1. #71921
    Wednesday's report:

    144,635 new cases; about 26k more than last Wednesday.

    Top 10:

    Fuck Florida (about 25k new record).
    Texas: 17,612 new cases; 109 deaths
    California: 12,254 new cases; 59 deaths
    Georgia: 6,958 new cases; 32 deaths
    Louisiana: 5,407 new cases; 55 deaths
    North Carolina: 4,963 new cases; 22 deaths
    New York: 4,384 new cases; 20 deaths
    Missouri: 4,213 new cases; still not reporting deaths
    Tennessee: 4,097 new cases; 7 deaths
    Illinois: 3,933 new cases; 14 deaths

    Missouri shuffled itself back into the mix, though their overall curve still indicates they're on the back-end of their wave. Florida's still finding the means to break records--their 7-day average is now above 21k. Their little tiff with the CDC notwithstanding, their numbers continue looking worse as time goes on. As was previously discussed their death totals for the past couple days are bullshit so that will have to be addressed. We'll see if they fess up later today with a correction. Texas continues their march towards 20k and California is also slowly creeping upward--though still at a much slower rate than either Florida or Texas. 31 states posted totals over 1k.

    614 deaths is nearly a hundred more than last Wednesday and brings the total to 635,219. We can assume it's at least 50 more than that and maybe even 100 more depending on how much Florida obfuscated it. I'm putting them at the top of the list anyway because fuck Florida. Texas took second with over 100 and California third with about half that.

    Related news:

    Covid leaves Mississippi hospitals at brink of failure--As I've said before, we'll be seeing this more often.

    'Taking a toll': Pediatric COVID cases surge--And this. Especially in places like Florida and Texas where the governors are outright banning mask mandates. School's starting.

    Stay safe, folks.

  2. #71922
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Dan Crenshaw being heckled for denying conspiracy theories is sad. The GOP really needs to reevaluate their strategy of denying reality whenever it’s convenient.

    Sauce for anyone interested.

    I'm honestly surprised to see Crenshaw not boosting these conspiracies, but I haven't checked in on him in ages.

    Don't feel bad for him in the slightest. This is their ugly beast they created, they can deal with it when it comes to bite them in their dicks. They can't stop denying reality when it's convenient because if they did, their party would fall apart. It's genuinely built upon fantasies and a denial of reality nowadays, that's the steel-reinforced foundation to the whole building.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Wednesday's report:

    144,635 new cases; about 26k more than last Wednesday.

    California: 12,254 new cases; 59 deaths
    Jesus christ on a stick, I genuinely thought we were done with these kinds of numbers. Hospital workers deserve federal hazard pay for this shit.

  3. #71923
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Jesus christ on a stick, I genuinely thought we were done with these kinds of numbers. Hospital workers deserve federal hazard pay for this shit.
    California's been doing better than it could be, all things considered. That could change in a day, of course, but for now as I've said their numbers have been going up at a much slower rate than elsewhere. Positivity is now up to 6.4% which isn't good, but it's still a far cry from Florida's 20% or Alabama's 24.5%.

  4. #71924
    MagicMike on that magicmeth
    From the tweet, tweekt? lol

    "Mike Lindell is legit upset that some people want to break for lunch in this "cyber symposium," yelling that he's gonna stay up on stage for 3 days straight.

    "There's no breaks! ... You guys can go eat. That’s fine, but I ain’t eating! I’m staying up here for 72 hours..."


  5. #71925
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post

    When you know the super big amazing event was a huge letdown.
    They're inside the symposium.

    I honestly wonder if anyone even gives enough of a shit to go there in-person to troll them, I find it pretty unlikely.

  6. #71926
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    So... who has the over/under on when Mike Lindell will run for office?

    If history is any indication, it's the one place he can continue to lie with impunity and keep trying to push his special brand of crazy (and his pillows) to the ignorant (wilful or otherwise) of this country.
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  7. #71927
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    That isn't where I was going, but it's better than where I was going. And so far, Trump's judges haven't seemed the type to follow conspiracy theories.

    Speaking of...

    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    When you know the super big amazing event was a huge letdown.
    I wish I had called out specifically ahead of time that Lindell would suddenly claim the irrefutable proof he had, was somehow damaged and hasn't reached its final form yet, and would withdraw the reward because you couldn't possibly prove the evidence was false because the evidence was damaged.

    I also wish I had predicted that wouldn't even be the lamest excuse in 72 hours. It might not even be in the top three.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    So... who has the over/under on when Mike Lindell will run for office?
    Not even FOX News will touch him. He can't run.

  8. #71928
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Oh, and Lindell's security expert is still saying he found usefull stuff. Which we've heard before.

