This sort of nonsense just enrages me.
1) Why not just wear the god damn mask? Even if you don't think it might. And even if it's a 1% chance it'll help JUST WEAR THE FUCKING MASK. This whole anti-mask nonsense is the worst kind of stupid because it's taking a stupid stand against something that, at worst, is an incredibly minor annoyance. Unless you are one of the 0.00000000000001% of people who legitimately can't wear a mask for medical reasons.
2) Why are you so chicken shit afraid of a shot? At this point millions upon millions of people have received it and how many people have died from the vaccine? Hmmm? Just take your damn shot and shut the hell up.
He says preventative measure work fine...but is against the top two -- masks and vaccines. What a stupid stupid man. And unfortunately it seems that he's unlikely at this point to get it and learn a lesson about hubris.