He did a huge rant where he basically said america is over. It was all in the context of the lawsuit, he was banking on this being thown out, and now that it's not, he knows he's going bankrupt. Guy got his 15 minutes of fame and fortune and soon now he will fade into obscurity.
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Also considering in that poll the not sures are disproportionate against the other's mentioned, you instead call him "mypillowguy" instead of his birth name and people have a face to the name, those numbers change drastically for him.
Also he's in MN so he'd likely have to move.
Last edited by beanman12345; 2021-08-12 at 09:51 PM.
I can't say with any first-hand authority on exactly how Fox and other right-wing mouthpieces fronting as new are dealing with mypillowguy, but if I had to guess they're more or less continuing their constant ongoing slander of people like AOC while remaining fairly silent on the specifics of Lindell.
So I find it likely that conservatives have, by and large, been kept from hearing any real specifics about Lindell, unless they believe in the nonsense he's spewing already.
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It's a bit harder to overturn Roe v. Wade seeing as what it ultimately comes down to is bodily autonomy.
You can't just go to the supreme court and say "hey I want this law overturned," you have to have a ruling that gets appealed up to it. It's somewhat difficult for me to imagine some legal case in which Roe v. Wade is upheld, but that a chain of judges then find merit enough in getting it appealed upwards on the supposed notion that... the woman in the case had no right to get an abortion, I guess... and then that climbs its way through courts without them simply tossing it out, all the way up to the supreme court.
Besides, I really don't think republican politicians want Roe v. Wade overturned. It's far more useful to them as a political talking point to make their base angry at the "baby killers" than banning abortions ever would be.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
"Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.
There's an army of state laws from republicans that says otherwise, one of them will make its way to the supreme court eventually. They will not do a simple overturn they will make it a states right issue, they have already done something similar with the voting rights act.
I think republicans are victims of their own success and democrats lack of balls, their base keeps asking them for more but they are pushing it as far as they can it's just society is moving in another direction. It will be interesting for sure because I don't see a way that Roe V. Wade, Gay Marriage will survive heck they have mentioned Brown V. Board of education too.
I can't believe it's already time for Trump to be reinstated tomorrow.
Wonder what the new date will be.
Oh, goody.
It's going to be those recurring predictions, like when the world is going to end.
Which might happen the same day, incidentally.
Roe V. Wade is effectively already overturned, in red states there's around 1-2 abortion clinic with so many limitations they may as well not be there but it's not enough. They will deliver they have no other choice besides they can run on democrats bringing it back as motivator.
1-2 clinics is 1-2 too many to these folk. until there is 0 it's not overturned, in their minds the exact opposite. What you are talking about with effectively, yes it might hold faith, to good faithers, but doesn't matter to these people. But when it's 0 they have essentially no motivation. Fear of it coming back might amount to some, fear can be a motivator, but no where near as much motivations as the promise to overturn will bring, since it'll be hard to keep that fear going hard when it's a 6-3 supreme court for possibly decades.
I'm not arguing they won't overturn it, they very well might, but in the back of their minds, I don't think these republicans really want it, because a lot of the motivation of their reliable voting base is entirely on overturning this one ruling. But many of these politicians making these laws, in the back of their minds hoping that there is enough votes to keep this going, but not put the blame on themselves. that's why they are jumping through hoops with strange laws like the heartbeat bill, so these things take a long long time to get to the highest court.
Some days, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. (clk clk clk *chk-chk* clk)
1) Palm Beach County school district has 400 students in quarantine and 50 cases.
"How long has school been open?"
Two days.
"No, really."
Two days.
*BLAM* *chk-chk*
2) This article brings up a good point, one I don't know if we've mentioned, about the judgement against Powell, Giuliani, and by proxy everyone else that made up shit about Dominion without evidence. Rudy and the Kraken tried the defense "what we said was political speech" and the judge said "No, it was an objective statement of fact which you claimed you could back up".
Oh, and "you said it under oath" wasn't part of it, so Lindell's just as vulnerable. That's probably why he fled the stage and blamed Antifa
There is a limit to free speech. Giuliani, Powell and the others are past it. They've lost every defense they've tried so far, including "we were just kidding" and "it was just an opinion" and "don't make me appear on Cameo".
*BLAM* *chk-chk*
3) It's time again for Guess the Speaker!
"A Trump supporter trying to handwave red states' hospitals packed to capacity and claiming it isn't COVID but somehow a massive coincidence."Everybody needs to get back down to common sense and remember that, you know, we're human, we can't live forever, we're going to catch all kinds of diseases and illnesses and other viruses, and we get hurt sometimes
It's MTG.
I particularly like "we can't live forever" because I could use the same line, with equal psychotic indifference and equally ineffective justification, if I, hypothetically of course, pull the last four MMO-C posters banned for being serial trolls and shot them in the back of the head. I would never do that. But if I did, "we can't live forever" is no defense and no excuse. Neither is it for people who refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks, screaming about microchips or MUH FREEDUMB and then die literally choking on their words.
*BLAM* *chk-chk*
4) UPDATE: I posted a week or two ago that Scotland was looking at going after Trump's properties, on the grounds that he paid for them with a mysterious bag of cash while drowning in debt (it was 2009ish) and then never paid a dollar in Scottish taxes because he never once made a profit. It's called "Money McLaundering". They've been given the go-ahead to continue. Scottish laws are of course different, but magical bags of cash that come out of nowhere are pretty much illegal in Scotland.
*BLAM* *tk* *tk* Oh, right. Standard shotgun, three plus one.
*Hands @Breccia another shell*
Florida and Texas account for nearly 40% of new coronavirus hospitalizations
Killing off your constituents to own da libz!Zients said that the situation in Florida was especially dire, with that state alone accounting for more cases than the 30 states with the lowest infection rates combined. Public health officials have called the new coronavirus surge, driven by the hypercontagious Delta variant, a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are both conservative Republicans with presidential ambitions. As such, they have little incentive to work with the Biden administration, as Trump loyalists would almost certainly repudiate them for doing so.
This is what gets me. My aunt is headlong into all things Q, Hannity and Trump. Last time we went shopping, she tried to tell me all about deleted minutes from Eyes Wide Shut and how it was proof of some sort of pedo ring nonsense. Some rabbit hole she fell into on the net one night no doubt. She will then proceed to tell me all about dems being evil and ONLY dems being pedos. Fully indoctrinated into the Q conspiracy.
The bubble she lives in allows for no account of anything else than what fits her narrative. Hannity won't mention this guy Lazzaro. Tucker won't either. You think MTG will?
So in effect, my aunt will never hear about it. Probs knows nothing of Eddie Munster Gaetz either. So her view is constantly verified to be "right" since no actual information gets through the bubble, only confirmation bias.
And related, look how they act towards Crenshaw. When confronted with the truth, they just can't. Even from their own. He's a liar, traitor or rino now. If you don't agree with what they have already decided like pedo rings, stolen elections or chipped vaccines, you hate America.
And yea like Benggaul says, It's more about owning libs than anything else at this point.
Case in point, Trumps getting pissed the infrastructure deal got passed just so he could say "You handed this to the dems!"
Patriotic indeed.
Just today I had someone claim that FL and TX specifically were proof that masks were ineffective, because the numbers in those states were so low despite their refusal to issue/allow mask mandates. When I pointed out that reality was exactly opposite to what they were saying, I got "hah! those are just fake CDC numbers to spread mass psychosis!!!" as a response.
We're doomed. Even if we manage to get through this without a million dead, there will just be some new crisis that these people will allow themselves to be convinced isn't actually happening. (not counting climate change, of course...) -_-