    This is one of the Trumpier things out there. Admission you don't have evidence, but still claim the nothing you have somehow proves your point.
    I think you actually missed the more interesting point, here.
    Several cyber experts at the symposium became frustrated late into the first day with not being provided with packet captures.

    Mr. Merritt and Mr. Wiebe said the missing packet captures could be a result of either the format the data was sent in or they were withheld by the source of the information, Dennis L. Montgomery.

    Mr. Montgomery is a former government contractor who developed cyber tools named HAMMER and SCORECARD, which were allegedly used by the U.S. to influence foreign elections. Mr. Montgomery came forward with the data after he said the tools were being used to influence U.S. elections, according to Mr. Wiebe.

    Mr. Merritt confirmed that Mr. Montgomery was the source of the data.

    But the data Mr. Montgomery sent contains no packet captures and cannot be used to validate Mr. Lindell’s marquee theory, which he planned to unveil at the symposium, said the two experts.

    Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.

    He has been behind several other high-profile conspiracy theories, including allegations that U.S. security agencies wiretapped Trump Tower while Mr. Trump was running for president in 2016.

    Mr. Montgomery said he presented the wiretap evidence to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who dismissed the information. Mr. Montgomery later sued Mr. Comey, alleging a cover-up. The lawsuit was dropped.

    Mr. Montgomery has also publicly claimed that the 2020 election was manipulated, which former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Christopher Krebs said was a “hoax.”
    Some more background on Mr. Montgomery:
    After the 9/11 terror attacks, U.S. intelligence agencies flush with money began pumping defense contractors with cash in the hopes of averting another terror attack.

    One of the recipients of that windfall was Dennis Montgomery, a Reno, Nevada, software designer and frequent gambler who claimed to have come with software that would help the CIA penetrate deep inside al Qaeda’s systems.

    At various times, Montgomery insisted his programs could identify terrorists’ faces and weapons through drone footage, or spot submarines deep underwater, receiving millions in contracts from the Air Force and the military’s Special Operations Command. But the jewel of Montgomery’s company was a program he claimed could detect messages to al Qaeda sleeper cells hidden in broadcasts from Qatar’s al Jazeera network.

    CIA employees intrigued by the supposed Al Jazeera decoding technology moved into Montgomery’s Nevada office, and Montgomery’s companies received at least $20 million from the U.S. government for what was then considered “the most important, most sensitive” technology in the agency’s repertoire, the New York Times reported in 2011.

    “They began to believe, in this kind of war fever, that you could find Al Qaeda messages hidden in al Jazeera broadcasts,” New York Times reporter James Risen, who wrote a book about Montgomery’s business, said in 2014.

    Montgomery’s supposed insights on al Qaeda reached the highest levels of the U.S. government, with insight that Montgomery provided prompting the George W. Bush administration to raise the terror threat level to “orange,” its second-highest rating.

    In Dec. 2003, according to a Playboy report, Montgomery claimed he had discovered information in a TV broadcast proving that al Qaeda hijackers were set to hijack planes flying to the United States from Europe and Mexico.

    President Bush himself blocked the flights, ordering them to turn around or stay on the ground. The administration even considered shooting down the planes based on Montgomery’s information, according to the Times.

    But according to reports and former employees, Montgomery’s supposed technology was all a hoax. One employee quoted in the Playboy report claimed Montgomery had ordered him to fake a test for U.S. military officials, tricking the officials into believing Montgomery’s software could detect weapons in drone footage.

    French intelligence officials, furious that Montgomery’s data had been used to ground French planes, debunked the “technology” and reportedly convinced CIA officials to drop Montgomery, according to the Times.

    “We got played,” an ex-intelligence official told the Times in 2011.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Not even FOX News will touch him. He can't run.
    I didn't specify that it had to be Congress or higher. State legislature, perhaps?

    Really, though, with all the new gerrymandered House districts in 2022, even Congress isn't out of reach, if he's willing to relocate and continues to have Trump's (and therefore his fanbase's) backing.

    Honestly, if Magic the Gathering can win a seat, then so can Mr. P(illow)tatohead.
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  9. #71929
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    MagicMike on that magicmeth
    From the tweet, tweekt? lol

    "Mike Lindell is legit upset that some people want to break for lunch in this "cyber symposium," yelling that he's gonna stay up on stage for 3 days straight.

    "There's no breaks! ... You guys can go eat. That’s fine, but I ain’t eating! I’m staying up here for 72 hours..."

    Definitely cocaine, or some derivative of it.

  10. #71930
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Definitely cocaine, or some derivative of it.

    Maybe Mike Lindell and Rick James have something in common.

  11. #71931
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    I didn't specify that it had to be Congress or higher. State legislature, perhaps?
    I think he's too rich and too crazy to settle for a local seat.

