1. #73241
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Washington governor tells Idaho:

    Quit clogging up our hospitals you team-killing fucktards
    "Har har. What did he really say?"

    Today in my state, Washington citizens in many cases cannot get heart surgery, cannot get cancer surgery that they need, because we are having to take too many people of unvaccinated nature and unmasked, many of whom come from Idaho, and that’s just maddening frankly.

    So we are calling for Idaho and the leaders there to lead and take some commonsense measures. I’m disappointed the governor of Idaho has spent more time trying to reduce protection by reducing vaccine usage instead of concentrating on this, and then clogging up my hospitals.
    If your state's hospitals are filled because your state's policies led to that big of a problem, then you have already admitted your state's policies didn't work. I know doctors aren't allowed to shove dying people back into the street, but at some point, Washington hospitals have to decide when a suicide cult is more important than their well-behaved neighbors.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I could see him using campaign donations to try and pay it off... there would be fine print to explain it's not actually for the campaign.
    Taking campaign donations and keeping them for yourself is illegal. That's why he hosted rallies at his properties and jacked up the rent, which is sleazeball but okay. He can't just take money because he wants it. The FEC is damaged, but they can't possibly be that damaged.

    EDIT: Oh, did you mean "campaign" donations? Like "send your money to TrumpIsBroke.rus and it will totes be campaign donations I promise lolz"? Yeah he could try that.

  2. #73242
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Washington governor tells Idaho:

    "Har har. What did he really say?"

    If your state's hospitals are filled because your state's policies led to that big of a problem, then you have already admitted your state's policies didn't work. I know doctors aren't allowed to shove dying people back into the street, but at some point, Washington hospitals have to decide when a suicide cult is more important than their well-behaved neighbors.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Taking campaign donations and keeping them for yourself is illegal. That's why he hosted rallies at his properties and jacked up the rent, which is sleazeball but okay. He can't just take money because he wants it. The FEC is damaged, but they can't possibly be that damaged.

    EDIT: Oh, did you mean "campaign" donations? Like "send your money to TrumpIsBroke.rus and it will totes be campaign donations I promise lolz"? Yeah he could try that.
    It is illegal, but Trump is a famous scam artist, so he will have no problem skirting the law in order to get money from suckers and losers.

  3. #73243
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    It is illegal, but Trump is a famous scam artist, so he will have no problem skirting the law in order to get money from suckers and losers.
    We'll find out. Trump is under a giant microscope right now, and NYState has no issues arresting him if his actions warrant (hardee har har). If he breaks any NYState laws, not even Biden can save him. And NYState hates scam artists -- there are payday loan commerials on TV that have to say "except in New York", for example. Trump is in no position to antagonize the people deciding if they're going to take his whole company and possibly jail him.

  4. #73244
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    The 7-day average is starting to dip a little, though who knows how accurate that is with Florida's shenanigans still ongoing.
    Well, if we check in with the 7-day average of newly-reported deaths, it's still going up:

    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    9/21 696867 2248 14526 2075
    9/20 694619 2739 14345 2049
    9/19 691880 318 13892 1985
    9/18 691562 848 13825 1975
    9/17 690714 2228 13697 1957
    9/16 688486 3463 13939 1991
    9/15 685023 2682 13840 1977
    9/14 682341 2067 13319 1903
    9/13 680274 2286 13715 1959
    9/12 677988 251 11769 1681
    9/11 677737 720 11879 1697
    9/10 677017 2470 12082 1726
    9/09 674547 3364 11694 1671
    9/08 671183 2161 11256 1608
    9/07 669022 2463 11112 1587
    9/06 666559 340 10166 1452
    9/05 666219 361 11530 1647
    9/04 665858 923 11477 1640
    9/03 664935 2082 11530 1647
    9/02 662853 2926 10897 1557
    9/01 659927 2017 10247 1464
    8/31 657910 1517 9749 1393
    8/30 656393 1704 9726 1389
    8/29 654689 308 9631 1376
    8/28 654381 976 9541 1363
    8/27 653405 1449 9124 1303
    8/26 651956 2276 8844 1263
    8/25 649680 1519 8334 1191
    8/24 648161 1494 8068 1153
    8/23 646667 1609 7869 1124
    8/22 645058 218 7497 1071
    8/21 644840 559 7401 1057

