1. #65901
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Almost certainly not.
    It feels like Trump is trying to use the weight of his massive fat ass, and the office he no longer holds, as a weapon. I take issue with that use of the seal of the office he disgraced. It's like saying he was allowed to use Executive Orders and acting positions. Yes, he's allowed, but look what he did with them.

    Your point is taken in general.

  2. #65902
    Gosh, this is really weird. Roger Stone said he never left his hotel on Jan 6 but somehow he's here in this video with a bunch of "Oath Keepers" just a couple hours before the riot broke out. I guess the Penguin has a doppelganger, eh guys?

    Congressional investigators probe videos of Trump associates' actions ahead of Capitol riot

    Oh yah, and Trump's pardon doesn't cover any charges that might result from this.
    Last edited by Benggaul; 2021-02-05 at 10:50 PM.

  3. #65903
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Gosh, this is really weird. Roger Stone said he never left his hotel on Jan 6 but somehow he's here in this video with a bunch of "Oath Keepers" just a couple hours before the riot broke out. I guess the Penguin has a doppelganger, eh guys?

    Congressional investigators probe videos of Trump associates' actions ahead of Capitol riot
    Looks like it's after his pardon. Does his pardon cover crimes he may commit in the future?

  4. #65904
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Looks like it's after his pardon. Does his pardon cover crimes he may commit in the future?
    Afaik nope.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  5. #65905
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Looks like it's after his pardon. Does his pardon cover crimes he may commit in the future?
    Just edited my post: no, the pardon wouldn't save him from this.

  6. #65906
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Does his pardon cover crimes he may commit in the future?
    Pre-emptive pardons are a thing. I don't think Stone got one.

  7. #65907
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Pre-emptive pardons are a thing. I don't think Stone got one.
    Pre-emptive pardons I think are for stuff before they are charged but the act was already done. They can't pardon for acts No yet committed to my knowledge.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  8. #65908
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Gosh, this is really weird. Roger Stone said he never left his hotel on Jan 6 but somehow he's here in this video with a bunch of "Oath Keepers" just a couple hours before the riot broke out. I guess the Penguin has a doppelganger, eh guys?

    Congressional investigators probe videos of Trump associates' actions ahead of Capitol riot

    Oh yah, and Trump's pardon doesn't cover any charges that might result from this.
    I mean... I realllllllllllllly hate to defend the guy. And for sure I'm open to more investigation, but......, he does appear to be in front of a hotel. Was that were he was staying?

  9. #65909

    Pour one out for Lou Dobbs, Fox is canceling his show after it airs on Friday. I imagine this is due to him being one of the biggest promoters of the voter fraud myth they're currently being sued over, and that he's very non-plussed about the Fox News package running before his show on Friday debunking it.

    He's still on staff, just not hosting a show.

    Man am I not going to be sad to see this decaying sack of sentient flesh not on the air every week.

  10. #65910
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    They can't pardon for acts No yet committed to my knowledge.
    Good thing we'll never know if that would have worked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I imagine this is due to him being one of the biggest promoters of the voter fraud myth they're currently being sued over,
    Just so everyone's clear: FOX News has just proven that they value money more than their journalistic integrity. Dobbs' comments didn't happen today, they didn't fire him on the spot. They waited, until they were sued, and then cut him loose.

    Which won't even stop the lawsuit.

    Should have named it FARCE.

  11. #65911
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Pour one out for Lou Dobbs, Fox is canceling his show after it airs on Friday. I imagine this is due to him being one of the biggest promoters of the voter fraud myth they're currently being sued over, and that he's very non-plussed about the Fox News package running before his show on Friday debunking it.

    He's still on staff, just not hosting a show.

    Man am I not going to be sad to see this decaying sack of sentient flesh not on the air every week.
    Just watching the Trumpers react to this is hilarious. They're turning on (or rather off) Fox faster than you can say "fake news". I wonder if they'll kick out Jeanine Pirro next...

  12. #65912
    Quote Originally Posted by For_The_Horde View Post
    Just watching the Trumpers react to this is hilarious. They're turning on (or rather off) Fox faster than you can say "fake news". I wonder if they'll kick out Jeanine Pirro next...
    They've been doing that since November, and it's gonna get worse. Fox can't cater to that brand of crazy anymore, not without losing WAY more advertisers or facing more lawsuits like the latest two.

    OAN and Newsmax are now duking it out for that crowd, and IIRC OAN is winning by virtue of not putting the warning up in front of Pillow Guys home movie.

    I ain't gonna be sad to see Carlson, Pirro, or Hannity suddenly retiring sooner rather than later. And The Five. And Fox and Friends. And the rest of that garbage.

    It seems like Sheperd Smith and Megan Kelly got our before the worst of the insanity. Smith seems to still be doing very well for himself while Kelly, the heir apparent to the most valuable hour of television at one point, is uh...doing a podcast?

