Boeing quietly ended its post-insurrection pause on political contributions, and immediately maxed out to members of the sedition caucus. Me @thedailybeast
I predicted this. Tax cuts, deregulation and profits > democracy.
"Buh dah DEMS"
15k for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 45,000 for their building fund, 45,000 for the recount and legal fund,
5,000 for Nancy Pelosi, 5,000 to the New Democrat Coalition Action Fund, 5000 for the Moderate Democrats PAC
5,000 for Schumer's PAC (Impact)
The article singles out the Republican Attorneys General Association, but fails to mention the Democratic Attorneys General Association (10,000), the Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association (25,000)
They're sprinkling money across both political parties all across the country. Corporations = political lobbying efforts through campaign donations, inasmuch as one party is despised and the other one loved or tolerated.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
Well, because I don't believe any of those groups supported or promoted the Jan. 6 rally, which is why Boeing ostensibly pulled funding. And the article did mention that, actually -
Because again, it's not that Boeing is greasing palms that the Daily Beast is calling them out on, it's that they tried to pretend they'd stop greasing some palms and made a big show of it, and are right back to it.The report, Boeing’s first to show political contributions after the assault on the Capitol, also disclosed a $25,000 gift to the Republican Attorneys General Association, whose fundraising arm helped promote the Jan. 6 rally to “stop the steal.” Boeing contributed less than half that amount to the organization’s Democratic counterpart.
What a surprise. According to documents just released, Team Trump was putting pressure on the DoJ to, well, manufacture enough voter fraud to keep him in office.
For example, we know Trump fired Barr Dec 14 by Tweet. What we didn't know, is 40 minutes before that, Trump sent an email to the people he was about to promote. This email included marching orders, most importantly, to do everything they could to stop Michigan from certifying.
He also ordered the DoJ through a private lawyer to --
"Was it Giuliani?"
I don't think the lawyer was named. Anyhow, he ordered the DoJ to file a SCOTUS lawsuit to block the election results. Specifically, that six states Trump lost fairly were to be declared invalid, and SCOTUS was to demand a special election.
"Can they do that?"
No. 2000 was a fluke. It was one state not six, was not about election fraud, was not about mysteriously missing evidence, the ruling said they didn't want to set President, and even then, SCOTUS didn't overrule Florida so much as say "stop holding recounts". Which, of course, would have blocked Trump anyhow. SCOTUS does not and will not have the power to throw out honest, legal elections. Ever.
"Okay, but the man was upset. Surely one request isn't--"
He did it five times through Mark Meadows alone. Total has got to be over a dozen.
"Why does this link say 'House Oversight Committee' when this is a DoJ dump?"
Because of the Jan 6th murderous insurrection investigation. They're looking into anything that might have, oh I don't know, inspired a mob to storm the Capitol to lynch Pence and Democrats, and naturally went the route of looking at Trump, who was pushing "fake election" conspiracies up to and during the riot itself. In a move that surprised nobody, Biden saw no reason to withhold documents from the House's polite request. More info from the NYTimes here.
Simply put, there is substantial, documented evidence that Trump was using the weight of his massive fat ass plus his office to directly subvert the will of the people, as well as six states' election laws and results.
Trump was directly trying to be a dictator. Thankfully enough people in his own WH drew the line and he failed. But we still have proof that he tried. Therefore, all Trump supporters are assumed to also support dictatorship in the US unless they specifically and directly refute this move by Trump. I'll start with @tehdang who on this very page says it's okay to support dictators, as long as you also support non-dictators too. Perhaps he will speak on this matter?
That's a little too tortured of logic to make a good start on things, Breccia.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
If that's the point of all this, some kind of flip flop on Boeing to stop greasing palms, then I wonder why all the "sedition caucus" highfalutin language. It needs some fleshing out to actual Boeing statements on why they stopped all funding, and why they resumed.Because again, it's not that Boeing is greasing palms that the Daily Beast is calling them out on, it's that they tried to pretend they'd stop greasing some palms and made a big show of it, and are right back to it.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
Trumpers and Putin are currently "outraged" on Death of the Nutjob Domestic Terrorist Ashli Babbit.