  12. #71932
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  13. #71933
    Man, I have a sneaking suspicion this is more a factor of, "Lindell is hardly as known as those other folks" even if he's frequently in the news. He hardly gets the same kind of political hits as the politicians he's compared to, so it makes some sense.

  14. #71934
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Man, I have a sneaking suspicion this is more a factor of, "Lindell is hardly as known as those other folks" even if he's frequently in the news. He hardly gets the same kind of political hits as the politicians he's compared to, so it makes some sense.
    Well, "net favorability" ignores the "not sure" response.

    AOC was at -8 net (32% Favorable / 40% Not Favorable / 27% Not Sure). Mike Lindell was -4 (26% / 30% / 44%).

    Hilariously, Lindsey Graham was at -15 (27% / 42% / 31%).
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  15. #71935
    wasnt there a poll about people believing the election was stolen and people believing violence is necessary to reinstall trump the other day. i swear i saw it somewhere. It explains mike lindells support tbh.

  16. #71936
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    wasnt there a poll about people believing the election was stolen and people believing violence is necessary to reinstall trump the other day. i swear i saw it somewhere. It explains mike lindells support tbh.
    Certainly, violence would be necessary to reinstall Trump as president, as there are no legal means of overturning the result of the election.

    I don't see it linked here, but there is indeed a poll suggesting that.

    NPR: A 'Scary' Survey Finding: 4 In 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary
    The mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol may have been a fringe group of extremists, but politically motivated violence has the support of a significant share of the U.S. public, according to a new survey by the American Enterprise Institute.

    The survey found that nearly three in 10 Americans, including 39% of Republicans, agreed that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."
    Now, to be fair, this wording does not specify that it is only in regards only to current events. People could have polled "yes" if they felt like it was reinforcing the validity of the Founders' justification, but forecast to some hypothetical future. Simply voting "yes" on this doesn't mean that they think we're there, right now.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  17. #71937
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Certainly, violence would be necessary to reinstall Trump as president, as there are no legal means of overturning the result of the election.

    I don't see it linked here, but there is indeed a poll suggesting that.

    NPR: A 'Scary' Survey Finding: 4 In 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary

    Now, to be fair, this wording does not specify that it is only in regards only to current events. People could have polled "yes" if they felt like it was reinforcing the validity of the Founders' justification, but forecast to some hypothetical future. Simply voting "yes" on this doesn't mean that they think we're there, right now.
    WTF is "political violence?"

    I mean, here is a definition, but what I mean is how is that acceptable just because it has a fancy definition?

    Wouldn't violence of any kind be met with the same level if legal issues regardless of if was politically motivated or not?
    Last edited by Katchii; 2021-08-12 at 07:36 PM.

  18. #71938
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Well they could order it based on current precedent, which would defeat any lower courts attempting to challenge it.

    Perhaps it would make its way to the Supreme Court eventually and the trump installed judges would overturn the precedent, but… that could take months to happen. And in the intervening time it would be the law.
    That's probably all we could do on most things, I forsee after they overturn Roe V. Wade a slew of "state rights" decisions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Now, to be fair, this wording does not specify that it is only in regards only to current events. People could have polled "yes" if they felt like it was reinforcing the validity of the Founders' justification, but forecast to some hypothetical future. Simply voting "yes" on this doesn't mean that they think we're there, right now.
    To be unfair that's about the same percentage that want Trump run in 2024 (44-50%) and be president again so it tracks perfectly. If you still support the guy that lead an insurrection you would be totally fine with violence.

  19. #71939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    To be unfair that's about the same percentage that want Trump run in 2024 (44-50%) and be president again so it tracks perfectly. If you still support the guy that lead an insurrection you would be totally fine with violence.
    No, it doesn't track perfectly at all.

    The same question garnered a 31% from Independents and 17% from Democrats, so you can't really draw some kind of 1-to-1 parallel to Trump support. Trump supporters don't actually believe it was a violent insurrection to begin with. "Just a tour of the Capitol," I guess.
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  20. #71940
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I honestly don't know where to put this shit any more (maybe just add it to the Gaetz thread?), but add another to the list.

    Trump-loving Minnesota GOP strategist arrested for underage sex trafficking

    I'll eat a hat if anyone can show me the QAnon nutcases giving a shit about this.
    Man, I know the pedo issue isn't limited to political parties (a NY Democrat just got pinched for going after a 17 year old recently), but damn if it doesn't seem far more common amongst conservatives. Especially folks in the Trump orbit.

    Weird given all the "SAVE THE CHILDREN!" nonsense from the Q idiots. Or not, because that's a lie they tell themselves to begin with.

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