1. #75701
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Republican lawmakers not being terribly inclined to help him set up and organize the event
    Well this is a good sign. I'm sure he had a Tweedlegreene and Tweedlegaetz ready to go, but it's comforting that he didn't have dozens of guests lined up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    everyone around him telling him it was an awful idea
    That's a stretch. Trump doesn't listen to people who are not Trump. Even if they tried to say things like "you'll have a better crowd if--" Trump has been gung-ho about Jan 6th for some time, never once admitting it was a problem and only admitting the election was fair maybe once or twice by accident. This speech on this day was important to him.

  2. #75702
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    It's the same reason why when an AG has to get affirmed by the Senate
    The NY AG is elected. Does not have to be confirmed by the senate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Those were Trumps own lawyers on CNN.

    You're basically laundering Trump's legal defense as "some guys on CNN".
    Case 1) is essentially what happened to cosby. Cosby isn't in jail because of this exact argument. I'll be surprised if anyone is going to be required to give testimony.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    All I'm saying is the lawyer on CNN said that if they can show the AG has a political axe to grind, the judge may have to consider that. Is that enough to throw out the subpoenas? Beats me.
    That's not what is going to get the subpoenas tossed if they do get tossed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  3. #75703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I'll be surprised if anyone is going to be required to give testimony.
    For Trump's civil and criminal investigation into massive tax fraud? After Weaselberg was convicted?

    Don't they already have Cohen and presumably multiple tax people?

  4. #75704
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    For Trump's civil and criminal investigation into massive tax fraud? After Weaselberg was convicted?
    Yes. They're all facing criminal investigations. They have the right not to give any testimony that might be used against them in those investigations. That's literally what the 5th amendment is. It doesn't matter what context the testimony is given in, whether civil or criminal, it can be used in the criminal trial. This is, exactly, why cosby isn't in prison.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  5. #75705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    They have the right not to give any testimony that might be used against them in those investigations.
    Ah, gotcha. I thought you meant nobody would be called to the stand.

    Given what we've heard from Cohen at least, it's possible that the documents will tell the story by themselves.

  6. #75706
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    Yes. They're all facing criminal investigations. They have the right not to give any testimony that might be used against them in those investigations. That's literally what the 5th amendment is. It doesn't matter what context the testimony is given in, whether civil or criminal, it can be used in the criminal trial. This is, exactly, why cosby isn't in prison.
    Wasn't Cosby specifically because they said he wouldn't be criminally prosecuted if he confessed in the civil case and then decided to criminally prosecute him anyway?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  7. #75707
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Wasn't Cosby specifically because they said he wouldn't be criminally prosecuted if he confessed in the civil case and then decided to criminally prosecute him anyway?
    Technically, as I understand it, he wasn't explicitly told he wouldn't be criminally prosecuted, but his lawyers claimed that it was implied because he never would have given testimony otherwise.

  8. #75708
    An out of breath DeSantis told asymptomatic Floridians they should for go testing.

  9. #75709
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    A mirror of a story I posted recently, Hunter VanPelt was sentenced to three years mive months for fraudulently getting $6 million in PPP funds.

    When filing, she lied about how many employees she had, she lied about how much she was paying them, filed false bank records, false IRS statements, and false payroll reports.

    She will also have to pay $7 million back. Of which, the FBI have already seized two.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    An out of breath DeSantis told asymptotic Floridians they should for go testing.
    DeSantis, Florida surgeon general double down on pulling back testing

    This story is 21 hours old.

    Florida's governor and surgeon general are doubling down on statements first made Monday, that some people who are getting testing for COVID-19 shouldn't have to.

    The governor and state surgeon general think people should not feel obligated to be tested.

    In short, the governor and Florida surgeon general only want people who have symptoms to get tested, and if positive, to get treatment. They don’t want businesses to require testing for customers or workers.

    “It's time to say bye-bye to that other model and let's go back to people sort of making voluntary decisions, living their lives, pursuing what they want and not sort of defining everything that they do around whether or not the test is positive or something else like that,” Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida surgeon general, said.
    Florida has about 5,700 people in the hospital for COVID. That's not a record, but only because this is Florida. Remember August?

    EDIT: Remember how in October DeSantis was asked if he'd get the booster and he refused to answer?

    It's January and he still won't. His spokespeople say it's a private matter. Which of course is false, he told everyone he was vaccinated April 2021. So that answer is a lie.

    What does this mean? DeSantis got the booster, but doesn't want to say he got the booster. He knows he needs Trump's rabid fanbase of anti-vaxxer cultists and admitting he got the booster would break some of them off.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In the ongoing effort to show how tight the cage they've put themselves in, lead Republican McCarthy writes this Jan 6th letter in which he blames Democrats for Jan 6th and why people aren't taking COVID seriously.

    No, really.

