1. #73021
    You know that little rally that is coming Sept 18 to DC in support of the insurrectionists? Trump thinks it is a setup to make him look bad. I find it funny that now unless he hosts it, he wants no part of it.

    Trump thinks the Sept. 18 rally in support of Capitol riot suspects is a setup designed to make him look bad, report says

  2. #73022
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Trump thinks it is a setup to make him look bad
    He probably shouldn't have supported it then, huh?

  3. #73023
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    He probably shouldn't have supported it then, huh?
    A wild stab in the dark, this is Trump being vindictive, for being booed by his own supporters in Alabama.
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  4. #73024
    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    A wild stab in the dark, this is Trump being vindictive, for being booed by his own supporters in Alabama.
    Good, and hopefully it causes him some support because every little bit that he loses, whether it's these unvaccinated mouth-breathing village idiots dying of covid or supports who get miffed because he calls them out, increases the likelihood that he loses in 2024.

  5. #73025
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    A wild stab in the dark, this is Trump being vindictive, for being booed by his own supporters in Alabama.
    I mean, it could be revenge for the rally saying "you can't wear Trump clothing, it's not about Trump". But we all knew it was about Trump, the reason given was a lie. The Alabamer thing was about vaccines.

  6. #73026
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    You know that little rally that is coming Sept 18 to DC in support of the insurrectionists? Trump thinks it is a setup to make him look bad. I find it funny that now unless he hosts it, he wants no part of it. https://www.businessinsider.com/trum...-report-2021-9
    Trump is not the only Republican keeping his distance. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn, who were scheduled to speak at the event, both canceled their appearances, Politico reported.
    I guess they don't want to give the Jan 6th investigation any more ammo.

  7. #73027
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    Wow that host.
    I can't.
    He didn't even really directly blame the chimp, he said multiple admins.
    Stuff like that makes me feel there is no hope for unity ever.
    They don't want it.
    More and more he is their Kim Jong Un.
    I would not be surprised if someone tries to pass a law saying it's illegal to disparage him.

    I'm sure it's been discussed before but I'd love to see an alternate timeline where they get their own country to run.
    Would love to see how it turns out.

    We need a political What if show.
    Cause my brain can't do that thought experiment lol.
    I feel like it'd be the Purge tho.
    He used the words 'weak' and 'trump' in the same sentence. Anything that portrays trump as weak will throw anyone in the cult off the rails.

  8. #73028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    I guess they don't want to give the Jan 6th investigation any more ammo.
    And of course, there's yet another reason: vanity. The expected number of attendees is under a thousand. Trump was never going to be there of course, but Greene and Cawthorn probably mutually decided it wasn't worth their time for attendance smaller than Oribos at server reset.

    - - - Updated - - -

    SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas talked to students at Notre Dame, so yeah, there were some religious overtones.

    And even he said the Texas law was on shaky ground.

    However, he also seemed upset about the political future of the Supreme Court, that it should stay nonpartisan. Which is what I would say, if the last six years were all about stuffing SCOTUS with my friends, and I was worried someone was going to fix that. Maybe Thomas is telling the truth, maybe not, but if he's worried about SCOTUS being weaponized, he knows where to look -- his own party.

  9. #73029
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    And of course, there's yet another reason: vanity. The expected number of attendees is under a thousand. Trump was never going to be there of course, but Greene and Cawthorn probably mutually decided it wasn't worth their time for attendance smaller than Oribos at server reset.

    - - - Updated - - -

    SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas talked to students at Notre Dame, so yeah, there were some religious overtones.

    And even he said the Texas law was on shaky ground.

    However, he also seemed upset about the political future of the Supreme Court, that it should stay nonpartisan. Which is what I would say, if the last six years were all about stuffing SCOTUS with my friends, and I was worried someone was going to fix that. Maybe Thomas is telling the truth, maybe not, but if he's worried about SCOTUS being weaponized, he knows where to look -- his own party.
    He's not worried about a partisan court and it's weaponisation, he's worried about a partisan court and it's weaponisation against Republicans.

  10. #73030
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    He's not worried about a partisan court and it's weaponisation, he's worried about a partisan court and it's weaponisation against Republicans.
    I mean, at this point he should be worried about a non-partisan court as well.

  11. #73031
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I mean, at this point he should be worried about a non-partisan court as well.
    Well, yeah, that too.

  12. #73032
    Thursday's report:

    151,142 new cases; over 35k fewer than two weeks ago.

    Top 10:

    Fuck Florida.
    Texas: 18,900 new cases; 361 deaths
    California: 8,692 new cases; 170 deaths
    Ohio: 8,349 new cases; not reporting deaths daily
    North Carolina: 7,160 new cases; 115 deaths
    Georgia: 5,852 new cases; 197 deaths
    New York: 5,787 new cases; 33 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 5,786 new cases; 69 deaths
    Kentucky: 4,876 new cases; 62 deaths
    South Carolina: 4,475 new cases; 49 deaths

    Cases continue to drop on the national level but there are still 37 states reporting over 1k on the day and the top ten are all over 4k (actually the top 15), so we're still a long way from the end of this assuming it doesn't just butt up against the beginning of the fall/winter wave, further straining the healthcare systems of many states. There are still several states listed as "severe" risk: Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina and West Virginia. Conversely there are a handful of states that have dropped to "high" risk: Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut. Oh, and Puerto Rico. Can we swap Puerto Rico in for Texas or Florida as a state? They seem to handle their shit a lot better. Idaho and South Dakota are battling it out for highest positivity around 20% with Tennessee not far behind. Florida and Texas are still around 14% (10th worst) and New York and California are both under 5%.

