Washington governor tells Idaho:
"Har har. What did he really say?"Quit clogging up our hospitals you team-killing fucktards
If your state's hospitals are filled because your state's policies led to that big of a problem, then you have already admitted your state's policies didn't work. I know doctors aren't allowed to shove dying people back into the street, but at some point, Washington hospitals have to decide when a suicide cult is more important than their well-behaved neighbors.Today in my state, Washington citizens in many cases cannot get heart surgery, cannot get cancer surgery that they need, because we are having to take too many people of unvaccinated nature and unmasked, many of whom come from Idaho, and that’s just maddening frankly.
So we are calling for Idaho and the leaders there to lead and take some commonsense measures. I’m disappointed the governor of Idaho has spent more time trying to reduce protection by reducing vaccine usage instead of concentrating on this, and then clogging up my hospitals.
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Taking campaign donations and keeping them for yourself is illegal. That's why he hosted rallies at his properties and jacked up the rent, which is sleazeball but okay. He can't just take money because he wants it. The FEC is damaged, but they can't possibly be that damaged.
EDIT: Oh, did you mean "campaign" donations? Like "send your money to TrumpIsBroke.rus and it will totes be campaign donations I promise lolz"? Yeah he could try that.