1. #74021
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    ‘They Can’t Stop Everyone’: GOP Congressman Dangerously Encourages Kids to Defy Statewide School Mask Mandate

    In the ongoing movie playing in my mind, I see these words coming back to haunt him as his constituents, in a rare moment of clarity, finally realize that he's been fucking them over at every turn and storm his residence with tar, feathers and rusty farming implements.
    "The party of law and order."

  2. #74022
    Ugh if anyone saw DeSantis' latest conference he's decided to start doing Tuckerface.
    He was telling Biden how divisive his vax mandates are and went straight to that empty distant monkey look Tucks is always pulling.
    I'd ss it for you but refuse to have my imgur tainted.
    Just think of a confused monkey trying to poop.
    In other news, his wife is blind.

    Edit: annnnd lol the principle in that article said:
    “Being able to expose students to different worldviews is important on both sides,” he told the Rappahannock News. “We don’t endorse one way or the other.”

    AFTER this was said:
    Good said that no scientific evidence exists to prove that masks prevent the spread of Covid-19, and he claimed President Joe Biden and Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam are “lying to us about the effectiveness of masks.

    AND Finally:
    High School Principal Carlos Seward attended the event and felt that Good “reflected his own values"

    Edit 2:
    Weren't they the same ones freaking out about too much zoom is bad for the kids.
    Learning is suffering etc etc
    Yet NOW get yourself suspended out of principle and it doesn't matter.
    The pretense they even slightly care about education is fucking hilarious.

    To put a ribbon on this idiocy, from Breccia's link:

    “We now have evidence from a randomized, controlled trial that mask promotion increases the use of face coverings and prevents the spread of COVID-19,” said Stephen Luby, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford.
    Last edited by Hollycakes; 2021-10-17 at 01:41 AM.

  3. #74023
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    Good said that no scientific evidence exists to prove that masks prevent the spread of Covid-19
    This is, of course, a blatant, objective lie.

    Here are 49 studies.

    And here's 50, a joint study from Stanford and Yale. It was done on three-hundred fifty thousand people.

    Anyone who says "there is no evidence" is lying. It's not even questionable.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The State of Arizona announces it will use $36 million in federal funds (most of which were aimed at COVID) to pay low-income heating and utility bills.

    "What's wrong with that?"

    For me? Nothing. I just want to hear how the Arizona GOP rationalize this, because this sure sounds like welfare to me.

  4. #74024
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    ‘They Can’t Stop Everyone’: GOP Congressman Dangerously Encourages Kids to Defy Statewide School Mask Mandate

    In the ongoing movie playing in my mind, I see these words coming back to haunt him as his constituents, in a rare moment of clarity, finally realize that he's been fucking them over at every turn and storm his residence with tar, feathers and rusty farming implements.
    Pretty sure they can stop those kids, hell I'm sure teachers will be more okay with teaching less kids in classes.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  5. #74025
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    ‘They Can’t Stop Everyone’: GOP Congressman Dangerously Encourages Kids to Defy Statewide School Mask Mandate

    In the ongoing movie playing in my mind, I see these words coming back to haunt him as his constituents, in a rare moment of clarity, finally realize that he's been fucking them over at every turn and storm his residence with tar, feathers and rusty farming implements.
    Eh, I say if any student purposefully decided not to wear a mask, I would put it in policy that they would automatically fail all classes for the day as they are not in uniform. Granted, not sure if it is legal to do so though but it gives them the illusion of choice.

  6. #74026
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    ‘They Can’t Stop Everyone’: GOP Congressman Dangerously Encourages Kids to Defy Statewide School Mask Mandate

    In the ongoing movie playing in my mind, I see these words coming back to haunt him as his constituents, in a rare moment of clarity, finally realize that he's been fucking them over at every turn and storm his residence with tar, feathers and rusty farming implements.
    I’m fairly certain that yes, the schools can stop everyone.

    Also, bold move on his part assuming children are just itching to do what old crusty congressmen tell them to do.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  7. #74027
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Also, bold move on his part assuming children are just itching to do what old crusty congressmen tell them to do.
    Or, just as good, the "party of family values" telling kids to ignore their parents on health and safety.

  8. #74028
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    i mean, we don't have the same level problem here as in the states. It hasn't been made into quite the same kind of political issue here. We just had an election here and the only party that campaigned hard on "no vaccine mandates" didn't get a single seat. Things like that make me feel slightly better because, as loud and angry as they are, those people are still very much in the minority here.
    (what country are you in?)

    That does give me hope for the world.

  9. #74029
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    (what country are you in?)

    O Canada, eh?

  10. #74030
    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    O Canada, eh?
    Part of me would love to move up there if only it weren't so cold.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
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  11. #74031
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Part of me would love to move up there if only it weren't so cold.
    Most of the country, at least the parts where people actually live, isn't as cold as the outside world believes.