  13. #65913
    126,125 new cases, about 46k fewer than last Friday. Missouri has not yet reported so that will tighten by another 2k or so.

    Top 5:

    Texas: 14,502 new cases; 439 deaths
    California: 13,102 new cases; 494 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    New York: 8,956 new cases; 161 deaths
    North Carolina: 5,547 new cases; 113 deaths

    The drops have remained consistent pretty much all week and continue to be more pronounced than I had expected them to be given how things went after the previous waves. We might very well drop below 100k within the next few days and could possibly stay there if this trend holds going into next week. This is STILL above the high we were at during the Summer wave (which topped out at around 75-80k), but I think at this point we'd all be "happy" to get back even to that level--which seemed ridiculously high at the time, if you'll recall. I know you're probably sick of me saying all of this at this point, but we're still not out of the woods and could very easily see another wave if people begin ignoring the safety precautions again, especially given the newer, more contagious variants being found throughout the country.

    3,572 deaths is around 100 fewer than last Friday and brings the total to 470,705. Deaths in Texas have not declined much at all the past week or so and in some cases it's gone up. This isn't too surprising given that they had a bit of a spike more recently in new cases, but they should be coming down as well whenever the last stupid fuckweasel Trump holdouts decide living is slightly more desirable than "owning the libz".

    Related news:

    States may need to pester thousands of people about a second Covid-19 vaccine dose--This is one of the challenges we'll be facing in the coming months in keeping the numbers down. People are stupid assholes.

    House clears way for massive coronavirus stimulus plan--There's still a long way to go on this but it's a huge step. I don't have much optimism that all of the elements of the initial plan will survive--particularly given that Manchin has said he's not signing on for the 15$ minimum wage hike--but they seem to want to get everything done before the last of the aid from previous measures runs out in March.

    Stay safe, folks.

  14. #65914
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by For_The_Horde View Post
    I wonder if they'll kick out Jeanine Pirro next...
    Not Wallace?

  15. #65915
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Not Wallace?
    Wallace is the sane one. If they're trying to distance themselves from the crazy, he's the last one they'd boot out.

  16. #65916
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Not Wallace?
    Wallace aint likely about to cost them up to 2.7 billion in a defamation lawsuit

    Smartmatic files $2.7 billion defamation suit against Fox News over election fraud claims

    Fox News Media hosts Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro were named, along with lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.
    that list of names match up

    An election technology company has filed a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News and several of the network’s most prominent commentators, alleging that they “decimated" the company’s business by falsely accusing it of helping to steal the Nov. 3 election from former president Donald Trump.

    Smartmatic filed the nearly 300-page lawsuit against the network and its parent company, Fox Corp., in New York State Supreme Court on Thursday, after weeks of legal threats against the network.

    “Fox is responsible for this disinformation campaign, which has damaged democracy worldwide and irreparably harmed Smartmatic and other stakeholders who contribute to modern elections,” Smartmatic chief executive Antonio Mugica said in a statement announcing the lawsuit.

    The company said it has identified “100 false statements and implications” about Smartmatic and its services made on Fox’s programs. The lawsuit singles out Fox News and Fox Business Network hosts Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro, as well as two guests who repeatedly appeared on their shows in the weeks around the election: Trump-affiliated lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudolph W. Giuliani.
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  17. #65917
    Quote Originally Posted by D Luniz View Post
    Wallace aint likely about to cost them up to 2.7 billion in a defamation lawsuit

    Smartmatic files $2.7 billion defamation suit against Fox News over election fraud claims

    that list of names match up
    Do you think Smartmatic's lawyers misspelled words like "district" 3 completely different ways and misspelled other words in their brief? I have a sinking suspicion that they didn't misspell simple words like that.

  18. #65918
    lou dobbs the truest believer crying himself to sleep last night so delicious. pirro and cucker next my guess.

  19. #65919
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    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    lou dobbs the truest believer crying himself to sleep last night so delicious. pirro and cucker next my guess.
    Pirro was named in the lawsuit, but Tucker Carlson was not.

    FOX News literally claimed in court that Carlson's words did not count as fact, and anyone who knew his work knew this.

    EDIT: Also, the Legal Eagle suggests the $2.7 billion is not so much bullshit, as designed to get attention. If so, it worked. SmartMatic's reputation was attacked, and a page seven correction won't fix that. A public tar-and-feathering of their false accusers, however, will.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2021-02-06 at 02:26 PM.

  20. #65920
    Banned Yadryonych's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    FOX News literally claimed in court that Carlson's words did not count as fact, and anyone who knew his work knew this.
    Maybe you should try and present the quote of them claiming that, unless you are roleplaying as Carlson or Maddow right now

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