Actually, hold on.
CPAC made the announcement that their in-person event ( @Elegicac ) was going to be in Florida Dec 8. This was after Texas v Pennsylvania was filed in SCOTUS but before SCOTUS refused to hear it. Texas v Pennsylvania was basically the last gasp of Trump's attempts to overturn a fair and legal election before he resorted to outright violence and murder the next month. Nobody expected Texas to prevail -- it was all over but the crying.
What does that timeline tell us?
It tells me that the Republican Party was begging to be the Party of Trump. Florida isn't as solid rate as a few other states. They probably put it just down the street so he can waddle over there, probably holding a Bible upside-down. And they made it in-person despite the holiday surve (ongoing at the time) so Trump could hold another Trump rally without the benefit of election funds or, pearl-clutching gasp of sarcasm, spending his own money.
And more telling? Trump incited a murderous insurrection....and they didn't rescind the invitation.
And I'm willing to bet that those Republicans who dared hold Trump accountable for his words and actions won't be there. Those few invited won't show up, probably in fear for their lives. And they'll be mocked, probably to thunderous applause.
CPAC moved to Florida to surrender.
Well at least they clearly aren't afraid of cronova and letting it dominate their lives?
It's already been confirmed Pence is not attending CPAC, also.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
[QUOTE=Elegiac;53029954]It's already been confirmed Pence is not attending CPAC/QUOTE]
That sounds a lot like "surrender confirmed" to me.
Not that I blame him. Remember how Trump sent a mob after Pence to kill him?
I'm sure Hannity and Cucker will be all over this.
I thought I heard...somewhere that Kim believed he'd get covid sick if he joined Trump on airforce1.
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013
"I don't take responsibility at all." -- Donald J. Trump, 2020
I wonder what Trump is going to say at CPAC. Do you think he will run for a second term?
I believe that would be unwise. Not that he will/won't, but he should be warned against that by everyone he knows.\
McConnell is nominally in charge of the GOP right now, Trump is effectively in charge of the GOP right now. McConnell seems upset about the way things went, and because he's not stupid, knows it's Trump's fault. Right now, he has four years to gennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntly push Trump aside into a figurehead role. Trump gives rallies and names people he likes, and yes gets paid for it, but doesn't do any actual work and the Republicans can run an insurrection-free 2024 ticket. Eveyrone wins.
If Trump announces he's running now -- yes, he did in 2016 -- he loses that immediately. The remaining classic Republicans go into high alert and have to find a way to stop it, which will mandate telling Trump "no" which Trump will react to with the quiet, dignitiy and grace he always does. None. Either the Republican ticket includes a murderous insurrectionist who, don't forget, trivialized the COVID pandemic that's killed "Atlanta" levels of people...or, Trump splits the ticket. Both ways end up with major Republican losses and also Texas turns blue Democrat.
Trump is a narcisist who hates to hear "no" from anyone with power over him. Problem is, the IRS, NYState, DC etc. haven't made their move yet. McConnell is hoping for an ex machina to save him, but CPAC will happen first. If Trump announces at CPAC, McConnell will not only have to move more urgently to distance what's left of his party from Trump, but will also need an external CD from the healers, possibly asking directly for some of these investigations to get a move on.
If things continue at this trend (Biden slowly fixing the damage Trump did) 2024 will be tough enough on the GOP. Running Trump, who quite frankly isn't healthy now let alone in four years, will make it worse. Running against Trump in 2024 will lead to a near-100% blue coast-to-coast.
Or, McConnell could retire and let Cruz hand what's left of the Republican Party to Trump, who will get sick and die in a matter of years...months...days, maybe, he's obese and walks/talks like a stroke well as handing him salt to mix with the ashes.
The only thing I'm willing to stand behind is McConnell won't actually try to have Trump killed to salvage things McConnell is insidious evil, but not an actual murderer. Other than that, he'll do what he has to, to keep Trump off any ticket in 2024, because there's no good end for the Republican Party (or Party of Trump, for that matter) if Trump runs.
Trump is now just a distraction for the GOP. Without Trump mucking things up, I think that McConnell could repair enough of the damage for republicans to be competitive and even win in 2022. With Trump doing his thing, McConnell has no chance.
Fingers crossed that President Biden and Representative AOC continue to do their 2 step. They are doing a great job of playing their respective roles. Vice President Harris and Senator Sanders are playing appropriate supporting roles, and over all democrats are doing about as good as could be expected up to this point.
Fingers majorly crossed![]()
JHU reports the milestone of 500,000 dead from COVID-19, a problem made far worse due to Trump's ineptitude.
Half a million people, by the way, is just barely behind Atlanta's population, meaning that only 37 cities in the US have more people than COVID has victims.
At 600,000 it passes Baltimore, and the number becomes 29 cities.
At 700,000 it passes Boston, and the number becomes 20 cities.
I hate this timeline so fucking much.
He will not run for a second term because he hated the actual job of being President, but he will spend the next few years pretending that he's going to run. That way he still gets the crowds, sycophants, and money. Grifters gonna grift.
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If it makes you feel any better, somewhere out there is a timeline where Trump got re-elected. Imagine how they feel.
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013
"I don't take responsibility at all." -- Donald J. Trump, 2020
To quote Victor Vivisector "I welcome death."
- - - Updated - - -
Sunday's quick report:
57,198 new cases; 1,245 deaths, bringing the total to 511,133. Several states haven't reported.
Other sources of course claim that today is the day we passed 500k, but it doesn't really matter when it happened, really, does it? Half a million Americans are gone in a year, largely the result of Trump's refusal to acknowledge publicly that it was a problem.
"But Trump's base are too stupid and would have refused to wear masks, etc. anyway!"
Not if he'd told them to. If he'd said "Hey, wear a mask and own the libs!" they would have worn three giant, red, MAGA-emblazoned masks stacked one on top of the other because their God Emperor told them to. If he'd told them to work from home and avoid public gatherings--like his superspreader events--because then we could quickly get back to "Making America Great Again" once we beat this thing they would have, most of them. You wouldn't be hearing jack shit about "OMG MUH FREEDUMBS!" if he'd said it. But he didn't. And here we are.
COVID-19 variant found in UK spreads 'like wildfire.' British experts fear what will happen if US won't lock down--If we'd had a competent leader last year who had done the above--or even just someone whose vanity wasn't outshined by their gross negligence--we might have had a hope of having effective lockdowns to curb this. As it stands a good portion of the country thinks it's all made up bullshit because their King told them it was repeatedly. Hope y'all are comfy with your masks and gloves and nights in, because the US isn't coming out of the pandemic for along while yet.
Stay safe, folks.
Oh so we've learned something about virology in the interceding 102 years between then and now?
I would fucking hope so.
Seems the GOP/Trump's plan of "do nothing and hope it goes away" didn't end up working, hmm?More importantly, at 600k it overtakes cancer as the #2 cause of death, and at 700k it would have handedly passed heart attack as the leading cause of death in the US.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.