I just did a search for [vote red hollywood resistance] no quotes, and found...basically nothing. 19k people who self-identify as Nazis aren't making a dent in the internet.
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Related: two days ago TheWrap posted an interview with a "former" KKK guy, who explained why, well, even racists are pretending to like Trump but really don't. It's kind of funny.
What about the border?
He’s a little too late on the border.
So, you don’t think putting up a wall on the border with Mexico is a good idea?
I don’t. They’re already here. How do we get them out? You’ve got a wall up there. I don’t want a wall there because you need an opening to get them out of here.
This is, "If you just take all the boats out of the water you'll lower sea levels." levels of stupid.
Yes, that was recently said by a Republican candidate for the Virginia House. I don't think he got to the immediate next step of, "Yeah, but how are we gonna move shipping containers across the ocean without boats?" because you need more than one brain cell for that.
Well, he is TECHNICALLY correct, but removing all the boats from the water would lower the water level by less than a micrometer and wouldn't even be detectable by the most advanced and accurate studies we have while it would obliterate the world economy, so he has that going for him.........
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Here's one for the @Benggaul daily update. As many of you have said, there's COVID deaths, there's COVID deaths since Jan 20th (that's basically just me) and there's COVID deaths since June, when that final spike was driven home.
Well, the Kaiser Family Foundation has reported that, since June, there have been 90,000 preventable deaths, most of which were in September.
It was also the #1 cause of death of people aged 35 to 55. Yes, more than heart attacks, cancer, and being shot by other people. Overall, in September the worst month, COVID was second between heart attacks and cancer. In fact, more people in September died of COVID than almost every other means of death (other than heart attacks and cancer) combined. September fucking sucked if you didn't get the vaccine. If only someone had warned them.
Oh, and the medical bills of preventable COVID infections was $5.7 billion dollars. Which means, if every man, woman, and child split the costs of people either unwilling, unwilling, unwilling, stupid, or in those rare cases medically unable to get vaccines and then got COVID because of this, it would be $20 per person.
Someone should ask him "If we put all of the Trump supporters on a spaceship and shipped them off to Mars, wouldn't the average IQ go up by 20 points?".
On a serious note, this is what they are going to use those special "vaccine" superpowers for. Magnetically levitate the containers across the ocean.
Trump supporters challenged the GA results claiming fraud. GA investigators discovered no counterfeit ballots following three ballot counts as alleged by the plaintiffs. Despite the plaintiffs not even having standing for the lawsuit - they haven't suffered any harm that they've identified - the judge did review the evidence that showed their lawsuit to be a conspiracy theory before tossing the case.
What are we up to now, 100 tossed/lost lawsuits from Trumpworld over the election?
Ron DeSantis will attend San Francisco fundraiser on October 22 hosted by investor with unique donation record
I see he has no qualm about accepting big tech west coast elite money. They all come to California when they need funding. We will need a big rainstorm to wash his stench off.
Not only money but they are more than willing to use "liberal" tech, businesses, and anything else when it suits them.
Trumps hates Zuck yet fights for FB rights.
Hates Dorsey yet fights to be reinstalled on a liberal owned platform where the majority is also liberal.
Hate blacks?
Cool let's watch the NFL then complain when they have something to say.
Hate liberal teachers?
Cool let's send our kids to public schools while underfunding education and complain.
I would love to see them have all traces of "the other side" removed from their lives and see what happens.
Speaking of, didn't see it mentioned here yesterday, but our fav Qunt MTG had a twitter poll about "national divorce".
In that scenario, I'd love to see how they'd make it.
I mean in that divide, the liberals could cut off the source to FB, the holy grail of freedom and rights to these people and they'd lose their shit.
That alone would crush their newly founded Republic.
No war needed.
Just a FB blackout.
That should be the challenge for them;
Remove all sources of anything liberal from your life.
Any gains given to society by liberals should be off limits by their own choice right?
Please. No. Stop. Don't go. Wait.In a statement, Trump denied that little evidence has been produced to prove he's the rightful winner of the presidential election, saying that they've "thoroughly and conclusively documented" it. He added that Republicans will withhold their votes in 2022 and 2024 if the election fraud isn't "solved." He added it is the "single most important thing for Republicans to do."
I hope the emotion and passion in those words can be heard through the internet.
So this is really late. Still trying to work around the fact I'm back to work full time and am basically a legless pile of mush by the time I get home and gulp down paracetamol. Anyway, here's Tuesday's report:
90,652 new cases; around 13k fewer than last Tuesday.
Top 10:
Minnesota: 7,925 new cases; 21 deaths
Texas: 6,638 new cases; 202 deaths
California: 5,888 new cases; 90 deaths
Michigan: 5,438 new cases; 63 deaths
Ohio: 4,456 new cases; 51 deaths
New York: 4,419 new cases; 56 deaths
Pennsylvania: 3,898 new cases; 151 deaths
Wisconsin: 3,406 new cases; 1 death
Georgia: 3,066 new cases; 65 deaths
Tennessee: 2,639 new cases; 104 deaths
Special mention:
Fuck Florida.
Florida dropped out of the top ten on the day but we all know how I feel about their reporting, so I guess we'll see where they stand today two weeks from now or whatever. Meanwhile Minnesota managed to take the top spot away from Texas with one of their top 5 worst totals ever. Their reporting scheme was changed during the Summer, however, to a format in which every other day includes unreported cases from the day before, so today's total is likely inflated a bit. I'm also not convinced about Texas' total, but I guess we'll see. I did mention last week that the Great Lakes and Northwest regions were currently climbing, so it's not a surprise to see them making it further up the list. I mean, Montana came in 13th and they're one of the least-populous states in the nation, so shit's not great there. Montana, Wyoming and Alaska all are still listed as "Severe" risk with the worst cases per 100k population in the country ranging from 76 in Wyoming to 113 in Alaska.
1,573 deaths is nearly 400 fewer than last Tuesday and brings the total to 737,835. Texas continues adding the most to the total with over 200. Pennsylvania and Tennessee came in second and third. Florida's probably in that mix somewhere still but who the fuck knows anymore. Ask @PhaelixWW. The 7-day average has dipped below 1.5k for the first time since the end of August, though Florida's data dump on Friday might drive it back up again.
Related news:
'Mix and match' Covid vaccine boosters are effective, NIH study finds--I'm still of the mind that only the most vulnerable should be getting boosters and the rest should be put towards vaccinating the completely unvaccinated (in other less fortunate countries--fuck the ignorant dipshits who still refuse it in the States), but it's highly encouraging that people won't have to queue up for a specific "brand" of vaccine if and when they do get boosters, and maybe those J&J shots won't be going to waste anymore.
Maine can bar religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandate, judge rules--Fucking good. More of this.
Montana reaches record COVID-19 hospitalizations at 510--Like I said, it's fucking Montana. You have to work pretty hard to avoid socially distancing in that giant-ass state.
Stay safe, folks.
Last edited by Benggaul; 2021-10-13 at 11:18 PM.