Out of curiosity, did Illinois or Massah fuck it, you know where this is going.
Let's add a few things to the Trump Shitshow. I don't know if they were covered, sorry if I missed it.
1) Rep. Ralph Norman has COVID. If that name sounds familiar, it should. Rep. Norman was fined $500 for not wearing a mask to the House and is suing Pelosi for it.
2) Trump ally Braynard is organizing a Justice for J6 rally. In an interview, he claimed he's doing this because of, you guessed it, unverified vague accounts that the murderous insurrectionists are being mistreated.
The rally will be held at the Capitol.
2) No, really. The Capitol.
3) As a reminder, Trump took more trips in one year than Obama did all eight. He drove up taxpayer costs for travel and Secret Service protection.
On his way out of town, he unilaterally gave his family and three of his friends (Munchin, for example) six extra months of SS protection. This cost taxpayers over a million dollars.
In fact, Trump was such a drain on the Secret Service that...okay, trying to kill some of them with COVID is still the worst. But he also stressed their budget to the point of a $60 million loan. A new book details how morale at the SS has never been this low, except for the two agents allegedly fucking Trump's daughters (in-law).
4) The Scottish government might be moving on Trump. It might have something to do with all the cash payments he made on Scottish golf courses that never once made a profit. At a time when Trump couldn't get a loan from anyone except Russian money launderer Deutsche Bank. In fact, the term "McMafia" seems to be coming up, and something called an "Unexplained Wealth Order" which is apparently Scottish for "show us your taxes".
Near as I can tell, Trump has paid Scotland $0 in taxes and gotten $800,000 in tax benefits.
5) Yet another anti-vaxxer died within days of saying "this is nothing". If you think me linking the name Leslie Lawrenson is being disrespectful to someone who died, you're correct. He risked his family trying to downplay/ignore a known fatal illness. He deserves my disrespect and I give it intentionally. For what it's worth, his wife is actually saying "this is real, get the vaccine".