1. #65501
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Ahhhh, and the post-Residency life starts to go full flair for Trump:

    Trump's entire tax attorney team resigned on the morning of the inauguration - I wonder if they bid their farewells at his 6am JB send off?

    And it looks like federal prosecutors are already in possession of at least some of Trump's financial and tax records, now that Trump's tenure as court-dodger has ended. That's not going to go well.

    Does the United States have an extradition treaty with Florida?

  2. #65502
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Another of Trump's legacies destroyed.

    Biden's inauguration got higher TV ratings than Trump's did.
    Wait, what?


    Hold on, I've got to check his reaction on Twitter...

    ...oh, wait.

    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  3. #65503
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    "The damage of the Trump administration was extensive...but it's contained."

    Legal Eagle spells out the way Trump's last-minute pardons could have been much worse. He also mentions this article in which Trump was talked out of pardoning his family, because he was told it would lead to obstruction charges against himself.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Banks United and Professional Bank, both in Florida, have cut ties with Trump and no longer wish to hold his money for him.

    For a bank to say "We don't want you to invest here" is pretty big. By law, a bank can loan out up to 30 times the amount of cash it has. If Trump had $5 million (that's the low end) that means they could have written $150 million in loans. Assuming they were low-interest mortgages 4% APR, and assuming they only lent half the amount, that's $3 million a year just to park Trump's $5 million. And I lowballed everything.

    But these are mere thorn pricks next to the Deutsche Bank tree about to fall on his house.

  4. #65504
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    -- Donald Trump's last lie in office
    or a horrible admission
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  5. #65505
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Ahhhh, and the post-Residency life starts to go full flair for Trump:

    Trump's entire tax attorney team resigned on the morning of the inauguration - I wonder if they bid their farewells at his 6am JB send off?

    And it looks like federal prosecutors are already in possession of at least some of Trump's financial and tax records, now that Trump's tenure as court-dodger has ended. That's not going to go well.

    Does the United States have an extradition treaty with Florida?
    Makes sense if the State was previously paying them and now Trump has to and they know he doesn't pay so... better quit now.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  6. #65506
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Makes sense if the State was previously paying them and now Trump has to and they know he doesn't pay so... better quit now.
    Good point - always a good idea to get your money up front.

    I think their fleeing may also be inspired by the fact that Trump is no longer protected by the Office of the President - and any remaining objections/appeals were based solely on that status.

    The larger point here, as well, is that Trump is what we knew/hoped he would be - wide open to a litany of civil and criminal litigation.

  7. #65507
    193,758 new cases, roughly 41k fewer than last Thursday. Nebraska hasn't reported yet but won't add much. Besides, I'm tired.

    Top 10:

    California: 25,135 new cases; 740 deaths (new record)
    Texas: 22,317 new cases; 463 deaths
    New York: 14,057 new cases; 228 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Arizona: 9,398 new cases; 244 deaths
    Georgia: 8,150 new cases; 111 deaths
    Ohio: 7,271 new cases; 109 deaths
    North Carolina: 7,187 new cases; 139 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 5,584 new cases; 246 deaths
    Massachusetts: 5,140 new cases; 77 deaths

    New case numbers continue to be consistently lower than last week and it appears they will continue to drop--though perhaps less drastically as time goes on. The down side of the curve is usually flatter than the incline. Good news and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it sticks going into next week. Eventually I might be able to cut this portion of my update down further and just report new flareups as they occur.

    4,363 deaths is about 200 more than last Thursday, bringing the total to 420,285. Unsurprisingly, given their new case numbers for the past few weeks, California is topping the list and accounting for a good portion of those deaths. Given that about 12% of the US population lives there, densely packed, it stands to reason that they're going to see some of the largest numbers. Not unexpected, but still disappointing and grim.

    Related news:

    2020 wasn't 'just a random bad year,' health experts say: COVID-19 made it one of the deadliest in US history--I think I speak for most of us when I say "no shit", but this measurement of "excess deaths" is another bit of ammunition to use against those shitheads who continue to insist that COVID-19 isn't as bad as the media suggests.

