1. #64701
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Hey remember when ah fuck it. Trump lied about handing out more vaccines.

    Governors are accusing the Trump administration of lying about the availability of additional coronavirus vaccines, following an announcement from top officials that doses will no longer be held in reserve.

    Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said this week the administration would no longer be holding back the second of two doses, and encouraged states to open vaccination eligibility to more people.

    But governors say there is no reserve and their limited supply of vaccines will not increase. Instead of being able to dramatically expand access to millions more people, states will have to continue to manage at their current levels.
    It goes on from there, but the general idea is
    1) Trump and his admin have yet to prove they can communicate with state governments.
    2) They claimed they had something they didn't.
    3) Relying on Trump to be true to his word for...some reason, states had expanded eligibility only to get no more supply.
    4) And it's all states, not just blue ones.

    In Oklahoma, Deputy Commissioner of Health Keith Reed said the state planned to ramp up vaccination efforts because they were anticipating getting a much bigger delivery from the federal government.

    He told reporters Friday he was blindsided by the change.

    "We were given a clear impression that for every prime dose we were receiving each week, there was an equivalent amount of vaccine held back for a second dose," Reed said, but at some point that was no longer happening, and the state was not informed.
    A great deal of this could have been handled much more intelligently. Okay, I could say that about a LOT these last four years. But if Trump hadn't been in such a rush -- which, having lost the election, he had no reason to be -- and offered a smaller, but more sustainable rollout, it would still be a lower number but at least there wouldn't be mass confusion and shortages.

    As we're all so used to saying, Trump doesn't pay what he promises. Everyone here should have seen this coming, especially the Trump supporters.

  2. #64702
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Hey remember when ah fuck it. Trump lied about handing out more vaccines.

    The previous administration, the shelves were empty. They should speak to the previous administration to see what's up with that.

    I love how Trump is the biggest critic of Trump.

  3. #64703
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Trump is really a secret deep state Democrat plant!
    (deep breath)

    Okay. Let's assume the post was offered as a theory in the spirit of discussion.

    Let's say Trump was a Deep Left State Plant ("avacado") designed to get Republicans to put all their faith in him, screw up monumentally, and sabotage the Republican Party.

    ...y'all still voted for someone with all this known baggage. You knew he was an actor. You knew he hung out with the Clintons. You knew he had no experience. You knew he was financially bankrupt, morally bankrupt, and a horrible human being who never pays people.

    It's like the claims of election fraud without proof. If Trump was that good of a saboteur, so good he's ruined his business, got impeached twice, lost all his friends and is very likely going to jail without Pence's help, all for the good of the Democratic Party...well, then, yay? I guess we won?

    (gestures at smoking pile of ashes from the last four years)


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I love how Trump is the biggest critic of Trump.
    UPDATE: With the shortage now open, Trump's own CDC admits in public that @Benggaul has some horrible numbers on the way.

    The U.S. could tally more than 87,000 new coronavirus deaths over the next three weeks as the nation grapples with the deadliest phase of the pandemic, according to a projection from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    The CDC’s national ensemble forecast — an aggregate of dozens of independently developed forecasts — estimates the U.S. will report a total of anywhere from 440,000 to 477,000 COVID-19 deaths by the week ending Feb. 6.
    You all know the deal. 87,000 deaths in three weeks is over 4,000 a day.

    - - - Updated - - -

    National Guard presence upped to 25,000 troops.

    Because Trump supporters are such a credible threat to Democracy, the US is fielding a small army to stop them.

  4. #64704
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, that just means the Trump Crumbling Wall will have to be named something else.

    Including dumpsters? -Trump Dump

    Washrooms? I gotta take a trump!

  5. #64705
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    UPDATE: With the shortage now open, Trump's own CDC admits in public that @Benggaul has some horrible numbers on the way.
    Fucking hell...even if we start the clock in Feb 2020, that means covid killed more Americans in one year than were killed throughout 4 years of WWII, which is at roughly 405K.

    I desperately hope that we don't surpass the combined total of Americans and traitors killed in the Civil War, because we're already 20K dead over the American deaths in the Civil War.

