Alex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy in U.S. court
Alex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy in U.S. court
On its face, this is good news. I strongly suspect Alex Jones is following his Orange God and declaring bankruptcy on his business to attempt to avoid paying any of his own money. I also suspect it won't work.
Now surely @cubby will weigh in with actual expert info, but until then, what we all know about bankruptcy is that you don't do it on a whim. Jones made an offer, it was called a lowball and refused, then he did this -- most likely because he believes a fair and honest damages finding will be more than he wants to pay. As we also all know, bankruptcy isn't an everything-proof shield. It means you give up control of everything in your business, and let someone the judge picks for you hand out what you have to the people they think deserve it the most, while you sit around and watch. If the only way to resolve the matter is to sell off all your worldly goods from under you, the bankruptcy overseer can do exactly that, while your complaints are directed to a brick wall.
Now, Jones claimed in court he was worth $50,000 and owes millions, to make this bankruptcy happen. I...think there's a good chance he's lying. Yes I know, lying in court documents is a fucking stupid idea. But considering there's been no findings of damages yet (the offer was made March 22) those liabilities shouldn't include those damages? I think?
I could be wrong, easily. Jones could be giving up and crying into his single scoop of ice cream, knowing for a fact he's lost and will pay out more than the 13x$120,000 that was already refused, with no realistic chance of appeal. I don't think that's how it works...but I'm not a lawyer.
If I'm right, that means he was already seven or eight figures in the hole. Yes, legal fees could do that, but then we get into "why would anyone defend Alex Jones for money he didn't have?" And of course, we've all heard of Infowars. We know it exists. That means he should be getting decent revenue. But he's claiming to have $0 to $50,000 in assets. I have more than that, and I'm a public school teacher.
And also, if I'm right, the question is then raised "why didn't he say something before?" Which is why I'm suspicious. If Jones was really digging his way out of a hole, saying "Your Honor I can't pay anything at all" should have been brought up at least November. He didn't, so either the bankruptcy is based on assumed heavy damage payments, or he's desperate and willing to take bankruptcy over the judgement, and lying to make that happen.
So let's talk about Alex Jones.
He's fucked.
So DWAC lost 3% plus today.
So far, DWAC basically steadily lost value, but there've been three sudden drops.
1) End of Nov 2021. We all know why: the SEC investigation and the failed beta test.
2) Beginning of March. We all know why: the launch had failed. Articles were coming out left, center, and even right saying nobody could get in and Trump wasn't using the service. Downloads were already falling off. Investors smarter than the other ones (I mean, they still bought a Trump stock, let's not give them any awards) saw what was coming and dumped.
3) End of March. We all know why: Nunes' deadline came and went. No, CyberTrump 2077 wasn't fully operational. Several execs were found fleeing. Elon Musk bought Twitter and told Trump he could return (or that's what the stories were suggesting). Shares drop below $50 today.
I looked for a pattern of what was stopping these free-falls and turning them back into normal downward drifts, suspecting that maybe the FOX News story was injected to keep the price from going further from the rampant bad news about the miserable lifelong loser, and his social media platform. Timeline didn't match up, and I couldn't find anything relevant for the early March drop anyhow.
No good news is coming for Trump on this. Seriously, if you do a Google search for DWAC trump social media, restricted to the last 24 hours, the top two hits are a YouTube guy who keeps swearing it's going to go up with 3 likes; a few late-game stories about FOX News and Elon Musk; and I swear I'm not making this up my post made the front page of search hits. How embarrassing is that for Trump, that one of my posts is the top news about it?
Also on the list, this Reddit thread saying the app is slow for no known reason. Hopefuls are saying they're performing bigly yuge upgrades! Some are blaming Democrat DDOS attacks, because obviously Trump's social media has such amazing security like you'd never believe. Their support page (not giving the link) says they're investigating but no resolution in six hours. Oh, and this is the first time their support page has said anything was reported in weeks, so yeah, it was that bad. Also, wouldn't you announce any big changes coming? If for no other reason than to stop a stock slide? Some users are suggesting it's because a bunch of people finally made it through the waiting line, as evidenced by Trump getting more followers (one poster calls it "a record" which just show you how desperate they are for a win).
So what could cause this? I'm no tech expert, but considering it's a right-wing site built from a copy/paste open-source site with most of the inhabitants barely speaking English...I say "bots". I would say "we'll find out soon" but it's CyberTrump 2077, barely anyone's on it, and those who do lie, so no we won't.