    1,871 deaths is about 100 fewer than two weeks ago and brings the total to 688,486. Texas and Florida are the top two with Georgia again beating out California for third with nearly 200 deaths. The 7-day average is now just north of 1.6k.

    Related news:

    US judge blocks use of Covid rules to expel migrant families--This is a Trump-era policy that Biden should have already gotten rid of but didn't, so it's a good thing the judge stepped in.

    Family of Vaccinated Mom Says She Died of COVID Because Others 'Chose Not to Be'--Even vaccinated, those with weakened immune systems are susceptible. Even if you think you're "young, strong and healthy" you should be getting the vaccine for those who aren't (not that those things keep you from dying to COVID anyway).

    Stay safe, folks.

  13. #73033
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    This is a Trump-era policy that Biden should have already gotten rid of but didn't
    That's part of the problem. Trump applied a ton of unilateral rules around things like making himself richer and blatant racism. It's going to take a while to scrub them all out.

  14. #73034

    Because the racism and xenophobia isn't obvious enough, Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale claims that his state cannot take 75 refugees from Afghanistan because it would "compromise the safety of Montanans".

    Ignore that Montana is a fairly large state with a population of over 1 million, meaning this is a .00075% population increase (again, I suck at math so someone please check!) and that there's no evidence or indication that these people would compromise the safety of anyone outside of "They're brown foreigners". Ignore that many of these people are fleeing because they or family members worked with the US.

    Brown people bad. Foreigners bad. Republican party totally not racist and xenophobic.

    Thankfully, Montana's governor is slightly less overt. You know, Greg Gianforte...the guy that body slammed a reporter for asking him a question. His take is almost reasonable -

    Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte, a Republican and Rosendale’s predecessor in Congress, was somewhat more hospitable than Rosendale, criticizing the Biden administration for the withdrawal but saying Montana would receive “fully-vetted” refugees.

    “Montana welcomes our fully-vetted Afghan allies who worked alongside us, have left their homes in the face of the Taliban's reemerging, merciless terror and seek freedom and safety,” Gianforte said.
    Man, when a guy who body slams journalists for asking questions is the voice of reason, shit's really whack.

  15. #73035
    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    He used the words 'weak' and 'trump' in the same sentence. Anything that portrays trump as weak will throw anyone in the cult off the rails.
    What's scary to me too is that newsmaxx has actual viewers and most I'm guessing agreed with that rant.
    Also, wasn't that place supposed to be the unbiased source of news for them?

    How odd to claim "MSM" is evil and biased yet start your own MSM with bias.

  16. #73036
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    What's scary to me too is that newsmaxx has actual viewers

    Its moment in the spotlight is pretty much over. It got a big boost from salty Republicans mad that Fox called AZ for Biden, but they've largely abandoned it because while the content may be very much up their alley, it doesn't have the star power or production values of Fox. Which is ultimately better, since Newsmax is far more unhinged than even folks like Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity, which is an impressive feat.

  17. #73037
    lol Vegas
    The very opposite of news then.

    So snap, they rant against MSM, create their own MSM, then fall back to their old MSM.
    All the while failing to realize they are part of the very thing they are ranting against.
    lol got it.

    Gonna leave this cause my dad always loved it and it seems to fit here:

  18. #73038
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Ignore that Montana is a fairly large state with a population of over 1 million, meaning this is a .00075% population increase (again, I suck at math so someone please check!)
    You were off by one place. 0.0075%

    I would love to see Rep. Rosendale back up why they are so dangerous. I know the article says he doesn't say how, so I'm going to answer for him:

    Because I'm racist

  19. #73039
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Everyone prepared for some GoP-on-GoP violence?

    CNN: Pence preps for potential 2024 presidential run amid rocky headlines about relationship with Trump
    Mike Pence is adding staffers for his brand-new office in downtown Washington -- inching closer to a possible White House run even as his standing worsens with former President Donald Trump and his base of supporters.

    The former vice president's ramp-up comes as Trump appears to be making good on his declaration to Pence that "I don't want to be your friend anymore." That quote, first reported this week, is attributed to Trump in a forthcoming book by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

    I have a feeling this is going to be a bloodbath.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  20. #73040
    How would that work though?
    Do they all just step aside if Kim Jong Don says he's running?
    There is usually like 11 candidates or so from each side.
    Some will be sycophants but not all right?
    His recent backings haven't gone so well either.
    Do they MMA it out for us on Newsmax!?
    The Chimp says he wants to box so let him.

    How will the debates go when everyone is drinking the same koolaid?
    Or is it just going to be more Ted Cruz humility where wives get called gross and all is forgotten.
    Also, Pence can't be that stupid to think he has a chance of either winning the rep ticket or the election itself.

    I don't get this cult thing still lol.

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