1. #67461
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    To those that don't know of or do and don't follow, Rachel Maddow is a delightfully bright news anchor, hosting her own show as well as other news broadcasts on MSNBC. Yesterday, she offered this commentary re the GOP's relationship with Trump:
    Maddow noted how Trump this week urged GOP donors to send their cash directly to him, causing momentary tensions with the Republican Party until its leaders ended up bowing down once again to their one-term and twice-impeached president.

    “I mean this is some masochistic stuff right here. Do you guys have a safe word? You might want to employ it at some point,” joked Maddow. “At some point, we’re going to hear the Republican Party in the corner going ‘avocado.’”

    “What does he have to do to get you to not give him more of what he wants?” she added. “To stop praising him, to not actually giving him more of your money? What does he have to do? The meaner he gets, the bigger the swings and the more insulting he gets toward you, the more you praise and thank him.”

  2. #67462
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    "Trump this week urged GOP donors to send their cash directly to him"

    Because you know he's just going to keep a lot of it, and this splits funding between the Party of Trump and the Republican Party -- neither of whom will have the assets to run a proper campaign.

    I endorse this, I encourage this, I want to see where this goes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trump made a rare public appearance at...man, that feels strange to write. "Rare public appearance". Huh.

    Trump made a rare public appearance at a Mar-a-Lago fundraider, specifically, rescuing dogs from China and bringing them to tue US.

    "Well that's actually nice of him. Good to see he's actually looking at others and not just hims--"

    I'm with you 100 percent. We had many meetings in the White House and the Oval Office having to do with saving and helping dogs!

    Yeah. Also he attended wearing a MAGA hat. And of course, we all know Mar-a-Lago was paid to host the event.
    @cubby is this close enough to what you were talking about? And also, how do you feel about questions on a leash?

  3. #67463
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I strongly disagree with your use of the singular in that description.

  4. #67464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Sorry, I didn’t intend to imply it was singular.
    No no, you were linking a specific article. I knew where you were going, Scoobs.

    Meanwhile the (cough) charity's Trump, Lara, is apparently considering running in 2022 in NC. Looking forward to the grift/theft she's personally involved in to be handwaved.

  5. #67465
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post

    Because you know he's just going to keep a lot of it, and this splits funding between the Party of Trump and the Republican Party -- neither of whom will have the assets to run a proper campaign.

    I endorse this, I encourage this, I want to see where this goes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trump made a rare public appearance at...man, that feels strange to write. "Rare public appearance". Huh.

    Trump made a rare public appearance at a Mar-a-Lago fundraider, specifically, rescuing dogs from China and bringing them to tue US.

    "Well that's actually nice of him. Good to see he's actually looking at others and not just hims--"


    Yeah. Also he attended wearing a MAGA hat. And of course, we all know Mar-a-Lago was paid to host the event.
    @cubby is this close enough to what you were talking about? And also, how do you feel about questions on a leash?

    I would really like to start using "safe word" when referring to the GOP's relationship with Trump. Rachel Maddow deserves an Editorial Emmy for that alone.

  6. #67466
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    "Flynn got pardoned! Woo! MAGA! Now nothing bad can possibly happen to...what's that ominous five-sided shadow?"

    The Pentagon's internal watchdog has finished a long-delayed investigation into Michael Flynn and has sent its findings to the Army for a final review that could possibly bring financial penalties against the military retirement benefits afforded to the retired Army three-star general.

    The Defense Department's Office of Inspector General had opened its own investigation in April 2017, looking into money that Flynn had received from Russian and Turkish entities after his retirement from the service and whether he had failed to obtain the proper approval to do so. The military has strict rules for payments that retired officers can take from foreign countries after their retirement from service.

    That investigation had been put on hold as then-special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential campaign and other investigations got underway.

    "On April 11, 2017, the DoD OIG initiated an investigation into an allegation that retired Lieutenant General (LTG) Michael Flynn failed to obtain required approval from the Army and the Department of State before receiving any emolument from a foreign government or a foreign government-controlled entity. At the request of the Department of Justice (DOJ), we placed our investigation in abeyance in June 2017, pending the outcome of criminal allegations against LTG Flynn," IG spokeswoman Dwrena Allen said in a statement.

