1. #77001
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    So you're saying he's only the second worst conman South Africa has exported to the world.
    He might be third. I have watched the Lethal Weapon franchise. Yes, I know that's fiction, but so is everything QAnon says.

    Unrelated, this article suggests a pretty solid reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine under Trump.

    Putin wants to end democracy -- the man is a murdering dictator after all. He wants to see icons of democracy fail. Thing is, during Trump, he didn't need to. Trump was doing that all on his own. That, plus Trump doing literally nothing about the Crimea situation, and he was just "Well, this is just what I wanted". There was no reason to risk anything for gain he was already getting.

    I wouldn't bring it up, but Trump recently mentioned he was to busy stopping Russia from going into Ukraine, despite literally no evidence of this at all. So I think a counterpoint is fair.

  2. #77002
    Trump might also have been just unstable enough to actually push back on Ukraine, if the right General talked to him at the time. Better to wait for the unhinged lunatic to be gone and invade under the predictable 'lets not have an armed conflict with Russia' President.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  3. #77003
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Better to wait for the unhinged lunatic to be gone
    I admit this is a possible option as well. Trump is good friends with Russia, always has been, but yes, he's also irrational, lashes out on a whim, takes insults personally and loves to solve problems with violence. It was a risk Putin could just outwait. But not outweight.

  4. #77004
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    Shitposting Agasint Fascists
    Lol so much for their opposition to CaNCel cUltURe...

    Thanks to https://twitter.com/MattOrtega/statu...06497389666306 for the laugh!

  5. #77005
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Wasn't part of the TOS that you can't be mean to any employee of the company? And Devin Nunes is an employee, so he probably felt very attacked by his cow intruding into his safe space.

  6. #77006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Wasn't part of the TOS that you can't be mean to any employee of the company?
    We heard a lot about that earlier, nothing recently. Maybe they dumped it when they swapped to AI mods who are impervious to context?

    They did keep/add "no pretending to be anyone else" as a clause, though, so I guess they could claim DevinNunesCow was pretending to be Nunes.

    Let's be honest, the whole thing's going to be poorly and unevenly moderated, and we should expect jokes like this to continue.

  7. #77007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Alright, who had legal action on logo on their betting card.
    As soon as I saw their layout, I thought they were going to get sued by Twitter. I am sure they are writing up the papers right now.

  8. #77008
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Every other twitter clone has done the same. I doubt this’ll be the big issue for Truth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You can’t pretend to be someone’s cow, or mom, or drag persona. Nunes is like patient zero for that rule.
    I can't wait for Nevin Dunes to show up there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  9. #77009
    Trump is simping for Putin so hard it is sickening.

  10. #77010
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Trump is simping for Putin so hard it is sickening.

    This from the guy who wanted to buy Greenland. Genius! Savvy!

    Who figured Trump was actually the real pro-war candidate and Republicans the real pro-war party. WEIRD, INNIT?

    - - - Updated - - -


    Garland confirms Trump took classified materials back to his private residence.

    Now we wait for the inevitable disappointment as he fails to pursue and open-and-shut case like this out of concern that it will appear like a political prosecution, and not a prosecution of some dumbass that violated a law that's very hard to actually violate unless it's intenttional.

    Note: These weren't classified retroactively after he left the White House. They were classified when he took them.

  11. #77011
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Trump is simping for Putin so hard it is sickening.
    far right nationalists in the uk are doing the same, scum.

  12. #77012

    Add former SoS Mike Pompeo, too. Republicans sure do love their Republican aggression!

    - - - Updated - - -


    Y'all remember when Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons accused journalists of "hacking" the Missouri government website? You know, the one he demanded an investigation for because this awful journalists "doxxed" teachers SSN's? Where the journalist literally just hit "inspect element" to get into the public facing HTML code on the site?

    Well, it's been investigated

    But the resulting police report confirms in detail that Renaud did exactly what he said from the beginning: He identified a security flaw by viewing publicly available HTML code on a misconfigured state website and delayed publishing an article on his findings until after the state closed the security hole.

    The police report also revealed that the security flaw had existed since 2011. The mistake exposed teachers' Social Security numbers on a Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website that allowed anyone to search for information about teachers. Up to 576,000 teachers' Social Security numbers may have been exposed because the data goes back to 2005, the report said.
    Welp, now that would be embarrassing if Parsons was capable of embarrassment.

  13. #77013
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    far right nationalists in the uk are doing the same, scum.
    I know exactly who here in Australia would be doing that but luckily for us he is currently out of action with covid.

  14. #77014
    Trump praises Putin's 'genius' incursion into Ukraine

    Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to send Russian troops into Ukraine to support Russian-backed separatists in the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces. In an appearance on the right-wing talk radio program "The Buck Sexton Show," Trump broke his conspicuous silence on the crisis to applaud the Russian dictator.

    "This is genius," he said of Putin's decision on Monday to officially recognize the breakaway provinces and authorize the use of Russian military personnel to assist them. "So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace, all right."

