1. #70161
    I am trying not to laugh, but this is just too funny.

    National Review's Lament: No One Will F*ck Trump Voters

    Oh dear. A conservative academic has discovered that nobody wants to bone down with Donald Trump supporters, and for that reason, we probably need a new definition of civil rights that would protect conservatives from discrimination in all areas of American life. In a National Review piece titled "Political Discrimination as Civil-Rights Struggle," Eric Kaufmann frets about the findings of a poll of roughly 1,500 female Ivy League students, showing that, among those who didn't already support Donald Trump, only six percent of them would date a Trump supporter.

    Apparently, this has very grave implications!

    This reveals the predilection among many young elite Americans for progressive authoritarianism, a belief system that justifies infringing rights to equal treatment or free speech in the name of the emotional "safety" of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexuality groups. In this left-modernist worldview, conservatives' resistance to racial, gender, and sexual progressivism mark them as moral deviants. As Millennials take power, this generational earthquake is set to shake the foundations of the cultural elite to its core, leading to pervasive discrimination against, and censorship of, conservative views.

  2. #70162
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    No One Will F*ck Trump Voters
    Not to worry. They can go home and fuck their feelings.

  3. #70163
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Uh... how many people here, primed by the "Trump years", expected the next words in Breccia's post to be: "...and said, 'I don't exist!' "?
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  4. #70164
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    That's what incidental means. They're not targeting him but the RF he's communicating with. As he's not the main target, him being recorded is incidental. Either usage of incidental works here, either as "not the main target" or "liable to happen as a consequence." Maybe you're thinking coincidental. That's the one that means "random chance."
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    That’s literally the definition of the word.

    Incidental: liable to happen as a consequence of (an activity)
    Boh of you have a point. What I tried to say was getting recorded is pretty much a direct consequence in this event.

  5. #70165
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Watch your step in Missouri, Arkansas, regular Kansas, and Connecticut. The Delta variant is spiking there.

    It is 96% of new Missouri cases, the highest in the country. I don't have an explanation for Connecticut -- their vaccination rate is fine.
    In Connecticut you have three area's

    Minority Majority Cities
    Rural Hardcore republican/right wing/poor areas
    White Majority Cities.

    in some of the state’s biggest cities, and some rural areas, vaccination rates lag. In Hartford, for example, 37.5 percent of residents are fully vaccinated. In New Haven, the rate is 47.1 percent.

    You can imagine why the Rural area's lag. No different than the midwest "Red" reasons.

    Minority area's they have horrific results because they started early with the fear of vaccinations. A lot of it was driven by, believe it or not, religious organizations. Not the big 3 but the smaller local "ministries" and it spread. they also seem to be more susceptible to online fake claims and conspiracies.


    Crazy part is they have made these cities "priority" area's and they have proportionally received way more in spending and vaccination sites then "non priority" cities relative to their population size.
    They still can't get these people to get the shot.

    Priority Zip Codes 51.30% 45.64% 1.2 million people
    Other Zip Codes 63.82% 59.19% 2.5 million people

    Antidotally the only 3 people at work who are not vaccinated and still wear mask everyday are African American employees. They also have no problem announcing they refuse to get the shot and are proud of it. They have no consistent reason why they won't get it and the reason changes depending on whom they are talking to and which week it is.\
    This is all after 2 people at work were severely hospitalized, 3 people had spouses who died of it, many older relatives who died of it and a half of dozen people missing work for weeks because of it in Nov-Feb.

    It just baffles my mind because the one i work closely with wanted me to wear a mask so he doesn't catch it from me.... i had covid and had my two shots. He thinks the Vaccine doesn't work. And apparently does not understand the granted protection when you have had covid previously.

    He's also afraid of my "shedding". I mean he's not nice making fun of me losing hair...wait that's not shedding is it?
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  6. #70166
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    He's also afraid of my "shedding". I mean he's not nice making fun of me losing hair...wait that's not shedding is it?
    Wait, he thinks COVID sheds like herpes? lol

  7. #70167
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Now I suppose someone might say "I don't think the govt has right to my private medical info" which is fine in general and on paper. But imagine Old Man Johnson down the street renews his driver's license, but leaves out the part where he's blind. "I don't want the government getting that medical info," he says, probably to a mannequin or tree because he's blind. Then his blind ass gets behind the wheel and runs over the first anti-vaxxer anti-maxxer he doesn't see because he's blind1. Are you angry? Yes. And you should be, unless it's you and the impact kills you.
    Now that sounds more than a little weird to me. I'm ready to admit government in my post-Communist country has way too much control over things and certainly way more regulations than America, but I like the bit that is relevant here: You can't renew your driver's license without approval from your general practitioner.

