1. #71281
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azadina View Post
    So, what, could Biden also randomly say "2A any trumpkin you see in the head, don't worry about it", and all is well?

    Like how the f does it fly what she's saying. I don't get it even with your explanation.
    There isn't any direct bright line here, unfortunately. The "fire in a crowded theater" is the most apt from SCOTUS, but even that doesn't cover what Marge and their Terrorist Members are doing here.

    But your question is germane. How the fuck does speech like that fly? Two reasons: we value speech above a LOT of other things, and were reluctant to squash speech without GOOD reasons. Obviously this is a good one, but it doesn't go so far as to literally say "go kill them son's of bitches" - she's just speaking euphamistically, and while it's Deplorable, what we dont' want to do as a rule of law is "guess" someone's intentions behind their speech, if that speech isn't clear - which in Marge's case it isn't "legally" clear, if that makes sense. Second, Marge is a Member of Congress, and they are afforded even more protection than a normal citizen, given the vary nature of their speech is political.

    What's been really awful about the GQP Deplorables is that they are taking honorable things (like member of congress "protections", the White House, little things like that) and shitting all over them. Taking full advantage of protections and using them to push lies and conspiracies and treason and terrorism.

    There have been several solid articles out there about how the GQP is using the "Gentleman's Agreement" rules of politics in our system and twisting them to keep a minority party ruling a majority. But that's another conversation.

  2. #71282
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Because a bunch of ignorant and privileged people taking to the streets committing acts of violence over a temporary public health measure wouldn't already make America look bad. Sure, Jan.
    what can you do besides detaining and killing them, which is only going to inspire more outrage and violence over what democracy is? Trump supporters already went berserk over the last quarantine and mask mandate.

    This country is completely divided now.

  3. #71283
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    what can you do besides detaining and killing them
    Gee I wonder if there were any successful examples of ridding society of a high level of fascist influence.

    This country is completely divided now.
    You really don't seem to get just how much of a minority position the Republican Party let alone Trumpists are operating from.

    Hint: When surveys using language like "1/3 of Americans, but 90% of Republicans" have become commonplace, that's fairly telling.
    Last edited by Elegiac; 2021-08-06 at 07:24 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  4. #71284
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    what can you do besides detaining and killing them, which is only going to inspire more outrage and violence over what democracy is? Trump supporters already went berserk over the last quarantine and mask mandate.

    This country is completely divided now.
    You and the guy who started this thread both routinely fail to comprehend one simple thing:

    The just will not fear the unjust. Ever.

    I don’t care how many people would become violent if trump was arrested or put on trial. I don’t care how many people become violent because they think Covid is a hoax or masks are impacting their freedoms. I don’t care what the “optics” of forcing them back in line looks like. The rule of law will always govern the land, and if people choose, yes CHOOSE, no one is forcing them, to commit violence, then I have zero qualms about the appropriate force being deployed to keep them in check.

    If theyre committing political acts of violence against innocent people as you say, like terrorists? I have ZERO problem with law enforcement dropping them where they stand, no matter how many of them there are. America would be seen as stronger for it, instead of giving literal fascist terrorists some sort of free pass as you seem to prescribe. And if that makes more right-wing fascists choose to take up violence? Then drop them too.

    These people don’t have valid concerns or opinions. Their opposition to the rule of law does not come from a place of moral or legal high round. Their positions are based on only misinformation and lies they choose to consume.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #71285
    Employers are losing patience with unvaccinated workers

    NJ governor Phil Murphy getting pissed

    “Frankly, enough is enough,” he said in an interview Thursday with The Inquirer. “The irresponsibility, the amount of people who are getting sick and dying because of these people believing in falsehoods — they need to be called out.”

    Murphy, a Democrat seeking reelection in November, was speaking Wednesday in Union City, where he signed legislation to prevent evictions and provide utility assistance for renters. When he urged vaccination, as he does at most appearances, a group of protesters began heckling him, waving signs that bore slogans such as “No forced injections.”

    “These folks back there have lost their minds — you’ve lost your minds!” an agitated Murphy said in a moment livestreamed on his YouTube channel. “You are the ultimate knuckleheads! And because of what you are saying and standing for, people are losing their life!”

    The end ‘keeps moving’

    For many vaccinated people, the frustration is underpinned by multiple factors: an exhaustion with restrictions, rules, and fear; uncertainty about the future; turmoil over the country’s deep ideological divide; and, perhaps most important, a sense that the pandemic’s end was in sight but now may be slipping away.

    Anger among vaccinated people, experts said, is aimed at those who choose to decline the shot, not the segments of the population that still have barriers to access, need assistance, experience systemic inequity, or can’t be vaccinated due to medical conditions.

  6. #71286
    If you haven't seen the interview yet, they interview crackhead pillow guy and he lets the CNN guy look at his "evidence".

