How much you wanna bet that Abbot supposedly testing positive for covid is just a stunt to drive up Regeneron stock he/donors own?
He said such four hours ago, you were right.
You cannot say the same of Wisconsin local rep Andre Jacque, who is in the hospital. Big surprise, not only was he a big vocal anti-maxxer, he is also being accused by his colleagues of knowing he was sick and coming to work anyhow.
Palm Beach declares state of emergency. More and more Flroida officials are asking DeSantis why he hasn't declared State of Emergency, and the response was "I can't hear you over the $5 million in taxpayer money used on my personal security". Oh, and he also tweeted "I stand behind law enforcement" which is what a Republican does when he wants canned applause.
I don't know if @Edge- beat me to it, but yet another Republican was caught voting for a dead relative. Robert Lyin' was...
(checks news)
Robert Lynn was given probation (why yes, he's also white, why would you ask?) for voting for his mother, who had died six years before. Yes, that's three elections. Yes, it was nearly instantly flagged and removed.
Lindell declares war on Hannity and Ingraham, in the ongoing effort to remove what few allies he has left.
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Zero. He had the vaccine.
The more of these yutzes that spiral into a circle-jerk of bickering based on the caliber of lies each one is willing to peddle, the better, frankly.
Unfortunately, the GOP has proven time and time again that they're generally willing to re-pool like some hideous slime monster to coalesce around a singular, deplorable candidate no matter how at-odds they were beforehand, if only because the Democrats still remain the biggest threat to the American way in their eye.
But if this clod pushing election conspiracies dissuades some of them from voting because they willingly believed his lies and that their votes don't matter, well... maybe it'll have been worth something after all.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013
"I don't take responsibility at all." -- Donald J. Trump, 2020
Of course he does. Everyone should stand behind law enforcement. If you stand in front of them you're likely to be shot for no reason.
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Tuesday's report:
137,307 new cases; about 6k more than last Tuesday.
Top 10:
Fuck Florida (over 21k according to worldometers).
Texas: 20,161 new cases; 106 deaths
California: 14,940 new cases; 53 deaths
Georgia: 7,639 new cases; 46 deaths
New York: 3,844 new cases; 29 deaths
Louisiana: 3,691 new cases; 122 deaths
Illinois: 3,639 new cases; 21 deaths
North Carolina: 3,575 new cases; 15 deaths
Tennessee: 3,559 new cases; 32 deaths
Mississippi: 3,323 new cases; 67 deaths
Texas passed 20k for the first time since the beginning of February, which, according to COVID-stricken governor Abbott, means they've further mastered it. California's curve continues to be more gradual (bordering on logarithmic the past week). They're heading up, but still nowhere near as severely as Texas and Florida, so I guess "hot weather driving people indoors" isn't as much a factor as some would have us believe. Louisiana, Florida and Mississippi remain the "Severe" risk states whereas most are "Very High" risk. Perhaps a dozen or so are "High" risk, mostly New England. Florida still has a positivity above 20% and Alabama is still around 24%. Texas has climbed to 18.9%. California is around 6.7% and New York around 4%.
873 deaths is nearly 100 more than last Tuesday and brings the total to 640,093. Florida's shenanigans with their death numbers resulted in only 7 today...which is bullshit, so I'm still putting them at the top of the list. Louisiana took second with 122 which is in their top 5 most ever and Texas was third with 106. This total is also creeping up on 1k deaths again which--
Related news:
U.S. reports more than 1,000 COVID deaths in single day--Well, damn. Different sites report differently, but I was hoping we could go a little longer before passing this threshold again.
Pope Francis urges everyone to get COVID-19 vaccines for the good of all--So those "God will protect me!" people don't have any fucking excuse anymore, not that they did to begin with.
Five states set COVID-19 records--Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oregon and Hawaii. Oregon didn't surprise me as I've covered them last week. Hawaii was surprising, but I guess with it being a vacation destination it's bound to attract a bunch of jackasses as well.
One of these things is not like the others.Health officials, however, have reported that the vast majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are among individuals who are not vaccinated.