    "After the former President pardoned LTG Flynn on November 25, 2020, we received permission from the DOJ to continue our investigation. On January 27, 2021, we closed our investigation against LTG Flynn and forwarded several administrative matters to the Acting Secretary of the Army for review and appropriate action," Allen added.
    Trump can't pardon Flynn again. Biden won't. And, if any charges are filed, these would be different ones.

  7. #67467
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    "Flynn got pardoned! Woo! MAGA! Now nothing bad can possibly happen to...what's that ominous five-sided shadow?"

    Trump can't pardon Flynn again. Biden won't. And, if any charges are filed, these would be different ones.
    As much as I would love that, this doesn't mention anything about actual prison time or anything like that, these are talking about going after his retirement benefits. That being said, they have been known to pull people out of retirement or after their contract in just to press that charges on them in military court.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  8. #67468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    this doesn't mention anything about actual prison time or anything like that, these are talking about going after his retirement benefits..
    Not directly, no. We'll see what they turn up in their investigation -- if he was working with Russia and there's proof, he's got real problems.

    Just yet another item to watch in the future, as the people who thought Trump had their back become targets for their words and actions.

  9. #67469
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Not directly, no. We'll see what they turn up in their investigation -- if he was working with Russia and there's proof, he's got real problems.

    Just yet another item to watch in the future, as the people who thought Trump had their back become targets for their words and actions.
    True, he was pardoned on charges of lying about his Russian contacts and while Trump tried to make his pardon as broad as it could and that includes his past actions the pardon was only in regard to Mueller.

    That doesn’t stop stuff that Mueller hadn’t pressed charges on nor does that stop the Military from using UCMJ action on him.

    The military can have his ass even if he is retired and no longer active, even if he committed the crimes after he had left.

    Kinda like this guy.

    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  10. #67470
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    As much as I would love that, this doesn't mention anything about actual prison time or anything like that, these are talking about going after his retirement benefits. That being said, they have been known to pull people out of retirement or after their contract in just to press that charges on them in military court.
    tbf, he wasn't actually going to serve a long prison term as is, if at all. I think it was like a maximum of 6 months? but likely not even that amount since that's what the prosecuters were asking for, probably the judge would have given less. but even if it was a full 6 months, idk, its still not much, but hitting him in the bank account after years of spending god knows how much on lawyer fee's as is, I think this will make it hurt longer and harder, so I'm good with this.

  11. #67471
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    tbf, he wasn't actually going to serve a long prison term as is, if at all. I think it was like a maximum of 6 months? but likely not even that amount since that's what the prosecuters were asking for, probably the judge would have given less. but even if it was a full 6 months, idk, its still not much, but hitting him in the bank account after years of spending god knows how much on lawyer fee's as is, I think this will make it hurt longer and harder, so I'm good with this.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  12. #67472
    My head feels like it's going to explode. No fever, though, so...silver linings.

    48,808 new cases, about 10k fewer than last Saturday, but there are 9 states not yet reporting and I feel like some of the counties from the larger states were also tardy.

    1,037 deaths is about 500 fewer than last Saturday and brings the total to 546,605. That'll also tighten up once those late reports come in, but not by a huge amount.

    Related news:

    Nurses fight conspiracy theories along with coronavirus--THIS is Trump's legacy.

    Stay safe, folks. ...Incidentally is it bad if it feels like your entire upper torso feels like it's on fire after sneezing repeatedly? Asking for my upper torso.

  13. #67473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    is it bad if it feels like your entire upper torso feels like it's on fire after sneezing repeatedly?
    Um...probably, yes. Sorry.

  14. #67474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Stay safe, folks. ...Incidentally is it bad if it feels like your entire upper torso feels like it's on fire after sneezing repeatedly? Asking for my upper torso.
    Since people are going to be glass half empty here... I’ll offer an alternative...

    No, it’s good... you are evolving into a Flareon.

    Sorry... get well soon!!!
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  15. #67475
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    FOX News reports that the Alabama Republican Party is giving Trump...a participation trophy.

    No, really. It's a framed list of Trump's accomplishments, such as "he did really well until the pandemic" and "he left the Paris Accord, oh wait, we're back".

