1. #61241

  2. #61242
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PresidentElectMilchschake View Post
    Sure.... say hello to those Spokane winters for me You dont really need to go that far east. Things get Trumpy fast in Monroe or Puyallup.
    It's more visible, sure, but the whole Puget Sound area, including Snohomish and Pierce, voted blue. I drove to Leavenworth a few months ago, however, and it's much more blatant once you get out of the Sound counties. I haven't visited my relatives in Spokane in a while, and I'm honestly a bit scared to see what it's like over there these days.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  3. #61243
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    If Ivanka is smart, she’ll divorce him.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry, meant Melena
    You were right both times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    So...is America "Great Again"? Is this "Mission Accomplished"?
    Having never clicked on that link and having not read any articles in the last week where this was the topic, I hereby predict that, after clicking that link and reading that article, it will be mostly white men attacking or killing black people, latinos, and/or gay people.

    (clicks link)

    Well that wasn't as clear-cut as I thought, but, I was at least 70% vindicated.

  4. #61244
    I was listening to a podcast regarding Trump and reading an interesting article in the Guardian, and they raised some interesting points I think are worth considering. I know a great deal will flat out reject some of the assertions regarding Trump, but I am inclined to believe them. Namely that the true danger of Trump wasn't so much him, it is what he has potentially opened the door to. That he was never the Hitler that many made him out to be, nor could he ever be, that he was too narcissistic and incompetent to reach those levels, there was no grand plan for the country beyond his own enrichment and empowerment and in that regard the US got off lucky. Whilst he did do harm, helped divide the nation further as well as the global political implications, this was no reenactment of the third reich (again, this is not the same as me saying it was all sunshine and flowers with no harm done). The true danger being that he has shown that someone like him can reach those levels of power, and that a competent Trump, with a grand vision for the country beyond self interest, would be far more dangerous. He toppled norms in a way that no other president has and showed the levels that you can sink to in the office. We can only hope such a person doesn't rise.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gelannerai View Post

    Remember, legally no one sane takes Tucker Carlson seriously.

  5. #61245
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    You can blame Amazon for turning Seattle into SF light and Washington State blue.
    I mean, Amazon absolutely has directly contributed to the the trend, but it long predates their involvement.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  6. #61246
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Both Moderna and Astra Zeneca accepted government funding for their vaccine development as part of Warp Speed. Financially, they are babies compared to Pfizer. So they definitely could use the funding.
    funding for development or just an agreement to purchase?
    seriously i just woke up and did not start reading up on the background
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  7. #61247
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    It's more visible, sure, but the whole Puget Sound area, including Snohomish and Pierce, voted blue. I drove to Leavenworth a few months ago, however, and it's much more blatant once you get out of the Sound counties. I haven't visited my relatives in Spokane in a while, and I'm honestly a bit scared to see what it's like over there these days.
    For fun, read the comments section of The Spokesman-Review, KHQ, or KREM.... yikes. Major effort to recall the County Health supervisor.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    I mean, Amazon absolutely has directly contributed to the the trend, but it long predates their involvement.
    Ya, there's these small companies; Microsoft, Boeing, The University of Washington... Seattle has been mostly blue since the Denny Party landed at Alki.
    Last edited by AntiFascistVoter; 2020-11-16 at 06:43 PM.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  8. #61248
    Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!
    -Donald Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    What an ignorant, deluded, narcissistic asshole.

    Doesn't matter! in 2016 trump made it standard to take credit for everything that happened in the country as of election day. He still to this day takes credit for the stock market for the first 3 months he was not even in office.

    So based on the standards set by trump, this is all Biden's credit.

    Democrats need to pivot on this and learn a lesson in marketing.

