This triggers me. Not you lol. The facts behind it all.
My aunt is hardcore conservative and not long ago we kinda fell out over all this. It was before the BLM riots etc and I pretty much predicted some of what was to come. As in resistance to Trump, riots, conservative platforms etc. She didn't believe me. She was upset about FB and Twitter being anti conservative, (this was all from the Trump tweet that what they were doing was "illegal!")(nevermind it wasnt illegal and that there is also pro conservative bias in other companies that she doesnt care about...NRA etc) I tried to explain to her that in a free market and capitalist society she and others like her are more than welcome to create their own platforms and being a republican she more than anyone should be against "big govt" stepping in and we can't control which party a business owner belongs to and which way they swing and if you don't like it, take your business elsewhere. She wouldn't hear any of it. Now enter Parler etc. lol who have done just that and I just got done reading the wiki page on the Fairness Doctrine which I forgot alllll about and direct you to the "Opposition" section:
The Fairness Doctrine has been strongly opposed by prominent conservatives and libertarians who view it as an attack on First Amendment rights and property rights."
Just ugh. There is no getting through to people like her sadly. She can't see the hypocrisy and honestly believes the same stuff I see from people like John Voight with his most recent "most important battle since the civil war, and its the battle of righteousness vs. evil etc" She tries to cast a political light over any subject we may be talking about. "Thats why your mother does this is cause shes liberal blah blah blah" "Only Republicans have any sense of personal responsibility" etc etc. uggggh. There is no winning with them. She only listens to Hannity, Ive heard her husband wish death upon all Dems and the list goes on. The real irony is that they think everyone else is the the problem. They are righteous and the other side is evil and this is the end of America. The fearmongering hyperbole and paranoia is staggering. Needless to say, sadly we don't speak much anymore once she seemed to get I was never going to convert to her side.
I should add, she also believes in Qanon now. Ask her about any news and its "MSM is fake news" "Dont believe a word they say!" Yet she believes in a rando anon forum poster from 4chan of all places. I can't make this stuff up. Shes convinced that Dems are pedos and they do it in pizza shops. The divide is bigger now than its been in many years.
Edited for the similarities here:
The backlash against social media bias is funny. When Dems were claiming it, it's not a thing. Their rights were being infringed upon. Now it's happening to them and they want the very thing they fought/stand against to stick up for them.(remind anyone of the "keep your govt hands out of my medicare" signs?) Similar to this argument I'm seeing about the Russian interference. It's not a thing, its not a thing, we won fair and square, elections arent rigged! Wait, this election was rigged! We didn't agree then but we do now! We don't believe you when you make the claim but when we make it, it's SeRiOuS. End rant. This is why I stay out of politics. Marley was the real mvp. One love.