Again, so? It's not the majority of the American people. He never had the vote or support of the majority of the American people, ever. And frankly anyone that still supports Trump at this point should be embarrassed.
The GOP is walking a tightrope right now trying to retain the votes of more moderate republicans to keep them from slipping to the democrats, and the votes of the batshit insane trump conspiracy loons, to keep them from throwing up their hands and sitting the election out because the GOP didn't suck up to their golden god enough. The GOP know they're on thin ice on a national scale and they need every vote they can. In so many words, their support of Trump is purely a political game.The votes & their representatives heavily lean towards embarrassed in the grand scheme of things. I mean, how many numbnuts voted for the bill to keep Biden from his rightfull precidency in thehouse of representatives? They would never have done that to that extent if they didnt know it would be political suicide not to when midterms comes along.
It is an embarrassment even though I would suggest collective denial is the proper term.
Luckily, if this goes to some sort of grand jury or actual judicial trial, it wont matter worth a rat's ass whether the GOP want it to happen or not. "Because it would embarrass people sorely in need of embarrassing" is not a valid reason to give Trump a free pass. It's proof that law and order are bigger than the GOP and their trite little political scheming.