    Biden Ramps Up Covid Fight With Orders Nixing Trump Policies--I know it's too early to celebrate and I also know he'll end up doing things I disagree with or despise as with most Presidents, but so far, so good.

    Stay safe, folks.

  8. #65508
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    4,363 deaths
    This horror show will continue to be Trump's fault for some time yet. Biden has made it a priority, even authorizing military procurement, but it will be months before the skid marks that are Trump's legacy are soaked in HydrOxyclean and bleached out.

  9. #65509
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    So uh...might be purely coincidence but...

    Rep. Patrick Fallon (R-TX) office account profile picture December 21st, 2020 versus January 21st, 2021.

    We finally ditching the carrot juice spray tan, folks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  10. #65510
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    We finally ditching the carrot juice spray tan, folks.
    That's just like...the same picture? He just turned down the orange and saturation by the looks of it?

  11. #65511
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    That's just like...the same picture? He just turned down the orange and saturation by the looks of it?
    I believe that was the point.

  12. #65512
    Hey, speaking of fascist idiots with fascist ideas:

    The year 2020 will be remembered in history for a deadly pandemic and a deep economic crisis that touched almost every country on earth. Hopes for a brighter 2021 were one of the few things most people could agree on.

    But just six days into the new year, these hopes were rudely shattered by images of far-right white supremacists, incited by an aspiring autocrat refusing to admit his electoral defeat, storming the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the election.

    This fascist putsch was implicitly supported by some elected leaders, including GOP members of Congress who continued to promote the thoroughly debunked falsehood that the 2020 elections were “stolen.” Worse still, there are early indications that some elected officials may have aided the violent mob more directly as well.

    But this attempted coup wouldn’t have progressed to this point without large amounts of funding, too. And playing a disproportionately large role among business backers of fascism are fossil fuel companies and their owners and top executives.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  13. #65513
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So let's pretend Trump took that very obvious step. Melania could leave anyhow, deciding her worth as a person is more val....yeah I can't finish that sentence even hypothetically. She'll be glued to him until he dies or changes his will. Or, until NYState, the Feds, Deutsche Bank or anyone else takes all Trump's illegal money, and she wants to jump ship before that splashes over to her. I mean, it'd be dirt simple to prove she had no hand in Trump's business dealings, so it could purely be a defensive move.
    How did she afford her jewelry design store? It'd be pretty easy to prove she was involved in dump's business dealings.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  14. #65514
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    How did she afford her jewelry design store? It'd be pretty easy to prove she was involved in dump's business dealings.
    Oh, I meant Trump's real estate and related items. Sorry, I wasn't clear.

  15. #65515
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Oh, I meant Trump's real estate and related items. Sorry, I wasn't clear.
    I'm not sure trump is really someone against comingling funds. I don't think there's a "substantive difference," though maybe @cubby might know different.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  16. #65516
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    WaPo reports that

    1) Byung J. Pak, an AG in GA (whoa, palindrome) was singled out and attacked by Trump, and
    2) Suddenly resigned the day after Trump's recorded phone call, the one where he tried to extort Georgia like a mob boss, and
    3) The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General is now investigating.

    Basically the story so far is that a senior DoJ Trump official, um, "gently suggested" that they resign.

    There's no telling how many things we haven't heard about that are about to come to light, possibly from "Yes Trump hired me but I was totally the only one loyal to the country" proclaimers. This could be a one-off, or the tip of the Spear of Bastion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I'm not sure trump is really someone against comingling funds
    I agree. But based on his proven public history, he'd never give Melania any kind of say over his businesses. Melania will not be a name on any such document nor does she have any stock.

  17. #65517
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    WaPo reports that

    1) Byung J. Pak, an AG in GA (whoa, palindrome) was singled out and attacked by Trump, and
    2) Suddenly resigned the day after Trump's recorded phone call, the one where he tried to extort Georgia like a mob boss, and
    3) The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General is now investigating.

    Basically the story so far is that a senior DoJ Trump official, um, "gently suggested" that they resign.