  6. #64706
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Fucking hell...even if we start the clock in Feb 2020, that means covid killed more Americans in one year than were killed throughout 4 years of WWII, which is at roughly 405K.

    I desperately hope that we don't surpass the combined total of Americans and traitors killed in the Civil War, because we're already 20K dead over the American deaths in the Civil War.
    Remember when a certain group of people freaked the fuck out over 4 people dying to something "preventable"

  7. #64707
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Remember when a certain group of people freaked the fuck out over 4 people dying to something "preventable"
    I 'member. 'Member when a certain group of people freaked out over literally one braindead woman because they got upset that her husband had the legal right to determine what happened with her health care?

  8. #64708
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Fucking hell...even if we start the clock in Feb 2020, that means covid killed more Americans in one year than were killed throughout 4 years of WWII, which is at roughly 405K.
    Well the theory is that deaths will go down what with the virus dying in out in the warmer temPRAAAAAAAUGH

    God, couldn't get through that even in jest. Jeez.

    In theory, the holiday surge will die down, the vaccine will eventually get spread out, etc. 4,000 dead a day for the rest of winter seems high enough.

    However, the CDC did say more people will die in the next three weeks to COVID than died to the flu since...uh...

    (flips through notes)


    (checks more notes)

    I can't find much pre-2010 but I'm going to say "since ever". Trump handwaved the COVID risk saying

    Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!
    which he said after it put him in the hospital personally. And that's just one of the more recent statements.

    There goes Trump, breaking records all over the place. Trump can kill Americans faster than anyone else. Bigly. Yuge.

  9. #64709
    Quote Originally Posted by Leobald View Post
    Apparently Trump has difficulties finding lawyers who would be willing to work for him during his upcoming impeachement trial.


    I wonder if he would be entitled to a public defender?
    Gee, after screwing Giuliani?

    It's like finding a singer for his inauguration.
    Last edited by dextersmith; 2021-01-15 at 09:30 PM.

  10. #64710
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Gotcha... although I don't think Greenwald is even that. he seems more like someone who just wants to stir shit for profit.
    Gee, wonder why theo quotes him all the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  11. #64711
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dextersmith View Post
    Gee, after screwing Giuliani?
    Is that why he was leaking? Eww.

    It's not Giuliani, though. Well okay some, but not all.

    Trump's legal team was pushing conspiracy theories, true, but they were hired to do that. You can't challenge an election by saying "it was all honest and legal and passed every safety check, but we still want it thrown out". If anything, Trump firing or distancing from them would make him a better client. Lawyers aren't taking this case because it would damage their reputation, they'd probably have no say in whether they win/lose (that's partisan politics) and they probably wouldn't get paid.

    Which is the screwing you meant, of course.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, let's take a look at our good friends at FOX News.

    Graham releases Russia probe docs, slams original investigation as 'incompetent, corrupt'

    Yep, their top headline is an exclusive, since nobody else would be running with this. Graham is still screaming into the wind that Trump got caught colluding with Russia and is desperate to change the narrative from "Trump is incompetent and is killing people". But this? It's like he's peeing into a hurricane at this point.

  12. #64712
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    Gee, wonder why theo quotes him all the time.
    Probably for the same reason she constantly plagiarizes... she's a devout Trumpste4 shill.

  13. #64713
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    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Remember when a certain group of people freaked the fuck out over 4 people dying to something "preventable"
    I've said this a dozen times but: Man, it's almost like a certain group of people actually don't believe in anything unless it benefits them to do so.

  14. #64714
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Just in case you thought supporting Trump couldn't be less effectie.

    NRA files for bankruptcy

    The NRA, which is based in New York, said it's exiting “what it believes is a corrupt political and regulatory environment in New York” and will restructure as a Texas nonprofit. Its plan, it said, “involves utilizing the protection of the bankruptcy court.”

    “The move will enable long-term, sustainable growth and ensure the NRA’s continued success as the nation’s leading advocate for constitutional freedom – free from the toxic political environment of New York,” the NRA said in a statement.

    The NRA also claims it is in its “strongest financial condition in years” and said there will be no immediate changes to its operations or workforce. Texas is home to more than 400,000 NRA members and the group is holding its annual meeting in Houston in 2021.

