate who has dementia who is probably going to resign so that his vice president who isn't even actually american can become president.
Please avoid misleading information and conspiracy theories in your posts.
Last edited by Arlee; 2020-11-05 at 12:36 AM.
And they're still not "united" against anyone now, either. It's Trump that claimed they were the "enemy of the people".
Harris was born and grew up in the US, I have no idea where this nonsense comes from or why it matters.
I don't know what bearing any of this has on the shitshow discussion, Kamala is not the subject of this thread.
Still not really paying attention to anything because I'm pretty sure being able to feel your heartbeat pulse in your arms isn't a good thing, but I read a random Giuliani quote that I wanted to share:
At which point I think pretty much everyone is picturing the latest Borat film."Do you think we're stupid? Do you think we're fools?"--Giuliani in Pennsylvania
Hope everyone is well. I'll be back with the bad news in a few hours.
I do not recall talking about her ethnicity, only how the country she grew up in and how that'd influence her loyalties and biases.
Fox news always tells us its more popular than the MSM.....bigger reach.....Bigly ratings.
Now they are just the little guy?
Tame? Birther is tame? Pizzagate being accused of running a pedophile ring is tame? His wife being a man, tame?
My god son were you just a toddler in 2009-2016?
Whelp thanks for proving me right beyond a reasonable doubt.
BTW wasn't Hillary supposed to be dead by now too? You know her health and all!!
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Man, you must sure be worried about Trump's loyalties then given that he has major business interests across the globe that span decades and was actively pursuing more while campaigning.
How can we trust his loyalties when he's got financial interests abroad?
wait, umm...hold on....
shit can i revote.....
My god and we were joking around about made up exaggerated Trump achievements this morning like "trump fixed the moon"..... Who knew he actually ended the Korean War!!!
- - - Updated - - -
birther, pizzagate, pedo leader, sex slaves, muslin trying to destroy america, wife is a man, not american...etc etc
What is the worst thing they said about trump? He's got the hots for his daughter, which turns out is true and he admitted it?
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!