Louisiana, Oregon and Hawaii are all advising their residents to wear masks while indoors.
The Mississippi Department of Health said it recommends wearing masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), however, has refused to implement COVID-19 mitigation measures despite the growing threat in his state.
Stay safe, folks.
Also, Illinois is under 6% and Massachusetts is under 4%. They continue to be doing a good job, as basically all objective evidence has said.
South Dakota is not having a good day. July 1 they were just crawling over 5%, which as you've listed, is about as good as states are doing these days. They're now 15%, nearing the worst states. They're also nearly tied with cases/100k with California, around 100, which isn't great for either state, but far lower than Fuck Florida's 700 per 100k.
Florida continues to blatantly lie about deaths. The CDC says their last report was seven. Yep, somehow they had 1000 deaths last week but only 7 deaths today. Before that was zero. Before that was 3. Florida is lying to its people and lying to the federal government. Honestly, I think if they're willing to lie to the CDC about deaths, the White House should say "okay Florida you get nothing, individual cities if you need help our lines are open" and they should say it publicly. When people in the extended suburbs start getting sick, and know that cities have help that their redneck counties don't, and they need that help, they should ask "is DeSantis really representing us?"
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A school district in Texas has had a breakthrough (HARDEE HAR HAR) when it comes to defying the anti-mask-mandate-mandate:
Update the school's dress code.
If desantis has presidential aspirations he might be playing the long revisionist game of “when the liberals were overreacting about the China virus back in 2020, I refused to shut down the state and Florida remained economically strong and free while other states suffered under liberal-imposed shutdowns.”
…which could obviously be met with “look how many people got sick and/or died in Florida” but he might be assuming people will have forgotten by then.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Banking on American voters' short memory is a pretty safe bet. But his popularity is tanking pretty hard at the moment, as it becomes obvious even to the most willfully ignorant that his bullshit is untenable.
Now they're pushing regeneron hard as some vaccine replacement on fox I guess, like wtf. First it was bleach and flashlight enema's, then hydro+zinc, now this antibody cocktail... like I can't anymore. Dear Fox viewers, just get the vaccine you mentally deficient clowns.
When Trump recovered from his deathbed (after catching COVID shortly after the Amy Coney Barrett superspreader event that he hosted), he touted Regeneron as a miracle cure. Although he has also recommended getting the vaccine a couple times, he sounds like he's in a hostage video when he does it. That probably has something to do with it.
It's also funny how all these "fiscal conservatives" would rather get an extremely expensive treatment instead of a relatively cheap vaccine. Apparently they don't mind spending tons of money needlessly when it's not their own.
Last edited by Ursus; 2021-08-18 at 04:34 PM.
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” -- Donald J. Trump, 2013
"I don't take responsibility at all." -- Donald J. Trump, 2020
Republicans don't want to admit they're wrong and the ones who know the vaccine is smart to get, but pretend otherwise for political gain (DeSantis, Abbot, etc...) sure as hell don't want to admit they've murdered thousands of their own constituents.
isn't it great they have no problem using Regeneron that got emergency use authorization from the Gov, but push the idea that the Vaxx is no good because it only has emergency use authorization from the Gov.
Why would the governor even dare take something that doesn't have the full approval yet!!!!
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Eyo it's that time again!
Kushner buddy Ken Kurson was pardoned by Trump right before Trump left office. He was then charged with cyberstalking his ex-wife following a 2015 divorce.
Well, he has new charges on that topic that weren't covered by the previous pardon. He's now charged with eavesdropping and computer trespass for installing spyware on his ex-wife's computer. They're felonies bee tee dubs.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
Regeneron was made by the God Blessed Free Market(tm), while the evil bad ungood icky vaccine was made by GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE!!!11!!1!11!1!!ONE!!!
Regardless that Regen was given a shitload of money to speed it up. Much like the vaccines.
The real reason is that the Vaccine gives protection against Covid for a while, maybe years.
Regeneron, theorectically, helps you avoid the consequences of your own own stupidity. You might even say, you are not being held accountable for your personal actions...