1. #62161
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaid View Post
    Well in theory what trump is doing directly courting various state govt to overturn an election could in theory fall under bribery. Do this for me and then I do something for you. Also in various states it could be considered election fraud of some flavor. The issue would be if its not successful it would be hard to charge. But if it was successful it would much more clearly be a crime in a lot of states that have very specific rules for how elections are handled.
    Attempted bribery is both a state and federal crime. However, Trump's specific act is an election violation, and the FEC would have jurisdiction, except the FEC doesn't exist right now - because Trump didn't appoint members, so they can't act on anything.

    I'm with you on this, don't me wrong - what the GOP is doing under Trump is treason/sedition. But also not actionable under our current law.

    It's so bad even GA Gov Kemp is telling the Trump rabid fan base to calm down and stop trying to break the law.

  2. #62162

    god how much money do we need to raise to bribe pence not to pardon him then becoming the biggest fuck you in American history?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by kaid View Post
    Well in theory what trump is doing directly courting various state govt to overturn an election could in theory fall under bribery. Do this for me and then I do something for you. Also in various states it could be considered election fraud of some flavor. The issue would be if its not successful it would be hard to charge. But if it was successful it would much more clearly be a crime in a lot of states that have very specific rules for how elections are handled.
    bribery? fuck that he should be indicted for treason at this point.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  3. #62163
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post

    god how much money do we need to raise to bribe pence not to pardon him then becoming the biggest fuck you in American history?
    I don't know...I can't see him stepping down at this point. Even to help himself, he just doesn't seem to have that kind of self-help nature - plus, he believes he can Pardon himself. And the people around him are the worst sort of sycophants, so Trump won't be getting any good advice.

  4. #62164
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    It's honestly hard to tell if we're seeing the extra surge from Thanksgiving (including travel before) or if things really are just this out of control in general. Before the holiday the change in cases week to week was dropping below 10k on some days, but now it's averaging well over. I should be able to start comparing to the previous week starting tomorrow so we'll have a clearer picture of how big a change it actually is, but I'm not expecting good news.
    Yeah, about that...

    2k deaths at 12:30pm west coast time with 18 states, including 3 of the top 5, with no results posted at all.

    It's definitely not good news.
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  5. #62165
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Remember, we're on the same side here.

    But in that link, can you pose the specific crimes listed that Trump has violated?
    Last edited by cubby; 2020-12-08 at 09:05 PM.

  6. #62166
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    how much money do we need to raise to bribe pence
    "Stunning" lol. We've all said it.

    Also, that's an interesting question. Pence was 100% an enabler, but he was never part of the rabid fanbase. I think you'd have to do something besides just hand him money, however, Pence thinks he has honor. You'd have to do something like, say, make homosexuality illegal in the Constitution, or something else equally Republican but not specifically deplorable, which Pelosi and Biden would never do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I can't see him stepping down at this point
    Sure he will. He'll even do it to massive cheers and applause. Because it's a cult. He doesn't even need a good reason anymore. Remember this?

    Of course you didn't, it was buried in everything else and none of us left are rabid fanbase members. But that's Trump getting applause for cucumbers.

    No, really.

    Anyhow, Trump wil make it all about how amazing he is that nobody else would have stepped down, nobody else would make those sacrifices, etc etc and already I can see you nodding in agreement.

  7. #62167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Sure he will. He'll even do it to massive cheers and applause. Because it's a cult. He doesn't even need a good reason anymore. Remember this?

    Of course you didn't, it was buried in everything else and none of us left are rabid fanbase members. But that's Trump getting applause for cucumbers.

    No, really.

    Anyhow, Trump wil make it all about how amazing he is that nobody else would have stepped down, nobody else would make those sacrifices, etc etc and already I can see you nodding in agreement.
    Lol, you indeed can. Ok, I could this happening.

  8. #62168
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The defense bill Trump promised to veto, unless it sanctions FB and Twitter for callint out Trump's objective lies, is headed for the floor.

    Normally this would be an easy decision, but times being what they are, place your bets:
    1) Trump the craven fat coward backs down, signs the bill, and whines about it, or
    2) Trump follows through and intentionally attacks the troops on his way out the door

    What do you guys think? I honestly don't care either way, Biden will sign it Jan 20th at 12:04 if he has to, it's just a question whether Trump is a blowhard gutless fat coward or a destructive tantrum-throwing toddler.

    "Surely there's a third option."

    Not anymore, Trump already said he'd veto it and why.
    3) Trump veto's but Congress overwrites it in a 2/3 majority.

    I suspect it will be either 1 or 3. I think McConnell knows the danger of the bill being stopped by Trump is to high, especially with Georgia run-off elections deciding the future of the Senate still coming up.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  9. #62169
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    3) Trump veto's but
    *soft, gently chiming buzzer*

    Don't care. Trump is "on trial" here. Congress isn't forced into bad options by their words and actions, Trump is. Congress could do what you suggested and win, wait a month and win, keep sending the same bill over and over until Trump takes both options and win twice, etc etc.

