1. #64021
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I love conservatives calling for nationalizing Twitter, FB, etc. Again this was an attack in the 2020 election about the Dems.

    Another good note I would listen and possibly join is conservatives all sudden talking about tech monopolies.

    Last but not least. Jeez people. Look where we have come in the past 4 years on this thread. Effin crazy. Still 10 days plus.
    I love that "Conservatives" have decided that socialism and communism are the answer...

  2. #64022
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm psoitive he's considered it.

    I believe Pence threatened Trump into that "not really an apology not really a condemnation" video by swinging the 25th like an executioner's axe. Problem is, once you say "call off the mob or you're removed" and Trump posted the video, you pretty much need to keep your end of the deal...or he just orders another murderous mob.
    However, that truce is also a two-way street; as there is the threat of: activate the mob again and the 25th will be activated.

  3. #64023
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I love that "Conservatives" have decided that socialism and communism are the answer...
    You know, that small government socialism and communism. Same people wanted the government to get their hands off of their medicare. Real big brained people.

  4. #64024
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    You know, that small government socialism and communism. Same people wanted the government to get their hands off of their medicare. Real big brained people.
    It turns out that the horseshoe is just one big damn circle, with the Trumpsters and the Bernie supporters being the same people.

  5. #64025
    Why impeach Trump so close to his end of term? It doesn't really change anything if he's not immediately removed from office and that would take too long due to bureaucracy. The first impeachment did nothing but I heard this next one would disqualify him from running in 2024.

  6. #64026
    Quote Originally Posted by dextersmith View Post
    Why impeach Trump so close to his end of term? It doesn't really change anything if he's not immediately removed from office and that would take too long due to bureaucracy. The first impeachment did nothing but I heard this next one would disqualify him from running in 2024.
    That and it shows that our leaders would be held somewhat accountable for their actions. As far as I'm concerned, it is about him not being able to hold public office ever again.

  7. #64027
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    That is almost like eating a steak WELL DONE with fucking ketchum, cuz that is what he eats his steak like. That is also a crime against food.
    Gimme a well done steak with some A-1 and I'm A-Okay.

  8. #64028
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    It turns out that the horseshoe is just one big damn circle, with the Trumpsters and the Bernie supporters being the same people.
    You think that I am the moral equivalent of the guy who was in Pelosi's office with his feet on her desk?

  9. #64029
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    You think that I am the moral equivalent of the guy who was in Pelosi's office with his feet on her desk?
    When in reference to support of communism and socialism... you guys sure do love it.

  10. #64030
    Bernie supporters have never favored tax cuts for the rich or big businesses.

  11. #64031
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Bernie supporters have never favored tax cuts for the rich or big businesses.
    And yet, Bernie supporters have long pushed misinformation about Bernie being screwed over during an election, and love the idea of socialism... just like the Trumpsters.

  12. #64032
    Bloodsail Admiral
    3+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2020
    Don't worry about Trump's EO's over these last 10 days btw too much (if he's not removed sooner). Any of them will be swiped away very quickly January 20th.

    Also, why in the world is anyone still talking about Bernie and Socialism lol? It's wild how effective fear mongering political ads are. Bernie wasn't even close in the primary. And it really doesn't take much fact checking at all to understand that his infamous "call me a socialist" sentence specifically was in reference to his position on universal healthcare, not a statement of his overall political affiliation. Yet here we are still 4 years later with people still fear mongered into scares of "Socialism" by ads that took his sentence out of context and then applied it to the entire Democrat party.

  13. #64033
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    And yet, Bernie supporters have long pushed misinformation about Bernie being screwed over during an election, and love the idea of socialism... just like the Trumpsters.
    wot trumpers dont like socialism lol

  14. #64034
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    wot trumpers dont like socialism lol
    Tell that to all Trumpsters begging for the government to control social media...

  15. #64035
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Tell that to all Trumpsters begging for the government to control social media...
    wot the fuck does that have to do with socialism lol

  16. #64036
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    wot the fuck does that have to do with socialism lol
    I see what you did there.

  17. #64037
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I see what you did there.
    trumps fanbois are fascist not socialist, what is going on here i dont understand.

  18. #64038
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    trumps fanbois are fascist not socialist, what is going on here i dont understand.
    And yet, they want the government to take over and control social media...

  19. #64039
    Americans are hilarious when they talk about socialism.

  20. #64040
    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    Americans are hilarious when they talk about socialism.
    Because most of us have no clue what it is?

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