    On a separate note
    Oh, right, he goes more than half the Jan 6th letter without talking about Jan 6th.

    this week will mark one year from the riots at the Capitol. As we have said from the start, the actions of that day were lawless and as wrong as wrong can be. Our Capitol should never be compromised and those who broke the law deserve to face legal repercussions and full accountability.

    Unfortunately, one year later, the majority party seems no closer to answering the central question of how the Capitol was left so unprepared and what must be done to ensure it never happens again. Instead, they are using it as a partisan political weapon to further divide our country.
    Yep. The problem isn't the murderous insurrection. The problem is the Democrats left the Capitol unprepared. Which, again, is objectively false. Trump ran the military at the time, and McConnell had as much do to with Capitol security as Pelosi. Read the letter for yourself, at no point does McCarthy want to know why the murderous insurrection started.

    We knew trillions in new government spending would spur inflation, cause a labor shortage, and hurt people on a fixed income the most.
    Hey, who wants to guess if McCarthy voted for any of those spending bills? Or the tax cut for the rich? I remember it like he posted it on his own dot-gov site. Oh, and he lied about it.

    Even now, we are seeing the President’s central promise—“to shut down the virus”—be so mismanaged that Americans are starting the year with as much uncertainty and unease as at the start of the pandemic.
    Again, you don't get to shoot yourself in the foot then complain that nobody tried to stop you.

    I could easily challenge our resident Trumpers, such as @GreenJesus to hunt through that letter and find a line that's both true and also not hypocritical. For example, McCarthy calls out closing schools -- something the federal government had nothing to do with. But honestly, there's no point. The fact that they'd have to hunt through to find it is evidence enough. The Party of Trump does not have solutions, only problems they caused while blaming Democrats for not fixing the problems they caused fast enough. So this one's on the house, cultists. No 24 hour challenge is necessary. Use your Jan 6th to reflect on how your policies and the actions of your chosen leaders led to America being a horror show amongst first-world countries as you and your friends staged a failed coup, and your remaining leaders are trying everything in their power to deflect from that.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2022-01-05 at 11:04 PM.

  10. #75710

    The November 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county was administered properly and not marred by fraud, the Republican-led local government concluded in a lengthy report released Wednesday. The 93-page document debunks, one by one, vague allegations of potential problems previously identified by the GOP-led state Senate and championed by former president Donald Trump and his allies.

    County officials said the blunt rebuttal, released on the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, was intended to highlight the ongoing dangers of unfounded claims of mass election fraud.

    “We have seen how people react when they think that an election has been stolen. They storm the U.S. Capitol. They threaten to kill and hang and shoot election workers. And they called other Americans traitors,” Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates (R) said Wednesday. “The American family cannot stand for that. I will not stand for that.”
    As we already know, but once more with gusto.

  11. #75711
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    In a far more on-topic letter, Maricopa's Dept of Elections submits a report detailing what Cyber Ninjas did wrong.

    Okay that's an exaggeration, but the 93-page report shows in detail how 22 of Cyber Ninja's claims were misleading, 42 of them were inaccurate and 13 were outright false.

    Cyber Ninjas made faulty and inaccurate conclusions about more than 53,000 ballots in 22 different categories.

    [Biden's legal and honest victory] has been proven through statutorily required accuracy tests, court cases, hand counts performed by the political parties, and post-election audits. The Elections Department followed all federal and state election laws
    EDIT: NOOOOOOOOOO damn you @Edge-

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    UPDATE: NASCAR blocks a sponsorship for Let's Go Brandon and LBGcurrency.

    Brown's team Brandonbilt Motorsports was informed of the decision on Tuesday, a NASCAR official confirmed to Axios on Wednesday.

    The official said Brown was told during a meeting in November that "no form of this derogatory and vulgar euphemism would be allowed on any paint scheme or sponsorship."
    Of course neither of the two involved are happy, but neither are the two people involved when an assassin is hired and the cops arrest both. Being unhappy isn't the same as being treated unfairly. NASCAR said they didn't want vulgar sponsorships.

  12. #75712
    Has NASCAR been cucked by uber-leftists?

    I feel bad for the poor driver though.

  13. #75713
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I feel bad for the poor driver though.
    I do not. He could have refuted the chant at any time. I don't believe he has. In fact he's basically okay with it.

    Brandon Brown acknowledged the phrase's popularity, while noting it didn't equate to support for him as a driver. He wrote that he is "fully aware" many who use the expression know little to nothing about him. Brown also admitted that, while he prefers to stay apolitical, he understands the sentiment behind the expression.

    "I understand that millions of people are struggling right now and are frustrated," Brown wrote. "Struggling to get by and struggling to build a solid life for themselves and their families, and wondering why their government only seems to make it worse. People have a right to frustration — even anger."
    Public figures have to be careful about where they stand, and he chose that response, knowing what it would do. In a world where half the country wants to shun someone who kneels at an NFL game, I fail to see the injustice when someone in that same half has the same treatment.