    (Which, coincidentally, is how my coworker was finally forced to face he's got Alzheimer's - we've been telling him to see a doctor and he refused even considering there was anything wrong until his license needed renewing. We watched him go from slightly quirky to completely useless in less than a year.)
    Last edited by Flarelaine; 2021-07-08 at 05:45 PM. Reason: typo

  8. #70168
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    You can imagine why the Rural area's lag. No different than the midwest "Red" reasons.
    Sort of. I live in one, but it's in NYState. And the rate here is actually okay. I guess it could be artificially inflated by my school and the hospital being two of the biggest employers in the entire county. Interesting.

  9. #70169
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post

    1 I nearly lost my father a few Christmasses ago because someone's Alzheimer's went from "bad" to "disabling" between DMV visits. My father was next to his minivan, with the hazard lights on, and was the only car "on the road" (parked). Had the driver been six inches to the left, instead of hitting the minivan, it would have hit my father untying the tree from the roof, and killed him while I was ten yards away. The driver could not speak coherent sentences to the police or medical responders. He should not have been behind the wheel. You're damn right I'm taking this topic seriously.
    First off happy that your dad survived what could have been a horribly tragic situation. It seems that once that person was diagnosed with Alzheimers their doctor should have contacted the DMV to have their license pulled because they shouldn't be driving.

    Purdue reaches deal in 15-state lawsuit costing them $4.5 billion due to opioid abuse.

    "That's great, but why post it here?"

    While the lawsuits were state-brought, the pressure was mounting with Trump's DoJ help. I posted like 20 times on it. And he did campaign and run on this issue, which may also have helped. It's not ideal, NY in particular isn't thrilled about it, but any accountability is better than none. Trump at least gets an assist for this. Not like it's helping his stats that much.
    How does the old adage go? Oh yes, "even a broken clock is right twice a day" so while Trump deserves a half-hearted almost sarcastic golf clap for one of the singular things his administration did right it still doesn't take away from all the horrible shit he did and continues to do.

  10. #70170
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Uh... how many people here, primed by the "Trump years", expected the next words in Breccia's post to be: "...and said, 'I don't exist!' "?
    My eyes read one thing, my mind filled in the good old "I don't exist" part.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  11. #70171
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    Quote Originally Posted by pathora44 View Post
    It seems that once that person was diagnosed with Alzheimers their doctor should have contacted the DMV to have their license pulled because they shouldn't be driving.
    I was not in the mood at the time to ask follow-ups, but I agree with this in general. It's possible it wasn't diagnosed or the doctor decided it wasn't that bad yet or, well, there was no requirement to do this. I don't know what laws require doctors to notify the DMV, or police for that matter.

    His children did the right thing immediately. Honestly, they were just as close to losing their father as I was -- he could have just as easily hit a tree or solid steel lamppost. And that's not even counting any legal issues they might have been worried about.

  12. #70172
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Wait, he thinks COVID sheds like herpes? lol
    Way worse and way more infectious.

    I kid you not we used to have to have very close quarters at work in the warehouse.

    He came up with a plan so that we are never in the same rows at the same time otherwise he "bugs out" like he's in the war.

    He thinks the vaccine manipulated our DNA to become able to "infect" other people in order to....umm insert some crazy talk here.....yah.

    Black Trumper conspiracy nut liberal hating loon.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  13. #70173
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Wait, he thinks COVID sheds like herpes? lol
    No, there's some prime-cut, grade-A bullshit going around about vaccinated people shedding modified genetic material.

  14. #70174
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Uh... how many people here, primed by the "Trump years", expected the next words in Breccia's post to be: "...and said, 'I don't exist!' "?
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    My eyes read one thing, my mind filled in the good old "I don't exist" part.
    I do save some of the best songs for curtain calls. In any event, Biden doesn't have an unusual turnover rate...yet, and I won't feel bad if people use this phrase if he does.

  15. #70175
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Sort of. I live in one, but it's in NYState. And the rate here is actually okay. I guess it could be artificially inflated by my school and the hospital being two of the biggest employers in the entire county. Interesting.
    After your post i went and looked at NY. Yah I am shocked the rural area my parents lived in NY is over 60% too.

    But then again NY was the epicenter of the whole pandemic for a while east of the Mississippi so i am sure that left long lasting impressions on people.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  16. #70176
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    But then again NY was the epicenter of the whole pandemic for a while
    Terry Pratchett wrote something along the lines of "nobody is more vigilant than the guards the day after the theft".

