Shame on you.
Trump is stil pushing the lie of massive voter fraud. The difference between "I won" and "I lost but only because you cheated" is significant, but neither actualy signifies an honest loss.
Trump is still claiming he won, he's just doing it with different words. And he's still telling FOX News that things will change.
Be that as it may, my thinking is that... they can trick Trump's dumb rubes into thinking their competent lawyers. But lawyers don't come cheap, and outside of the occasional pillow entrepreneur I don't think most Trump supporters are possessed of the great means to hire or keep lawyers on retainer.
And even if they could, it's become hilariously clear that their dumbass faux-legal nonsense goes absolutely nowhere in the court of law. And law firms aren't going to want to bring them on as lawyers.
So is there really all that much long-term monetary gain to be had, here? Seems the best they could hope for is some cushy talking head job on Fox news or other right-wing mouthpiece where they can give their spin "professional opinion" on how Trump's forthcoming legal issues are actually good for him.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Yeah, he's really dancing around the semantics. No surprise from the king of What He Meant Was.
I'll consider it "breaking news" when he admits he lost honestly. This isn't that. This is just more spin. I have every belief that, if Trump really wants to admit he'll lost honestly, he'll do it the same way he admitted Obama is American. Host a press conference, turn it into an ad for his business, wave some flags, say "I lost honestly" and flee without taking questions.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Alright, just got my first jab so let's knock this out before I find out whether or not I'll be one of the lucky ones or if I'll be knocked on my ass for a couple days.
Thursday's report:
11,230 new cases; about 5k fewer than last Friday--however 5 states (including Florida and Alabama) aren't reporting daily anymore (and worldometers didn't include any mysterious totals today), so tack on another couple k.
Top 5:
Fuck Florida. Always and forever.
Texas: 1,482 new cases; 35 deaths
California: 1,050 new cases; 32 deaths
Missouri: 724 new cases; no deaths reported
Colorado: 543 new cases; 7 deaths
It's not unexpected to see California back up above 1k as the week ends since numbers nationwide tend to be higher by Friday. They're still slightly lower than where they were on Thursday of last week. Missouri, by contrast, is going up as we've seen for the last little while thanks in part to the Delta variant. The majority of the nation is in the "Medium" risk category with several flicking back and forth into "High" and we'll probably see things stay that way until more of the country is vaccinated. Or until a major outbreak happens, which isn't out of the realm of possibility.
291 deaths is about 200 fewer than last Thursday and brings the total to 616,440. Add in the likely totals from Florida, Alabama et al and it's probably closer to 100 fewer, but I'm confident it's still down a decent amount. The 7-day average is declining to around 300.
Related news:
High Hopes for Johnson & Johnson’s Covid Vaccine Have Fizzled in the U.S.--The "one and done" vaccine has been a huge disappointment for various reasons and this has hindered the vaccination effort, particularly for those in harder-to-reach areas of the country.
Covid Counts Hit Zero in U.S. Hospitals Once Overrun by Victims--Encouraging, but this could turn around again if--you guessed it--Delta runs rampant.
Stay safe, folks.
Which he'll never do. Saying he lost is just feeding the conspiracy fire that the election was "stolen" from him. Even after his death these notions will continue for decades.
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Trump and his acolytes are continuing to rewash his Residency in a historical doubleplusgoodspeak version of his time in the Oval Office.
We are rushing head on into the Post-Fact Era.It's as if the fawning over Vladimir Putin never happened. Or Trump's assurance that Covid-19 would simply "go away" never passed his lips. Trump's acolytes have, meanwhile, rebranded the worst assault in American democracy in modern times into a January 6 tourist jaunt as they seek to cleanse the reputation of the former President who told rioters to "fight like Hell" and, months later, still holds enormous sway over the GOP.
Trump and conservative propaganda media are also assailing Dr. Anthony Fauci to expunge the ex-President's neglect of a pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans on his watch.
Had a big laugh from this The 30 most bizarre lines from Donald Trump's interview with Sean Hannity
Russia is doomed as it always has been historically
Congrats, man. It's been too long.
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I guess I can take a quick loo-
Ah fuck it.Hydroxychloroquine
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So, we haven't heard much from Pence recently. Let's see what--
Former Vice President Mike Pence was heckled with calls of “traitor”
"Oh, those angry libruls! Why don't they leave him alone?"
"Um...surely that was outside, right? By angry libruls on the way to the conference?"at a conservative conference Friday
Yep. To be fair, I don't know if the hecklers in question were classic Republicans upset that Pence let Trump get away with, well, literal murder; members of the rabid fanbase still upset that Pence followed the law and his duty with regard to the election; or actual torch-carrying Nazis because this is Trump we're talking about and I can't rule those out.“It is great to be back with so many patriots dedicated to faith and freedom and the road to the majority,” Pence said to applause at the Faith & Freedom Coalition summit before the heckling began.
“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,” Pence continued, as the hecklers in the audience began to grow louder, yelling “traitor.”
Some of the hecklers were reportedly removed from the event as Pence went on with his speech.
Pence's political career is over. Everyone knows it, including Pence. The GOP gave up and became the Party of Trump (see also: 2020 RNC platform) and a Republican that Trump opposes can no longer carry the Party of Trump's vote. Pence will spend the rest of his life disliked by classic Republicans, hated and probably receiving death threats from Trump supporters, and everyone else wil sigh and shake their head at someone who went from Grand Old Passtimes like hating gay people and became a potted plant with a soiled MAGA hat in it.
I wonder if he thinks it was worth it? Were the judges alone, because that's all he got, worth what happened to his party and his legacy? Will the warmth of making abortion slightly harder for a few more years be worth wondering if today's the day he gets run over by a Nazi, beaten to death with a fire extinguisher (I can still use it for him) 2nd Amendment'd, lynched, or just shot on 5th Avenue?
I'd ask him if he thought it was worth it, but his wife would need to be in the room. Oh, and I guess I'd have to yell over the shouts of "traitor!"
“ After four years of collecting a paycheck for doing absolutely nothing at a job he coasted into, he is now enjoying a lavish retirement in a $1.9 million home in Indiana. According to the New York Post, Pence purchased the seven-bedroom, seven-and-a-half-bathroom property above the asking price in the affluent area of Carmel.”
It was bittersweet for Indiana (as a resident myself) when he was chosen for VP. Indiana hated him in the role of governor. So on one hand he wasn't our governor anymore (yay). The other he was VP (less-yay).
Now he's just back to living in a place that doesn't like him.
The suburb he moved to is just known for being snooty and stuck up. It's one of like... 2 suburbs where the incredibly wealthy of the state tend to live.
I'm guessing he and the mrs will just get really used to using grubhub or doordash.
Yeah, they've been really slow with the vaccination effort here, both from lack of organization and lack of supply. I'm not an old man yet (although I've felt like it ever since the accident), but I'm old enough that my age group should have been fully vaccinated by now. Got the first appointments (first and second shot) available when I called about it.
And nooooow I'm starting to feel it. hahaha Tomorrow's report may be delayed. :P