1. #67661
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Can someone give me a TLDR, because this is fascinating, but I don’t understand.

    Did Guam use unarmed military in a cessation attempt and we are having a small military parade? I’m confused...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  2. #67662
    At this point if anyone thought Guam tried to take over the US capital by force...and bribery by way of some awesome cookies...then we're on the same page.

  3. #67663
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    CNN expands on the plane story with barely-disguised glee.

    It's at this point in the article you can hear people laughing in the background. I think I heard glasses tink together.

    Yes, but I'm assuming Trump did.

    The article goes on and on, because damn does CNN love them a victory lap. But one of the points they mention, then write in boldface, then point to while jumping up and down, is that this plane isn't exactly new. It's actually about 30, which is about the age when Trump divorces his wives. Replacement parts for a plane that old won't be easy to get...or cheap. And sources -- reliable sources like Forbes, not Trump -- say that Trump has lost seven hundred million dollars since his inauguration. And he wasn't under investigation yet -- except for the tax audit he claimed he was under, and now provably is.

    I didn't see the name of the airport, but from what we know (90 minutes out of NYC, but in upstate NY) I believe it's at Stewart, near Woodbury, so one would assume the plane is surrounded by zombies and piloted by a one-eyed murderer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Maybe it was, but the article I just cited (which TheHill cited) said "hundreds of thousands" and even "could be one million".
    He left it there because he had planned to never need it again. Air Force One was supposed to be his forever!
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  4. #67664
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    He left it there because he had planned to never need it again. Air Force One was supposed to be his forever!
    There's got to be a Trumpweight of truth behind this. Why spend your own money when you can spend someone else's?

    Of course, it's still several tons of evidence of Trump's business sense, when he left the plane sitting in the rain for four years. Kind of like owning a classic car, and leaving it in your front yard until it rusts.

  5. #67665
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Of course, it's still several tons of evidence of Trump's business sense, when he left the plane sitting in the rain for four years. Kind of like owning a classic car, and leaving it in your front yard until it rusts.
    Two engines on it are in different states of disrepair and Trump can’t afford to fix it. He failed in saving his business, by downplaying covid... with a portion of his “home” being under quarantine a year later.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  6. #67666
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Can someone give me a TLDR, because this is fascinating, but I don’t understand.

    Did Guam use unarmed military in a cessation attempt and we are having a small military parade? I’m confused...
    The insurrectionist Qtard Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't realize that Guam was a part of the US. So Guam's delegate to the House, Michael San Nicolas, decided to bring some cookies and books from Guam to MTG by way of educating her on her fellow Americans. Some Guamanian National Guardsmen accompanied him to her office, but they were unarmed, in fatigues, and it was quite obvious that it was more like a guided tour.

    Feel free to watch the short video.

    The GoP, naturally, is somehow claiming nefarious intent.

    (And if anyone should understand about giving tours of the Capitol, it's MTG...)
    Last edited by PhaelixWW; 2021-03-20 at 06:19 PM.
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  7. #67667
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Two engines on it are in different states of disrepair and Trump can’t afford to fix it
    The aspect that's the most funny but also the most confusing is why.

    A CNN camera crew saw Trump's plane parked on a fenced-off tarmac at the small upstate New York airport on Wednesday, about an hour and a half drive from Trump Tower. The choice to leave it outside at a northeastern airport, exposed to the elements, has baffled aviation experts who spoke with CNN. They note that it's just a few hours' flight to warmer, more arid climes. Snow, rain, and moisture can lead to metal corrosion of the airframe and the engines -- hard to detect, and, in severe cases, catastrophic. Large airplanes are typically stored for long stretches of time in the desert southwest, where the dry climate makes corrosion nearly impossible.
    Why leave it there? Well the most obvious answer is "he wanted to break the plane" but even by Trump standards that doesn't make sense. Next most likely is "Trump didn't want to spend the effort keeping it in good repair". Possibly, as pointed out before, because he expected someone else to do the effort for him. Is there anything else out there in Trump's world which fits that theme?

    Hmm. The part of the Border Wall that fell down? Or the part built by the scam artists? Not bad. What else we got?

    Hmm. Trump's morbidly obese bulk, because he eats overcooked fast food and never exercises? That works, too, but it's not quite there...



    That's the one, right there! Trump's attack on the ACA.