  10. #62170
    got a grim news alert in my feed

    Supreme Court denies Republicans' effort to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania

  11. #62171
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    got a grim news alert in my feed

    Supreme Court denies Republicans' effort to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania
    You misspelled "pleasant".
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  12. #62172
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    You misspelled "pleasant".
    At least they made it very plain now that they're a Trump supporter who's okay with the GOP trying to subvert democracy. It should make it MUCH easier for everyone here to just put them on ignore instead of constantly entertaining the--*HORKHORKHORK* Oh for--*HORKHORKHORK*. Fine. *throws fish* *flipper slapping sounds*

  13. #62173
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    got a grim news alert in my feed

    Supreme Court denies Republicans' effort to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania

    Also it's hard to even call that news tbh, did anyone actually think they would take the case? The case was already denied in lower courts based on the doctrine of laches, and there really isn't any other standard the supreme court could apply to it if they decided to see it.

  14. #62174
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    got a grim news alert in my feed

    Supreme Court denies Republicans' effort to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania
    Darn democracy, won't you just die already for poor yuppie?

  15. #62175
    The fact is Trump is losing at every turn and it’s difficult to say how he’ll come out on top with what he is trying to accomplish (overturning Biden) in any way short of a military coup by now. Republican supporters say if all else fails, wait until 2024 but Trump’s fate out of office is looking too grim for that despite his promises he’ll return.

    I genuinely think the GOP is screwed.

  16. #62176
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Sedition. And I was specifically speaking about the Arizona GOP tweet. Go back and read the thread for reference. Trump is likely guilty as well. It’s weird you switched to Trump after we were clearly discussing the GOP though.
    What part of sedition? Which section? What acts of his/theirs meet that threshold. I'm asking you to elaborate based on the statutory link you provided - this is your point to make, so please make it, specifically.

    Yeah, I kinda melded those two - didn't mean to muck it up, my bad if I confused the issue/point.

  17. #62177
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The fact is Trump is losing at every turn and it’s difficult to say how he’ll come out on top with what he is trying to accomplish (overturning Biden) in any way short of a military coup by now.
    That's always been the truth. The fact that some "very fine" people are just getting wise to it only now says more about their lack of critical thinking than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Republican supporters say if all else fails, wait until 2024 but Trump’s fate out of office is looking too grim for that despite his promises he’ll return.

    I genuinely think the GOP is screwed.
    Trump's promises aren't worth the KFC receipts they're written on, and the GoP screwed themselves years ago by hitching their wagon to a train-wreck.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  18. #62178
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    got a grim news alert in my feed

    Supreme Court denies Republicans' effort to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania
    That isn't grim news unless you are a gullible Trump supporter. There is LITERALLY no standing for the election to go to the Supreme Court.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The fact is Trump is losing at every turn and it’s difficult to say how he’ll come out on top with what he is trying to accomplish (overturning Biden) in any way short of a military coup by now. Republican supporters say if all else fails, wait until 2024 but Trump’s fate out of office is looking too grim for that despite his promises he’ll return.

    I genuinely think the GOP is screwed.
    Good. They are the party of racism and anti-science, fuck 'em.

  19. #62179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    "Stunning" lol. We've all said it.

    Also, that's an interesting question. Pence was 100% an enabler, but he was never part of the rabid fanbase. I think you'd have to do something besides just hand him money, however, Pence thinks he has honor. You'd have to do something like, say, make homosexuality illegal in the Constitution, or something else equally Republican but not specifically deplorable, which Pelosi and Biden would never do.
    Pence does not think any such thing. He thinks he has a deity on his side. To the devout that beats everything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  20. #62180
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    At least they made it very plain now that they're a Trump supporter who's okay with the GOP trying to subvert democracy. It should make it MUCH easier for everyone here to just put them on ignore instead of constantly entertaining the--*HORKHORKHORK* Oh for--*HORKHORKHORK*. Fine. *throws fish* *flipper slapping sounds*

    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    That isn't grim news unless you are a gullible Trump supporter. There is LITERALLY no standing for the election to go to the Supreme Court.

    I'd almost advise saving your breath on the matter... responding to the person in question might as well be posting into a void.

    Usually all they do is come in, ask some vague begging-the-question type post with pro-trump implications, and then vacate for a few more pages before popping up to do it again.

    I once had a homeless guy sit next to me on a bus ride back in college for the entire route, talking at me in largely straying, incoherent language that he was really just directing at himself. So yeah... he's like that busride homeless guy, but in Trump supporter form.

    Is it odd how I'm seeing these random people I encountered in my college days reflected in the right-wing concern posters on this site? I've already metaphorically linked Theo up with this guy I had in an anthropology class that argued with the professor during a lecture that archaeologists were probably lying about the age of the sphinx because 'big archaeology' had a certain narrative to push.

    I wonder who's next
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

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