    Get out and call this the Biden Bump! Stock market records thanks to the country being super amped Biden was elected!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    He failed to mention that Moderna is based in MA which voted overwhelmingly against him. Pfizer in NY. The other vaccine candidate, Astra Zeneca in MA. The maker of Remdesivir, Gilead, is in CA. In fact Remdesivir is direct beneficiary of CA 2004 stem cell research general bond. So the drug creation in essence is funded by CA tax payers. Detached from reality is the understatement of the year.
    damn coastal elites bailing out the country again....and again....and again.....
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  9. #61249
    Quote Originally Posted by tehealadin View Post
    I was listening to a podcast regarding Trump and reading an interesting article in the Guardian, and they raised some interesting points I think are worth considering. I know a great deal will flat out reject some of the assertions regarding Trump, but I am inclined to believe them. Namely that the true danger of Trump wasn't so much him, it is what he has potentially opened the door to. That he was never the Hitler that many made him out to be, nor could he ever be, that he was too narcissistic and incompetent to reach those levels, there was no grand plan for the country beyond his own enrichment and empowerment and in that regard the US got off lucky. Whilst he did do harm, helped divide the nation further as well as the global political implications, this was no reenactment of the third reich (again, this is not the same as me saying it was all sunshine and flowers with no harm done). The true danger being that he has shown that someone like him can reach those levels of power, and that a competent Trump, with a grand vision for the country beyond self interest, would be far more dangerous. He toppled norms in a way that no other president has and showed the levels that you can sink to in the office. We can only hope such a person doesn't rise.
    Not necessarily a dictator, but I would like a decidedly fearsome (in personality) American president that doesn't take shit from any real villains or dictators out there. The kind of man that knows what he is doing, is responsible, and is very intimidating and drives fear into the hearts of evil people out there in all shades. Like if a dictator or terrorist makes negotiations, he'll tell that person to go to hell. The kind of man that ends injustice in his own nation through forcible action and heavily sanctions other countries for their crimes of genocide and slavery rather than turn a blind eye or chicken down.

    Now that we are going forward with Joe Biden and Trump is history, I will state the reason I have my skepticism is he looks too soft. I don't desire a leader that will cow to the whims of Xi Jinping when he raises his eyebrow, I want someone that will get pissed off right back and call him out.
    Last edited by YUPPIE; 2020-11-16 at 06:50 PM.

  10. #61250
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    It's more visible, sure, but the whole Puget Sound area, including Snohomish and Pierce, voted blue. I drove to Leavenworth a few months ago, however, and it's much more blatant once you get out of the Sound counties. I haven't visited my relatives in Spokane in a while, and I'm honestly a bit scared to see what it's like over there these days.
    My hydrogeologist accepted a department head position with the Washington State Department of Ecology. She lives outside Spokane. On one hand she enjoyed living next to the primeval redwood forests. On the other hand, she found the ubiquitous presence of local militia members openly carrying firearms in town to be unnerving. She said that they even openly carry firearms into public meetings.

  11. #61251
    At least the Nazis are honest about wanting a violent authoritarian. They've starting to identify that they have a problem.

  12. #61252
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Not necessarily a dictator, but I would like a decidedly fearsome (in personality) American president that doesn't take shit from any real villains or dictators out there. The kind of man that knows what he is doing, is responsible, and is very intimidating and drives fear into the hearts of evil people out there in all shades. Like if a dictator or terrorist makes negotiations, he'll tell that person to go to hell. The kind of man that ends injustice in his own nation through forcible action and heavily sanctions other countries for their crimes of genocide and slavery rather than turn a blind eye.

    Now that we are going forward with Joe Biden and Trump is history, I will state the reason I have my skepticism is he looks too soft. I don't desire a leader that will cow to the whims of Xi Jinping when he raises his eyebrow, I want someone that will get pissed off right back and call him out.
    Except... he does take shit from dictators and strongmen... You just choose to ignore it.

  13. #61253
    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Except... he does take shit from dictators and strongmen... You just choose to ignore it.
    not referring to Trump with that. I mean just for a future leader. But yeah, everything I described is probably what people WANTED out of Trump on electing him.

  14. #61254

  15. #61255
    I am Murloc! Noxx79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    not referring to Trump with that. I mean just for a future leader. But yeah, everything I described is probably what people WANTED out of Trump on electing him.
    So you’ve proven that people like yourself who voted for trump are uneducated, easily conned marks.

    Why do you believe what trump says?

  16. #61256
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Not necessarily a dictator, but I would like a decidedly fearsome (in personality) American president that doesn't take shit from any real villains or dictators out there. The kind of man that knows what he is doing, is responsible, and is very intimidating and drives fear into the hearts of evil people out there in all shades. Like if a dictator or terrorist makes negotiations, he'll tell that person to go to hell.
    Trump ignored reports that Putin put bounties on the deaths of American soldiers.

    Trump stroked Kim Jong Un's ego in order to get a photo op.

    Trump invited the Taliban to a picnic.

    Trump entered into and then lost a "trade war" with China.

    Trump rolled over for Erdogan and abandoned long-standing Kurdish allies.