    There's no telling how many things we haven't heard about that are about to come to light, possibly from "Yes Trump hired me but I was totally the only one loyal to the country" proclaimers. This could be a one-off, or the tip of the Spear of Bastion.
    We are about to see a veritable shit storm of things coming down now that Trump doesn't control any aspect of our Justice System. He might have been safe in Florida, but aside from violating his living arrangement agreement, he seems to be relatively scandal-free in Florida. I'm sure that won't last long.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I'm not sure trump is really someone against comingling funds. I don't think there's a "substantive difference," though maybe @cubby might know different.
    Bankruptcy courts are very mindful of people trying to hide funds with sketchy comingling schemes. If it came to it, with Trump doing shenanigans and a federal court looking up his ass, they would put all their resources into finding his monies.

  18. #65518
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    It's time for Consequences 101. This is today's project:

    "Jesus Christ, is that Arabic written over a picture of Trump shadowed by a stealth bomber?"

    That seems to be the idea, yes.

    "What does it say?"

    ***ق*م ح*م* *س*

    ق**ل سل*م*** و آمر به ق*ل سل*م*** ب**د ***ق*م*** ر* پس بده*د.
    **ر چه *** پ** سل*م*** هم بر سرِ ق**ل *و *ر* د*رد؛ *م* ب*ل*خره غلط* *رد*د، ب**س** #***ق*م پس بده*د؛ #هم_آمر_هم_ق**ل بد***د *ه در هر زم** مم** ب**د ***ق*م*** ر* پس بده*د.
    "No you idiot, what does it say in American?"

    Those who ordered the murder of General Soleimani as well as those who carried this out should be punished. This revenge will certainly happen at the right time,
    "Surely that was sent by some no-name who's trying to scare Trump."

    Actually, that post came from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Who 100% does have the power to carry out...well not a stealth bomber I think, but an assassination, yes.

    "Won't he get kicked off Twitter for that?"

    Well that's today's project. I want everyone to think about how many dangerous tweets Trump sent before getting a temporary ban, let alone a permanent one. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is also head of a country, and as such, the same rules probably still apply. Also, would taking the post down do anything? We've all seen it.

    For those of you who feel, as I do, that this is a death threat that's barely subtle at all and therefore wrong, here is the exact tweet feel free to report it, as I have.

    I have minimal fear Iran would actually execute a state-sponsored attack on Trump, who will almost certainly be on American soil for the rest of his fatass life. Less fear still if Trump goes to prison.

    The concern, of course, is a non-state-sponsored-but-state-incited attack. What's a good example that leaps to mind...oh, right, the murderous insurrection. Those weren't government agents. Those were just people doing what Trump suggested they do. I imagine this will come up at every single Trump rally security planning period forever. Trump's best move is to keep holding them at airports.

    By the way, I know there are some Trump supporters still lurking in the shadows. Be advised that any attempt to label this violence-inspiring tweet from the head of a country bad, while saying what Trump did was okay -- or, more specifically, without directly condemning what Trump did that got him kicked off Twitter and impeached a second time, because silence is acceptance -- will be labeled as hypocrisy. I, for example, have nothing to worry about. I have called both death threats and I have condemned both. But any Trump supporter who hasn't directly condemned what Trump did...well, don't waste your virtual breath. Nobody here will believe you. Not even you.

    That's right: Trump supporters are now in a situation where they aren't even allowed to condemn radical Islamic terrorism, arguably the thing they hate most. Not without admitting hypocrisy.

    Sorry. I don't make the rules. I just see to it they're enforced.

  19. #65519
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Village People gives Trump OK to play gay anthems 'YMCA,' 'Macho Man' at rallies

    Dated Feb 25th. Yeah...I bet right about now, they wish they could take it back.
    In defence of the village people hey didn’t say trump could use the song it was a village person IE Victor Willis as he sees self as the whole of the group and sued and won the group in 2017 with what was left of the group leaving when he got it.


    For reference Willis may also lean towards being anti gay which was one of the reasons why he left the group after songs like the YMCA and in the navy were picked up by the gay community.

    Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2021-01-22 at 07:07 AM.

  20. #65520
    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post

    After 4 fucking years HOW AM I STILL SURPRISED BY THIS ASSHOLE!?!?!?!
    Imagine if diet coke button was the scandal of Trump admin, like Obamas tan suit or coffee cup salute. Christ how different would the world be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

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