  7. #71287
    Titan Lenonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The problem with trying to enforce another lockdown is you'll get American citizens rampaging across the streets in protest claiming they're being oppressed, killing and burning everything they see, and forcing military intervention.
    You people and your violence/civil war fetishes.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  8. #71288
    I am Murloc! Noxx79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The problem with trying to enforce another lockdown is you'll get American citizens rampaging across the streets in protest claiming they're being oppressed, killing and burning everything they see, and forcing military intervention.
    No. You’ll see protests, and damage maybe. You will NOT see the military.

  9. #71289
    National Guard is likely.

  10. #71290
    Heyyyy isn't the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota due to start soon? The thing that was confirmed to be a huge superspreader event last year? I'm sure the governor will shut that dohhhhhhh wait a minute it's Kristi Noem. Nevermind. Rest in peace.

  11. #71291
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Heyyyy isn't the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota due to start soon? The thing that was confirmed to be a huge superspreader event last year? I'm sure the governor will shut that dohhhhhhh wait a minute it's Kristi Noem. Nevermind. Rest in peace.

    700K people, I hope everyone local is able to stay the fuck home and avoid these fucks.

  12. #71292
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Heyyyy isn't the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota due to start soon? The thing that was confirmed to be a huge superspreader event last year? I'm sure the governor will shut that dohhhhhhh wait a minute it's Kristi Noem. Nevermind. Rest in peace.
    No worries she already has that covered. She will pull out the GQP bullhorn and scream "BLAME BROWN PEOPLE" and the GQP idiots will eat it up. No matter how precisely the CDC connects the future super-spreader event to the future super spread of the virus the GQP base will just continue to blame brown people.

  13. #71293
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pathora44 View Post
    No worries she already has that covered. She will pull out the GQP bullhorn and scream "BLAME BROWN PEOPLE" and the GQP idiots will eat it up. No matter how precisely the CDC connects the future super-spreader event to the future super spread of the virus the GQP base will just continue to blame brown people.
    ...with South Dakota being, of course, one of the pretty damn far places one could be from the southern border.

    And like I said earlier, I find the mental gymnastics they have to pull to reason that immigrants are spreading COVID... quite special. Are they spreading COVID because they don't wear masks, or because they're unvaccinated? Because conservatives, by and large, ALSO fit those two categories.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  14. #71294
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    ...with South Dakota being, of course, one of the pretty damn far places one could be from the southern border.

    And like I said earlier, I find the mental gymnastics they have to pull to reason that immigrants are spreading COVID... quite special. Are they spreading COVID because they don't wear masks, or because they're unvaccinated? Because conservatives, by and large, ALSO fit those two categories.
    You are thinking to hard on this because the average GQP voter can't think that hard. The reason they blame immigrants is because Brown People, that is it. In reality they don't need a reason to blame brown people because really anything will do. It is to hot today, blame brown people. Ow I stubbed my toe, blame brown people. Oh shit I am broke due to donating to Trump and they auto checked me to repeat donate over and over again, blame brown people. See it doesn't matter what they blame brown people for because they blame brown people for everything.

  15. #71295
    Quote Originally Posted by Noxx79 View Post
    No. You’ll see protests, and damage maybe
    aren't trump supporters so dedicated they tried a violent insurrection? I wouldn't put street-wide rampaging and looting past them in the "damage" estimates you mentioned.

    It's why it's difficult if not impossible right now to enforce another quarantine or incarceration of Donald Trump. You don't know what these people will do in response.

  16. #71296

    They can't stop talking about seceding, can they? Now they want to be able to have counties secede from states because they don't like how democracy works.

    Nobody is stopping them from moving to the Great Pacific Trash Heap and starting their own Kekistan Trumpworld utopia there.

  17. #71297
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    They can't stop talking about seceding, can they? Now they want to be able to have counties secede from states because they don't like how democracy works.

    Nobody is stopping them from moving to the Great Pacific Trash Heap and starting their own Kekistan Trumpworld utopia there.
    lol oh no can't give PR or DC its 51 state status but lets make 71 states with angry white old people dependent on the federal teet and blue states.

    guess we can split Texas up into 5 parts. 4 liberal states and 1 very red poor state for everyone else.
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  18. #71298
    Oof. Took a peek at the numbers before heading to bed. My condolences to any of the cool peeps here from Florida. Also, fuck Florida.

  19. #71299
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Also, fuck Florida.
    As a Floridian™, I approve of this message.

  20. #71300
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    aren't trump supporters so dedicated they tried a violent insurrection? I wouldn't put street-wide rampaging and looting past them in the "damage" estimates you mentioned.

    It's why it's difficult if not impossible right now to enforce another quarantine or incarceration of Donald Trump. You don't know what these people will do in response.
    You realize your whole position here is just straight extortion, right?

    "Do what we want or we'll engage in criminal violence!"

    That's what you're arguing.

    So yeah; when people respond with "we're not gonna let you extort us, and if anyone gets violent, that's what police and the law are for", that's just . . . being reasonable when confronted with threats of criminal action in an attempt to extort a response.

    Also, yes, using the threat of unlawful violence to try and force political change is pretty much the central definition of "terrorism". So all you're really doing here is coming out in favor of domestic terrorism as a practice.

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