    My county is also benefitting from a closed border. Not that Canadians would come south and spread COVID. But it means nobody's on their way through. It sucks for business, but it's safer.

  17. #70177
    So who is ready for some LOLs from a Chinese supported....ummm.....place of free speech trump lovers can now go and post everything they want....or can they?


    Jason Miller pitched a free-speech utopia. He got a moderation nightmare.

    Enter: Gettr.

    Gettr is the “new” social platform that was founded by Jason Miller, a child-support-ducking deadbeat dad whose main career distinction is the abject shamelessness with which he defends Donald Trump’s lies.

    Miller’s site is a re-skinned version of a previous app developed by his Chinese billionaire sugar daddy Guo Wengui, who you may remember as the owner of the yacht on which Steve Bannon was arrested.

    Gettr tried to brand itself as a Trump-endorsed site, though that was quickly shot down by the Butterscotch Baron of Bedminster, who knows a thing or two about licensing and isn’t letting a chinless bootlicker trade on his name unless he’s getting a big piece of the action.

    What I found is that Gettr has the same exact problems that have tormented every platform in the history of the internet.

    And the pranksters got me! My very first brand follow—@SonicFastFood—was not a representative of America’s heritage of innovative and tasty drive-in cuisine, but rather a digital gathering space for furry porn. Of which there is a lot on Gettr.

    Look, that’s not my bag of beans but no judgment. If MAGAs are into that sort of thing, that’s cool. But let me just say that during my first day on Gettr I didn’t come across a single substantive exchange of ideas—but I was exposed to a very great deal of Sonic the Hedgehog erotica. What a world.

    Taken as a whole, my Gettr newsfeed was a mash-up of catfishes and spoofs, conspiratorial craziness from real-life right-wingers, racial slurs from anonymous Nazi accounts, and pornographic trolling from (I assume) bored libs. The Algonquin Round Table this is not. The marketplace of ideas was barren.

    But hey, it’s the internet, new sites with dumbass trolls and nutty power users are a dime a dozen. The most revealing part of the Gettr experience wasn’t what was on the platform—but what wasn’t.

    Because it turns out that this cesspool would have been even worse if not for the fact that Jason Miller was doing exactly the same thing that Facebook and Twitter and all the other Big Bad Tech Oligarchs do: moderating his site’s content in order to provide a more usable product for his audience.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Terry Pratchett wrote something along the lines of "nobody is more vigilant than the guards the day after the theft".

    My county is also benefitting from a closed border. Not that Canadians would come south and spread COVID. But it means nobody's on their way through. It sucks for business, but it's safer.
    Yah i wish my parents still lived up there, the golf course would be clear of all those silly maple heads.


    Though realistically they were responsible for a huge % of the summer economy.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  18. #70178

    How do you win over independent voters as a Republican in the Trump era? Just lie about your positions or refuse to talk about them, really. And then unintentionally admit that -

    The footage, released by the political journalist Lauren Windsor, shows the GOP candidate, Glenn Youngkin, speaking at a campaign stop last month. Mr Youngkin tells Windsor he’s “staunchly, unabashedly pro-life,” and another person asks him if he’ll “take it to the abortionists.”

    The Republican’s answer is surprisingly candid.

    “I’m going to be really honest with you,” Mr Youngkin says. “The short answer is in this campaign, I can’t. When I’m governor and I have a majority in the House, we can start going on offense. But as a campaign topic, sadly, that in fact won’t win my independent votes that I have to get.
    Well, when you have unpopular positions that won't help you win an election I guess the response isn't to change your positions or find a candidate with positions that are more appealing, but to just fuckin lie about them.

  19. #70179
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    Way worse and way more infectious.

    I kid you not we used to have to have very close quarters at work in the warehouse.

    He came up with a plan so that we are never in the same rows at the same time otherwise he "bugs out" like he's in the war.

    He thinks the vaccine manipulated our DNA to become able to "infect" other people in order to....umm insert some crazy talk here.....yah.

    Black Trumper conspiracy nut liberal hating loon.
    Well, when it comes to Black people and government vaccines, I can understand the hesitancy on getting them due to the past with things like the Tuskegee experiments. There is some precedent there as far as that goes.

    Now the other stuff like the misinformation, yeah, that is just plain nonsense.

  20. #70180

    Olbermann is a bit of a show-off, but seeing John Dean validate this is interesting.

    If the lawsuit moves forward, Trump could be deposed to answer questions about anything relevant to the topic of the lawsuit...including the January 6 riots and his role in them.

    I'd totally watch this deposition live on TV.

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