    As a reminder, the ACA had two main supports: everyone had to have health care, and in exchange, nobody could be kicked off for pre-existing conditions. Trump decided the first support wasn't necessary (or, that by breaking the first support the second would eventually break). meaning that people could run around without any form of health care...until, they got sick or injured, when they could either stick other people with the bill (the usual pre-ACA drill) or quick buy insurance, knowing they can't be denied.

    But honestly, Trump's whole life could fit this mold. From needing his daddy to help his first casino with the pile of money where a father's love should be, to literally phoning it in with 30-second Twitter videos instead of answering questionsf rom the press and leaving McEnemy, Sarah Hamburger Sanders, or the Spicer Girls to handle questions about his objective lies, Trump has routinely shied away from even commonplace effort. He has routinely done little to nothing, then filed bankruptcy or just given up and gone home, leaving others to clean up his mess.

    I do wish I could think of an even better example, but nothing leaps to mind.

    (gets mask)

    (gets second mask)

    (grabs hand sanitizer)

    (heads for take-out instead of sit-down meal)

    - - - Updated - - -

    So before @Benggaul drops the numbers, Florida "celebrates" 2 million COVID cases by declaring literal state of emergency, closing Miami Beach.

    Florida is the third state to hit 2 million. Texas hit that in January. California of couse has the most, 3.5 million now. Of course, in terms of current cases per capita, for those tree, it's Texas, then Florida, then California. The Dakotas are worst.

  8. #67668
    Hey, isn’t today the day the trumphadis moved the goalposts to trump’s inauguration??

    They have a joyous Inauguration Day?

  9. #67669
    Quote Originally Posted by Resurgo View Post
    Hey, isn’t today the day the trumphadis moved the goalposts to trump’s inauguration??

    They have a joyous Inauguration Day?
    Florida Republican groups have said he is still serving a second term, but the Qtards haven't been carrying out more terrorist attacks as far as I can tell, though they have been trying.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Some even show Mike Pence as not VP, but claim it is an "oversight". LOL

  10. #67670
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    The insurrectionist Qtard Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't realize that Guam was a part of the US. So Guam's delegate to the House, Michael San Nicolas, decided to bring some cookies and books from Guam to MTG by way of educating her on her fellow Americans. Some Guamanian National Guardsmen accompanied him to her office, but they were unarmed, in fatigues, and it was quite obvious that it was more like a guided tour.

    Feel free to watch the short video.

    The GoP, naturally, is somehow claiming nefarious intent.

    (And if anyone should understand about giving tours of the Capitol, it's MTG...)
    Oh... that’s not as fun as I thought... oh well... thanks for clearing it up...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  11. #67671
    55,908 new cases is about 3k more than last Saturday. Oof. 9 states still haven't reported. Double oof.

    Top 5:

    New York: 7,581 new cases; 61 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    New Jersey: 4,909 new cases; 31 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 3,742 new cases; 20 deaths
    Michigan: 3,255 new cases; 49 deaths

    Texas continues lying. Fuck Texas.

    As bad as New York's numbers have been the past couple weeks, if you look at them over the course of that time they are actually relatively flat. It's not good that they're up around 7k most of the time, but they're not experiencing explosive growth in cases. Michigan, on the other hand, is experiencing a pretty clear growth of new cases over the past week or so (I haven't seen similar signs from surrounding states yet, but it's possible). As has been mentioned previously we are racing against the clock and even Biden's ambitious "100 million vaccinations in 100 days" goal might not be enough as the more contagious variations of the virus start sending things spiraling out of control. It's beginning to look scary again in some areas.

    792 deaths is about 300 fewer than last Saturday and brings the total to 554,871. Texas may be artificially hiding their new cases by just not testing for them, but it's hard to hide the deaths that continue to pile up there.

    Related news:

    More than 43 million Americans - 1 in 6 adults - have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the CDC--It's a good start, but we've still got a long way to go and more and more people are getting too complacent as time goes on. It's beginning to feel like we're on the cusp of a new wave and we haven't recovered from the last one. Hopefully the amount of full vaccinations can mitigate it.

    Stay safe, folks.

  12. #67672
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Some even show Mike Pence as not VP, but claim it is an "oversight". LOL
    "Trump hasn't conceded, and it's our opinion the election was stolen"

    Well, they're free to express their opinion. When they have evidence, it'll even be valid.