    Maybe you're saying "oh he's in NASCAR he can't alienate his fans" and if so I respond "well, he chose to be in that profession knowing that so we're right back to square one". If he set foot in that minefield on purpose I won't be surprised if they blow their leg off. He won a championship, I'm sure he's fine for money.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sources tell Axios that Pence's team is begrudgingly cooperating with the Jan 6th panel. It might have had something to do with Trump trying to have their boss murdered.

  14. #75714
    Wasn't sure where to put this, the covid thread maybe, but anyone else see this?

    The fuck...

  15. #75715
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    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Wasn't sure where to put this, the covid thread maybe, but anyone else see this?
    Wait, what?

    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    An out of breath DeSantis told asymptomatic Floridians they should for go testing.
    I thought you were joking!

  16. #75716
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Wait, what?

    I thought you were joking!
    Yep, just like everyone thought, he had covid.

  17. #75717
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Yep, just like everyone thought, he had covid.
    I mean, he vanishes for two weeks and is out of breath, that's less "conspiracy theory" and more "it would fit the evidence"

    But if not now, soon. Following DeSantis’ lead, FL Legislature to convene without COVID restrictions. He's making his own body of government a superspreader.

    COVID-19 and its newest, highly transmissible omicron variant may prove to be a key influencer in the state Capitol complex, which will be open to all with no restrictions in place to reduce the spread of the virus.

    “This has huge potential to be a superspreader event,” said state Sen. Lori Berman, a Palm Beach Democrat, in an interview Tuesday. “We’re bringing all these people together from all over the place, and we’re putting them at risk by not at least wearing masks. I’m really disappointed.”

    Participants in the 2022 session will have far fewer protections against the spread of COVID than they did in the spring 2021 regular session, when an estimated one-fourth of state senators contracted the virus, Berman said.

    Then, access to the Capitol was restricted, lobbyists and visitors provided their testimony remotely from the nearby Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, seating in Senate meeting rooms was limited, weekly testing was required, and the wearing of face masks was strongly encouraged.

    State Rep. Allison Tant, a Leon County Democrat, said House Speaker Chris Sprowls and Senate President Wilton Simpson, both Republicans, will be reluctant to institute any COVID rules now that Gov. Ron DeSantis has essentially outlawed them throughout the state. Simpson earlier had contracted COVID as well.

    “I don’t see any chance of it. Everybody’s hands are tied,” Tant said in an interview Tuesday. “We’re going into session as if there’s no COVID.”

  18. #75718
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Wasn't sure where to put this, the covid thread maybe, but anyone else see this?


    The fuck...
    I'll take it with a grain of salt. I've never seen him speak before, and it's entirely possible that he's just shit at controlling his breathing while reading from a script.

  19. #75719
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I mean, he vanishes for two weeks and is out of breath, that's less "conspiracy theory" and more "it would fit the evidence"

    But if not now, soon. Following DeSantis’ lead, FL Legislature to convene without COVID restrictions. He's making his own body of government a superspreader.
    I hope they realize it, before they are all dead. I feel sorry for his fucking wife. I don't know if she is an antivaxxer, but being immune compromised with cancer, you would think they would stay away from big events, like his bullshit New Years eve celebration thing, and now pretty much confirming that he has/had covid? Yeah, she doesn't deserve the danger he is putting her in.

  20. #75720
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    and now pretty much confirming that he has/had covid?
    Well let's wait on "confirmed". He sure doesn't want to answer questions about it, and quite frankly, unless half his staff gets it too he'd never admit it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Lindell follows suit, literally, and sues to block the Jan 6th committee from getting his phone records. He plead the First and the Fourth.

    As a reminder, the First Amendment does not cover speech that is a crime. You are not allowed to plot a murder with a priest, then say "First Amendment" when arrested.

    The lawsuit also claims individual members of the select committee “acted without authority because they were not validly organized as a House committee” under the rules of the House.
    And we've covered this, too. You can't have the Republicans walk off the job, then claim the committee is biased because there are no Republicans.

    Lindell, like Gorka and others I'm sure, are also trying to claim that the scope of the demanded records goes beyond just them discussing treason. I mean, it's pretty stupid to issue a subpoena for "only the calls you made that were evidence of treason, you can decide and we'll take your word for it". And I doubt the Jan 6th panel cares how many sex hotlines Lindell called while alone with his crippling depression.

    "But Breccia! Lindell is a known crazy-ass crackpot. Why even ask him? He likes Trump, sure, but that's not enough."

    No, but this is:

    In the days after the Jan. 6 attack, Lindell was photographed at the White House following a meeting with Trump. Zoomed-in images taken by Washington Post photographer Jabin Botsford offered a glimpse of the notes Lindell had with him, which included mentions of “martial law if necessary” and the “Insurrection Act,” an 1806 statute that allows the president to deploy troops to suppress civil disorder or actions of insurrection.
    If Lindell suggested a violent overthrow of the government with Trump, and then Trump staged a violent overthrow of the government, I don't think Lindell can be saved by "I ws exercising free speech". I think he gets fucked.

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