    “This strategic plan represents a pathway to opportunity, growth and progress,” NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre said in a statement. “Obviously an important part of this plan is ‘dumping New York.’ The NRA is pursuing reincorporating in a state that values the contributions of the NRA, celebrates our law-abiding members, and will join us as a partner in upholding constitutional freedom. This is a transformational moment in the history of the NRA.”
    Yeah, do you know what I do when I'm in the strongest financial situation in years?

    File for bankruptcy and flee town.

  15. #64715
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forogil View Post
    Are you just fear-mongering or do have any source for that?

    The first estimate I found was 8% had severe case of covid-lung (but it seems likely that even that is an over-estimate; since it seems possible that the study missed asymptomatic cases and they probably are less likely to develop ARDS):

    30% had lung problems for Sars and Mers https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3001

    And the effect often seems to disappear after a few months "At the time the patients (who had been severely hit by Covid and in ICU) were discharged from the hospital, 88 percent had lung damage, but 12 weeks later, only 56 percent did." - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/18/h...-recovery.html
    It's in the article that was posted. You could have saved yourself the time and read it.

  16. #64716
    Aaaaand in a big surprise, remember those second doses of the Covid vaccine that people were going to get? They don't exist. It's almost like everything from Trump's run as president is half-assed.


    Edited in the link from Washington Post I forgot to add.
    Last edited by Dead Moose Fandango; 2021-01-15 at 10:52 PM.

  17. #64717
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Moose Fandango View Post
    Aaaaand in a big surprise, remember those second doses of the Covid vaccine that people were going to get? They don't exist. It's almost like everything from Trump's run as president is half-assed.
    ....What what now...? Were they just handed out with 0 regard for the second dose?

  18. #64718
    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    It's in the article that was posted. You could have saved yourself the time and read it.
    That link wasn't that visible and my conclusion after reading the other articles is still that it is fear-mongering; when more health-interested indicate substantially lower values.

    I saved myself time by reading more serious articles.

  19. #64719

    Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who will leave office in less than a week. stated that he 'cannot wait to leave this job," according to a transcript released by the Department of Defense.

    The admission, during a press gaggle Thursday on his way back from a trip to Nebraska, Tennessee and Colorado, was one of a number of stunning statements from the man President Donald Trump picked to take over the position just over two months ago.

    The comments came the same day the Pentagon said at least 21,000 National Guard are being mobilized in Washington, DC, amid security concerns around next week's inauguration following the deadly riots at the Capitol.

    Miller was asked about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), a fifth-generation fighter jet considered the most expensive weapons program in history used by the Air Force, Marines and Navy. After clarifying that the question is about the F-35 and not a different weapons system, Miller begins his answer by saying, "I so...I mean, I cannot wait to leave this job, believe me."

    He then apparently went on to disparage the latest American fighter jet, saying, "Yesterday we were talking to some guy, some lieutenant colonel, or colonel, said 'what are you flying?' Said 'F-35,' I was like that's a piece of ... and he was like ... and he laughed, and I was like, 'No seriously, tell me about it.'"

    "I'm like, we have created a monster, but you know that," he concludes.

    When asked what he wanted to see from Northern Command next week, Miller gave a meandering response that comes across as incoherent at times. "Uh, I needed to look the commander in the eye, because, you know, the President, SecDef, me ... I, whatever the correct English is, you guys can clean that up. Should have paid more attention in high school. My wife would be ashamed of me not knowing the proper preposition—and then, uh General VanHerck. So, you know, you just, I said it before, you can have [video tele-conferences] all day long, you know, but you wanna, like, I wanted to look the guy in the eye and get a sense for his soul and I think he probably needed to do that for me as well," Miller said.

    Miller became the acting secretary of defense when Trump fired Mark Esper via Twitter on November 9, two days after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Presidential election.
    Like, acting, like, defense, like, secretary, like, Miller is totally, like, not a valley girl.

    Only the best people!

  20. #64720
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    ....What what now...? Were they just handed out with 0 regard for the second dose?
    They assumed trump administration was going to suddenly become competent.

    And here I was celebrating a bit to hear that my Gma can finally get a vaccine. Now there is none to give at least not for a while.

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