  12. #74032
    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    Most of the country, at least the parts where people actually live, isn't as cold as the outside world believes.
    About how cold would you say? If it is below 50f most of the year, would be too cold for me. Got nerve damage from the base of the spine down and it doesn't seem to like cold weather too much.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  13. #74033
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    About how cold would you say? If it is below 50f most of the year, would be too cold for me. Got nerve damage from the base of the spine down and it doesn't seem to like cold weather too much.
    None of the cities I've lived in have been below 50f(10c) most of the year. I mean, I've lived in places where it gets damn cold in the winter (can get to -40...which is about the same whether you are talking C or F)...but that's just in the winter. There's still 3 whole other seasons :P

    As for the nerve damage...I can relate to that. When it gets really cold my back doesn't care for it much either. But for me "really cold" is probably different that for you. We got to get into double-digit negative numbers for it to start bugging me.
    Last edited by Egomaniac; 2021-10-17 at 08:17 PM.

  14. #74034
    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    None of the cities I've lived in have been below 50f(10c) most of the year. I mean, I've lived in places where it gets damn cold in the winter...but that's just in the winter. There's still 3 whole other seasons :P

    As for the nerve damage...I can relate to that. When it gets really cold my back doesn't care for it much either. But for me "really cold" is probably different that for you. We got to get into double-digit negative numbers for it to start bugging me.
    Yeah, I live in North Carolina. When it hits 45f or so with any humidity, it starts feeling like someone is putting cigarettes out on my legs which can get harder to listen to me. If the humidity isn't too bad, then I can handle the lower temps a decent amount better.

    My mom keeps wanting me to visit her in Minnesota sometime, trying to but told her it has to be in the summer.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  15. #74035
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Yeah, I live in North Carolina. When it hits 45f or so with any humidity, it starts feeling like someone is putting cigarettes out on my legs which can get harder to listen to me. If the humidity isn't too bad, then I can handle the lower temps a decent amount better.

    My mom keeps wanting me to visit her in Minnesota sometime, trying to but told her it has to be in the summer.
    Yeah, the humidity will get you.

    I live in the lower mainland of BC...and the temperature rarely drops below 50F here...but I'm also practicially a stone's throw away from the Pacific Ocean...so the humidity can make it feel a lot colder than it actually is. But I've also lived in the North of BC...and that's where the temperature can drop down to -40....but the air is a lot dryer. Between the two I'll take the shorter but more humid winters. Sure, it rains a lot here...but you don't have to shovel rain. :P

  16. #74036
    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    Yeah, the humidity will get you.

    I live in the lower mainland of BC...and the temperature rarely drops below 50F here...but I'm also practicially a stone's throw away from the Pacific Ocean...so the humidity can make it feel a lot colder than it actually is. But I've also lived in the North of BC...and that's where the temperature can drop down to -40....but the air is a lot dryer. Between the two I'll take the shorter but more humid winters. Sure, it rains a lot here...but you don't have to shovel rain. :P
    Yeah, I remember when I used to visit my mom before I got hurt. I remember -20 with a windchill of -60. Only place I have ever watched Antifreeze freeze and the humidity was so low you got nose bleeds.

    No thanks, would love to visit Canada sometime in the future, maybe after this COVID is over, but will have to be in the summer. Would really like to visit an area where it doesn't feel like I am surrounded by dumbasses.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  17. #74037
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    My favorite part of this quote

    Chris, I have stood for always letting science, data and evidence be what we guide ourselves by, and I think people who feel differently, who have conspiracy theories, who deny reality that’s looking them straight in the eye, those are people that don’t particularly care for me.

    That’s understandable because what I do, and I try very hard, is to be guided by the truth. And sometimes the truth becomes inconvenient for some people, and so they react against me. That is what it is, and there’s not that much I can do about that, Chris.
    It's not that it was Dr. Fauci. It's that he said it on FOX News. Yes, FOX News invited Fauci for an interview, yes, on that interview Dr. Fauci said the reason he was a polarizing figures was because some people just don't want the truth as part of their lives.

    Remember: you are not allowed to just invent a fictitious reason something is bad, then claim the issue is divided and blame someone other than yourself. If you choose to disregard the public objective science and invent something false instead, then the issue isn't the problem. You are.

  18. #74038
    Today in "Fuck Florida":

    A Florida school says students who get vaxxed must stay home for 30 days due to unfounded claim that they'll infect others

    A private school in Miami, Florida, is requiring students who get vaccinated to quarantine at home for 30 days after each dose.

    "Because of the potential impact on other students and our school community, vaccinated students will need to stay at home for 30 days post-vaccination for each dose and booster they receive and may return to school after 30 days as long as the student is healthy and symptom-free," a letter sent out to parents of students at the Centner Academy says, according to local news outlet WSVN.

    The letter also urges parents to "hold off" on getting their children vaccinated until the summer "when there will be time for the potential transmission or shedding onto others to decrease."
    Florida, home of the largest, steamiest piles of bullshit.

  19. #74039
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Today in "Fuck Florida":

    A Florida school says students who get vaxxed must stay home for 30 days due to unfounded claim that they'll infect others

    Florida, home of the largest, steamiest piles of bullshit.
    Today in "More Reasons to Ban Private Education"...
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  20. #74040
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Today in "Fuck Florida":

    A Florida school says students who get vaxxed must stay home for 30 days due to unfounded claim that they'll infect others

    Florida, home of the largest, steamiest piles of bullshit.
    Seriously...can we saw off the flaccid dick of America? I'll volunteer CA to take some of the refugees with functioning brains.

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