  13. #67673
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    "Trump hasn't conceded, and it's our opinion the election was stolen"

    Well, they're free to express their opinion. When they have evidence, it'll even be valid.
    I never imagined that people who spent 4 years mocking others with ‘Trump won, get over it’, for people saying Trump isn’t their president, due to his incompetence. Would then spend 4 years, and you know it will last all 4, literally claiming that Trump is still their president. Not figuratively, not out of protest or disgust, no... they literally choose not to believe election results, because of feelings. Not a single person that said Trump wasn’t their president, said it because they meant Hillary was...

    It’s why I firmly believe that anyone tied to the QAnon bullshit, should never be permitted around children, without supervision. Because that part of GOP, went from ‘liberals are perverts’, to a news cycle that demands sexualization of kid cartoon characters. If you consider all of the projecting that gets amplified, when the right takes ownership, QAnon is by far the scariest part of the right. Since if they are projecting, like it seems to be the crux of right wing rhetoric, it’s very... very... very bad...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  14. #67674
    Jeanine Pirro Abruptly Ends Segment After Guest Asserts Biden Is 'Making America Great Again'

    In case anyone was under the impression that FOX had turned over a new leaf after being attacked by Trump. No, they're still just as allergic to facts as always and their hosts are the biggest snowflakes in the land.

  15. #67675
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Jeanine Pirro Abruptly Ends Segment After Guest Asserts Biden Is 'Making America Great Again'

    In case anyone was under the impression that FOX had turned over a new leaf after being attacked by Trump. No, they're still just as allergic to facts as always and their hosts are the biggest snowflakes in the land.
    I'd question anyone's grasp of reality if they thought FOX wouldn't double down on Trump lust instead of rising above it.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  16. #67676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    I'd question anyone's grasp of reality if they thought FOX wouldn't double down on Trump lust instead of rising above it.
    We'll come back and revisit this topic if Trump ever makes it to court. But until that happens, I'm agreeing with you.

  17. #67677
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    CNN: Donald Trump is creating his own social media network that will go live in a few months
    Former President Donald Trump is coming back to social media -- but this time with his own network, a Trump spokesperson told Fox News on Sunday.

    Jason Miller, a long-time adviser and spokesperson for Trump's 2020 campaign told Howard Kurtz on Fox's "MediaBuzz" that Trump will be "returning to social media in probably about two or three months." He added Trump's return will be with "his own platform" that will attract "tens of millions" of new users and "completely redefine the game."

    "This is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media," Miller told Kurtz. "It's going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what President Trump does, but it will be his own platform."

    Miller said during his appearance on Fox News that the former president has been approached by numerous companies and is in talks with teams about the new platform.

    "This new platform is going to be big," Miller said on Sunday. "Everyone wants him and he's going to bring millions and millions -- tens of millions -- to this platform."

    The announcement comes after Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter and other social platforms, such as Facebook, following his incitement of the US Capitol riots on January 6 -- where hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building, leaving five people dead.

    Following Trump's ban on Twitter, Jared Kushner, the former president's son-in-law and senior adviser, intervened when other aides attempted to get Trump on fringe social media platforms such as Parler and Gab.
    This thread isn't going anywhere anytime soon...
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  18. #67678
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    This thread isn't going anywhere anytime soon
    Hmm. So, Trump with his proven business history expect that people will give him millions and millions of dollars, to run a social media network after being kicked off FB and Twitter.

    I am sure Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and FOX News will all accept this new competitor with no actions taken on their part at all. I'm also interested to hear about how many servers Trump has purchases to run the site completely on his own.

    How many times has Trump promised the biggest thing ever that would break all the rules and be the best bestiest best, that didn't happen? And he xpects people to jump into this with pending investigations, loans coming due, and of course the blatant racism and threats of violence?

    This is going to be amazing.

  19. #67679
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    A wild guess, but I'm not expecting it to go anywhere, really. Nothing like what they are hyping it to be.

    Trumplodytes have surprised me before, though. Like how they (still) support Trump. So who knows how far they are riding the dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  20. #67680
    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    A wild guess, but I'm not expecting it to go anywhere, really. Nothing like what they are hyping it to be.

    Trumplodytes have surprised me before, though. Like how they (still) support Trump. So who knows how far they are riding the dumb.
    I expect it go to just like it's gone for Gab and Parler considering his base. They will either have to police their site like EVERY other social media platform and ban people who go too far or they'll be deleted from the servers for hosting talk about illegal shit. Either way, I'm sure the FBI are salivating at the thought of another super easy access point to infiltrate domestic terrorist groups.

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