  16. #67476
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    FOX News reports that the Alabama Republican Party is giving Trump...a participation trophy.

    No, really. It's a framed list of Trump's accomplishments, such as "he did really well until the pandemic" and "he left the Paris Accord, oh wait, we're back".
    Those comments are a cesspool of filth.

  17. #67477
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    Define the term "litmus test".

    "It's a test for acidi--"

    Metaphorically, dammit.

    So in 2016 GA Sen. Isakson was elected for his third term and in 2019 suddenly decided he wanted to spend more time with his family. As per usual, he was replaced. Currently holding the seat is a Destro Warlock, who will...

    (checks news)

    Is Sen. Warnock, who is expected to be challenged in 2022 when their special term expires. Warnock is a Democrat, and yes, we are talking about the 2020 Georgia election yet again. Trump stepped in and "helped" the Republicans in Georgia, and we're looking at the results.

    But that was a special election, and Warnock needs to grab new healthstones and reapply DoTs in 2022. The Republicans, of course, are fishing for a suitable challenger, and there are two logical places for the Republican Party to look:
    1) conspiracy-theory-spewing racists with no experience, who happen to follow Trump what a coincidence, or
    2) locals with a proven history of experience and results.

    You can find crazy anywhere, but finding competent in the Republican Party is like finding a player in LFR who actually uses interrupts. One of the options they had until this morning was GA Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Duncan is 45 but has already been a state rep, a professional athlete, the CEO of a health care company, and basically has a life so sweet he literally lives in a place called Cumming.

    If you know the name Duncan and don't live in GA, it's probably because you remember his joint statement with the GA Gov saying "no, we're not replacing the electors of Georgia with our own and appointing Trump dictator, that's not America".

    "Har har. What did he really say?"

    Any attempt by the legislature to retroactively change that process for the Nov. 3rd election would be unconstitutional and immediately enjoined by the courts, resulting in a long legal dispute and no short-term resolution
    And it didn't stop there. The GA Republican party is deciding how much they want to stop Georgians from voting -- a topic we've discussed before. Duncan has been slow-rolling the process, indicating opposition despite having an "R" next to his name.

    Republicans don’t need election reform to win. We need leadership. I'm one of the Republicans that want more people to vote. I think our ideas help people.
    So we are talking classic Republican, not rabid fanbase, not cult member. And further proof of that is Duncan's decision not to run in 2022 for Warnock's seat.

    Basically I'd be Feared the entire time
    Wait, no, hold on, here's the real quote

    My family and I have talked about it, and we’re not going to run for the U.S. Senate seat. We’re going to stay focused on being the lieutenant governor here in Georgia, and we are going to focus hard on trying to rebuild this party and refocus GOP 2.0,
    -- Duncan, on Meet the Press

    Now either this is Duncan announcing he won't run because he won't win because he's not a foaming-at-the-mouth cult member, or it's Duncan honestly saying he'd rather repair the damage Trump caused than further his own career. But when a relatively young GOP member, on the front lines of the battlefield that is Georgia, is saying "I don't think Trump is the way" hopefully that's a sign that there is hope yet for the classic Republican party.

    And that's what a litmus test is: it's to see if you're pHucked.

  18. #67478
    ...goddamn warlocks...fearing all the time.

  19. #67479
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    Fun times in Texas: a woman entered a bank, which had a mask mandate, without a mask, because Abbott removed the public mandate.

    She yelled "What are you going to do, arrest me?"

    Because this was captured on police bodycam footage, you know where this is going.

    Charges include resisting arrest. While face-down on the floor, she calls it "police brutality". Nearby bank patrons, all wearing masks, say "no, it's not".

  20. #67480
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Fun times in Texas: a woman entered a bank, which had a mask mandate, without a mask, because Abbott removed the public mandate.

    She yelled "What are you going to do, arrest me?"

    Because this was captured on police bodycam footage, you know where this is going.

    Charges include resisting arrest. While face-down on the floor, she calls it "police brutality". Nearby bank patrons, all wearing masks, say "no, it's not".
    I can just imagine the next generation watching old movies and yelling out in confusion in the bank robber scenes "but he's wearing a mask! why not arrest all the OTHER people?"

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