    Trump is a long-standing fan of Putin's. In 2013, he wondered on Twitter if the Russian autocrat would attend his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and whether the two would become "best friends." Putin did not show up. In the following years, Trump repeatedly spoke highly of Putin's strategic acumen, noted the strongman's intention to "re-build the Russian Empire" and defended Putin's habit of killing dissidents and journalists, arguing that the United States does the same thing.
    Fucking disgusting.

  15. #77015
    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Mortis View Post
    Trump praises Putin's 'genius' incursion into Ukraine

    Fucking disgusting.
    Is it a surprise, though? Honestly IMO this was painfully expected.

    What is mildly surprising, and only mildly, was that former head of the CIA and SOS Mike Pompeo echoed the same comments. Weird when former top diplomats are praising our adversaries and insulting their own country.

  16. #77016
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Is it a surprise, though? Honestly IMO this was painfully expected.

    What is mildly surprising, and only mildly, was that former head of the CIA and SOS Mike Pompeo echoed the same comments. Weird when former top diplomats are praising our adversaries and insulting their own country.
    Sadly no it is not surprising.

  17. #77017
    Given how long Russia had been the enemy, how is this going to play out among the Republican base? Obviously the trumpists who are full on fascists already are going to be full on supportive of it, but what of the others?

    It would be good if it did somehow fracture the base but looking in from the outside is that at all likely?

  18. #77018
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Given how long Russia had been the enemy, how is this going to play out among the Republican base? Obviously the trumpists who are full on fascists already are going to be full on supportive of it, but what of the others?

    It would be good if it did somehow fracture the base but looking in from the outside is that at all likely?
    I see more of the old fashioned ones having issues with it, but will it really matter though, because at the polls they will still vote for whoever has an R by their name. The most that comes of this is you have some petty squabbling about it that will be forgotten within 6 months until it is time to bring it back up for attack ads.

  19. #77019
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    The USSR was the enemy. Russia perfectly embodies what the GOP desires.
    Russia was the only thing the GOP had any balls to stand up to Trump for, if it wasn't for their aggressive action Trump would have given away the farm they basically tied his hands. It seems that's one of the things the GOP establishment won't bend for, they will overthrow the government but not support Russia.

  20. #77020
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    This just in, Weaselberg pleads Witch Hunt.

    The Trump Organization and former Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg on Tuesday asked a judge to dismiss the Manhattan district attorney's criminal fraud and tax evasion charges against them, claiming they've been targeted because of politics.

    In Tuesday's filings, lawyers claimed the company and former CFO were "improperly targeted....based on political animus."
    It hasn't worked yet, but of course, keep trying. There's a Vaas number of reasons to try the same argument over and over and hope for different results.

    By the way, if this does work, I'm moving to Florida and stealing from people. If I get arrested, I can plead Witch Hunt, and point to that case as to why.

    Weisselberg's lawyers claimed the tax charges are related to federal income tax returns, and are therefore not in the Manhattan district attorney's jurisdiction. They also wrote that the charges against Weisselberg should be tossed because he received immunity against certain federal charges when he testified to a federal grand jury investigating former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.
    "I should be exempt from a state felony, because it was really a federal felony" is not a defense I expected anyone to try. Um...yay? Incidentally, does anyone know how to file state taxes and federal taxes using the same numbers, but somehow only cheat on one of them? So unless Weaselberg can prove he only cheated on federal and not state taxes, this shouldn't work. Also, I'm pretty sure Biden's IRS can simply say "no no, we'll 2v2 this shit" and grind Weaselberg into paste. Nobody in their right mind calls down the wrath of the IRS on themselves on purpose. That's suicide.

    The Cohen thing seems odd. I will admit, if the only things Weaselberg is charged with are things he has a signed contract of immunity for, he should be fine. But, I don't think the NY AG is that unprofessional. I think she has the contract, if it exists. Also, let's pretend Weaselberg is, in fact, immune. Trump Org is not. And Weaselberg can no longer plead the 5th because he has immunity. That sounds particularly interesting.

    Of course, there's more. Weaselberg also admits he's an idiot.

    Weisselberg's attorneys are also asking the judge in the case to suppress evidence from two Manhattan district attorney investigators who they say "struck up small talk" with Weisselberg while he was in custody, arguing the investigators essentially tricked him into divulging information he might otherwise not have with a lawyer present.
    Hey @cubby what's the rule about things you tell a prosecutor? Even ignoring the highly likely assumption Weaselberg was Miranda'd, someone in the business of doing shady shit for generations should know better than to talk to prosecutors without your lawyer. Hell, I know that and I've only been to court for speeding tickets because they haven't found the bodies yet oh shit did I type that?

    This is more of the same, but it bears mentioning, because Team Trump keeps doing stuff that doesn't work over and over. Maybe because they're stalling, maybe because they don't have a valid defense.

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