Yet they didn't want to investigate the Capitol Riots.
Last edited by szechuan; 2021-06-15 at 03:58 PM.
A Fetus is not a person under the 14th amendment.
Christians are Forced Birth Fascists against Human Rights who indoctrinate and groom children. Prove me wrong.
At least as far as Wood, his investigation towards disbarment moved through the courts a bit this week. I can't find the most recent news, but he appealed the ruling in this article, and the news this week was that his appeal was denied. I don't remember what portion of the court took part in the ruling, so who knows how many more appeals he has.
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"Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.
Monday's report:
11,127 new cases, roughly 4k fewer than last Monday.
Top 5:
Fuck Florida.
California: 1,105 new cases; 12 deaths
Texas: 852 new cases; 3 deaths
Louisiana: 554 new cases; 7 deaths
Arizona: 394 new cases; no deaths reported
These are from Monday, so as usual they're underreported--though not as badly as in the weekend where half the country doesn't bother anymore. We're still seeing a decent decline in cases week to week as the vaccination effort progresses, though Delta is rearing its ugly head throughout the country. Over half the states have a 50% or higher vaccination rate; the usual suspects are bringing up the rear--including Alabama who stopped reporting daily last week. Positivity is also still under 5% in all states, though Misery is just barely under at about 4.9%.
237 deaths is over 100 fewer than last Monday and brings the total to 615,328. Florida, New York and North Carolina topped the list this time but we're continuing to see the numbers decline here as well as time goes on. Only 7 states reported double-digits (though I expect this will increase as usual as the week progresses) and the 7-day average is down to around 360.
Related news:
Vermont drops all Covid restrictions as first state to reach 80% vaccination--There is the caveat that "municipalities and businesses" may continue the precautionary practices if they see fit which I think is good and should be the norm as things go forward. New York will also be lifting nearly all restrictions as they've passed the 70% threshold.
US COVID-19 deaths hit 600,000, equal to yearly cancer toll--"It's just one guy coming in from China..."
Study finds a quarter of people with COVID-19 had new medical problems after--This is going to be with us in some form or another for a very long time--and for some people, the rest of their lives.
Stay safe, folks.
Unfortunately those who choose not to vaccinate already believe that the vaccine is worse than the Delta variant and no amount of evidence is going to convince them otherwise. I fully expect another surge to go blasting through areas like Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama in the upcoming months as everywhere drops their restrictions and folks flock to areas for vacations before bringing the virus back home with them.
“You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X
I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)
Third Impeachment anyone?
"Buh dah DEMS"
I expect Florida will be "fine" (even though they're still the worst in the country in terms of cases/deaths). Their vaccination rate isn't the highest but it's not terrible either, and this is likely off the back of their largely elderly population.
Also, for those who need to hear it, Gamma comes before Delta in the Greek alphabet (and this particular naming convention). The next would be Epsilon, and that was already given to a variant found in California: Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa and Lambda have also all been assigned.
Severity/danger of a variant isn't higher the higher in the alphabet it's labeled. Variants of interest are assigned a letter and may later be elevated to "variant of concern"--such as Delta.
That looks like failure to condemn dictators in the USA. Considering you read what you quoted -- you did, didn't you? -- and failed to condemn dictatorship in the USA, I have no choice but to assume that's direct admission you support dictatorship in the USA.
I put it right over the plate, dude.
...Mike Pence? Are we talking about the calls to lynch Mike Pence by Trump-inspired murderous insurrectionists?
Thanks for the clarification about Gamma coming before Delta.
As far as later mutations being or not being dangerous as compared to Delta, presumably MOST of them will be the same or even weaker. The problem is, it only takes one much worse one to really mess things up for a lot of people.
7 letters at least have already been assigned. That's a lot of mutations. Most of them will pass by without notice. YAY that's the good news.