    We'll have to see how much of that is just large backlog fills to "catch up", but most days are still coming in at a higher number of newly-reported deaths than the same day the previous week, so I'm not sure that's all it is.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  5. #73245
    Texas Gov. Abbott sends miles of cars along border to deter migrants


    "We'll throw everything including the kitchen sink to stop people trying to escape hardships but how DARE you insist we wear a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose to prevent the spread of a deadly virus!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    We'll have to see how much of that is just large backlog fills to "catch up", but most days are still coming in at a higher number of newly-reported deaths than the same day the previous week, so I'm not sure that's all it is.
    I'm pretty confident this week will show a decrease, but it will mostly depend on how many deaths Florida adds as one of the top states in terms of deaths. I believe their cases started decreasing a couple weeks ago (along with California and possibly Texas), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  6. #73246
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Texas Gov. Abbott sends miles of cars along border to deter migrants


    "We'll throw everything including the kitchen sink to stop people trying to escape hardships but how DARE you insist we wear a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose to prevent the spread of a deadly virus!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm pretty confident this week will show a decrease, but it will mostly depend on how many deaths Florida adds as one of the top states in terms of deaths. I believe their cases started decreasing a couple weeks ago (along with California and possibly Texas), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    ...does he think that you can't climb over a fuckin car? Jesus christ, I'm used to the performative stupidity to a point but like...literally what the fuckin fuck.

  7. #73247
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Turning the border into a car park is slightly less dumb than playing Planet of the Apes with immigrants.

    It's not racist, because the monkeys were on the horses.
    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  8. #73248
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I'm pretty confident this week will show a decrease, but it will mostly depend on how many deaths Florida adds as one of the top states in terms of deaths. I believe their cases started decreasing a couple weeks ago (along with California and possibly Texas), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Yeah, this week or at the very least next week. Obviously deaths lag behind infections by a few weeks, and the report of those deaths as COVID deaths lags behind that a bit more.

    My big worry is still the timing. Last year, the summer wave hit its high mark in late July and cases started rising again for the winter wave by early September. Deaths were behind that a bit, but started declining at the beginning of August and rising again in mid-October.

    Here we are in late September and we maybe have just reached the top of the death curve for summer. It doesn't really bode well for winter if we go into it with positivity rates still sky-high. Let's hope that enough kids get the hopefully-soon-to-be-authorized vaccine to blunt that inevitable winter spike.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  9. #73249
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    My big worry is still the timing. Last year, the summer wave hit its high mark in late July and cases started rising again for the winter wave by early September. Deaths were behind that a bit, but started declining at the beginning of August and rising again in mid-October.

    Here we are in late September and we maybe have just reached the top of the death curve for summer. It doesn't really bode well for winter if we go into it with positivity rates still sky-high. Let's hope that enough kids get the hopefully-soon-to-be-authorized vaccine to blunt that inevitable winter spike.
    This has been my fear as well and why I've been hoping the approval for under-12's to be vaccinated will come through sooner rather than later--at least for emergency use. Last year we didn't have the Delta variant and we're starting the school year with more than double the number of cases.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    ...does he think that you can't climb over a fuckin car? Jesus christ, I'm used to the performative stupidity to a point but like...literally what the fuckin fuck.
    I would have thought, being from the South, he would have seen Dukes of Hazzard enough times to know you can just butt slide over the hood.

  10. #73250
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    EDIT: Oh, did you mean "campaign" donations? Like "send your money to TrumpIsBroke.rus and it will totes be campaign donations I promise lolz"? Yeah he could try that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    It is illegal, but Trump is a famous scam artist, so he will have no problem skirting the law in order to get money from suckers and losers.
    I don't know if you remember, but I mentioned this earlier. He hasn't officially declared his candidacy yet. He can take direct contributions as far as I'm aware until he does.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  11. #73251
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I don't know if you remember, but I mentioned this earlier. He hasn't officially declared his candidacy yet. He can take direct contributions as far as I'm aware until he does.
    I honestly have very little knowledge on election and campaign laws when it comes to donations. I'll take your word for it.