BK can be a good way to rid oneself of liability - it's a favorite of corporations and individuals (whoops! those are the same!). Alex Jones is trying to get out of personal liability with a corporate bankruptcy. The law is never entirely clear here, but if the plaintiffs sued both InfoWars and Alex Jones personally, then any judgment will still affect his personal bottom line, regardless of what happens with the InfoWars BK.
He is truly fucked at this point.
I cannot find any article that says the families are suing InfoWars but not Jones personally. Every article says "suing Alex Jones".
Let's hear it from the Associated Press.
Fuck you, Jones' lawyer, it's not as ridiculous as claiming a large public shooting was a hoax.Infowars has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as the website’s founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones faces defamation lawsuits over his comments that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.
The bankruptcy filing Sunday in Texas puts civil litigation on hold while the business reorganizes its finances. The filing came a week before a jury in Texas was set to begin considering how much money Jones, who has already lost the defamation lawsuits, should pay the families of Sandy Hook victims.
“Alex Jones is just delaying the inevitable: a public trial in which he will be held accountable for his profit-driven campaign of lies against the Sandy Hook families who have brought this lawsuit,” said Christopher Mattei, who represents the families in a Connecticut lawsuit against Jones.
An attorney for Jones has not returned a message seeking comment. Jones told his Infowars listeners Monday that he was “totally maxed out” and urged them to contribute money and buy nutritional supplements on his website to keep him on the air.
“It’s time for people to be able to see that I don’t have $5 million. I don’t have $3 million. We have less than $3 million cash and we need that money to buy future product to be able to operate,” Jones said.
Another new lawsuit accuses Jones of hiding millions of dollars in assets, but an attorney for Jones has called that allegation “ridiculous.”
It really doesn't look like Jones can pin the lawsuit on his companies, dissolve them, and get away with it. It looks like the issue is that Jones is being sued, but he's stalling because claims his assets are worthless.
That does sound like Jones suggesting he did have between $2 and $3 million on the air. Cash. That...was not what I would say if I was claiming bankruptcy, but you do you Alex Jones. Nobody else will.
Pulling from the AP link specifically;
The answer to that from the courts should be "too bad, don't care." Levy a $50 million settlement against him. Take all his operating and personal funds, sell all his professional and personal assets, including any homes he owns or other real estate, sell all his stakes in ownership in any company at any level. The only things he should be allowed to keep are his current (now used) clothing, as long as it's a reasonable amount, a single personal computer (the cheapest one from the above; this is just so he can do job searches if he takes it to the library or something), his personal cell, and some basic furniture.
Jones should be subletting a 1-bedroom and setting up a curtained-off "bedroom" in the main room while sharing with a couple other roommates and trying to get a job flipping burgers somewhere to pay the rent. Anything above and beyond that should be seized and sold to fuel the settlement, and his wages should be garnished for the rest of his life until he can pay the remainder off, if ever.
"to be able to operate"? You're not entitled to that, you slobbering bucket of stale bull piss. You get what anyone should be entitled to, which is a roof over your head and the opportunity to try and make something of yourself while paying your dues.
Heck, I'll even agree the "share a 1-bedroom" is a bit harsh, but given that it's the status quo for a lot of people these days, let's work on improving conditions for everyone else before we get around to such a shuddering calamity of fecal sculpture as Alex fucking Jones.
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There's no reason it ever has to end. Set the remainder of the decision to garnish his income for the rest of his life until he pays back all the many millions he can't afford.
It's how it works up here.
Sure he does. Why wouldn't he? You think these people have a critical enough eye to realize they've purchased snake oil? These are the same people that buy the "anti-EM" machines to supposedly block 5G and other "harmful" invisible waves. A machine that, often times, is just a nice exterior case for a few pointless circuit boards whose only purpose is to turn on the "on" LED.
Given what we know about their contents, "because they died after taking them" seems like a plausible answer.
Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mindMe on Elite : Dangerous | My WoW charactersOriginally Posted by Howard Tayler
So... This has probably been brought up somewhere.
However, bear with me. We know that Trump believes himself to still be the real President, and is surrounded by some people who feed that since he only allows Yes People.
Might the fact that the US calls all former Presidents President in speach influence this?`Whenever anyone talks to him it's "Mr President", giving the fact that he's over 70 years old and extremely narcissistic it wouldn't surprise me that he's forgotten that every former president is "Mr President".
TLR - Thesis of Trump thinking the US tradition of calling former POTUS "President" as a honorific plays into delusions.
- Lars
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.