    You need to rethink your position.

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Now that we are going forward with Joe Biden and Trump is history, I will state the reason I have my skepticism is he looks too soft. I don't desire a leader that will cow to the whims of Xi Jinping when he raises his eyebrow, I want someone that will get pissed off right back and call him out.
    Yes, you've stated outright that you want a war with China, but you're absolutely deluded in your view of Trump (as well as Biden).
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  17. #61257
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Trump officials preparing to move forward with major step to lower Medicare drug prices

    Hmm. Interesting. Why didn't he do this four years ago? I read the article and don't see the word "law" or "bill" here, so this is...oh wait, it says here Trump mentioned this in September and then just...didn't do it. Huh.

    Alos, it looks like Democrats have already proposed this so...yeah, this isn't news. This is Trump suddenly remembering his legacy is somewhere between "flaming bag of dogshit" and "Breyer's Carb Smart Chocolate" and trying to get one or two (troop levels) promises done after he's lost the election.

  18. #61258
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Trump officials preparing to move forward with major step to lower Medicare drug prices

    Hmm. Interesting. Why didn't he do this four years ago? I read the article and don't see the word "law" or "bill" here, so this is...oh wait, it says here Trump mentioned this in September and then just...didn't do it. Huh.

    Alos, it looks like Democrats have already proposed this so...yeah, this isn't news. This is Trump suddenly remembering his legacy is somewhere between "flaming bag of dogshit" and "Breyer's Carb Smart Chocolate" and trying to get one or two (troop levels) promises done after he's lost the election.
    And this is going to be what Trump will be doing for the rest of his life. Lying and misleading his rapid and willfully ignorant followers while he bilks them for every dime he can get. And he'll have his own Television Network to do it from.

  19. #61259
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    State attorneys general have sued Trump's administration 138 times — nearly double those of Obama and Bush

    During President Donald Trump's four years in office, his administration has sparred in court with state attorneys general over nearly every issue.

    Among the topics: the "travel ban"; the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA; family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border; the "national emergency" declaration to build the border wall; international student visas; student loan protections; clean water rules; transgender health care protections; automobile emissions; a citizenship question on the 2020 census; U.S. Postal Service operations; and Obamacare.

    If it seems like a lot, it is.
    Damn, NBC spitting fire today.

    A review of litigation against federal agencies during the Trump administration shows that state attorneys general have filed 138 multistate lawsuits since he took office, according to data compiled by Paul Nolette, a political scientist at Marquette University in Milwaukee who studies the office of attorney general.

    It's a sharp increase from Trump's predecessors, including Barack Obama, whose administration was sued 78 times during his two presidential terms, and George W. Bush, whose administration was sued 76 times during his two terms.

    "The number of AG lawsuits is off the charts," Nolette said. "These days, they're really ready to go, as in once a regulation is finalized, within a week, sometimes within a day or two, the lawsuit is filed. They're ready to run with it."
    Hey @cubby I doubt you have the exact numbers, but you probably have an informed guess. Would you say the resolved cases against Bush, Obama, and Trump so far paint Trump as the least successful in the courtroom?

    - - - Updated - - -

    South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 'not real'

    Yes, that South Dakota.

    Donald Trump is a murderer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    NBC News has helpfully compiled this list of cities/states with new COVID restrictions.

    Browse all you want, the answer is "most of them". Spans the spectrum from NYC to ND.

  20. #61260
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Hey @cubby I doubt you have the exact numbers, but you probably have an informed guess. Would you say the resolved cases against Bush, Obama, and Trump so far paint Trump as the least successful in the courtroom?
    The numbers of cases for past administrations are tough to track down. I know that Trump is somewhere around 8-10% success rate in the court room when he is sued for Regulations he attempts to roll out - this is in large part because he staff is so incompetent that they fail to do the background work and preparation to defend them.

    Generally speaking, Trump has been the least successful Resident in the history of the United States - even Hoover is gleefully rolling around his grave in thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 'not real'

    Yes, that South Dakota.

    Donald Trump is a murderer.
    Saw this story earlier today, couldn't believe people were so willfully stupid as to literally deny what health professional are telling them is causing their death. Trump is indeed a murderer. I hope the NYStateAG and Manhattan Prosecutor's offices are ready to roll. I expect them to seize assets, hand down indictments, and perhaps hold Trump's passport on Jan 22 (they may wait a week because the inauguration, so as not to detract from that national celebration).

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