  12. #73252
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    This has been my fear as well and why I've been hoping the approval for under-12's to be vaccinated will come through sooner rather than later--at least for emergency use. Last year we didn't have the Delta variant and we're starting the school year with more than double the number of cases.
    Pfizer said it cleared their testing for 5-12 and they'll be submitting for emergency approval by the end of the month, so hopefully the FDA moves quickly once they do.

  13. #73253
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I don't know if you remember, but I mentioned this earlier. He hasn't officially declared his candidacy yet. He can take direct contributions as far as I'm aware until he does.
    Shouldn't those get slapped with gift taxes or something? How is it one can keep grifting without even being candidate for political position?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  14. #73254
    Quote Originally Posted by Azadina View Post
    Shouldn't those get slapped with gift taxes or something? How is it one can keep grifting without even being candidate for political position?
    I think it's because he's running it as a Political Action Committee (PAC) or Super PAC instead of a campaign, and PACs don't have nearly as many limitations on what you can spend the money on as campaigns do.
    *edit, yeah he's creating a superPac (possibly done already since this is from Feb:
    Former President Donald Trump told political advisers Thursday that he’s chosen longtime ally Corey Lewandowski to run a yet-to-be-formed super PAC as part of his expanding post-presidential political apparatus, according to multiple people familiar with the discussion.
    SuperPacs are really loosey goosey with their money:
    A new type of PAC was created after the U.S. Court of Appeals decision in Speechnow v. FEC in 2010. These PACs make no contributions to candidates or parties. They do, however make independent expenditures in federal races - running ads or sending mail or communicating in other ways with messages that specifically advocate the election or defeat of a specific candidate. There are no limits or restrictions on the sources of funds that may be used for these expenditures.
    So it makes sense for him to put off officially declaring himself as long as he can.
    Last edited by solinari6; 2021-09-22 at 08:04 PM.

  15. #73255
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I think it's because he's running it as a Political Action Committee (PAC) or Super PAC instead of a campaign, and PACs don't have nearly as many limitations on what you can spend the money on as campaigns do.
    This. Mixture of PAC's and non-profits are raking in the dollars - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...tiny-criticism

  16. #73256
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    ...does he think that you can't climb over a fuckin car? Jesus christ, I'm used to the performative stupidity to a point but like...literally what the fuckin fuck.
    Countdown to the migrants realizing exactly how easy it is to bring along a slim jim or the like and some basic hand tools to hotwire a vehicle?

    Hell, they could bring a can of gas if they're leaving those vehicles there dry.

  17. #73257
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Countdown to the migrants realizing exactly how easy it is to bring along a slim jim or the like and some basic hand tools to hotwire a vehicle?

    Hell, they could bring a can of gas if they're leaving those vehicles there dry.
    I imagine they've got emergency kits in them as well.

    I feel like this is where we insert the Tom Hardy, "This is bait" meme, if memes were allowed. Because those sure seem like pointless bait vehicles.

  18. #73258
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I imagine they've got emergency kits in them as well.

    I feel like this is where we insert the Tom Hardy, "This is bait" meme, if memes were allowed. Because those sure seem like pointless bait vehicles.
    According to the article, it's miles of "Texas Department of Safety" vehicles. I mean, these aren't needed for safety reasons elsewhere? There's really an excess of MILES of safety vehicles in Texas?

  19. #73259
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    According to the article, it's miles of "Texas Department of Safety" vehicles. I mean, these aren't needed for safety reasons elsewhere? There's really an excess of MILES of safety vehicles in Texas?
    You're talking about a state that went into a deep freeze due to its reliance on fossil fuels and then immediately proceeded to identify renewables as the problem.

    Good or sensible administration is not a thing in Texas. Hence why their legislators get paid near to minimum wage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  20. #73260
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiac View Post
    Good or sensible administration is not a thing in Texas.
    Abbott and Cawthorn are unfortunately making a compelling argument that being a paraplegic somehow also makes you mentally handicapped somehow.

    Which is weird, because I haven't seen anyone else with no/limited use of their legs have these kinds of problems.

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